RE/flex user guide

updated Sat Mar 1 2025 by Robert van Engelen
RE/flex user guide

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"The asteroid to kill this dinosaur is still in orbit." – Lex Manual

"Reflex: a thing that is determined by and reproduces the essential features or qualities of something else." – Oxford Dictionary

What is RE/flex?

A high-performance C++ regex library and a lexical analyzer generator like Flex and Lex.

Firstly, the high-performance RE/flex regex engine internally builds finite state machine tables or generates direct code to scan and search input efficiently.

RE/flex also supports other regex engines under the same uniform C++ class API, namely RE/flex with fuzzy matching, the PCRE2 library, the Boost.Regex library, and std::regex.

This uniform API implements pattern matching on files, streams, strings, and memory directly. Input is internally buffered in a window so that very large files can be searched. File encodings are normalized to UTF-8 to apply UTF-8 Unicode regex pattern matching.

Secondly, the RE/flex lexical analyzer generator extends Flex++ with Unicode support and many new useful features, such as regex indentation anchors, regex lazy quantifiers, regex word boundaries, methods for error reporting and recovery, and new options to simplify integration with with Bison and other parsers.

The RE/flex lexical analyzer generator does all the heavy-lifting for you to make it easier to integrate advanced tokenizers with Bison and other parsers. It generates the necessary gluing code depending on the type of Bison parser used, such as advanced "Bison complete parsers".

In a nutshell, the RE/flex lexical analyzer generator

RE/flex includes usability improvements over Flex++, such as:

Rule patterns in a lexer specification are converted by the reflex tool to efficient deterministic finite state machines in direct code (option −−fast or in opcode tables −−full. Other regex engines to choose from include PCRE2 and Boost.Regex for Perl and POSIX matching modes. UTF-8/16/32 file input normalization for Unicode pattern matching is performed automatically. Other encodings can be programmatically specified with minimal codeing. Therefore, RE/flex scanners can work on any type of input.

RE/flex incorporates proper object-oriented design principles and does not rely on macros and globals as Flex does. Macros and globals are added to the source code generated by reflex only when option −−flex is specified. A RE/flex scanner is a generated class derived from a base lexer class template, with its matcher engine defined as a template parameter.

RE/flex is compatible with Lex/Flex and Bison/Yacc with options −−flex and −−bison, respectively. Option −−yy forces basic, no-frills Lex POSIX compliance of the lexer input (but with C++ output). RE/flex also offers specific options to seamlessly integrate Bison bridge, Bison locations, Bison C++, Bison complete, and reentrant parsers.

In this document we refer to a regex as a shorthand for regular expression, However, a "regular expression" refers to the formal concept of regular languages, wheras regex often refers to backtracking-based regex matching that Perl introduced. Both concepts are applicable to RE/flex patterns.

In summary, RE/flex is really several things combined into one package:

The typographical conventions used by this document are:

This is a note to clarify a technical matter.
Look out for warnings!

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Yet another scanner generator

Lex, Flex and variants are powerful scanner generators that generate scanners (a.k.a. lexical analyzers and lexers) from lexer specifications. The lexer specifications define patterns with user-defined actions that are executed when their patterns match the input stream. The scanner repeatedly matches patterns and triggers these actions until the end of the input stream is reached.

Both Lex and Flex are popular to develop tokenizers in which the user-defined actions emit or return a token when the corresponding pattern matches. These tokenizers are typically implemented to scan and tokenize the source code for a compiler or an interpreter of a programming language. The regular expression patterns in a tokenizer define the make-up of identifiers, constants, keywords, punctuation, and to skip over white space in the source code that is scanned.

Consider for example the following patterns and associated actions defined in a lexer specification:

/* PATTERN */ /* ACTION */
"if" return KEYWORD_IF;
"*" return OP_MUL;
"=" return OP_ASSIGN;
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* return ASCII_IDENTIFIER;
[0-9]+ return CONST_NUMBER;
\"([^\\"]|\\")*\" return CONST_STRING;
[ \t\r\n] /* no action: ignore all white space */

When the tokenizer matches a pattern, the corresponding action is invoked. The example above returns tokens to the compiler's parser, which repeatedly invokes the tokenizer for more tokens until the tokenizer reaches the end of the input. The tokenizer returns zero (0) when the end of the input is reached.

