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HTTP and IO functions

updated Fri Feb 21 2025 by Robert van Engelen
HTTP and IO functions

This module defines functions for HTTP operations and functions for receiving and sending data. More...


#define SOAP_HTML
 A special soap_status error code to signal that a custom HTTP response is present and no HTTP response must be produced. More...
#define SOAP_FILE
 A special soap_status error code to signal that a custom file-based HTTP response is present and no HTTP response must be produced. More...
#define SOAP_POST
 HTTP POST command code. More...
 HTTP POST command code with custom content type. More...
#define SOAP_GET
 HTTP GET command code. More...
#define SOAP_PUT
 HTTP PUT command code with custom content type. More...
#define SOAP_DEL
 HTTP DEL command code. More...
 HTTP CONNECT command code. More...
#define SOAP_HEAD
 HTTP HEAD command code. More...
 HTTP OPTIONS command code. More...
#define SOAP_PATCH
 HTTP PATCH command code with custom content type. More...


typedef int soap_http_command
 HTTP command methods for soap_connect_command More...
typedef int32_t soap_wchar
 Wide char type. More...


int soap_GET (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action)
 HTTP GET content from server. More...
int soap_PUT (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action, const char *type)
 HTTP PUT content to server. More...
int soap_PATCH (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action, const char *type)
 HTTP PATCH content to server. More...
int soap_POST (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action, const char *type)
 HTTP POST content to server. More...
int soap_DELETE (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint)
 HTTP DELETE content from server. More...
int soap_connect_command (struct soap *soap, soap_http_command http_command, const char *endpoint, const char *action)
 Connect to a server. More...
int soap_connect (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *action)
 Connect to a server using HTTP POST. More...
SOAP_SOCKET soap_bind (struct soap *soap, const char *host, int port, int backlog)
 Bind and listen to a port. More...
SOAP_SOCKET soap_accept (struct soap *soap)
 Accept a connection with a client. More...
int soap_serve (struct soap *soap)
 Serve a pending request. More...
int soap_begin_serve (struct soap *soap)
 Initiates serving a pending client request. More...
int soap_serve_request (struct soap *soap)
 Process a pending request. More...
int soap_response (struct soap *soap, int status)
 Initialize the context for server-side sending and send a HTTP response header. More...
int soap_begin_recv (struct soap *soap)
 Initialize the context for receiving. More...
int soap_end_recv (struct soap *soap)
 Finalize the context after receiving. More...
int soap_begin_send (struct soap *soap)
 Initialize the context for sending. More...
int soap_end_send (struct soap *soap)
 Finalize the context after sending. More...
int soap_begin_count (struct soap *soap)
 Initialize context to count message length for sending. More...
int soap_end_count (struct soap *soap)
 Finalize context to count message length for sending. More...
int soap_closesock (struct soap *soap)
 Close the socket connection. More...
int soap_force_closesock (struct soap *soap)
 Forcibly close the socket connection. More...
void soap_close_connection (struct soap *soap)
 Close the connection of the specified context using a self-pipe. More...
int soap_send (struct soap *soap, const char *s)
 Send a string. More...
int soap_send_raw (struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n)
 Send raw bytes. More...
int soap_http_has_body (struct soap *soap)
 Check if HTTP body message is not empty. More...
char * soap_http_get_body (struct soap *soap, size_t *len)
 Get the HTTP body message as a string. More...
int soap_getline (struct soap *soap, char *buf, int len)
 Get a header line. More...
soap_wchar soap_get0 (struct soap *soap)
 Get next byte without consuming it. More...
soap_wchar soap_get1 (struct soap *soap)
 Get next byte. More...
int soap_poll (struct soap *soap)
 Poll the connection. More...
int soap_ready (struct soap *soap)
 Check if the connection is ready to receive pending data. More...
int soap_recv_empty_response (struct soap *soap)
 Receive an HTTP response message from the server that is assumed to be empty. More...
int soap_send_empty_response (struct soap *soap, int status)
 Return an HTTP response message with an empty HTTP body from a service back to the client or peer. More...
int soap_envelope_begin_in (struct soap *soap)
 Parse the XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element opening tag if present. More...
int soap_envelope_end_in (struct soap *soap)
 Parse the XML </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element closing tag if present. More...
int soap_envelope_begin_out (struct soap *soap)
 Emit the XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element opening tag if soap::version is nonzero. More...
int soap_envelope_end_out (struct soap *soap)
 Emit the XML </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element closing tag if soap::version is nonzero. More...
int soap_body_begin_in (struct soap *soap)
 Parse the XML <SOAP-ENV:Body> element opening tag if present. More...
int soap_body_end_in (struct soap *soap)
 Parse the XML </SOAP-ENV:Body> element closing tag if present. More...
int soap_body_begin_out (struct soap *soap)
 Emit the XML <SOAP-ENV:Body> element opening tag if soap::version is nonzero. More...
int soap_body_end_out (struct soap *soap)
 Emit the XML </SOAP-ENV:Body> element closing tag if soap::version is nonzero. More...
int soap_recv_fault (struct soap *soap, int check)
 Parse and deserialize the SOAP Fault. More...
int soap_send_fault (struct soap *soap)
 Return an HTTP error with a SOAP Fault message from a service. More...
int soap_recv_header (struct soap *soap)
 Parse and deserialize the SOAP Header. More...
int soap_putheader (struct soap *soap)
 Emit the SOAP Header pointed to by soap::header More...
void soap_serializeheader (struct soap *soap)
 Serialize the SOAP Header pointed to by soap::header before emitting it with soap_putheader More...
int http_get (struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *)
 The HTTP GET plugin registration function. More...
void soap_http_get_stats (struct soap *soap, size_t *stat_get, size_t *stat_post, size_t *stat_fail, size_t **hist_min, size_t **hist_hour, size_t **hist_day)
 Collect access statistics with the http_get plugin. More...
char * soap_query (struct soap *soap)
 Extract the query string from the URL path at the server side with the http_get plugin. More...
char * soap_query_key (struct soap *soap, char **query)
 Extract the next query string key at the server side with the http_get plugin. More...
char * soap_query_val (struct soap *soap, char **query)
 Extract the next query string value at the server side with the http_get plugin. More...
int http_post (struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *)
 The HTTP POST plugin registration function. More...
int http_form (struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *)
 The HTTP POST form plugin registration function. More...
char * soap_http_get_form (struct soap *soap)
 Get the HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded data as a string. More...
int http_pipe (struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *)
 The HTTP pipelining plugin registration function. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines functions for HTTP operations and functions for receiving and sending data.

