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soap Struct Reference

updated Fri Feb 21 2025 by Robert van Engelen
soap Struct Reference

Context with the engine state. More...

Public Member Functions

 soap ()
 Construct a soap context (C++ only, in C use soap_new or soap_init) More...
 soap (soap_mode input_and_output_mode)
 Construct a soap context with the specified input and output soap_mode flags (C++ only, in C use soap_new1 or soap_init1)) More...
 soap (soap_mode input_mode, soap_mode output_mode)
 Construct a soap context with the specified input and output soap_mode flags (C++ only, in C use soap_new2 or soap_init2)) More...
 soap (const struct soap &)
 Copy constructor (C++ only, in C use soap_copy or soap_copy_context) More...
struct soapoperator= (const struct soap &)
 Assignment constructor (C++ only, in C use soap_copy or soap_copy_context) More...
void destroy ()
 Delete all dynamically-allocated objects and data managed by this soap context (C++ only, in C use soap_end) More...
 ~soap ()
 Finalize and delete the soap context by finalizing with soap_done(this) (C++ only, in C use soap_free or soap_done) More...

Public Attributes

soap_mode imode
 The soap context input soap_mode flags that are set at context initialization and set or cleared with soap_set_imode or soap_clr_imode, respectively. More...
soap_mode omode
 The soap context output soap_mode flags that are set at context initialization and set or cleared with soap_set_omode or soap_clr_omode, respectively. More...
SSL_CTX * ctx
 OpenSSL context pointer. More...
short version
 SOAP version (0 = no SOAP, 1 = SOAP 1.1, 2 = SOAP 1.2) More...
const char * encodingStyle
 User-definable SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle URI value. More...
const char * actor
 User-definable SOAP-ENV:actor (SOAP 1.1) or SOAP-ENV:role (SOAP 1.2) attribute value of all SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attributed header elements. More...
const char * lang
 User-definable xml:lang attribute value of SOAP-ENV:Text to output the SOAP Fault string/reason (the value is en by default) More...
int max_keep_alive
 User-definable maximum number of keep-alive message exchanges per connection (the value is SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default) More...
int keep_alive
 HTTP keep-alive flag (try to enable when -1, disabled when 0) and counter (enabled when >0) More...
const char * c14ninclude
 User-definable string to control the XML namespace prefixes that are subject to XML canonicalization with the SOAP_XML_CANONICAL output mode flag, specified by space-separated prefixes in the string, or * to specify that all prefixes are inclusive, or NULL when unused. More...
const char * c14nexclude
 User-definable string to control the XML namespace prefixes that are subject to XML canonicalization with SOAP_XML_CANONICAL output mode flag, specified by space-separated prefixes in the string, or NULL when unused. More...
int status
 The soap context HTTP status code received at the client side (100 to 599), HTTP header method received at the server side (SOAP_POST, SOAP_PATCH, SOAP_GET, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_DEL, SOAP_HEAD, SOAP_OPTIONS), or the HTTP method to use for sending a message with soap_connect_command or with soap_response (SOAP_POST, SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PATCH, SOAP_GET, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_DEL, SOAP_CONNECT, SOAP_HEAD, SOAP_OPTIONS) More...
int error
 The soap context soap_status (int) error code of the last operation or SOAP_OK (zero) More...
int errnum
 The errno value of the last failed IO operation. More...
struct SOAP_ENV__Headerheader
 The soap::header points to a SOAP_ENV__Header structure with the SOAP Header that was received or that can be populated by the user to be sent, or NULL when no SOAP Header is present. More...
struct SOAP_ENV__Faultfault
 The soap::fault points to a SOAP_ENV__Fault structure with the SOAP Fault that was received or that can be populated by the user to be sent, or NULL when no SOAP Fault is present. More...
void * user
 User-definable variable that may point to user-specified data of any type to pass the data through to callbacks and plugins. More...
short mustUnderstand
 The soap::mustUnderstand flag is set when a SOAP Header element carries a SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attribute that is true. More...
short null
 The soap::null flag is set when an element carries a xsi:nil attribute that is true. More...
short body
 The soap::body flag is set when an element has element content during XML parsing or when a HTTP message has a body when parsing an HTTP header. More...
const char * prolog
 User-definable XML declaration prolog (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> by default) More...
const char * cookie_domain
 User-definable string that specifies the HTTP cookie domain of the running server. More...
const char * cookie_path
 User-definable string that specifies the HTTP cookie path of the running server. More...
int cookie_max
 User-definable maximum number of active cookies allowed to be set with soap_set_cookie before cookie memory is reused (the value is 32 by default) More...
struct soap_cookiecookies
 The cookie store is a linked list of cookies. More...
const char * http_content
 String with HTTP content type header value received, can also be assigned to specify a content type header for soap_connect_command with SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PUT and SOAP_PATCH or for soap_response with SOAP_FILE or for soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST. The soap::http_content string is reset to NULL after each HTTP invocation and has to be set again when required. More...
const char * http_extra_header
 User-definable string that specifies an extra HTTP header or multiple HTTP headers when separated by CRLF in the specified string, to include in the next HTTP request (client side) or to include with the HTTP response (server side). The specified headre or headers are checked by the engine to conform to HTTP header formats or otherwise will be ignored and not output. More...
 The socket set by soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method) to serve as the master socket bound to a specified port, or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when unassigned. More...
 The socket set by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method) or soap_connect or soap_connect_command (or the C++ proxy methods) when successful, or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when unassigned. More...
int recvfd
 The file descriptor to read data from when no socket communications are set (soap::socket == SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) and soap:is == NULL, default value is 0 (stdin) More...
int sendfd
 The file descriptor to write data to when no socket communications are set (soap::socket == SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) and soap:os == NULL, default value is 1 (stdout) More...
 The source to read data from when non-NULL, which in C++ is a std::istream object and in C is a 0-terminated string to be read, default value is NULL. More...
 The sink to write data to when non-NULL, which in C++ is a std::ostream object and in C is a pointer to a char* string variable that will be set to point to a managed 0-terminated string with the data, default value is NULL. More...
ULONG64 recv_maxlength
 User-definable maximum message length that is permitted to be received, zero means unlimited (the value is 2GB by default) More...
int transfer_timeout
 User-definable timeout to send or receive an entire message, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default) More...
int recv_timeout
 User-definable timeout to receive a packet of data, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default) More...
int send_timeout
 User-definable timeout to send a packet of data, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default) More...
int accept_timeout
 User-definable timeout when waiting to accept a request from a client at the server-side with soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default) More...
int connect_timeout
 User-definable timeout when waiting to connect to a server at the client-side, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default) More...
int connect_retry