Lex and Flex have remained relatively stable (inert) tools while the demand has increased for tokenizing Unicode texts encoded in common wide character formats such as UTF-8, UCS/UTF-16, and UTF-32. Also the regular expression syntax in Flex/Lex is limited compared to modern regex syntax. Flex has no support for Unicode patterns, no lazy repetitions, no word boundary anchors, no indentation matching with indent or dedent anchors, and a very limited collection of meta escapes to choose from. To make things even more interesting, it is a challenge to write lexer specifications that avoid the "greedy trap" of POSIX matching.

Flex/Lex scanners use POSIX pattern matching, meaning that the leftmost longest match is returned (among a set of patterns that match the same input). Because POSIX matchers produce the longest match for any given input text, we should be careful when using patterns with "greedy" repetitions (X*, X+ etc.) because our pattern may gobble up more input than intended. We end up falling into the "greedy trap".

To illustrate this trap consider matching HTML comments <!−− ... −−> with the pattern <!−−.*−−>. The problem is that the repetition X* is greedy and the .*−−> pattern matches everything until the last −−> while moving over −−> that are between the <!−− and the last −−>.

Dot . normally does not match newline \n in Flex/Lex patterns, unless we use dot-all mode that is sometimes confusingly called "single line mode".

We can use much more complex patterns such as <!−−([^−]|−[^−]|−−+[^−>])*−*−−> just to match comments in HTML, by ensuring the pattern ends at the first match of a −−> in the input and not at the very last −−> in the input. The POSIX leftmost longest match can be surprisingly effective in rendering our tokenizer into works of ASCII art!

We may claim our intricate pattern trophies as high achievements to the project team, but our team will quickly point out that a regex <!−−.*?−−> suffices to match HTML comments with the lazy repetition X*? construct, also known as a non-greedy repeat. The ? is a lazy quantifier that modifies the behavior of the X*? repeat to match only X repeately if the rest of the pattern does not match. Therefore, the regex <!−−.*?−−> matches HTML comments and nothing more.

But Flex/Lex does not permit us to be lazy!

Not surprising, even the Flex manual shows ad-hoc code rather than a pattern to scan over C/C++ source code input to match multiline comments that start with a /* and end with the first occurrence of a */. The Flex manual recommends:

"/*" { /* skip multiline comments */
int c;
while ((c = yyinput()) != 0)
if (c == '\n')
else if (c == '*')
if ((c = yyinput()) == '/')

Another argument to use this code with Flex is that the internal Flex buffer is limited to 16K. By contrast, RE/flex buffers are dynamically resized and will never run out of buffer space to accept long matches.

Workarounds such as these are not necessary with RE/flex. The RE/flex scanners use regex libraries with expressive pattern syntax. We can use lazy repetition to write a regex pattern for multiline comments as follows:

"/*"(.|\n)*?"*/" /* no action: ignore multiline comments */

Most regex libraries support syntaxes and features that we have come to rely on for pattern matching. A regex with lazy quantifiers can be much easier to read and comprehend compared to a greedy variant. Most regex libraries that support lazy quantifiers run in Perl mode, using backtracking over the input. Scanners use POSIX mode matching, meaning that the leftmost longest match is found. The difference is important as we saw earlier and even more so when we consider the problems with Perl mode matching when specifying patterns to tokenize input, as we will explain next.

Consider the lexer specification example shown earlier. Suppose the input text to tokenize is iflag = 1. In POSIX mode we return ASCII_IDENTIFIER for the name iflag, OP_ASSIGN for =, and NUMBER for 1. In Perl mode, we find that iflag matches if and the rest of the name is not consumed, which gives KEYWORD_IF for if, ASCII_IDENTIFIER for lag, OP_ASSIGN for =, and a NUMBER for 1. Perl mode matching greedely returns leftmost matches.

Using Perl mode in a scanner requires all overlapping patterns to be defined in a lexer specification such that all longest matching patterns are defined first to ensure longest matches. By contrast, POSIX mode is declarative and allows you to define the patterns in the specification in any order. Perhaps the only ordering constraint on patterns is for patterns that match the same input, such such as matching the keyword if in the example: KEYWORD_IF must be matched before ASCII_IDENTIFIER.

For this reason, RE/flex scanners use a regex library in POSIX mode by default.

In summary:

The RE/flex scanner generator section has more details on the RE/flex scanner generator tool.