This module defines the following client-side functions:

This module defines the following server-side functions:

This module defines the following input/output functions:

This module defines the following SOAP message input/output functions:

This module defines three HTTP-related plugins;

Macro Definition Documentation


HTTP CONNECT command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command.

#define SOAP_DEL

HTTP DEL command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command. The soap_DELETE performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_DEL. soap_DELETE is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_DEL)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
#define SOAP_FILE

A special soap_status error code to signal that a custom file-based HTTP response is present and no HTTP response must be produced.

This code is used with soap_response to return a file-based response message with a HTTP content type specified by the soap::http_content string variable. The soap_response function normally returns HTTP 200 OK, but the HTTP status code can be specified as SOAP_FILE + status where status is a HTTP status code between 200 and 599.

#define SOAP_GET

HTTP GET command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command. The soap_GET performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_GET. soap_GET is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_GET)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#define SOAP_HEAD

HTTP HEAD command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command.

#define SOAP_HTML

A special soap_status error code to signal that a custom HTTP response is present and no HTTP response must be produced.

This code is used with soap_response to return a HTML response message with a HTTP content type "text/html".


HTTP OPTIONS command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command.

#define SOAP_PATCH

HTTP PATCH command code with custom content type.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command and requires soap::http_content to be set to the content type of the data to be sent. The soap_PATCH function performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_PATCH. soap_PATCH is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_PATCH)
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
#define SOAP_POST

HTTP POST command code.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command and produces HTTP content type text/xml; charset=utf-8. Use code SOAP_POST_FILE to customize the content type by setting soap::http_content. Before calling soap_connect_command, either the HTTP content length soap::count must be determined with soap_begin_count and soap_end_count, or the mode of the context should be set to SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE. The soap_POST function performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_POST_FILE and sets the context mode to SOAP_IO_STORE when required. soap_POST is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // must use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
// HTTP POST request with chunked transfer
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new(); // no SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE, see below
const char *request = "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n";
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
// HTTP POST request, here we compute the content length instead of chunked transfer with SOAP_IO_CHUNK or storing the entire message with SOAP_IO_STORE
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_count(soap)
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
See also
soap_connect_command, soap_POST

HTTP POST command code with custom content type.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command and requires soap::http_content to be set to the content type of the data to be sent. Before calling soap_connect_command, either the HTTP content length soap::count must be determined with soap_begin_count and soap_end_count, or the mode of the context should be set to SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE. The soap_POST function performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_POST_FILE and sets the context mode to SOAP_IO_STORE when required. soap_POST is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_POST_FILE)
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#define SOAP_PUT

HTTP PUT command code with custom content type.

This code is to be used with soap_connect_command and requires soap::http_content to be set to the content type of the data to be sent. The soap_PUT performs the same operation as soap_connect_command with SOAP_PUT and is recommended.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
soap->http_content = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_PUT)
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);

Typedef Documentation

typedef int32_t soap_wchar

Wide char type.

Function Documentation

int http_form ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plugin *  ,
void *   

The HTTP POST form plugin registration function.

This function is used to register the http_form HTTP POST form plugin to handle application/x-www-form-urlencoded data with soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_form, http_form_handler) where the http_form_handler is a function to parse the application/x-www-form-urlencoded data received by the server. The HTTP POST form plugin API is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpform.h and gsoap/plugin/httpform.c.

Handling multipart/related and multipart/form-data at the server side is done by iterating over the soap_multipart linked list containing the MIME attachments received, see the detailed description of MIME attachment functions.

This plugin requires the http_get plugin for the soap_query_key and soap_query_val functions.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httpform.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_form, http_form_handler);
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int http_form_handler(struct soap *soap)
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/API/FORM", 9))
// get the application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
char *form = soap_http_get_form(soap);
while (form)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &form);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &form);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
// return a response message
|| soap_send(soap, "<html><body>Thank you for submitting</body></html>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
return 404; // HTTP 404 Not Found
See also
soap_http_get_form, http_get, soap_query_key, soap_query_val.
int http_get ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plugin *  ,
void *   

The HTTP GET plugin registration function.

This function is used to register the http_get HTTP GET plugin with soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_get, http_get_handler) where the http_get_handler is a user-defined function to handle HTTP GET requests. The HTTP GET plugin API is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpget.h and gsoap/plugin/httpget.c. The soap::path string contains the URL path, starting with a leading /.

#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httpget.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_get, http_get_handler);
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int http_get_handler(struct soap *soap)
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/API/GET", 8))
// get the query key=val pairs from soap->path
char *query = soap_query(soap);
while (query)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
// return a response message
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
return 404; // HTTP 404 Not Found
When serving files as responses to requests, we need to be vary careful, because we don't want requests to snoop around in directories and serve files that should be protected from public view. Therefore, when adding logic to serve files, we must reject request that have soap::path values with a / or a \ . If these are allowed, then we must at least check for .. in the path to avoid request from snooping around in higher directories all the way up to the root. See the gsoap/samples/webserver/webserver.c example for details.
See also
soap_http_get_stats, soap_query, soap::fget.
int http_pipe ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plugin *  ,
void *   

The HTTP pipelining plugin registration function.

This function is used to register the http_pipe HTTP pipelining plugin to support HTTP pipelining. HTTP pipelining requires SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE enabled. At the server side, multiple threads should be used to serve requests, such as with a gSOAP multi-threaded stand-alone server. HTTP pipelining at the client side requires two threads, one to send request messages and one to receive the response messages, with logic to handle transmission errors and to resend failed request messages until all responses have been received.

#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httppipe.h"
#include "plugin/threads.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // HTTP keep-alive
soap_register_plugin(soap, http_pipe); // HTTP pipelining
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
struct soap *tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
return NULL;
int http_post ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plugin *  ,
void *   

The HTTP POST plugin registration function.

This function is used to register the http_post HTTP POST plugin with soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_post, http_post_handler) where the http_post_handler is a table of HTTP POST handler functions and generic POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE handler functions. The HTTP POST plugin API is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httppost.h and gsoap/plugin/httppost.c.