 User-definable number of retries to attempt at the client side when connecting to a server fails with SOAP_TCP_ERROR, using exponential backoff delays between reconnects, maxed at 32 seconds: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32, 32, ... seconds for retry values 1 to 8 respectively (the retry value is 0 by default, meaning no retry) More...
unsigned int maxlevel
 User-definable maximum XML and JSON nesting level permitted, initially set to SOAP_MAXLEVEL (the value is 10000 by default) More...
long maxlength
 User-definable maximum string length parsed from XML and JSON, initially set to SOAP_MAXLENGTH, zero or negative means unlimited (0 by default) More...
size_t maxoccurs
 User-definable maximum array and container size (maximum item occurrence constraint) as parsed from XML and JSON, except when specifie XML schema validation constraints permit greater sizes, initially set to SOAP_MAXOCCURS (the value is 100000 by default) More...
int socket_flags
 User-definable socket send and recv flags, for example assign MSG_NOSIGNAL to disable sigpipe (the value is 0 by default) More...
int connect_flags
 User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags when connecting soap::socket to a server (the value is 0 by default) More...
int bind_flags
 User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags when binding soap::master socket (the value is 0 by default) More...
short bind_inet6
 User-definable flag, when nonzero uses AF_INET6 instead of PF_UNSPEC when binding the soap::master socket in soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method), to remap IPv4 to IPv6 addresses, meaningful only when used with WITH_IPV6 More...
short bind_v6only
 User-definable flag, when nonzero enables IPPROTO_IPV6 setsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY when binding the soap::master socket with soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method), meaningful only when used with WITH_IPV6 More...
int accept_flags
 User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags (0 by default), when nonzero sets the soap::socket flags when accepting a request with soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method) More...
unsigned short linger_time
 User-definable linger time value, requires the SO_LINGER setsockopt flag value to be assigned to soap::socket_flags More...
int rcvbuf
 User-definable value to set SO_RCVBUF setsockopt (the value is SOAP_BUFLEN by default) More...
int sndbuf
 User-definable value to set SO_SNDBUF setsockopt (the value is SOAP_BUFLEN by default) More...
int tcp_keep_alive
 User-definable value to set SO_KEEPALIVE setsockopt (0 by default unless the SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE mode flag is set) More...
unsigned int tcp_keep_idle
 User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPIDLE setsockopt (the value is 0 by default) More...
unsigned int tcp_keep_intvl
 User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPINTVL setsockopt (the value is 0 by default) More...
unsigned int tcp_keep_cnt
 User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPCNT setsockopt (the value is 0 by default) More...
unsigned int ipv6_multicast_if
 User-definable value to set sockaddr_in6::sin6_scope_id when nonzero. More...
char * ipv4_multicast_if
 User-definable value to set setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_IF when non-NULL. More...
unsigned char ipv4_multicast_ttl
 User-definable value to set setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_TTL when nonzero. More...
const char * client_addr
 User-definable client address to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-NULL (Windows: n/a) More...
const char * client_addr_ipv6
 User-definable client address to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-NULL, requires WITH_IPV6 More...
int client_port
 User-definable client port to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-negative. More...
const char * client_interface
 User-definable client interface address to override when connecting to a server, when non-NULL (Windows: n/a) More...
unsigned short z_level
 User-definable compression level for gzip compression (0=none, 1=fast to 9=best) default level is 6. More...
float z_ratio_in
 The compression ratio = compressed.size/uncompressed.size of the compressed message received. More...
float z_ratio_out
 The compression ratio = compressed.size/uncompressed.size of the compressed message sent. More...
const char * bearer
 User-definable HTTP authorization bearer token value to be sent by the client, server side receives this string when the client sends authorization bearer. More...
const char * userid
 User-definable HTTP and NTLM authorization user id string for HTTP basic and NTLM authentication by the client, server side receives this string when the client uses HTTP basic authentication, for HTTP digest authentication see the gSOAP HTTP digest authentication plugin. More...
const char * passwd
 User-definable HTTP and NTLM authorization password string required for HTTP basic and NTLM authentication by the client, server side receives this string when the client uses HTTP basic authentication. More...
const char * authrealm
 The HTTP and NTLM authorization realm/domain string received by the client with the WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate HTTP headers, user-definable on the server side to send a WWW-Authenticate header to require authentication (service operation should return 401 to respond with "Unauthorized"), also serves as NTLM domain value. More...
const char * ntlm_challenge
 User-definable NTLM authentication challenge key string. More...
const char * proxy_host
 User-definable proxy host name string which should be set to connect through an HTTP proxy. More...
int proxy_port
 User-definable proxy port which should be set to connect through an HTTP proxy (the value is 8080 by default) More...
const char * proxy_userid
 User-definable proxy authorization user id string to authenticate and connect to an HTTP proxy. More...
const char * proxy_passwd
 User-definable proxy authorization password string to authenticate and connect to an HTTP proxy. More...
const char * proxy_from
 The X-Forwarding-For HTTP header string value received. More...
unsigned int ip
 The IPv4 address in numeric form of the client as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), possibly set to zero when WITH_IPV6 is used. More...
unsigned int ip6 [4]
 The IPv6 address in numeric form (upper ip6[0] to lower ip6[3]) of the client as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), requires WITH_IPV6 More...
int port
 The client port connected to as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method) More...
char endpoint [SOAP_TAGLEN]
 The endpoint URL as received on the server side. More...
char host [SOAP_TAGLEN]
 The host IP address of the client, as received on the server side. More...
char path [SOAP_TAGLEN]
 The client request path as received on the server side. More...
const char * override_host
 User-definable string to override the host name or IP address in the HTTP header when connecting at the client side. More...
int override_port
 User-definable port number to override the port address in the HTTP header when connecting at the client side. More...
const char * origin
 The CORS Origin HTTP header string value received. More...
const char * cors_origin
 The CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header string value received or the user-definable value to be returned by the server when set. More...
const char * cors_allow
 User-definable CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header string default value (the value is * by default) More...
const char * cors_method
 The CORS Access-Control-Request-Method HTTP header string received. More...
const char * cors_header
 The CORS Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header string received. More...
const char * cors_methods
 User-definable CORS Access-Control-Request-Methods HTTP header string to be returned by the server. More...
const char * cors_headers
 User-definable CORS Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header string to be returned by the server. More...
const char * float_format
 User-definable floating point format string (%.9G by default, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes) More...
const char * double_format
