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SOAP_MACRO run-time error codes

updated Fri Feb 21 2025 by Robert van Engelen
SOAP_MACRO run-time error codes

This module defines the SOAP_MACRO run-time soap_status error codes returned by functions and stored in soap::error More...


#define SOAP_OK
 The soap_status code for no error (zero) More...
 A soap_status error code: the service returned a SOAP 1.1 client fault / SOAP 1.2 sender fault to the client. More...
 A soap_status error code: SOAP 1.2 DataEncodingUnknown fault (unused in practice) More...
 A soap_status error code: DIME formatting error or DIME attachment size exceeds SOAP_MAXDIMESIZE More...
 A soap_status error code: DIME attachment has no href from SOAP body and no DIME callbacks were defined to save the attachment. More...
 A soap_status error code: DIME version error. More...
 A soap_status error code: end of DIME attachments protocol error. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML element has duplicate id attribute value (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization) More...
#define SOAP_EMPTY
 A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute is empty when a value is required. More...
#define SOAP_END_TAG
 A soap_status error code: XML ending tag found when none was expected. More...
#define SOAP_EOF
 A soap_status error code: unexpected end of file, no input, transmission interrupted or timed out (same value as EOF) More...
#define SOAP_EOM
 A soap_status error code: out of memory. More...
#define SOAP_ERR
 A soap_status error code: an unspecified error occurred. More...
#define SOAP_FAULT
 A soap_status error code: the fault code to be returned by a service operation when calling soap_sender_fault (client is at fault) or soap_receiver_fault (server is at fault), and when received, clients set the soap::error code to SOAP_CLI_FAULT or SOAP_SVR_FAULT respectively. More...
 A soap_status error code: too many open sockets. More...
#define SOAP_FIXED
 A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value is fixed and the parsed value does not match the fixed value. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP GET request was received by the service but the GET request callback soap::fget is not implemented. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP PUT request was received by the service but the PUT request callback soap::fput is not implemented. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP PUT request was received by the service but the PUT request callback soap::fput is not implemented. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP PATCH request was received by the service but the PATCH request callback soap::fpatch is not implemented. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP DELETE request was received by the service but the DELETE request callback soap::fdel is not implemented. More...
 A soap_status error code: an HTTP request was received by the service that cannot be handled. More...
#define SOAP_HDR
 A soap_status error code: HTTP header line is too long, exceeding SOAP_HDRLEN size. More...
#define SOAP_HREF
 A soap_status error code: reference to object in XML identified by its id attribute is incompatible with the object refered to by the ref or href attribute (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization) More...
 A soap_status error code: an unspecified HTTP error occured. More...
#define SOAP_IOB
 A soap_status error code: SOAP array index out of bounds. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value length validation error or SOAP_MAXLENGTH exceeded. More...
#define SOAP_LEVEL
 A soap_status error code: XML nesting depth level when parsing XML exceeds SOAP_MAXLEVEL More...
 A soap_status error code: end of MIME/MTOM attachments protocol error. More...
 A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment parsing error. More...
 A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment has no href from SOAP body and no MIME callbacks were defined to save the attachment. More...
 A soap_status error code: an XML element with id attribute is missing that should match the element with href/ref attribute (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization) More...
#define SOAP_MOE
 A soap_status error code: memory overflow or memory corruption error (applicable in DEBUG mode only) More...
 A soap_status error code: an XML element is present with a mustUnderstand attribute which must be understood but is not deserialized. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML namespace name mismatch validation error. More...
#define SOAP_NO_DATA
 A soap_status error code: no data in the HTTP body of the message received. More...
 A soap_status error code: the service request dispatcher did not find a matching service operation for a service request. More...
#define SOAP_NO_TAG
 A soap_status error code: no XML element tag was found when one was expected. More...
 A soap_status error code: an NTLM authentication handshake error occured. More...
#define SOAP_NULL
 A soap_status error code: XML element has an xsi:nil attribute when the element is not nillable, causing a validation error. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML element has a minOccurs or maxOccurs constraint validation error or SOAP_MAXOCCURS was exceeded. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value pattern mismatch causes a validation error. More...
 A soap_status error code: failed to register plugin. More...
 A soap_status error code: attribute is prohibited but present. More...
 A soap_status error code: attribute is required but not present. More...
 A soap_status error code: an SSL error occured. More...
 A soap_status error code: service returned a SOAP 1.1 server fault / SOAP 1.2 receiver fault to the client. More...
 A soap_status error code: an XML syntax error occurred while parsing the input. More...
 A soap_status error code: XML element tag parsed does not match anything that is expected. More...
 A soap_status error code: a TCP/IP connection error occured. More...
#define SOAP_TYPE
 A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute has a mismatching type or value that is causing a validation error. More...
 A soap_status error code: a UDP/IP connection error occured or the message too large to store in a UDP packet. More...
 A soap_status error code: soap::user not set to non-NULL. More...
 A soap_status error code: a UTF-8 decoding error occured. More...
 A soap_status error code: SOAP version mismatch or no SOAP message is received. More...
 A soap_status error code: a zlib error occured. More...
#define soap_xml_error_check(e)
 Check for XML parsing and validation errors, returns true if the specified error code is an XML error. More...
#define soap_soap_error_check(e)
 Check for SOAP protocol faults and errors, returns true if the specified error code is a SOAP protocol error. More...
#define soap_http_error_check(e)
 Check for HTTP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is an HTTP protocol error or an HTTP status code between 100 and 599 returned by an HTTP server, but note that HTTP status 100 to 202 should not be considered errors but informative codes. More...
#define soap_dime_error_check(e)
 Check for DIME protocol errors, returns true if the specified soap_status error code is a DIME protocol error. More...
#define soap_mime_error_check(e)
 Check for MIME/MTOM protocol errors, returns true if the specified soap_status error code is a MIME/MTOM protocol error. More...
#define soap_tcp_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_TCP_ERROR)
 Check for TCP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a TCP error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause. More...
#define soap_udp_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_UDP_ERROR)
 Check for UDP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a UDP error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause. More...
#define soap_ssl_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_SSL_ERROR)
 Check for SSL/TLS protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a SSL/TLS error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause. More...
#define soap_zlib_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR)
 Check for zlib library errors, returns true if the specified error code is a zlib error. More...
#define SOAP_STOP
 An internal soap_status error code to signal that an HTTP response must not be produced. More...
#define SOAP_FORM
 An internal soap_status error code to signal that an HTTP form is present and no HTTP response must be produced. More...