#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httppost.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_post, http_post_handlers);
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
struct http_post_handlers http_post_handlers[] = {
{ "application/json", json_post_handler },
{ "image/*", image_post_handler },
{ "text/*", text_post_handler },
{ "POST", generic_POST_handler },
{ "PUT", generic_PUT_handler },
{ "PATCH", generic_PATCH_handler },
{ "DELETE", generic_DELETE_handler },
{ NULL }
// example image/* POST handler
// note: json_post_handler and text_post_handler are similar to this example
int image_post_handler(struct soap *soap)
const char *buf;
size_t len;
// for example, only handle /API/POST paths and content type image/gif
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/API/POST", 9))
|| (soap->http_content && soap_tag_cmp(soap->http_content, "image/gif")))
return 404;
// get HTTP POST message body
buf = soap_http_get_body(soap, &len);
if (!buf)
return 400; // HTTP 400 Bad Request
... // process image in buf[0..len-1]
// for example, send image back (HTTP POST returns a response message)
soap->http_content = "image/gif";
|| soap_send_raw(soap, buf, len)
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
// example generic PUT handler
int generic_PUT_handler(struct soap *soap)
const char *buf;
size_t len;
// for example, only handle /API/PUT paths and content type image/gif
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/API/PUT", 8))
|| (soap->http_content && soap_tag_cmp(soap->http_content, "image/gif")))
return 404;
// get HTTP PUT message body
buf = soap_http_get_body(soap, &len);
if (!buf)
return 400; // HTTP 400 Bad Request
... // process image in buf[0..len-1]
return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 200); // HTTP 200 OK
SOAP_SOCKET soap_accept ( struct soap soap)

Accept a connection with a client.

This function accepts a connection requested by a client on a given port that is bound with soap_bind first to set soap::master. To accept HTTPS connections, call soap_ssl_accept after this function to perform the HTTPS handshake with the client. Returns the soap::socket connected to the client or the invalid socket handle SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when an error occurred.

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/threads.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
struct soap *tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
return NULL;
// alternative process_request function to accept HTTPS connections
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
if (soap_ssl_accept(soap) == SOAP_OK)
return NULL;

In addition, HTTP keep-alive connections with HTTP chunked messages are enabled with struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK | SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE). HTTP keep-alive should only be enabled with multi-threaded gsoap services.

See also
WITH_IPV6, WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY, SOAP_IO_UDP, SOAP_IO_CHUNK, SOAP_IO_STORE, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE, soap::accept_flags, soap::bind_flags, soap::bind_inet6, soap::bind_v6only, soap::rcvbuf, soap::sndbuf, soap::master, soap_bind, soap_ssl_accept.
the soap::socket value or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when an error occurred (check the return value with soap_valid_socket)
soapsoap context
int soap_begin_count ( struct soap soap)

Initialize context to count message length for sending.

This function is used to determine the HTTP content length. This is done by sending the message after calling this function to update soap::count. To activate message length counting the SOAP_IO_LENGTH mode is enabled, which prevents the message from being sent by not passing the data to the (internal) soap::fsend callback. HTTP requires either the HTTP content length header or HTTP transfer encoding chunked with SOAP_IO_CHUNK. Alternatively, the mode of the context can be set to SOAP_IO_STORE to buffer the entire message in memory to determine the message content length.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
const char *request = "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n";
// HTTP POST request, soap_POST stores the entire message with SOAP_IO_STORE to determine HTTP content length
if (soap_POST(soap, "", NULL, "application/json; charset=utf-8")
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fget = my_get; // HTTP GET handler to serve HTTP GET
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_get(struct soap *soap)
// serve HTTP GET request, here we compute the content length instead of chunked transfer with SOAP_IO_CHUNK or storing the entire message with SOAP_IO_STORE
const char *response = "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n";
if (soap_begin_count(soap)
|| soap_send(soap, response)
|| soap_end_count(soap)
|| soap_send(soap, response)
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;

Same examples but using HTTP transfer encoding chunked:

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK);
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
const char *request = "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n";
if (soap_POST(soap, "", NULL, "application/json; charset=utf-8")
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK);
soap->fget = my_get; // HTTP GET handler to serve HTTP GET
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_get(struct soap *soap)
const char *response = "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n";
|| soap_send(soap, response)
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_begin_recv ( struct soap soap)

Initialize the context for receiving.

This function should be called to initialize the context for receiving a message or to begin parsing a document. This function is called in the server and client-side code generated by soapcpp2, and in the generated soap_T_read functions to deserialize data of type T. For example, it is called by soap_serve (via soap_begin_serve) at the server side when a client request is pending. This function parses HTTP, DIME, MIME and SOAP headers if present and updates the context with the engine state. Therefore, this function should not be called more than once to initialize the context for receiving. The source of the data read is soap::is when non-NULL, or soap::socket when valid, or soap::recvfd. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
soap::socket, soap::recvfd, soap::is, soap_end_recv.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_begin_send ( struct soap soap)

Initialize the context for sending.

This function should be called to initialize the context for sending a message or to write a document. This function is called in the server and client-side code generated by soapcpp2, and in the generated soap_T_write functions to serialize data of type T. For example, it is called by soap_connect (via soap_connect_command) at the client side when a client connects to a server to send the HTTP headers and message body. The destination of the data to be send is soap::socket when valid, or soap::sendfd when nonzero or soap::os when non-NULL. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
soap::socket, soap::sendfd, soap::os, soap_end_send.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_begin_serve ( struct soap soap)

Initiates serving a pending client request.

This function processes the HTTP headers and XML SOAP headers if present of the pending request on soap::socket or on standard input/output soap::recvfd and soap::sendfd, e.g. for CGI and FastCGI services. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
soap_serve, soap_serve_request.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
SOAP_SOCKET soap_bind ( struct soap soap,
const char *  host,
int  port,
int  backlog 

Bind and listen to a port.

This function binds to the specified port and starts listening for client requests. The host parameter when non-NULL is the name of the host on which this service runs. The port parameter is the port number to bind, which must not be in use by another service. The call may also fail if the port was recently in use by this service. Use SO_REUSEADDR with soap::bind_flags to immediately reuse the port, but use this option with caution to prevent "port stealing" attacks. The backlog parameter is used with listen, which defines the maximum length for the queue of pending connections. If a connection request arrives with the queue full, the client may receive an error with an indication of ECONNREFUSED or a connection reset. Alternatively, if the underlying protocol supports retransmission, the request may be ignored so that retries may succeed. Returns the soap::master socket bound to the port or the invalid socket handle SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when an error occurred.

A small backlog value should be used with iterative (i.e. non-multi-threaded) servers to improve fairness among connecting clients, recommended is a backlog value between 2 and 10. A smaller value increases fairness and defends against denial of service, but hampers performance because connection requests may be refused when the queue is full. Also short soap::recv_timeout and soap::send_timeout values of a few seconds at the most should be used to prevent clients from using connections for long by terminating unacceptably slow message exchanges that exceed the timeout thresholds. In the worst case, a connecting client may have to wait backlog * (soap::recv_timeout + soap::send_timeout) seconds to have the connection accepted by an iterative server when the backlog queue is full, or even longer when message sizes are very large, e.g. several MBs, requiring multiple message data packet exchanges. Larger backlog values can be safely used with multi-threaded servers, such as 50 to 128, where 128 is a typical maximum on most operating systems. The actual value does not matter when connections are accepted as soon as they arrive by soap_accept and then handled by threads executing soap_ssl_accept (for HTTPS) and soap_serve.