 User-definable double floating point format string (%.17lG by default, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes) More...
const char * long_double_format
 User-definable long double floating point format string (NULL by default and defined by the long_double.c custom serializer, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes) More...
const char * dime_id_format
 User-definable format string to generate DIME content IDs. More...
struct soap_dom_element * dom
 DOM tree received. More...
struct soap_dime dime
 DIME attachments received. More...
struct soap_mime mime
 MIME attachments received. More...
size_t bufidx
 Internal index that keeps track of the current position in the soap::buf buffer after receiving data into the buffer. More...
size_t buflen
 Internal index that keeps track of the length of the data available in the soap::buf buffer, does not exceed SOAP_BUFLEN More...
char buf [SOAP_BUFLEN]
 Internal buffer with partial data received or partial data to be sent, where the data occupies soap::buflen bytes. More...
char msgbuf [SOAP_TMPLEN]
 Internal buffer to hold short messages, URLs and HTTP/MIME header lines, must have at least SOAP_TMPLEN = 1024 bytes of space allocated. More...
char tmpbuf [SOAP_TMPLEN]
 Internal buffer to hold temporary strings such as string representations of primitive values, XML tag names, HTTP header lines and so on, must have at least SOAP_TMPLEN = 1024 bytes of space allocated. More...
ULONG64 count
 Message length counter value of the message received and counter value of the HTTP content length header to send a message. More...
ULONG64 length
 The HTTP content length header value received or 0 when HTTP transfer encoding is chunked. More...
int(* fpost )(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port, const char *path, const char *action, ULONG64 count)
 Callback that populates and then sends HTTP headers from the client-side to a connected HTTP server. More...
int(* fresponse )(struct soap *soap, int status, ULONG64 count)
 Callback that populates and then sends HTTP headers from the server-side to a connected client. More...
int(* fposthdr )(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val)
 Callback that sends a single HTTP header given a key-value pair. More...
int(* fparse )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback that reads and parses HTTP and MIME headers. More...
int(* fparsehdr )(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *val)
 Callback that consumes an HTTP header that consists of a key-value pair. More...
int(* fget )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP GET requests from clients. More...
int(* fput )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP PUT requests from clients. More...
int(* fpatch )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP PATCH requests from clients. More...
int(* fdel )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP DELETE requests from clients. More...
int(* fopt )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP OPTION requests from clients. More...
int(* fhead )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to serve responses to HTTP HEAD requests from clients. More...
int(* fform )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to implement logic at the server-side to handle HTML forms, such as done by the callbacks provided by the HTTP FORM handler plugin. More...
int(* fheader )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to inspect the SOAP Header received before the rest of the message with the SOAP Body is consumed. More...
int(* fencoding )(struct soap *soap, const char *encoding)
 Callback to catch unrecognized XML encoding formats. More...
int(* fignore )(struct soap *soap, const char *tag)
 Callback to catch unrecognized XML elements and overrides SOAP_XML_STRICT validation errors for these. More...
int(* fsvalidate )(struct soap *soap, const char *pattern, const char *string)
 Callback to validate strings against XML regex patterns. More...
int(* fwvalidate )(struct soap *soap, const char *pattern, const wchar_t *string)
 Callback to validate wide strings against XML regex patterns. More...
void(* fseterror )(struct soap *soap, const char **faultcode, const char **faultstring)
 Callback to inspect or override fault code or fault string messages. More...
SOAP_SOCKET(* fopen )(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port)
 Callback that opens a socket connection to a server endpoint. More...
SOAP_SOCKET(* faccept )(struct soap *soap, SOAP_SOCKET sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int *len)
 Callback that waits for and accepts a socket connection requested by a client. More...
int(* fclose )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback that closes the current socket connection. More...
int(* fresolve )(struct soap *soap, const char *name, struct in_addr *inaddr)
 Callback that resolves a host name by address translation. More...
int(* fconnect )(struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *host, int port)
 Callback that overrides the client-side connecting operations. More...
int(* fdisconnect )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback that executes disconnect logic before closing. More...
int(* fclosesocket )(struct soap *soap, SOAP_SOCKET sock)
 Callback that closes a given socket. More...
int(* fshutdownsocket )(struct soap *soap, SOAP_SOCKET sock, int how)
 Callback that shuts down a given socket. More...
int(* fpoll )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback that blocks until activity is detected on the soap::socket or soap::master socket, times out when soap::send_timeout or soap::recv_timeout are set. More...
size_t(* frecv )(struct soap *soap, char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback that receives bytes of data into the given buffer. More...
int(* fsend )(struct soap *soap, const char *data, size_t len)
 Callback that sends the given bytes of data. More...
int(* fserveloop )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback executed by the engine at the server side immediately after a server operation successfully completed. More...
void *(* fmalloc )(struct soap *soap, size_t size)
 Callback to override dynamic memory allocation and management. More...
void *(* fdimereadopen )(struct soap *soap, void *handle, const char *id, const char *type, const char *options)
 Callback to open a streaming DIME attachment for reading. More...
size_t(* fdimeread )(struct soap *soap, void *handle, char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback to read data in a DIME attachment stream. More...
void(* fdimereadclose )(struct soap *soap, void *handle)
 Callback to close a DIME attachment stream after reading. More...
void *(* fdimewriteopen )(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *type, const char *options)
 Callback to open a streaming DIME attachment for writing. More...
int(* fdimewrite )(struct soap *soap, void *, const char *, size_t)
 Callback to write data in a DIME attachment stream. More...
void(* fdimewriteclose )(struct soap *soap, void *handle)
 Callback to close a DIME attachment stream after writing. More...
void *(* fmimereadopen )(struct soap *soap, void *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
 Callback to open a streaming MIME/MTOM attachment for reading. More...
size_t(* fmimeread )(struct soap *soap, void *handle, char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback to read data in a MIME/MTOM attachment stream. More...
void(* fmimereadclose )(struct soap *soap, void *handle)
 Callback to close a MIME/MTOM attachment stream after reading. More...
void *(* fmimewriteopen )(struct soap *soap, void *handle, const char *id, const char *type, const char *description, enum soap_mime_encoding encoding)
 Callback to open a streaming MIME/MTOM attachment for writing. More...
int(* fmimewrite )(struct soap *soap, void *handle, const char *buf, size_t len)
 Callback to write data in a MIME attachment stream. More...
void(* fmimewriteclose )(struct soap *soap, void *handle)
 Callback to close a MIME/MTOM attachment stream after writing. More...
int(* fsslauth )(struct soap *soap)
 Callback to initialize the OpenSSL library. More...
int(* fsslverify )(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store)
 Callback to manage the verification of the certificate provided by a peer (typically a server) More...

