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SOAP_ENV__Fault Struct Reference

updated Fri Feb 21 2025 by Robert van Engelen
SOAP_ENV__Fault Struct Reference

SOAP Fault structure. More...

Public Attributes

_QName faultcode
 Optional element faultcode of XSD type xsd:QName More...
char * faultstring
 Optional element faultstring of XSD type xsd:string More...
char * faultactor
 Optional element faultactor of XSD type xsd:string More...
struct SOAP_ENV__Detaildetail
 Optional element detail of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Detail More...
struct SOAP_ENV__CodeSOAP_ENV__Code
 Optional element SOAP-ENV:Code of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Code More...
struct SOAP_ENV__ReasonSOAP_ENV__Reason
 Optional element SOAP-ENV:Reason of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Reason More...
char * SOAP_ENV__Node
 Optional element SOAP-ENV:Node of XSD type xsd:string More...
char * SOAP_ENV__Role
 Optional element SOAP-ENV:Role of XSD type xsd:string More...
struct SOAP_ENV__DetailSOAP_ENV__Detail
 Optional element SOAP-ENV:Detail of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Detail More...

Detailed Description

SOAP Fault structure.

This structure is generated by the wsdl2h tool from a WSDL with SOAP Fault definitions and/or by soapcpp2 to complete the SOAP Fault definitions. The SOAP Fault definitions can also be specified manually in the interface header file for soapcpp2. If no SOAP Fault structure is declared in the interface header file input to soapcpp2 then the soapcpp2 tool will generate an empty structure.

A SOAP Fault contains error information specified by the SOAP_ENV__Fault::faultstring (SOAP 1,1) or SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Reason (SOAP 1.2). The SOAP Fault detail SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Detail may include specific elements related to the fault.

The SOAP_ENV__Detail sub-structure of a SOAP Fault is customizable with members that are part of a SOAP Fault that is specific to a service operation. This structure is generated and populated by wsdl2h with service-specific SOAP Fault details. The //gsoap <prefix> service method-fault: directive indicates which member (i.e. XML element) of SOAP_ENV__Detail is relevant to the SOAP Faults associated with a service operation.

Because the SOAP_ENV__Detail substructure is declared mutable (which is a C/C++ extension that only soapcpp2 understands), multiple struct SOAP_ENV__Detail structures in the interface header file input are combined into one structure generated by soapcpp2 for C/C++ compilation.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // call a Web service here
if (soap->error)
const char *s = soap_fault_string(soap);
const char *d = soap_fault_detail(soap);
printf("Server fault: %s detail: %s\n", s, d ? d : "(none)");
#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // context initializations
if (soap_call_ns__webmethod(soap, endpoint, NULL, ...))
if (soap->fault->detail && soap->fault->detail->__type == SOAP_TYPE_ns__someElement)
struct ns__someElement *element = (struct ns__someElement*)soap->fault->detail->fault;
... // inspect the SOAP Fault detail element
... // success
// example .h file for soapcpp2
//gsoap ns service name: example
//gsoap ns service namespace: urn:example
struct ns__someElement {
char *text;
char *__any;
int __type;
void *fault;
struct ns__someElement *ns__someElement; // a service-operation specific fault detail
//gsoap ns service method-fault: webmethod ns__someElement
int ns__webmethod(...);
// example service implementation based on the above example .h file for soapcpp2
#include "soapH.h"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // serve requests with soap_bind, soap_accept, soap_ssl_accept, and soap_serve
int ns__webmethod(struct soap *soap, ...)
int err = soap_sender_fault(soap, "Invalid request", NULL, NULL); // this is a sender fault to return to the client
soap_faultdetail(soap); // allocate SOAP Fault detail
soap->fault->detail->ns__someElement = (struct ns__someElement*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct ns__someElement));
soap_default_ns__someElement(soap, soap->fault->detail->ns__someElement);
soap->fault->detail->ns__someElement->text = "...";
#if 0
// an alternative way to include the ns__someElement in the SOAP Fault detail can be done as follows:
soap->fault->detail->__type = SOAP_TYPE_ns__someElement;
soap->fault->detail->fault = (void*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct ns__someElement));
soap_default_ns__someElement(soap, (struct ns__someElement*)soap->fault->detail->fault);
((struct ns__someElement*)soap->fault->detail->fault)->text = "...";
return err;
See also
SOAP_CLI_FAULT, SOAP_SVR_FAULT, soap::fault, soap_sender_fault, soap_sender_fault_subcode, soap_receiver_fault, soap_receiver_fault_subcode, soap_print_fault, soap_stream_fault, soap_sprint_fault, soap_print_fault_location, soap_stream_fault_location, soap_fault_string, soap_fault_subcode, soap_fault_detail, soap::lang.

Member Data Documentation

struct SOAP_ENV__Detail* SOAP_ENV__Fault::detail

Optional element detail of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Detail

char* SOAP_ENV__Fault::faultactor

Optional element faultactor of XSD type xsd:string

_QName SOAP_ENV__Fault::faultcode

Optional element faultcode of XSD type xsd:QName

char* SOAP_ENV__Fault::faultstring

Optional element faultstring of XSD type xsd:string

struct SOAP_ENV__Code* SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Code

Optional element SOAP-ENV:Code of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Code

struct SOAP_ENV__Detail* SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Detail

Optional element SOAP-ENV:Detail of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Detail

char* SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Node

Optional element SOAP-ENV:Node of XSD type xsd:string

struct SOAP_ENV__Reason* SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Reason

Optional element SOAP-ENV:Reason of XSD type SOAP-ENV:Reason

char* SOAP_ENV__Fault::SOAP_ENV__Role

Optional element SOAP-ENV:Role of XSD type xsd:string