This function effectively deployes a stand-alone server on the specified port. There are three other alternatives for deploying services:

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/threads.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
struct soap *tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
return NULL;
See also
WITH_IPV6, WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::bind_flags, soap::bind_inet6, soap::bind_v6only, soap::rcvbuf, soap::sndbuf, soap::master, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept.
the soap::master socket value or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when an error occurred (check the return value with soap_valid_socket)
soapsoap context
hostname of the host or NULL
portport number to bind
backlogmaximum queue length of pending requests
int soap_body_begin_in ( struct soap soap)

Parse the XML <SOAP-ENV:Body> element opening tag if present.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_body_begin_out ( struct soap soap)

Emit the XML <SOAP-ENV:Body> element opening tag if soap::version is nonzero.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_body_end_in ( struct soap soap)

Parse the XML </SOAP-ENV:Body> element closing tag if present.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_body_end_out ( struct soap soap)

Emit the XML </SOAP-ENV:Body> element closing tag if soap::version is nonzero.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
void soap_close_connection ( struct soap soap)

Close the connection of the specified context using a self-pipe.

This function closes the connection of the specified context, i.e. when it hangs on socket IO and the specified soap::recv_timeout and soap::send_timeout timeouts are not sufficient to release the blocking socket IO. This function force-closes a connection, which is typically done by another thread that detects a termination condition. Requires compilation with WITH_SELF_PIPE and requires soap::recv_timeout set to a nonzero timeout value.

Alternatively, THREAD_CANCEL can be used with a thread cleanup function added with pthread_cleanup_push. See THREAD_CANCEL for details.

#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/threads.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
struct soap *tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&accept_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
void *accept_request(struct soap *soap)
struct soap *tsoap;
// create a new thread that is timed to execute for max 10 seconds
tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
// allow serving the request by the new thread for up to 30 seconds max
// terminate soap_serve in process_request then wait for it to join
// clean up the terminated thread context
// clean up
return NULL;
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
return NULL;
Requires gSOAP 2.8.71 or greater, compilation with WITH_SELF_PIPE, and nonzero soap::recv_timeout and soap::send_timeout timeout values.
See also
soap_closesock, soap_force_closesock, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout.
soapsoap context
int soap_closesock ( struct soap soap)

Close the socket connection.

This function should be called to close soap::socket. The socket is closed and soap::socket is set to SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET if the socket is valid, keep-alive is not enabled and not currently active, i.e. the socket is closed when soap::socket != SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET and soap::keep_alive == 0. Therefore, this function keeps the socket connection open when keep-alive is currently active. This function may be called multiple times but closes the socket just once if the socket connection was open. This function is called in the server and client-side code generated by soapcpp2. Returns the current value of soap::error to propagate the error state when used as return soap_closesock(soap);.

See also
soap_force_closesock, soap_close_connection.
the value of soap::error (SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code)
soapsoap context
int soap_connect ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action 

Connect to a server using HTTP POST.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP POST and the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). Upon successful completion, messages can be sent to and/or received from the server.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
if (soap_connect(soap, endpoint, NULL)
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);

In addition, HTTP keep-alive connections can be enabled with struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK | SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE).

See also
WITH_IPV6, WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY, SOAP_IO_UDP, SOAP_IO_CHUNK, SOAP_IO_STORE, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, soap::accept_flags, soap::bind_flags, soap::bind_inet6, soap::bind_v6only, soap::rcvbuf, soap::sndbuf, soap::master, soap_bind, soap_ssl_accept.
SOAP_IO_CHUNK, SOAP_IO_STORE, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE, soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
int soap_connect_command ( struct soap soap,
soap_http_command  http_command,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action 

Connect to a server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using the HTTP method specified by the http_command with a soap_http_command value and using the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). Before calling soap_connect_command with SOAP_POST, SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PATCH or SOAP_PUT, either the HTTP content length soap::count must be determined with soap_begin_count and soap_end_count, or the mode of the context should be set to SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE. ALso for HTTP methods SOAP_POST, SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PATCH and SOAP_PUT the soap::http_content string should be set before calling soap_connect_command. Upon successful completion of this function, messages can be sent to and/or received from the server. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
// HTTP POST request with chunked transfer
if (soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_POST_FILE)
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
const char *request = "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n";
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
// HTTP POST request, here we compute the content length instead of chunked transfer with SOAP_IO_CHUNK or storing the entire message with SOAP_IO_STORE
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_count(soap)
|| soap_connect_command(soap, "", NULL, SOAP_POST_FILE)
|| soap_send(soap, request)
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
See also
SOAP_GET, SOAP_POST, SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PATCH, SOAP_PUT, soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap_GET, soap_POST, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
http_commandsoap_http_command with HTTP method code
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
int soap_DELETE ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint 

HTTP DELETE content from server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP DELETE. No messages are sent and received. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_DELETE(soap, ""))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);

To implement server-side HTTP DELETE handling use soap::fdel.

See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, soap_GET, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
int soap_end_count ( struct soap soap)

Finalize context to count message length for sending.

This function is used to determine the HTTP content length. This is done by sending the message after calling this function to update soap::count. HTTP requires either the HTTP content length header or HTTP transfer encoding chunked with SOAP_IO_CHUNK. Alternatively, the mode of the context can be set to SOAP_IO_STORE to buffer the entire message in memory to determine the message content length.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_end_recv ( struct soap soap)

Finalize the context after receiving.

This function should be called to finalize the context after receiving a message or to end parsing a document. This function is called in the server and client-side code generated by soapcpp2, and in the generated soap_T_read functions to deserialize data of type T. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_end_send ( struct soap soap)

Finalize the context after sending.

This function should be called to finalize the context after sending a message or to end writing a document. This function is called in the server and client-side code generated by soapcpp2, and in the generated soap_T_write functions to serialize data of type T. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_envelope_begin_in ( struct soap soap)

Parse the XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element opening tag if present.

soapsoap context
int soap_envelope_begin_out ( struct soap soap)

Emit the XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element opening tag if soap::version is nonzero.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_envelope_end_in ( struct soap soap)

Parse the XML </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element closing tag if present.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_envelope_end_out ( struct soap soap)

Emit the XML </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element closing tag if soap::version is nonzero.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_force_closesock ( struct soap soap)

Forcibly close the socket connection.

This function immediately closes soap::socket and should only be used when soap_closesock does not suffice. By contrast, soap_closesock gently finalizes the SSL connection, and when soap::keep_alive == 0 calls shutdown and close on soap::socket. By calling soap_force_closesock the socket is forcibly closed immediately and soap::socket is set to SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET, even when keep-alive is currently active. This function may be called multiple times but closes the socket just once if the socket connection was open. Returns the current value of soap::error to propagate the error state when used as return soap_force_closesock(soap);.