Detailed Description

Context with the engine state.

The soap context should be passed as the first parameter to all gSOAP functions and should only be used by a single thread at a time. Each thread should use a copy of the context created with soap_copy or with the soap::soap copy constructor.

To allocate a new soap context, use one of these three allocators that take soap_mode parameters:

struct soap *soap1 = soap_new();
struct soap *soap2 = soap_new1(input_and_output_mode);
struct soap *soap3 = soap_new2(input_mode, output_mode);

Alternatively, use constructors in C++ as follows:

struct soap *soap1();
struct soap *soap2(input_and_output_mode);
struct soap *soap3(input_mode, output_mode);

To copy the soap context, for example to be used by another thread, use:

struct soap *soap2 = soap_copy(soap1);

Alternatively, use the copy constructor in C++ as follows:

struct soap *soap2 = new soap(soap1);

To free the soap context or a copy of a soap context, use:


To stack-allocate a soap context (i.e. as opposed to heap-allocating it as shown above), initialize the soap context with one of these three initializers that take soap_mode parameters:

struct soap soap1, soap2, soap3;
soap_init1(&soap2, input_and_output_mode);
soap_init2(&soap3, input_mode, output_mode);

Alternatively, use constructors in C++:

struct soap soap1();
struct soap soap2(input_and_output_mode);
struct soap soap3(input_mode, output_mode);

Finalization of the soap context is automatically done by the C++ destructor. In C, you should finalize a stack-allocated soap context before it is reclaimed by the stack:


Before freeing or finalizating a soap context, you may want to delete all data allocated in managed heap memory with these two calls in this specific order:


Alternatively, in C++ you can simply invoke one method to perform both calls at once:


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

soap::soap ( )

Construct a soap context (C++ only, in C use soap_new or soap_init)

soap::soap ( soap_mode  input_and_output_mode)

Construct a soap context with the specified input and output soap_mode flags (C++ only, in C use soap_new1 or soap_init1))

input_and_output_modeinput and output soap_mode flags
soap::soap ( soap_mode  input_mode,
soap_mode  output_mode 

Construct a soap context with the specified input and output soap_mode flags (C++ only, in C use soap_new2 or soap_init2))

input_modeinput soap_mode flags
output_modeoutput soap_mode flags
soap::soap ( const struct soap )

Copy constructor (C++ only, in C use soap_copy or soap_copy_context)

soap::~soap ( )

Finalize and delete the soap context by finalizing with soap_done(this) (C++ only, in C use soap_free or soap_done)

Member Function Documentation

void soap::destroy ( )

Delete all dynamically-allocated objects and data managed by this soap context (C++ only, in C use soap_end)

struct soap& soap::operator= ( const struct soap )

Assignment constructor (C++ only, in C use soap_copy or soap_copy_context)

this soap context

Member Data Documentation

int soap::accept_flags

User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags (0 by default), when nonzero sets the soap::socket flags when accepting a request with soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE; // no sigpipe (this is not portable)

Other ways to disable sigpipe:

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL;
#include <signal.h>
void sigpipe_handle(int) { }
signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle);
See also
soap::socket_flags, soap::connect_flags, soap::bind_flags.
int soap::accept_timeout

User-definable timeout when waiting to accept a request from a client at the server-side with soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default)

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength.
const char* soap::actor

User-definable SOAP-ENV:actor (SOAP 1.1) or SOAP-ENV:role (SOAP 1.2) attribute value of all SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attributed header elements.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // context initializations
// add a SOAP Header to the message
header->ns__required_value = 123; // a header element marked mustUnderstand
soap->header = &header;
// add SOAP-ENV:role="";
soap->actor = "";
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
See also
const char* soap::authrealm

The HTTP and NTLM authorization realm/domain string received by the client with the WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate HTTP headers, user-definable on the server side to send a WWW-Authenticate header to require authentication (service operation should return 401 to respond with "Unauthorized"), also serves as NTLM domain value.

See also
soap::userid, soap::passwd.
const char* soap::bearer

User-definable HTTP authorization bearer token value to be sent by the client, server side receives this string when the client sends authorization bearer.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_client_context(soap, ...))
soap->bearer = "bearer-token";
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_server_context(soap, ...))
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int ns__webmethod(struct soap *soap, ...)
if (!soap->bearer || strcmp(soap->bearer, "bearer-token"))
return 401; // Unauthorized
... // process the request data and populate the response data
return SOAP_OK;
See also
soap_ssl_client_context, soap_ssl_server_context, soap::userid, soap::passwd, soap::ntlm_challenge and the HTTP digest plugin documentation.
int soap::bind_flags

User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags when binding soap::master socket (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse when binding
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG))
... // success
See also
soap::socket_flags, soap::connect_flags, soap::accept_flags, WITH_IPV6, WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::bind_inet6, soap::bind_v6only, soap::rcvbuf, soap::sndbuf, soap::master.
short soap::bind_inet6

User-definable flag, when nonzero uses AF_INET6 instead of PF_UNSPEC when binding the soap::master socket in soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method), to remap IPv4 to IPv6 addresses, meaningful only when used with WITH_IPV6

// requires compilation with compile-time flag -D WITH_IPV6
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_inet6 = 1;
soap->bind_v6only = 1;
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)) // IPv6 address binding
... // success
See also
Requires compilation with WITH_IPV6.
short soap::bind_v6only

User-definable flag, when nonzero enables IPPROTO_IPV6 setsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY when binding the soap::master socket with soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method), meaningful only when used with WITH_IPV6

// requires compilation with compile-time flag -D WITH_IPV6
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_inet6 = 1;
soap->bind_v6only = 1;
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)) // IPv6 address binding
... // success
See also
Requires compilation with WITH_IPV6.
short soap::body

The soap::body flag is set when an element has element content during XML parsing or when a HTTP message has a body when parsing an HTTP header.

char soap::buf[SOAP_BUFLEN]

Internal buffer with partial data received or partial data to be sent, where the data occupies soap::buflen bytes.

size_t soap::bufidx

Internal index that keeps track of the current position in the soap::buf buffer after receiving data into the buffer.

size_t soap::buflen

Internal index that keeps track of the length of the data available in the soap::buf buffer, does not exceed SOAP_BUFLEN

const char* soap::c14nexclude

User-definable string to control the XML namespace prefixes that are subject to XML canonicalization with SOAP_XML_CANONICAL output mode flag, specified by space-separated prefixes in the string, or NULL when unused.

const char* soap::c14ninclude

User-definable string to control the XML namespace prefixes that are subject to XML canonicalization with the SOAP_XML_CANONICAL output mode flag, specified by space-separated prefixes in the string, or * to specify that all prefixes are inclusive, or NULL when unused.

const char* soap::client_addr

User-definable client address to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-NULL (Windows: n/a)

When non-NULL, sets the client address specified as IPv4 or IPv6 or as a host address to bind to before connecting to a server. The value is reset to NULL after connecting successfully or unsuccessfully to the server.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->client_addr = ""; // client binds to when connecting to endpoint
soap->client_port = 8080; // optional, to also specify a port to bind to
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
Cannot be used on Windows platforms.
See also
soap::client_addr_ipv6, soap::client_port, soap::client_interface.
const char* soap::client_addr_ipv6

User-definable client address to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-NULL, requires WITH_IPV6

When non-NULL and soap::client_addr is non-NULL and when connecting to a IPv6 server, sets the client address specified as IPv6 or as a host address to bind to before connecting to the server. The value is reset to NULL after connecting successfully or unsuccessfully to the server.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->client_addr = ""; // client binds to when connecting to a IPv4 endpoint
soap->client_addr_ipv6 = "2001:db8:0:1; // but the client binds 2001:db8:0:1 when connecting to a IPv6 endpoint
soap->client_port = 8080; // optional, to also specify a port to bind to
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
Requires compilation with WITH_IPV6 or WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY.
See also
soap::client_addr, soap::client_port, soap::client_interface.
const char* soap::client_interface

User-definable client interface address to override when connecting to a server, when non-NULL (Windows: n/a)

When non-NULL, sets the client address before connecting to a server. The value is reset to NULL after connecting successfully or unsuccessfully to the server. Does not bind the address, unlike soap::client_addr and soap::client_addr_ipv6.