typedef int soap_status
 Status and error codes are int values, a zero value or SOAP_OK (0) means no error, nonzero means error. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines the SOAP_MACRO run-time soap_status error codes returned by functions and stored in soap::error

Macro Definition Documentation


A soap_status error code: the service returned a SOAP 1.1 client fault / SOAP 1.2 sender fault to the client.

The soap::fault is non-NULL and points to a SOAP_ENV__Fault structure. Use soap_fault_string, soap_fault_subcode and soap_fault_detail to extract the SOAP Fault string/reason, subcode and the detail XML string (when non-NULL).

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // call a Web service here
if (soap->error == SOAP_CLI_FAULT)
// The server responded with a SOAP 1.1 client fault / SOAP 1.2 sender fault
const char *s = soap_fault_string(soap);
const char *d = soap_fault_detail(soap);
printf("Client fault: %s detail: %s\n", s, d ? d : "(none)");

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.


A soap_status error code: SOAP 1.2 DataEncodingUnknown fault (unused in practice)

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an HTTP DELETE request was received by the service but the DELETE request callback soap::fdel is not implemented.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

See also

A soap_status error code: end of DIME attachments protocol error.

This error code is also caught by soap_dime_error_check.


A soap_status error code: DIME formatting error or DIME attachment size exceeds SOAP_MAXDIMESIZE

This error code is also caught by soap_dime_error_check.