See also
soap_closesock, soap_close_connection.
the value of soap::error (SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code)
soapsoap context
int soap_GET ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action 

HTTP GET content from server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP GET and the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). This call should be followed by soap_end_send to send an empty HTTP body. Upon successful completion, messages can be received from the server. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

This function is used by the soapcpp2-generated soap_GET_T functions for types T to HTTP GET the XML deserialized value of type T from a server.

To implement server-side HTTP GET handling use soap::fget.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
if (soap_GET(soap, "", NULL)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST, soap_DELETE.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
soap_wchar soap_get0 ( struct soap soap)

Get next byte without consuming it.

This function returns the next byte on the input without consuming it, i.e. peeks one byte ahead. Reads a byte from soap::is when non-NULL, or from soap::socket when valid, or from soap::recvfd. Returns the next byte or EOF when an error occurred and sets soap::error to a soap_status value and soap::errnum to the errno value of the failure.

byte read or EOF when an error occurred
soapsoap context
soap_wchar soap_get1 ( struct soap soap)

Get next byte.

This function returns the next byte on the input. Reads a byte from soap::is when non-NULL, or from soap::socket when valid, or from soap::recvfd. Returns the next byte or EOF when an error occurred and sets soap::error to a soap_status value and soap::errnum to the errno value of the failure.

byte read or EOF when an error occurred
soapsoap context
int soap_getline ( struct soap soap,
char *  buf,
int  len 

Get a header line.

This function stores a header line into the specified buffer buf of maxiumum length len. This function should be used to read HTTP and MIME headers, which end with CRLF or LF. The function handles header continuations (indents). This function reads input from soap::is when non-NULL, or from soap::socket when valid, or from soap::recvfd. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
bufbuffer to fill (string)
lenmaximum size of the buffer (int)
char* soap_http_get_body ( struct soap soap,
size_t *  len 

Get the HTTP body message as a string.

This function parses an HTTP body message into a string, whether or not an HTTP body message is present. This function should be called immediately after calling soap_begin_recv. Note that soap_begin_recv is called at the server side before a HTTP callback is called, such as soap::fput and soap::fpatch. Callbacks and the http_post HTTP POST plugin handlers should therefore not call soap_begin_recv. Also, soap_begin_recv is called at the client side by HTTP functions such as soap_GET, after which the HTTP body can then be then be checked with soap_http_has_body and retrieved with soap_http_get_body. This function reads input from from soap::is when non-NULL, or soap::socket when valid, or from soap::recvfd, and sets the len pointer parameter to the length of the string read if len is not NULL. After calling this function, soap_end_recv should be called. Returns the HTTP body as a string allocated in managed memory or returns "" (empty string, since version 2.8.71 or returns NULL for previous versions) when no HTTP message body is present or NULL when an error occurred and sets soap::error.

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
if (soap_GET(soap, "", NULL)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
fwrite(response, 1, response_len, stdout);
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fput = my_put; // HTTP PUT handler to serve HTTP PUT
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_put(struct soap *soap)
size_t len;
char *message = soap_http_get_body(soap, &len);
... // use the message data
return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 202); // HTTP 202 Accepted
See also
Callback functions, soap_begin_recv, soap_end_recv, soap_http_has_body, soap_GET, soap_POST, soap::fput, soap::fpatch, http_post.
HTTP body as a string or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
lenpointer to the length variable to assign or NULL
char* soap_http_get_form ( struct soap soap)

Get the HTTP POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded data as a string.

This function parses an HTTP body with application/x-www-form-urlencoded data into a string, prepends a ?, and returns this string allocated in managed memory or NULL when an error occurred and sets soap::error.

This function is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpform.h and gsoap/plugin/httpform.c and requires the http_form plugin.
See also
soapsoap context
void soap_http_get_stats ( struct soap soap,
size_t *  stat_get,
size_t *  stat_post,
size_t *  stat_fail,
size_t **  hist_min,
size_t **  hist_hour,
size_t **  hist_day 

Collect access statistics with the http_get plugin.

This function sets the specified minutes, hour, and day parameters to point to an array of requests per minute, an array of request per hour, and an array of requests per day of the year. The minutes array has 60 entries, the hour array has 24 entries, and the day array has 365 entries (a leap year will roll over). The plugin will collect the stats among a set of server threads if the spawned thread contexts are created with soap_copy.

This function is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpget.h and gsoap/plugin/httpget.c and requires the http_get plugin.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httpget.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_get, http_get_handler);
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
size_t stat_get, stat_post, stat_fail, *hist_min, *hist_hour, *hist_day;
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
soap_http_get_stats(soap, &stat_get, &stat_post, &stat_fail, &hist_min, &hist_hour, &hist_day);
// show the number of GET, POST, and failures
printf("\n#GET = %d #POST = %d failures = %d", stat_get, stat_post, stat_fail);
// show the stats collected per hour
printf("\nBy hour: ");
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
printf("%8d", i);
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
printf("%8d", hist_hour[i]);
soapsoap context
stat_getpoints to a variable to assign the number of GET requests
stat_postpoints to a variable to assign the number of POST requests
stat_failpoints to a variable to assign the number of failed requests
hist_minpoints to a pointer to an array of 60 entries with histogram of requests per minute
hist_hourpoints to a pointer to an array of 24 entries with histogram of requests per hour
hist_daypoints to a pointer to an array of 365 entries with histogram of requests per day
int soap_http_has_body ( struct soap soap)

Check if HTTP body message is not empty.

This function returns nonzero if an HTTP message body is present, zero otherwise. This function should be called immediately after calling soap_begin_recv. Note that soap_begin_recv is called at the server side before a HTTP callback is called, such as soap::fput and soap::fpatch. Callbacks and the http_post HTTP POST plugin handlers should therefore not call soap_begin_recv. Also, soap_begin_recv is called at the client side by HTTP functions such as soap_GET, after which the HTTP body can then be checked with soap_http_has_body and retrieved with soap_http_get_body.

See also
Callback functions, soap_begin_recv, soap_end_recv, soap_http_get_body, soap_GET, soap_POST, soap::fput, soap::fpatch, http_post.
nonzero if an HTTP body is present, zero otherwise
soapsoap context
int soap_PATCH ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action,
const char *  type 

HTTP PATCH content to server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP PATCH and the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). The HTTP content type of the data sent to the server is specified by type. If the mode is not SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE then this function temporarily sets the mode of the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to compute the HTTP content length. Upon successful completion, messages can be sent to the server and an empty response should be received by calling soap_recv_empty_response. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

If the soap::http_content string is non-NULL, this string is used as the HTTP content type to be included in the HTTP header. Otherwise, the HTTP content header is text/xml by default. The soap::http_content string is automatically reset to NULL after the HTTP POST call and has to be set again for the next call.