Cannot be used on Windows platforms.
See also
soap::client_addr, soap::client_addr_ipv6, soap::client_addr_ipv6.
int soap::client_port

User-definable client port to bind to before connecting to a server, when non-negative.

When non-negative, executes a bind with this port number before connecting to a server. The value is reset to -1 after connecting successfully or unsuccessfully to the server.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->client_port = 18000; // client binds to port 18000 when connecting to endpoint
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
See also
soap::client_addr, soap::client_addr_ipv6, soap::client_interface.
int soap::connect_flags

User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags when connecting soap::socket to a server (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_flags = SO_LINGER;
soap->linger_time = 5;
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_flags = SO_BROADCAST;
See also
soap::socket_flags, soap::bind_flags, soap::accept_flags.
int soap::connect_retry

User-definable number of retries to attempt at the client side when connecting to a server fails with SOAP_TCP_ERROR, using exponential backoff delays between reconnects, maxed at 32 seconds: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32, 32, ... seconds for retry values 1 to 8 respectively (the retry value is 0 by default, meaning no retry)

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max connect stall time
soap->connect_retry = 4; // retry 4 more times (waiting 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds between retries)
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
if (soap->errnum == 0) // timed out, exit program
... // success
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength, SOAP_TCP_ERROR.
int soap::connect_timeout

User-definable timeout when waiting to connect to a server at the client-side, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default)

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max connect stall time
soap->connect_retry = 4; // retry 4 more times (waiting 1, 2, 4, 8 seconds between retries)
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
if (soap->errnum == 0) // timed out, exit program
... // success
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_retry, soap::accept_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength.
const char* soap::cookie_domain

User-definable string that specifies the HTTP cookie domain of the running server.

int soap::cookie_max

User-definable maximum number of active cookies allowed to be set with soap_set_cookie before cookie memory is reused (the value is 32 by default)

const char* soap::cookie_path

User-definable string that specifies the HTTP cookie path of the running server.

struct soap_cookie* soap::cookies

The cookie store is a linked list of cookies.

const char* soap::cors_allow

User-definable CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header string default value (the value is * by default)

CORS is automatic at the server side. At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers.

See also
const char* soap::cors_header

The CORS Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header string received.

CORS is automatic at the server side. At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers.

See also
const char* soap::cors_headers

User-definable CORS Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header string to be returned by the server.

CORS is automatic at the server side. At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers.

See also
const char* soap::cors_method

The CORS Access-Control-Request-Method HTTP header string received.

CORS is automatic at the server side. At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers.

See also
const char* soap::cors_methods

User-definable CORS Access-Control-Request-Methods HTTP header string to be returned by the server.

CORS is automatic at the server side. At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers.

See also
const char* soap::cors_origin

The CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header string value received or the user-definable value to be returned by the server when set.

See also
ULONG64 soap::count

Message length counter value of the message received and counter value of the HTTP content length header to send a message.

See also
soap_begin_count, soap_end_count, SOAP_IO_LENGTH, SOAP_IO_CHUNK.
SSL_CTX* soap::ctx

OpenSSL context pointer.

This pointer is non-NULL after calling soap_ssl_server_context or soap_ssl_client_context and points to the OpenSSL context which can be configured with OpenSSL API functions such as SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list.

Requires compilation with WITH_OPENSSL.
See also
soap_ssl_server_context, soap_ssl_client_context.
struct soap_dime soap::dime

DIME attachments received.

This structure contains a linked list of DIME attachments received.

const char* soap::dime_id_format

User-definable format string to generate DIME content IDs.

The DIME ID format string should contain exactly one d or x field and no other fields. The default format string is "cid:id%d". Should not be changed unless required by protocol updates.

struct soap_dom_element* soap::dom

DOM tree received.

This pointer points to the DOM tree received when SOAP_XML_DOM mode is enabled and the engine is configured with WITH_DOM.

See also
const char* soap::double_format

User-definable double floating point format string (%.17lG by default, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes)

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->float_format = "%g";
soap->double_format = "%g";
soap->long_double_format = "%Lg";
const char* soap::encodingStyle

User-definable SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle URI value.

This URI string value is pre-defined by the engine depending on the SOAP protocol version used, setting this to NULL means no SOAP encodingStyle. Setting this to an empty string "" means that the engine will set the encodingStyle URI according to the SOAP version used. However, the encodingStyle is always set if the interface header file for soappcpp2 explicitly specifies an encoding or literal.

See also
soap::version, soap_set_version.
char soap::endpoint[SOAP_TAGLEN]

The endpoint URL as received on the server side.

On the server side, the URL endpoint string is extracted from the HTTP header by soap::fparse called by soap_begin_recv and consists of the concatenated string of soap::host, soap::port, and soap::path to form a valid URL.

See also
soap::ip, soap::ip6, soap::host, soap::port, soap::path, soap_query.
int soap::errnum

The errno value of the last failed IO operation.

The soap::errnum value is set to the value or errno when a SOAP_EOF or SOAP_TCP_ERROR error occurred. This allows for reporting the error condition with soap_print_fault, soap_stream_fault, and soap_sprint_fault. For the SOAP_EOF error, soap::errnum is set to zero when IO operations timed out, when a client's connection attempt to a server timed out, or when a server-side soap_accept timed out.

See also
soap::error, soap::connect_timeout, soap::accept_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout.
int soap::error

The soap context soap_status (int) error code of the last operation or SOAP_OK (zero)

See also
soap_status, soap::errnum.
struct SOAP_ENV__Fault* soap::fault

The soap::fault points to a SOAP_ENV__Fault structure with the SOAP Fault that was received or that can be populated by the user to be sent, or NULL when no SOAP Fault is present.

const char* soap::float_format

User-definable floating point format string (%.9G by default, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes)

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->float_format = "%g";
soap->double_format = "%g";
soap->long_double_format = "%Lg";
struct SOAP_ENV__Header* soap::header

The soap::header points to a SOAP_ENV__Header structure with the SOAP Header that was received or that can be populated by the user to be sent, or NULL when no SOAP Header is present.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // context initializations
// add a SOAP Header to the message
header->ns__someHeaderValue = 123;
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
if (soap->header) // received a SOAP_ENV__Header?
... // yes, inspect SOAP_ENV__Header headers
See also
SOAP_ENV__Header, soap::actor.
char soap::host[SOAP_TAGLEN]

The host IP address of the client, as received on the server side.

On the server side, the host string is the IPv4 or IPv6 address, depending on WITH_IPV6. On the client side, the host string is extracted from soap::endpoint, i.e. the endpoint URL of the server.

See also
soap::ip, soap::ip6, soap::endpoint, soap::port, soap::path, soap_query.
const char* soap::http_content

String with HTTP content type header value received, can also be assigned to specify a content type header for soap_connect_command with SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PUT and SOAP_PATCH or for soap_response with SOAP_FILE or for soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST. The soap::http_content string is reset to NULL after each HTTP invocation and has to be set again when required.