#define soap_dime_error_check (   e)
((e) == SOAP_DIME_ERROR || \
(e) == SOAP_DIME_HREF || \
A soap_status error code: DIME formatting error or DIME attachment size exceeds SOAP_MAXDIMESIZE ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2408
A soap_status error code: end of DIME attachments protocol error.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2426
A soap_status error code: DIME attachment has no href from SOAP body and no DIME callbacks were defin...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2414
A soap_status error code: DIME version error.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2420

Check for DIME protocol errors, returns true if the specified soap_status error code is a DIME protocol error.


A soap_status error code: DIME attachment has no href from SOAP body and no DIME callbacks were defined to save the attachment.

This error code is also caught by soap_dime_error_check.


A soap_status error code: DIME version error.

This error code is also caught by soap_dime_error_check.


A soap_status error code: XML element has duplicate id attribute value (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization)

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_EMPTY

A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute is empty when a value is required.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_END_TAG

A soap_status error code: XML ending tag found when none was expected.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_EOF

A soap_status error code: unexpected end of file, no input, transmission interrupted or timed out (same value as EOF)

The SOAP_EOF error indicates a transmission error. Use soap::errnum to determine the source of the error, which is set to the value of errno of the failure when the error occurred. When a transmission timeout occurred, because soap::recv_timeout and/or soap::send_timeout are nonzero, the value of soap::errnum was set to zero to distinguish timeouts from errors.

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // call a Web service here
if (soap->error == SOAP_EOF)
if (soap->errnum)
printf("A transmission error occurred: %s\n", strerror_r(soap->errnum, soap->msgbuf, sizeof(soap->msgbuf)));
printf("A transmission timeout occurred\n");

This error code is also caught by soap_tcp_error_check and by soap_udp_error_check.

#define SOAP_EOM

A soap_status error code: out of memory.

This error indicates that a dynamic memory allocation request failed. The engine does not raise C++ exceptions when allocating memory for objects, but SOAP_EOM is returned (from a function) instead and soap::error is set to SOAP_EOM. It is possible to enable C++ exceptions without detrimental effects by compiling the source code with SOAP_NOTHROW set to an empty value and in that case C++ exception handlers should be used to catch std::bad_alloc.

#define SOAP_ERR

A soap_status error code: an unspecified error occurred.

#define SOAP_FAULT

A soap_status error code: the fault code to be returned by a service operation when calling soap_sender_fault (client is at fault) or soap_receiver_fault (server is at fault), and when received, clients set the soap::error code to SOAP_CLI_FAULT or SOAP_SVR_FAULT respectively.

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.


A soap_status error code: too many open sockets.

#define SOAP_FIXED

A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value is fixed and the parsed value does not match the fixed value.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_FORM

An internal soap_status error code to signal that an HTTP form is present and no HTTP response must be produced.


A soap_status error code: an HTTP GET request was received by the service but the GET request callback soap::fget is not implemented.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

See also
#define SOAP_HDR

A soap_status error code: HTTP header line is too long, exceeding SOAP_HDRLEN size.

#define SOAP_HREF

A soap_status error code: reference to object in XML identified by its id attribute is incompatible with the object refered to by the ref or href attribute (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization)

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an unspecified HTTP error occured.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

#define soap_http_error_check (   e)
((e) == SOAP_HTTP_ERROR || \
(e) == SOAP_NO_DATA || \
((e) >= SOAP_GET_METHOD && (e) <= SOAP_HTTP_METHOD) || \
((e) >= 100 && (e) < 600))
A soap_status error code: an HTTP GET request was received by the service but the GET request callbac...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2500
A soap_status error code: an HTTP request was received by the service that cannot be handled...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2527
#define SOAP_NO_DATA
A soap_status error code: no data in the HTTP body of the message received.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2602
A soap_status error code: an unspecified HTTP error occured.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2542

Check for HTTP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is an HTTP protocol error or an HTTP status code between 100 and 599 returned by an HTTP server, but note that HTTP status 100 to 202 should not be considered errors but informative codes.


A soap_status error code: an HTTP request was received by the service that cannot be handled.

#define SOAP_IOB

A soap_status error code: SOAP array index out of bounds.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value length validation error or SOAP_MAXLENGTH exceeded.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_LEVEL

A soap_status error code: XML nesting depth level when parsing XML exceeds SOAP_MAXLEVEL

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: end of MIME/MTOM attachments protocol error.