This function is used by the soapcpp2-generated soap_PATCH_T functions for types T to HTTP PATCH the XML serialized value of type T to a server.

To implement server-side HTTP PATCH handling use soap::fpatch.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE
if (soap_PATCH(soap, "", NULL, "application/json; charset=utf-8")
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, soap::http_content, soap_GET, soap_PUT, soap_POST, soap_DELETE.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
typeHTTP content type string
int soap_poll ( struct soap soap)

Poll the connection.

This function returns SOAP_OK if the connection is ready to send and receive data, SOAP_EOF otherwise. Also returns SOAP_OK if the socket connection is closed but data can still be read or written from/to other streams.

See also
SOAP_OK (ready), SOAP_EOF (not ready), or SOAP_TCP_ERROR (error)
soapsoap context
int soap_POST ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action,
const char *  type 

HTTP POST content to server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP POST and the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). The HTTP content type of the data sent to the server is specified by type. If the mode is not SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE then this function temporarily sets the mode of the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to compute the HTTP content length. Upon successful completion, messages can be sent to and received from the server. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

If the soap::http_content string is non-NULL, this string is used as the HTTP content type to be included in the HTTP header. Otherwise, the HTTP content header is text/xml by default. The soap::http_content string is automatically reset to NULL after the HTTP POST call and has to be set again for the next call.

This function is used by the soapcpp2-generated soap_POST_send_T functions for types T to HTTP POST the XML serialized value of type T to a server. Use soap_POST_recv_T to receive a HTTP POST response deserialized into a value of (another) type T.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE
char *response = NULL;
size_t response_len;
if (soap_POST(soap, "", NULL, "application/json; charset=utf-8")
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
|| soap_begin_recv(soap)
|| (response = soap_http_get_body(soap, &response_len)) != NULL
|| soap_end_recv(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
printf("%s", response);
See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, soap::http_content, soap_GET, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_DELETE.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
typeHTTP content type string
int soap_PUT ( struct soap soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  action,
const char *  type 

HTTP PUT content to server.

This function connects to the server specified by the endpoint URL string, using HTTP PUT and the HTTP SOAP Action header specified by the action string (or NULL). The HTTP content type of the data sent to the server is specified by type. If the mode is not SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE then this function temporarily sets the mode of the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to compute the HTTP content length. Upon successful completion, messages can be sent to the server and an empty response should be received by calling soap_recv_empty_response. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

If the soap::http_content string is non-NULL, this string is used as the HTTP content type to be included in the HTTP header. Otherwise, the HTTP content header is text/xml by default. The soap::http_content string is automatically reset to NULL after the HTTP POST call and has to be set again for the next call.

This function is used by the soapcpp2-generated soap_PUT_T functions for types T to HTTP PUT the XML serialized value of type T to a server.

To implement server-side HTTP PUT handling use soap::fput.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // use SOAP_IO_CHUNK (preferred) or SOAP_IO_STORE
if (soap_PUT(soap, "", NULL, "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, soap::http_content, soap_GET, soap_PATCH, soap_POST, soap_DELETE.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
endpointURL string
actionSOAP Action string or NULL
typeHTTP content type string
int soap_putheader ( struct soap soap)

Emit the SOAP Header pointed to by soap::header

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
char* soap_query ( struct soap soap)

Extract the query string from the URL path at the server side with the http_get plugin.

At the server side the value soap::path is set to the URL's path string which may include a query string of the form "?key=val&key=val" with a sequence of key=val pairs, where the value is optional. Returns the query string or NULL when none is present. To extract the keys and values from the string returned by this function, use soap_query_key and soap_query_val.

The http_get plugin sets a HTTP GET handler function to serve HTTP GET requests (or NULL to remove a handler) with soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_get, http_get_handler) and keeps track of the number of GET and POST invocations made and the number of server requests by the minute, by the hour, and by the day.

This function is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpget.h and gsoap/plugin/httpget.c and requires the http_get plugin.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/httpget.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, http_get, http_get_handler);
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
size_t *min, *hour, *day;
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
int http_get_handler(struct soap *soap)
if (!strncmp(soap->path, "/API/GET", 8))
// get the query key=val pairs from soap->path
char *query = soap_query(soap);
while (query)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
// return a response message
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
return 404; // HTTP 404 Not Found
int ns__webmethod(struct soap *soap, ...)
char *query = soap_query(soap);
while (query)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
See also
soap_query_key, soap_query_val, soap_http_get_stats.
soapsoap context
char* soap_query_key ( struct soap soap,
char **  query 

Extract the next query string key at the server side with the http_get plugin.

This function takes a pointer to the string variable returned by soap_query and updates it to point to the value (if present), then returns the query key or NULL if no more query key-value pairs are present in the query string.

This function is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpget.h and gsoap/plugin/httpget.c and requires the http_get plugin.
// get the query key=val pairs from soap->path
char *query = soap_query(soap);
while (query)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
See also
soap_query, soap_query_val.
query string key
soapsoap context
querypoints to the string returned by soap_query and soap_query_val
char* soap_query_val ( struct soap soap,
char **  query 

Extract the next query string value at the server side with the http_get plugin.

This function takes a pointer to the string variable returned by soap_query and updates it to point to the next key (if present), then returns the query value or NULL if no value is bound to the key.

This function is declared and defined in gsoap/plugin/httpget.h and gsoap/plugin/httpget.c and requires the http_get plugin.
// get the query key=val pairs from soap->path
char *query = soap_query(soap);
while (query)
// get next key=val pair
char *key = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
char *val = soap_query_key(soap, &query);
... // use key and val (key is non-NULL, val may be NULL)
See also
soap_query, soap_query_key.
query string value or NULL
soapsoap context
querypoints to the string returned by soap_query and soap_query_key
int soap_ready ( struct soap soap)

Check if the connection is ready to receive pending data.

This function returns SOAP_OK if the connection is ready to receive pending data, SOAP_EOF otherwise. Also returns SOAP_OK if the socket connection is closed but data can still be read from other streams.