See also
soap_connect_command, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST, soap_response.
const char* soap::http_extra_header

User-definable string that specifies an extra HTTP header or multiple HTTP headers when separated by CRLF in the specified string, to include in the next HTTP request (client side) or to include with the HTTP response (server side). The specified headre or headers are checked by the engine to conform to HTTP header formats or otherwise will be ignored and not output.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // context initializations
soap->http_extra_header = "X-CUSTOM-RequestMessageNumber: 1\r\nX-CUSTOM-TotalRequests: 5";
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_server_context(soap, ...))
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int ns__webmethod(struct soap *soap, ...)
... // process the request data and populate the response data
soap->http_extra_header = "X-CUSTOM-ResponseMessageNumber: 1";
return SOAP_OK;
See also
soap_GET, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST, soap_DELETE, soap::fparsehdr.
soap_mode soap::imode

The soap context input soap_mode flags that are set at context initialization and set or cleared with soap_set_imode or soap_clr_imode, respectively.

See also
soap::omode, soap_set_omode, soap_set_mode, soap_clr_omode, soap_clr_mode.
unsigned int soap::ip

The IPv4 address in numeric form of the client as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), possibly set to zero when WITH_IPV6 is used.

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
... // context initializations
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
printf("Client host = %s port = %d path = %s ip = %d.%d.%d.%d\n", soap->host, soap->port, soap->path, soap->ip >> 24, (soap->ip >> 16) & 0xFF, (soap->ip >> 8) & 0xFF, soap->ip & 0xFF);
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
See also
soap::host, soap::port, soap::ip6, soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, soap_serve.
unsigned int soap::ip6[4]

The IPv6 address in numeric form (upper ip6[0] to lower ip6[3]) of the client as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method), requires WITH_IPV6

#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
... // context initializations
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
printf("Client host = %s port = %d path = %s ", soap->host, soap->port, soap->path);
if (soap->ip)
printf("ip4 = %d.%d.%d.%d\n", soap->ip >> 24, (soap->ip >> 16) & 0xFF, (soap->ip >> 8) & 0xFF, soap->ip & 0xFF);
printf("ip6 = %.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x\n", soap->ip6[0], soap->ip6[1], soap->ip6[2], soap->ip6[3]);
if (soap_serve(soap))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else // accept timed out, quit looping
Requires compilation with WITH_IPV6 or WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY.
See also
soap::host, soap::port, soap::ip, soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, soap_serve.
char* soap::ipv4_multicast_if

User-definable value to set setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_IF when non-NULL.

This value is used by the engine for UDP multicast messaging at the client side, sets setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_IF with value soap::ipv4_multicast_if when non-NULL.

See also
WITH_IPV6, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::ipv6_multicast_if, soap::ipv4_multicast_ttl.
unsigned char soap::ipv4_multicast_ttl

User-definable value to set setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_TTL when nonzero.

This value is used by the engine for UDP multicast messaging at the client side, sets setsockopt level IPPROTO_IP to IP_MULTICAST_TTL with value soap::ipv4_multicast_ttl when nonzero. Requires WITH_IPV6.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
in_addr_t addr = inet_addr(""); // optional
soap->send_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket delay
soap->connect_flags = SO_BROADCAST; // required for broadcast
soap->ipv4_multicast_if = &addr; // optional for IPv4, see setsockopt IPPROTO_IP IP_MULTICAST_IF
soap->ipv6_multicast_if = addr; // optional for IPv6 (requires WITH_IPV6), multicast sin6_scope_id
soap->ipv4_multicast_ttl = 1; // optional, see setsockopt IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL

Refer to the socket options for IPPROTO_IP IP_MULTICAST_TTL to limit the lifetime of the packet. Multicast datagrams are sent with a default value of 1, to prevent them to be forwarded beyond the local network. This parameter can be set between 1 to 255.

See also
WITH_IPV6, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::ipv6_multicast_if, soap::ipv4_multicast_if.
unsigned int soap::ipv6_multicast_if

User-definable value to set sockaddr_in6::sin6_scope_id when nonzero.

This value is used by the engine for UDP multicast messaging at the client side, sets sockaddr_in6::sin6_scope_id to soap::ipv6_multicast_if when nonzero. Requires WITH_IPV6.

See also
WITH_IPV6, SOAP_IO_UDP, soap::ipv4_multicast_if, soap::ipv4_multicast_ttl.
SOAP_SOURCE* soap::is

The source to read data from when non-NULL, which in C++ is a std::istream object and in C is a 0-terminated string to be read, default value is NULL.

// C example
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
soap->is = "<ns:someElement xmlns:ns="urn:example"><text>example</text></ns:someElement>\n";
// parse and deserialize XML into a ns__someElement structure
if (soap_read_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->is = NULL;
// C++ example
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
std::stringstream ss("<ns:someElement xmlns:ns="urn:example"><text>example</text></ns:someElement>\n");
soap->is = &ss;
// parse and deserialize XML into a ns__someElement structure
if (soap_read_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->is = NULL;
int soap::keep_alive

HTTP keep-alive flag (try to enable when -1, disabled when 0) and counter (enabled when >0)

See also
SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, soap_serve, soap_closesock, soap::max_keep_alive.
const char* soap::lang

User-definable xml:lang attribute value of SOAP-ENV:Text to output the SOAP Fault string/reason (the value is en by default)

See also
ULONG64 soap::length

The HTTP content length header value received or 0 when HTTP transfer encoding is chunked.

unsigned short soap::linger_time

User-definable linger time value, requires the SO_LINGER setsockopt flag value to be assigned to soap::socket_flags

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_flags = SO_LINGER;
soap->linger_time = 5;
const char* soap::long_double_format

User-definable long double floating point format string (NULL by default and defined by the long_double.c custom serializer, the printed format must not exceed 1023 bytes)

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->float_format = "%g";
soap->double_format = "%g";
soap->long_double_format = "%Lg";
Requires #import "custom/long_double.h" in the .h file for soapcpp2 to generate code that supportslong doubleand compiling <i>gsoap/custom/long_double.c</i> to serializelong double`.
SOAP_SOCKET soap::master

The socket set by soap_bind (or the C++ service class bind method) to serve as the master socket bound to a specified port, or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when unassigned.