In the next part of this manual, we will take a quick look at the RE/flex regex API that can be used as a stand-alone library for matching, searching, scanning and splitting input from strings, files and streams in regular C++ applications (i.e. applications that are not necessarily tokenizers for compilers).

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Flexible high-performance regex classes

The regex pattern matching C++ classes include the high-performance RE/flex regex engine, the RE/flex fuzzy matching engine, classes for Boost.Regex, classes for PCRE2, and classes for C++11 std::regex:

Engine Header file to include C++ matcher classes
RE/flex regex reflex/matcher.h reflex::Matcher
RE/flex regex reflex/fuzzymatcher.h reflex::FuzzyMatcher
PCRE2 reflex/pcre2matcher.h reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher
Boost.Regex reflex/boostmatcher.h reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::BoostPerlMatcher, reflex::BoostPosixMatcher
std::regex reflex/stdmatcher.h reflex::StdMatcher, reflex::StdEcmaMatcher, reflex::StdPosixMatcher

The RE/flex reflex::Matcher class compiles regex patterns to efficient non-backtracking deterministic finite state machines (FSM) when instantiated. These deterministic finite automata (DFA) representations speed up matching considerably, at the cost of the initial FSM construction (see further below for hints on how to avoid this run-time overhead). RE/flex matchers use POSIX mode matching, see POSIX versus Perl matching for details.

The RE/flex reflex::FuzzyMatcher class derived from reflex::Matcher supports the same features as the reflex::Matcher class but performs approximate regex pattern matching. The constructor accepts an optional second parameter that specifies the "edit distance" for approximate matching. Pattern search is not as efficient as the reflex::Matcher class that uses SIMD acceleration to speed up search for the find() method.

The reflex::PCRE2Matcher and reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher classes are for efficient Perl mode matching with PCRE2 using JIT (just-in-time compilation), where the latter uses native PCRE2 Unicode matching with PCRE2_UTF+PCRE2_UCP. The PCRE2 matchers use JIT optimizations to speed up matching, which comes at a cost of extra processing when the matcher is instantiated. The benefit outweighs the cost when many matches are processed.

The reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::BoostPerlMatcher, and reflex::BoostPosixMatcher classes are for default mode, Perl mode, and POSIX mode matching using the Boost Regex library, respectively.

C++11 std::regex supports ECMAScript and AWK POSIX syntax with the StdMatcher (or StdEcmaMatcher) and reflex::StdPosixMatcher classes respectively. The std::regex syntax is therefore a lot more limited compared to PCRE2, Boost.Regex, and RE/flex. These regex matchers are considerably slower compared to the other matchers.

The RE/flex regex common interface API is implemented in an abstract base class template reflex::AbstractMatcher from which all regex matcher engine classes are derived. This regex API offers a uniform common interface. This interface is used in the generated scanner. You can also use this uniform API in your C++ application for pattern matching with any of the regex libraries without having to use library-specific API calls to do so.

The RE/flex abstract matcher offers four operations for matching with the regex engines derived from this base abstract class:

Method Result
matches() returns nonzero if the input from begin to end matches
find() search the given input and return nonzero if a match was found
scan() return nonzero if input at current position matches partially
split() return nonzero for a split of the input at the next match

These methods return a nonzero value for a match, meaning the size_t accept() value that identifies the regex group pattern that matched. The methods are repeatable, where the last three return additional matches found when repeated.

For example, to check if a string is a valid date using Boost.Regex:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// use a BoostMatcher to check if the birthdate string is a valid date
if (reflex::BoostMatcher("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", birthdate).matches())
std::cout << "Valid date!" << std::endl;

We can perform exactly the same check with PCRE2 instead of Boost.Regex:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to check if the birthdate string is a valid date
if (reflex::PCRE2Matcher("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", birthdate).matches())
std::cout << "Valid date!" << std::endl;

The JIT-optimized PCRE2 matcher is better suited when many matches are performed on multiple inputs, not just one match as shown above.

Swapping regex libraries is simple. Sometimes we may need a regex converter when a regex feature is used that the regex library does not support.