// file.h interface header file for soapcpp2
// REST request data
struct ns__request
int SKU;
// REST response data
struct ns__response
char *product_name;
// SOAP web method response data
struct ns__webmethodResponse
char *string;
int number;
// SOAP web method
int ns__webmethod(char *string, int number, struct ns__webmethodResponse *response);
soapcpp2 -c file.h
// SOAP client application (requires 2.8.75 or greater)
#include "soapH.h"
#include "ns.nsmap"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
struct ns__webmethodResponse response;
// send the SOAP request message of ns__webmethod declared in a .h file for soapcpp2
if (soap_send_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, "hello", 123))
... // error
// wait on message ready to receive from server
while (soap_ready(soap) == SOAP_EOF)
// do some more work here (or sleep 1ms as below)
if (soap->error)
... // error
// receive the SOAP response message of ns__webmethod declared in a .h file for soapcpp2
if (soap_recv_ns__webmethod(soap, &response))
... // error
... // process the response
// REST POST client application
#include "soapH.h"
#include "ns.nsmap"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
struct ns__request request; // serializable type declared in a .h file for soapcpp2
struct ns__response response; // serializable type declared in a .h file for soapcpp2
soap_default_ns__request(soap, &request);
... // populate request data
// POST the REST request message using the ns__request serializer
if (soap_POST_send_ns__request(soap, endpoint, &request))
... // error
// wait on message ready to receive from server
while (soap_ready(soap) == SOAP_EOF)
// do some more work here (or sleep 1ms as below)
if (soap->error)
... // error
// receive the REST response message using the ns__response serializer
if (soap_POST_recv_ns__response(soap, &response))
... // error
... // process the response data
// REST GET client application
#include "soapH.h"
#include "ns.nsmap"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
struct ns__response response; // serializable type declared in a .h file for soapcpp2
if (soap_GET(soap, "", NULL))
... // error
// wait on message ready to receive from server
while (soap_ready(soap) == SOAP_EOF)
// do some more work here (or sleep 1ms as below)
if (soap->error)
... // error
// receive the response message using the ns__response serializer
if (soap_read_ns__response(soap, &response))
... // error
... // process the response data
See also
SOAP_OK (ready), SOAP_EOF (not ready), or SOAP_TCP_ERROR (error)
soapsoap context
int soap_recv_empty_response ( struct soap soap)

Receive an HTTP response message from the server that is assumed to be empty.

This function receives an HTTP response message from the server and is typically used when HTTP 202 Accepted or HTTP 200 OK is expected without data. Therefore the HTTP response message body is assumed to be empty. If the message is not empty then a fault message with the HTTP body as the fault string will be produced and the soap::error is set to the HTTP status code received. This function reads input from soap::is when non-NULL, or from soap::socket when valid, or from soap::recvfd. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as the HTTP status code received.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_recv_fault ( struct soap soap,
int  check 

Parse and deserialize the SOAP Fault.

This function parses and deserializes the SOAP Fault such that soap::fault points to a SOAP_ENV__Fault structure. If the specified check parameter is nonzero, this function attempts to parse the SOAP Fault that may be present (it checks), but if no SOAP-ENV:Fault element is present returns SOAP_OK. If the specified check parameter is zero, this function parses the SOAP Fault that is expected to be present, but if SOAP-ENV:Fault element is present returns the HTTP error code received (when between 300 and 599) or the soap::error code.

a nonzero soap_status error code
soapsoap context
checkflag to check or expect a SOAP Fault
int soap_recv_header ( struct soap soap)

Parse and deserialize the SOAP Header.

This function parses and deserializes the SOAP Header such that soap::header points to a SOAP_ENV__Header structure.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_response ( struct soap soap,
int  status 

Initialize the context for server-side sending and send a HTTP response header.

This function initializes the context for sending at the server side and sends a HTTP response header with the specified status code. The status code parameter controls the behavior of the HTTP header sent and how the message should be send after calling this function:

  • SOAP_OK sends a HTTP 200 OK header with HTTP content type "text/xml" and the HTTP content length value of soap::count or chunked transfer encoding if the SOAP_IO_CHUNK mode is set, i.e. chunked transfers avoid having to compute soap::count such as by sending the message twice, the first time to compute the message length using soap_begin_count and soap_end_count.
  • HTTP codes 200 to 599 sends the corresponding HTTP header with HTTP content type "text/xml" and the HTTP content length value of soap::count or chunked transfer encoding if the SOAP_IO_CHUNK mode is set.
  • SOAP_HTML sends a HTTP 200 OK header with HTTP content type "text/html" and sets the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to accumulate the message in memory to determine the HTTP content length.
  • SOAP_FILE sends a HTTP 200 OK header with HTTP content type soap::http_content and if the SOAP_IO_CHUNK mode is not set, sets the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to accumulate the message in memory to determine the HTTP content length.
  • SOAP_FILE + status where status is a HTTP status code between 200 and 599, sends the corresponding HTTP header with HTTP content type soap::http_content and f the SOAP_IO_CHUNK mode is not set, sets the context to SOAP_IO_STORE to accumulate the message in memory to determine the HTTP content length. This function returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code when an error occurred.

Besides soap_response, other options to return a HTTP status code are:

  • Return the value of soap_send_empty_response to produce an empty HTTP response message with the specified HTTP status code.
  • Likewise, return a HTTP status code between 200 and 299 directly to produce an empty HTTP response message with the given HTTP status code.
  • Return a HTTP status code between 300 and 599 directly to produce an HTTP response message with the given HTTP status code and a SOAP Fault message body.
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fget = my_get; // HTTP GET handler to serve HTTP GET
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_get(struct soap *soap)
soap_set_omode(SOAP_IO_CHUNK); // make sure to chunk the transfers because we do not compute the content length
// serve HTTP GET request that has path /xml so in this example we respond with XML
if (strcmp(soap->path, "/xml") == 0)
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
// serve HTTP GET request that has path /html so in this example we respond with HTML
if (strcmp(soap->path, "/html") == 0)
|| soap_send(soap, "<html><head><title>Example</title></head><body>Some text</body></html>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
// serve HTTP GET request that has path /json so in this example we respond with JSON
if (strcmp(soap->path, "/json") == 0)
soap->http_content = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
|| soap_send(soap, "{ \"title\": \"Example\", \"doc\": \"Some text\" }\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
// respond with HTTP 400 Bad Request and HTML message
soap->http_content = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
if (soap_response(soap, SOAP_FILE + 400)
|| soap_send(soap, "<html><body>Bad Request</body></html>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fget = my_get; // HTTP GET handler to serve HTTP GET
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_get(struct soap *soap)
// serve HTTP GET request, here we compute the content length instead of chunked transfer
if (soap_begin_count(soap)
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_count(soap)
|| soap_send(soap, "<doc title=\"Example\">Some text</doc>\n")
|| soap_end_send(soap))
return soap_closesock(soap);
return SOAP_OK;
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fget = my_get; // HTTP GET handler to serve HTTP GET
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_get(struct soap *soap)
FILE *fd = NULL;
char *s = strchr(soap->path, '?');
if (!s || strcmp(s, "?wsdl"))
fd = fopen("myservice.wsdl", "rb");
if (!fd)
return 404; // return HTTP 404 Not Found
soap->http_content = "text/xml";
while (1)
size_t r = fread(soap->tmpbuf, 1, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), fd);
if (!r || soap_send_raw(soap, soap->tmpbuf, r))
return soap_closesock(soap);
See also
soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_serve, soap_send_empty_response, soap::fget, soap::fput, soap::fpatch, soap::fdel, soap::fopt, soap::fhead, soap::http_extra_header.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
statusHTTP status code 200 to 599 or SOAP_OK (same as 200 OK) or SOAP_HTML or SOAP_FILE
int soap_send ( struct soap soap,
const char *  s 

Send a string.