See also
soap_bind, soap_valid_socket.
int soap::max_keep_alive

User-definable maximum number of keep-alive message exchanges per connection (the value is SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // enable HTTP keep-alive
soap->max_keep_alive = 50; // 50 max keep-alive exchanges (SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)
See also
SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, soap_serve, soap::keep_alive.
long soap::maxlength

User-definable maximum string length parsed from XML and JSON, initially set to SOAP_MAXLENGTH, zero or negative means unlimited (0 by default)

The length of a string is the number of characters it contains. Multi-byte strings with UTF-8 content (enabled with SOAP_C_UTFSTRING) contain up to the specified number of multi-byte characters. The byte length depends on the UTF-8 encoding. The specified limit applies to strings that are not subject to string length schema validation constraints, to ensure that schema validation is not affected.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->maxlength = 256; // limit string lengths to 256 characters (unlimited by default)
See also
soap::recv_maxlength, soap::maxlevel, soap::maxoccurs.
unsigned int soap::maxlevel

User-definable maximum XML and JSON nesting level permitted, initially set to SOAP_MAXLEVEL (the value is 10000 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->maxlevel = 10; // limit XML nesting depth to 10 (10000 by default)
See also
soap::recv_maxlength, soap::maxlength, soap::maxoccurs.
size_t soap::maxoccurs

User-definable maximum array and container size (maximum item occurrence constraint) as parsed from XML and JSON, except when specifie XML schema validation constraints permit greater sizes, initially set to SOAP_MAXOCCURS (the value is 100000 by default)

The specified occurrence limit applies to arrays and containers that are not subject to occurrence validation constraints (minOccurs and maxOccurs, to ensure that schema validation is not affected.

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->maxoccurs = 100; // limit arrays and containers to 100 items (100000 by default)
See also
soap::recv_maxlength, soap::maxlevel, soap::maxlength.
struct soap_mime soap::mime

MIME attachments received.

This structure contains a linked list of MIME attachments received.

char soap::msgbuf[SOAP_TMPLEN]

Internal buffer to hold short messages, URLs and HTTP/MIME header lines, must have at least SOAP_TMPLEN = 1024 bytes of space allocated.

short soap::mustUnderstand

The soap::mustUnderstand flag is set when a SOAP Header element carries a SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attribute that is true.

const char* soap::ntlm_challenge

User-definable NTLM authentication challenge key string.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...) == 401) // Unauthorized, got soap->authrealm with NTLM domain
soap->userid = "user-id"; // NTLM auth credential
soap->passwd = "user-pw"; // NTLM auth credential
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...)) // try again
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
... // success
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->ntlm_challenge = ""; // pretend we've been challenged
soap->userid = "user-id"; // NTLM credential
soap->passwd = "user-pw"; // NTLM credential
soap->authrealm = "server-domain"; // NTLM domain
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
Requires compilation with WITH_NTLM and linking libntlm available at for non-Windows platforms.
See also
soap::bearer, soap::userid, soap::passwd, soap::proxy_userid, soap::proxy_passwd.
short soap::null

The soap::null flag is set when an element carries a xsi:nil attribute that is true.

soap_mode soap::omode

The soap context output soap_mode flags that are set at context initialization and set or cleared with soap_set_omode or soap_clr_omode, respectively.

See also
soap::imode, soap_set_omode, soap_set_mode, soap_clr_omode, soap_clr_mode.
const char* soap::origin

The CORS Origin HTTP header string value received.

CORS is automatic at the server side. The server internally calls the soap::fopt callback to serve the OPTION method CORS request, which returns HTTP 200 OK with CORS headers. The default value of the CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is "*".

At the client side, CORS requires the HTTP OPTIONS method with CORS headers. Use the following code to send HTTP OPTIONS with CORS headers to a server:

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->origin = "";
soap->cors_method = "POST"; // request method is POST
soap->cors_header = "..."; // list of comma-separated request headers (may be omitted)
|| soap_end_send(soap)
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
else if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
See also
soap::cors_origin, soap::cors_allow, soap::cors_method, soap::cors_header, soap::cors_methods, soap::cors_header.
SOAP_SINK* soap::os

The sink to write data to when non-NULL, which in C++ is a std::ostream object and in C is a pointer to a char* string variable that will be set to point to a managed 0-terminated string with the data, default value is NULL.

// C example
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
char *cs = NULL;
... // populate the data
soap->os = &cs;
// serialize ns__someElement structure as XML
if (soap_write_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->os = NULL;
const char *xml = cs; // string allocated and managed by the context
// C++ example
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
... // populate the data
std::stringstream ss;
soap->os = &ss;
// serialize ns__someElement structure as XML
if (soap_write_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->os = NULL;
std::string xml = ss.str();
const char* soap::override_host

User-definable string to override the host name or IP address in the HTTP header when connecting at the client side.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_CHUNK);
... // initializations
soap->override_host = "server-domain-or-IP";
soap->override_port = 1234;
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
See also
int soap::override_port

User-definable port number to override the port address in the HTTP header when connecting at the client side.

See also
const char* soap::passwd

User-definable HTTP and NTLM authorization password string required for HTTP basic and NTLM authentication by the client, server side receives this string when the client uses HTTP basic authentication.

See also
soap::userid, soap::authrealm.
char soap::path[SOAP_TAGLEN]

The client request path as received on the server side.

The URL path string is extracted from the HTTP header by soap::fparse called by soap_begin_recv and starts with a "/".

See also
soap::ip, soap::ip6, soap::endpoint, soap::host, soap::port, soap_query.
int soap::port

The client port connected to as received on the server side by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method)

See also
soap::ip, soap::ip6.
const char* soap::prolog

User-definable XML declaration prolog (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> by default)

const char* soap::proxy_from

The X-Forwarding-For HTTP header string value received.

const char* soap::proxy_host

User-definable proxy host name string which should be set to connect through an HTTP proxy.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->proxy_host = "proxy-domain-or-IP";
soap->proxy_port = 3128;
soap->proxy_userid = "proxy-id";
soap->proxy_passwd = "proxy-pw";
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
See also
soap::bearer, soap::userid, soap::passwd, soap::ntlm_challenge, soap::http_extra_header, and the HTTP digest plugin documentation.
const char* soap::proxy_passwd

User-definable proxy authorization password string to authenticate and connect to an HTTP proxy.

See also
int soap::proxy_port

User-definable proxy port which should be set to connect through an HTTP proxy (the value is 8080 by default)

See also
const char* soap::proxy_userid

User-definable proxy authorization user id string to authenticate and connect to an HTTP proxy.

See also
int soap::rcvbuf

User-definable value to set SO_RCVBUF setsockopt (the value is SOAP_BUFLEN by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->rcvbuf = 32768; // setsockopt SO_RCVBUF size
ULONG64 soap::recv_maxlength

User-definable maximum message length that is permitted to be received, zero means unlimited (the value is 2GB by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
int soap::recv_timeout

User-definable timeout to receive a packet of data, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_timeout, soap::accept_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength.
int soap::recvfd

The file descriptor to read data from when no socket communications are set (soap::socket == SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) and soap:is == NULL, default value is 0 (stdin)

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
if ((soap->recvfd = open("doc.xml", O_RDONLY)) == 0)
... // an error occurred
// parse and deserialize XML into a ns__someElement structure
if (soap_read_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->recvfd = 0;
int soap::send_timeout

User-definable timeout to send a packet of data, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_timeout, soap::accept_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::transfer_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength.
int soap::sendfd

The file descriptor to write data to when no socket communications are set (soap::socket == SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) and soap:os == NULL, default value is 1 (stdout)

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_DOM_TREE);
struct ns__someElement data;
... // populate the data
if ((soap->sendfd = open("doc.xml", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644)) == 0)
... // an error occurred
// serialize ns__someElement structure as XML
if (soap_write_ns__someElement(soap, &data))
... // an error occurred
soap->sendfd = 1;
int soap::sndbuf

User-definable value to set SO_SNDBUF setsockopt (the value is SOAP_BUFLEN by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->sndbuf = 32768; // setsockopt SO_SNDBUF size
SOAP_SOCKET soap::socket

The socket set by soap_accept (or the C++ service class accept method) or soap_connect or soap_connect_command (or the C++ proxy methods) when successful, or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET when unassigned.