To search a string for all words matching the pattern \w+:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

Found How
Found now
Found brown
Found cow

If we want to match Unicode words, \w+ should be converted to a Unicode pattern, here we convert the pattern for matching with Boost.Regex:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// convert \w+ for Unicode matching
static const std::string pattern = reflex::BoostMatcher::convert("\\w+", reflex::convert_flag::unicode);
// use a BoostMatcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher(pattern, "Höw nöw bröwn cöw.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

Conversion to Unicode patterns is necessary for all matchers except reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher, since matchers operate in non-Unicode mode by default to match bytes, not wide characters. We will come back again to converters later.

When executed this code prints:

Found Höw
Found nöw
Found bröwn
Found cöw

The same code and results are produced with reflex::PCRE2Matcher defined in reflex/pcre2matcher.h. For the following examples we will use Boost.Regex or PCRE2, which may be used interchangeably.

The scan method is similar to the find method, but scan matches only from the current position in the input. It fails when no partial match was possible at the current position. Repeately scanning an input source means that matches must be continuous, otherwise scan returns zero (no match).

The split method is roughly the inverse of the find method and returns text located between matches. For example using non-word matching \W+:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to search for words in a sentence
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\W+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.split() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

Found How
Found now
Found brown
Found cow

Note that split also returns the (possibly empty) remaining text after the last match, as you can see in the output above: the last split with \W+ returns an empty string, which is the remaining input after the period in the sentence.

The find(), scan() and split() methods return a nonzero *"accept"* value, which corresponds to the regex group captured, or the methods return zero if no match was found. The methods return 1 for a match when no groups are used. The split() method has a special case. It returns the value reflex::PCRE2Matcher::Const::EMPTY (and so does any other matcher) when a match was made at the end of the input and an empty string was split, as is the case of the last split() match in the example above.

Another example:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to tokenize a string
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("(\\w+)|(\\s+)|(.)", "How now brown cow.");
size_t accept;
while ((accept = matcher.scan()) != 0)
switch (accept)
case 1: std::cout << "word\n"; break;
case 2: std::cout << "space\n"; break;
case 3: std::cout << "other\n"; break;

When executed this code prints:


The regex engines currently available as classes in the reflex namespace are:

Class Mode Engine Performance
reflex::Matcher POSIX RE/flex FSM, no backtracking
reflex::FuzzyMatcher POSIX RE/flex FSM, minimal backtracking (fuzzy)
reflex::PCRE2Matcher Perl PCRE2 JIT-optimized backtracking
reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher Perl PCRE2 UTF+UPC JIT-optimized backtracking
reflex::BoostMatcher Perl Boost.Regex backtracking
reflex::BoostPerlMatcher Perl Boost.Regex backtracking
reflex::BoostPosixMatcher POSIX Boost.Regex backtracking
reflex::StdMatcher ECMA std::regex backtracking
reflex::StdEcmaMatcher ECMA std::regex backtracking
reflex::StdPosixMatcher POSIX std::regex backtracking

The RE/flex regex engine uses a deterministic finite state machine (FSM) to get the best performance when matching. However, constructing a FSM adds overhead. This matcher is better suitable for searching long texts. The FSM construction overhead can be eliminated by pre-converting the regex to C++ code tables ahead of time as we will see shortly. RE/flex fuzzy matching may require minimal backtracking for approximate pattern matches to find a minimal, but not necessarily optimal (!), "edit distance" from an exact match.

The PCRE2 engines use Perl mode matching. PCRE2 also offers POSIX mode matching with pcre2_dfa_match(). However, group captures are not supported in this mode. Therefore, no PCRE2 POSIX mode class is included as a choice. JIT optimizations speed up matching. However, this comes at a cost of extra processing when the PCRE2 matcher class is instantiated.

The Boost.Regex engines normally use Perl mode matching. We added a POSIX mode Boost.Regex engine class for the RE/flex scanner generator. Scanners typically use POSIX mode matching. See POSIX versus Perl matching for more information.

The Boost.Regex engines are all initialized with match_not_dot_newline, which disables dotall matching as the default setting. Dotall can be re-enabled with the (?s) regex mode modifier. This is done for compatibility with scanners.

A matcher may be applied to strings and wide strings, such as std::string and std::wstring, char* and wchar_t*. Wide strings are converted to UTF-8 to enable matching with regular expressions that contain Unicode patterns.