This function sends a 0-terminated string to soap::os when non-NULL, or to soap::socket when valid, or or to soap::sendfd when nonzero.

See also
soap_begin_count, soap_end_count, soap_begin_send, soap_end_send, soap_send_raw.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
s0-terminated string to send
int soap_send_empty_response ( struct soap soap,
int  status 

Return an HTTP response message with an empty HTTP body from a service back to the client or peer.

This function sends an empty response back to the client. The response includes the specified status HTTP status code in the HTTP header but the HTTP body is empty. This function should be used with HTTP PUT or PATCH requests and "one-way" SOAP messaging with HTTP POST. This function sends to soap::socket when valid, or to soap::os when non-NULL, or to soap::sendfd. Returns SOAP_STOP and sets soap::error to SOAP_STOP to halt further response messaging to the client or a soap_status error code when the message could not be sent.

Besides soap_send_empty_response, other options to return an HTTP status code are:

  • Use soap_response using SOAP_FILE + status to produce an HTTP response message with the specified HTTP status code.
  • Return a HTTP status code between 200 and 299 directly to produce an empty HTTP response message with the given HTTP status code.
  • Return a HTTP status code between 300 and 599 directly to produce an HTTP response message with the given HTTP status code and a SOAP Fault message body.
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fput = my_put; // HTTP PUT handler to serve HTTP PUT
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_put(struct soap *soap)
size_t len;
char *message = soap_http_get_body(soap, &len);
... // use the message data
return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 202); // HTTP 202 Accepted
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->fput = my_put; // HTTP PUT handler to serve HTTP PUT
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int my_put(struct soap *soap)
if (soap->http_content && soap_tag_cmp(soap->http_content, "text/xml*") == 0)
soap_dom_element *dom = soap_new_xsd__anyType(soap);
// get dom, don't use soap_read_xsd__anyType because we are already reading from a socket
if (soap_in_xsd__anyType(soap, "doc", dom, NULL) == SOAP_OK)
... // inspect the DOM using the DOM API functions
return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 202); // HTTP 202 Accepted
return soap_send_empty_response(soap, 400); // HTTP 400 Bad Request
See also
soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_serve, soap_response, soap::fget, soap::fput, soap::fpatch, soap::fdel, soap::fopt, soap::fhead.
soapsoap context
statusHTTP status code 200 to 599 or SOAP_OK (same as 200 OK)
int soap_send_fault ( struct soap soap)

Return an HTTP error with a SOAP Fault message from a service.

This function sends an error response back to the client and is used at the server side by soap_serve after an error occurred to propagate the fault to the client. This function sends to soap::socket when valid, or to soap::os when non-NULL, or to soap::sendfd.

the value of soap::error, a nonzero error code
soapsoap context
int soap_send_raw ( struct soap soap,
const char *  s,
size_t  n 

Send raw bytes.

This function sends raw bytes of data to soap::os when non-NULL, or to soap::socket when valid, or or to soap::sendfd when nonzero.

See also
soap_begin_count, soap_end_count, soap_begin_send, soap_end_send, soap_send_raw.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
sdata to send
nlength of data to send
void soap_serializeheader ( struct soap soap)

Serialize the SOAP Header pointed to by soap::header before emitting it with soap_putheader

soapsoap context
int soap_serve ( struct soap soap)

Serve a pending request.

This function is auto-generated by soapcpp2 and serves the pending request on soap::socket or on standard input/output soap::recvfd and soap::sendfd, e.g. for CGI and FastCGI services. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

This auto-generated function implements the following behavior:

#include "soapH.h"
int soap_serve(struct soap *soap)
// keep socket open for HTTP keep-alive for maximum of soap->max_keep_alive iterations when nonzero
soap->keep_alive = soap->max_keep_alive + 1;
if (soap->keep_alive > 0 && soap->max_keep_alive > 0)
// parse HTTP headers and call GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE callback when set
if (soap_begin_serve(soap))
if (soap->error >= SOAP_STOP) // request was handled by plugin handler
continue; // so continue the keep-alive loop
return soap->error;
// call soap_serve_request generated by soapcpp2 to dispatch the SOAP/XML request
if ((soap_serve_request(soap) || (soap->fserveloop && soap->fserveloop(soap)))
&& soap->error
&& soap->error < SOAP_STOP)
return soap_send_fault(soap);
} while (soap->keep_alive);
return SOAP_OK;

The soap_begin_serve function processes the HTTP headers and XML SOAP headers if present. The soap_serve_request function is auto-generated by soapcpp2, when applicable, and parses the SOAP/XML request element to dispatch the SOAP/XML request to a service operation.

If soapcpp2 is not used or does not generate soap_serve but soap_serve is required to serve non-SOAP requests, for example to serve JSON or GET/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests, then the following simplified soap_serve implementation works just fine:

#include "soapH.h"
int soap_serve(struct soap *ctx)
soap->keep_alive = soap->max_keep_alive + 1;
if (soap->keep_alive > 0 && soap->max_keep_alive > 0)
// parse HTTP headers and call GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE callback when set
if (soap_begin_serve(soap))
if (soap->error >= SOAP_STOP) // request was handled by plugin handler
continue; // so continue the keep-alive loop
return soap->error;
soap->error = 400; // Bad Request because we aren't serving anything else
return soap_send_fault(soap); // so we report an error
} while (soap->keep_alive);
return SOAP_OK;
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
See also
WITH_IPV6, WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::accept_flags, soap::bind_flags, soap::bind_inet6, soap::bind_v6only, soap::rcvbuf, soap::sndbuf, soap::master, soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, soap::keep_alive, soap::max_keep_alive.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
int soap_serve_request ( struct soap soap)

Process a pending request.

This function is auto-generated by soapcpp2 and parses the SOAP/XML request element to dispatch the SOAP/XML request to a service operation. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
soap_serve, soap_begin_serve.
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context