See also
soap_accept, soap_connect, soap_connect_command, soap_valid_socket.
int soap::socket_flags

User-definable socket send and recv flags, for example assign MSG_NOSIGNAL to disable sigpipe (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->socket_flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; // no sigpipe (this is not portable)

Other ways to disable sigpipe:

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->connect_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE;
soap->bind_flags = SO_NOSIGPIPE;
#include <signal.h>
void sigpipe_handle(int) { }
signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handle);
See also
soap::connect_flags, soap::bind_flags, soap::accept_flags.
int soap::status

The soap context HTTP status code received at the client side (100 to 599), HTTP header method received at the server side (SOAP_POST, SOAP_PATCH, SOAP_GET, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_DEL, SOAP_HEAD, SOAP_OPTIONS), or the HTTP method to use for sending a message with soap_connect_command or with soap_response (SOAP_POST, SOAP_POST_FILE, SOAP_PATCH, SOAP_GET, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_PUT, SOAP_DEL, SOAP_CONNECT, SOAP_HEAD, SOAP_OPTIONS)

See also
soap_connect_command, soap_GET, soap_PUT, soap_PATCH, soap_POST, soap_DELETE, soap_response.
int soap::tcp_keep_alive

User-definable value to set SO_KEEPALIVE setsockopt (0 by default unless the SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE mode flag is set)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->tcp_keep_alive = 1; // setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection

HTTP keep-alive together with TCP SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled with:

struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // enable HTTP keep-alive
soap->max_keep_alive = 50; // 50 max keep-alive exchanges for SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE (SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection
See also
SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE, soap::tcp_keep_idle, soap::tcp_keep_intvl and soap::tcp_keep_cnt.
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_cnt

User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPCNT setsockopt (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->tcp_keep_alive = 1; // setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection

HTTP keep-alive with TCP SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled with:

struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // enable HTTP keep-alive
soap->max_keep_alive = 50; // 50 max keep-alive exchanges (SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection
See also
soap::tcp_keep_alive, soap::tcp_keep_idle and soap::tcp_keep_intvl.
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_idle

User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPIDLE setsockopt (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->tcp_keep_alive = 1; // setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection

HTTP keep-alive with TCP SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled with:

struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // enable HTTP keep-alive
soap->max_keep_alive = 50; // 50 max keep-alive exchanges (SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection
See also
soap::tcp_keep_alive, soap::tcp_keep_intvl and soap::tcp_keep_cnt.
unsigned int soap::tcp_keep_intvl

User-definable value to set TCP_KEEPINTVL setsockopt (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->tcp_keep_alive = 1; // setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection

HTTP keep-alive with TCP SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled with:

struct soap *soap = soap_new1(SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE); // enable HTTP keep-alive
soap->max_keep_alive = 50; // 50 max keep-alive exchanges (SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE by default)
soap->tcp_keep_idle = 30; // time in seconds the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_intvl = 120; // time in seconds between individual keepalive probes
soap->tcp_keep_cnt = 5; // maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection
See also
soap::tcp_keep_alive, soap::tcp_keep_idle and soap::tcp_keep_cnt.
char soap::tmpbuf[SOAP_TMPLEN]

Internal buffer to hold temporary strings such as string representations of primitive values, XML tag names, HTTP header lines and so on, must have at least SOAP_TMPLEN = 1024 bytes of space allocated.

int soap::transfer_timeout

User-definable timeout to send or receive an entire message, positive timeout values are seconds, negative timeout values are microseconds, zero means no timeout (the value is 0 by default)

struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
See also
soap::error, soap::errnum, soap::connect_timeout, soap::accept_timeout, soap::recv_timeout, soap::send_timeout, soap::recv_maxlength.
void* soap::user

User-definable variable that may point to user-specified data of any type to pass the data through to callbacks and plugins.

const char* soap::userid

User-definable HTTP and NTLM authorization user id string for HTTP basic and NTLM authentication by the client, server side receives this string when the client uses HTTP basic authentication, for HTTP digest authentication see the gSOAP HTTP digest authentication plugin.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_client_context(soap, ...))
soap->userid = "user-id"; // HTTP basic auth credential
soap->passwd = "user-pw"; // HTTP basic auth credential
soap->authrealm = "server-domain"; // if known in advance, see example below
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_client_context(soap, ...))
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...) == 401) // Unauthorized, got soap->authrealm
soap->userid = "user-id"; // HTTP basic auth credential
soap->passwd = "user-pw"; // HTTP basic auth credential
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...)) // try again
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
... // success
... // success
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
if (soap_ssl_server_context(soap, ...))
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int ns__webmethod(struct soap *soap, ...)
if (!soap->userid ||
!soap->passwd ||
!soap->authrealm ||
strcmp(soap->userid, "user-id") ||
strcmp(soap->passwd, "user-pw") ||
strcmp(soap->authrealm, "server-domain"))
return 401; // Unauthorized
... // process the request data and populate the response data
return SOAP_OK;
See also
soap::passwd, soap::authrealm, soap_ssl_client_context, soap::bearer, soap::ntlm_challenge, soap::http_extra_header, soap::proxy_userid, soap::proxy_passwd and the HTTP digest plugin documentation.
short soap::version

SOAP version (0 = no SOAP, 1 = SOAP 1.1, 2 = SOAP 1.2)

The SOAP version is determined from the SOAP or XML message received. The version is automatically set before sending messages when SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 namespaces are defined in the Namespace table or when SOAP namespaces are omitted from the table. The version can be explicitly set or overruled by calling soap_set_version.

See also
soap::encodingStyle, soap_set_version.
unsigned short soap::z_level

User-definable compression level for gzip compression (0=none, 1=fast to 9=best) default level is 6.

See also
WITH_GZIP, WITH_ZLIB, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB, soap::z_ratio_in, soap::z_ratio_out.
float soap::z_ratio_in

The compression ratio = compressed.size/uncompressed.size of the compressed message received.

See also
WITH_GZIP, WITH_ZLIB, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB, soap::z_level, soap::z_ratio_out.
float soap::z_ratio_out

The compression ratio = compressed.size/uncompressed.size of the compressed message sent.

See also
WITH_GZIP, WITH_ZLIB, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB, soap::z_level, soap::z_ratio_in.