This error code is also caught by soap_mime_error_check.


A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment parsing error.

This error code is also caught by soap_mime_error_check.

#define soap_mime_error_check (   e)
((e) == SOAP_MIME_ERROR || \
(e) == SOAP_MIME_HREF || \
A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment has no href from SOAP body and no MIME callbacks were ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2578
A soap_status error code: end of MIME/MTOM attachments protocol error.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2566
A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment parsing error.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2572

Check for MIME/MTOM protocol errors, returns true if the specified soap_status error code is a MIME/MTOM protocol error.


A soap_status error code: MIME/MTOM attachment has no href from SOAP body and no MIME callbacks were defined to save the attachment.

This error code is also caught by soap_mime_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an XML element with id attribute is missing that should match the element with href/ref attribute (applicable to SOAP multi-ref encoding and SOAP_XML_GRAPH serialization)

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_MOE

A soap_status error code: memory overflow or memory corruption error (applicable in DEBUG mode only)


A soap_status error code: an XML element is present with a mustUnderstand attribute which must be understood but is not deserialized.

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.


A soap_status error code: XML namespace name mismatch validation error.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_NO_DATA

A soap_status error code: no data in the HTTP body of the message received.


A soap_status error code: the service request dispatcher did not find a matching service operation for a service request.

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.

#define SOAP_NO_TAG

A soap_status error code: no XML element tag was found when one was expected.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an NTLM authentication handshake error occured.

#define SOAP_NULL

A soap_status error code: XML element has an xsi:nil attribute when the element is not nillable, causing a validation error.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: XML element has a minOccurs or maxOccurs constraint validation error or SOAP_MAXOCCURS was exceeded.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define SOAP_OK

The soap_status code for no error (zero)


A soap_status error code: an HTTP PATCH request was received by the service but the PATCH request callback soap::fpatch is not implemented.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

See also

A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value pattern mismatch causes a validation error.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: failed to register plugin.


A soap_status error code: attribute is prohibited but present.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an HTTP PUT request was received by the service but the PUT request callback soap::fput is not implemented.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

See also

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an HTTP PUT request was received by the service but the PUT request callback soap::fput is not implemented.

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.

See also

This error code is also caught by soap_http_error_check.


A soap_status error code: attribute is required but not present.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.

#define soap_soap_error_check (   e)
((e) == SOAP_CLI_FAULT || \
(e) == SOAP_SVR_FAULT || \
(e) == SOAP_FAULT || \
(e) == SOAP_NO_METHOD || \
A soap_status error code: service returned a SOAP 1.1 server fault / SOAP 1.2 receiver fault to the c...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2686
A soap_status error code: the service returned a SOAP 1.1 client fault / SOAP 1.2 sender fault to the...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2396
A soap_status error code: the service request dispatcher did not find a matching service operation fo...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2608
#define SOAP_FAULT
A soap_status error code: the fault code to be returned by a service operation when calling soap_send...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2483
A soap_status error code: SOAP version mismatch or no SOAP message is received.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2731
A soap_status error code: an XML element is present with a mustUnderstand attribute which must be und...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2593
A soap_status error code: SOAP 1.2 DataEncodingUnknown fault (unused in practice) ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2402

Check for SOAP protocol faults and errors, returns true if the specified error code is a SOAP protocol error.


A soap_status error code: an SSL error occured.

This error code is also caught by soap_ssl_error_check.

#define soap_ssl_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_SSL_ERROR)

Check for SSL/TLS protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a SSL/TLS error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause.

#define SOAP_STOP

An internal soap_status error code to signal that an HTTP response must not be produced.


A soap_status error code: service returned a SOAP 1.1 server fault / SOAP 1.2 receiver fault to the client.

The soap::fault is non-NULL and points to a SOAP_ENV__Fault structure. Use soap_fault_string, soap_fault_subcode and soap_fault_detail to extract the SOAP Fault string/reason, subcode and the detail XML string (when non-NULL).