To match Unicode patterns with regex library engines that are 8-bit based or do not support Unicode, we want to convert your regex string first before we use it with a regex matcher engine:

#include <reflex/matcher.h> // reflex::Matcher, reflex::Input, reflex::Pattern
// convert a regex with Unicode character classes to create a pattern FSM:
static const std::string regex = reflex::Matcher::convert("[\\p{Greek}\\p{Zs}\\pP]+", reflex::convert_flag::unicode);
static const reflex::Pattern pattern(regex);
// use a Matcher to check if sentence is in Greek:
if (reflex::Matcher(pattern, sentence).matches())
std::cout << "This is Greek" << std::endl;

This converts the Unicode character classes to UTF-8 for matching with an 8-bit regex engine. The convert static method differs per matcher class. An error reflex::regex_error is thrown as an exception if conversion was not possible, which is unlikely, or if the regex is syntactically incorrect.

Conversion is fast (it runs in linear time in the size of the regex), but it is not without some overhead. We should make the converted regex patterns static whenever possible, as shown above, to eliminate the cost of repeated conversions and pattern constructions.

A reflex::Pattern object is immutable (it stores a constant table) and may be shared among threads.

Use convert with option reflex::convert_flag::unicode to change the meaning of . (dot), \w, \s, \l, \u, \W, \S, \L, \U character classes.

File contents are streamed into the matcher using partial matching algorithms and matching happens immediately. This means that the input does not need to be loaded as a whole into memory. This supports interactive matching, i.e. matching the input from a console:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to search and display words from console input
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", std::cin);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

Interactive input is slow to consume due to non-buffered input.

We can also pattern match text from FILE descriptors. The additional benefit of using FILE descriptors is the automatic decoding of UTF-16/32 input to UTF-8 by the reflex::Input class that manages input sources and their state.

For example, pattern matching the content of "cows.txt" that may use UTF-8, 16, or 32 encodings:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// use a PCRE2Matcher to search and display words from a FILE
FILE *fd = fopen("cows.txt", "r");
if (fd == NULL)
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", fd);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

The find, scan, and split methods are also implemented as input iterators that apply filtering tokenization, and splitting:

Iterator range Acts as a Iterates over
find.begin()...find.end() filter all matches
scan.begin()...scan.end() tokenizer continuous matches
split.begin()...split.end() splitter text between matches

The type reflex::AbstractMatcher::Operation is a functor that defines find, scan, and split. The functor operation returns true upon success. The use of an iterator is simply supported by invoking begin() and end() methods of the functor, which return reflex::AbstractMatcher::iterator. Likewise, there are also cbegin() and cend() methods that return a const_iterator.

We can use these RE/flex iterators in C++ for many tasks, including to populate containers by stuffing the iterator's text matches into it:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher, reflex::Input
#include <vector> // std::vector
// use a PCRE2UTFMatcher to convert words of a sentence into a string vector
reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
std::vector<std::string> words(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end());

As a result, the words vector contains "How", "now", "brown", "cow".

Casting a matcher object to std::string is the same as converting text() to a string with std::string(text(), size()), which in the example above is done to construct the words vector. Casting a matcher object to std::wstring is similar, but also converts the UTF-8 text() match to a wide string.

RE/flex iterators are useful in C++11 range-based loops. For example:

// Requires C++11, compile with: cc -std=c++11
#include <reflex/stdmatcher.h> // reflex::StdMatcher, reflex::Input, std::regex
// use a StdMatcher to search for words in a sentence using an iterator
reflex::StdMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
for (auto& match : matcher.find)
std::cout << "Found " << match.text() << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

Found How
Found now
Found brown
Found cow

And RE/flex iterators are also useful with algorithms and lambdas, for example to compute a histogram of word frequencies:

// Requires C++11, compile with: cc -std=c++11
#include <reflex/stdmatcher.h> // reflex::StdMatcher, reflex::Input, std::regex
#include <algorithm> // std::for_each
// use a StdMatcher to create a frequency histogram of group captures
reflex::StdMatcher matcher("(now)|(cow)|(ow)", "How now brown cow.");
size_t freq[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
std::for_each(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end(), [&](size_t n){ ++freq[n]; });

As a result, the freq array contains 0, 1, 1, and 2.

Casting the matcher object to a size_t returns the group capture index, which is used in the example shown above. We also us it in the example below that is capturing all regex pattern groupings into a vector:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
#include <vector> // std::vector
// use a PCRE2Matcher to convert captured groups into a numeric vector
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("(now)|(cow)|(ow)", "How now brown cow.");
std::vector<size_t> captures(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end());

As a result, the vector contains the group captures 3, 1, 3, and 2.