#include "soapH.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
... // call a Web service here
if (soap->error == SOAP_SVR_FAULT)
// The server responded with a SOAP 1.1 server fault / SOAP 1.2 receiver fault
const char *s = soap_fault_string(soap);
const char *d = soap_fault_detail(soap);
printf("Server fault: %s detail: %s\n", s, d ? d : "(none)");

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.


A soap_status error code: an XML syntax error occurred while parsing the input.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: XML element tag parsed does not match anything that is expected.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: a TCP/IP connection error occured.

This error code is also caught by soap_tcp_error_check.

#define soap_tcp_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_TCP_ERROR)

Check for TCP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a TCP error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause.

#define SOAP_TYPE

A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute has a mismatching type or value that is causing a validation error.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: a UDP/IP connection error occured or the message too large to store in a UDP packet.

This error code is also caught by soap_udp_error_check.

#define soap_udp_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_UDP_ERROR)

Check for UDP protocol errors, returns true if the specified error code is a UDP error, when true use soap::errnum to retrieve the errno value of the failure to determine the cause.


A soap_status error code: soap::user not set to non-NULL.


A soap_status error code: a UTF-8 decoding error occured.

This error code is also caught by soap_xml_error_check.


A soap_status error code: SOAP version mismatch or no SOAP message is received.

This error code is also caught by soap_soap_error_check.

#define soap_xml_error_check (   e)
((e) == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || \
(e) == SOAP_NO_TAG || \
(e) == SOAP_IOB || \
(e) == SOAP_NAMESPACE || \
(e) == SOAP_TYPE || \
(e) == SOAP_MISSING_ID || \
(e) == SOAP_REQUIRED || \
(e) == SOAP_OCCURS || \
(e) == SOAP_LENGTH || \
(e) == SOAP_LEVEL || \
(e) == SOAP_PATTERN || \
(e) == SOAP_NULL || \
(e) == SOAP_HREF || \
(e) == SOAP_FIXED || \
(e) == SOAP_EMPTY || \
(e) == SOAP_END_TAG || \
#define SOAP_END_TAG
A soap_status error code: XML ending tag found when none was expected.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2444
#define SOAP_HREF
A soap_status error code: reference to object in XML identified by its id attribute is incompatible w...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2536
A soap_status error code: attribute is prohibited but present.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2644
#define SOAP_LEVEL
A soap_status error code: XML nesting depth level when parsing XML exceeds SOAP_MAXLEVEL ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2560
A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value length validation error or SOAP_MAXLENGTH ex...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2554
#define SOAP_EMPTY
A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute is empty when a value is required.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2438
#define SOAP_TYPE
A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute has a mismatching type or value that is causing a ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2710
A soap_status error code: XML element has a minOccurs or maxOccurs constraint validation error or SOA...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2629
A soap_status error code: an XML syntax error occurred while parsing the input.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2692
A soap_status error code: a UTF-8 decoding error occured.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2725
A soap_status error code: attribute is required but not present.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2656
A soap_status error code: an XML element with id attribute is missing that should match the element w...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2584
#define SOAP_FIXED
A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value is fixed and the parsed value does not match...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2492
#define SOAP_NO_TAG
A soap_status error code: no XML element tag was found when one was expected.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2614
A soap_status error code: XML element tag parsed does not match anything that is expected.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2698
A soap_status error code: XML element or attribute value pattern mismatch causes a validation error...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2635
#define SOAP_NULL
A soap_status error code: XML element has an xsi:nil attribute when the element is not nillable...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2623
A soap_status error code: XML element has duplicate id attribute value (applicable to SOAP multi-ref ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2432
#define SOAP_IOB
A soap_status error code: SOAP array index out of bounds.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2548
A soap_status error code: XML namespace name mismatch validation error.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2599

Check for XML parsing and validation errors, returns true if the specified error code is an XML error.


A soap_status error code: a zlib error occured.

This error code is also caught by soap_zlib_error_check.

#define soap_zlib_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR)

Check for zlib library errors, returns true if the specified error code is a zlib error.

Typedef Documentation