Casting the matcher object to size_t is the same as invoking accept().

This method and other methods may be used to obtain the details of a match:

Method Result
accept() returns group capture index (or zero if not captured/matched)
text() returns const char* to 0-terminated match (ends in \0)
strview() returns std::string_view text match (preserves \0s) (C++17)
str() returns std::string text match (preserves \0s)
wstr() returns std::wstring wide text match (converted from UTF-8)
chr() returns first 8-bit char of the text match (str()[0] as int)
wchr() returns first wide char of the text match (wstr()[0] as int)
pair() returns std::pair<size_t,std::string>(accept(),str())
wpair() returns std::pair<size_t,std::wstring>(accept(),wstr())
size() returns the length of the text match in bytes
wsize() returns the length of the match in number of wide characters
lines() returns the number of lines in the text match (>=1)
columns() returns the number of columns of the text match (>=0)
begin() returns const char* to non-0-terminated text match begin
end() returns const char* to non-0-terminated text match end
rest() returns const char* to 0-terminated rest of input
span() returns const char* to 0-terminated match enlarged to span the line
line() returns std::string line with the matched text as a substring
wline() returns std::wstring line with the matched text as a substring
more() tells the matcher to append the next match (when using scan())
less(n) cuts text() to n bytes and repositions the matcher
lineno() returns line number of the match, starting at line 1
columno() returns column number of the match in characters, starting at 0
lineno_end() returns ending line number of the match, starting at line 1
columno_end() returns ending column number of the match, starting at 0
bol() returns const char* to begin of matching line (not 0-terminated)
border() returns the byte offset from the start of the line of the match
first() returns input position of the first character of the match
last() returns input position + 1 of the last character of the match
at_bol() true if matcher reached the begin of a new line \n
at_bob() true if matcher is at the begin of input and no input consumed
at_end() true if matcher is at the end of input
[0] operator returns std::pair<const char*,size_t>(begin(),size())
[n] operator returns n'th capture std::pair<const char*,size_t>

For a detailed explanation of these methods, see Properties of a match.

The operator[n] takes the group number n and returns the n'th group capture match as a pair with a const char* pointer to the group-matching text and the size of the matched text in bytes. Because the pointer points to a string that is not 0-terminated, use the size to determine the matching part.

The pointer is NULL when the group capture has no match.

For example:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// a PCRE2Matcher to capture name and number:
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("(\\w+)\\s+(\\d+)");
// use the matcher on a string:
if (matcher.input("cow 123").matches())
std::cout <<
"name: " << std::string(matcher[1].first, matcher[1].second) <<
", number: " << std::string(matcher[2].first, matcher[2].second) <<

When executed this code prints:

name: cow, number: 123
The text() method returns the match by pointing to the const char* string that is stored in an internal buffer. This pointer should not be used after matching continues and when the matcher object is deallocated. To retain the text() value we recommend to use the str() method that returns a copy of text(). Likewise, the strview() method returns the same text() pointer and should not be used after matching continues.
The operator[] method returns a pair with the match info of the n'th group, which is a non-0-terminated const char* pointer (or NULL) and its size in bytes of the captured match. The string should not be used after matching continues.
When using the reflex::Matcher class, the accept() method returns the accepted pattern among the alternations in the regex that are specified only at the top level in the regex. For example, the regex "(a(b)c)|([A-Z])" has two groups, because only the outer top-level groups are recognized. Because groups are specified at the top level only, the grouping parenthesis are optional. We can simplify the regex to "a(b)c|[A-Z]" and still capture the two patterns.

The following methods may be used to manipulate the input stream directly:

Method Result
input() returns next 8-bit char from the input, matcher then skips it
winput() returns next wide character from the input, matcher skips it
unput(c) put 8-bit char c back unto the stream, matcher then takes it
wunput(c)put (wide) char c back unto the stream, matcher then takes it
peek() returns next 8-bit char from the input without consuming it
skip(c) skip input until character c (char or wchar_t) is consumed
skip(s) skip input until UTF-8 string s is consumed
rest() returns the remaining input as a 0-terminated char* string

The input(), winput(), and peek() methods return a non-negative character code and EOF (-1) when the end of input is reached.

To initialize a matcher for interactive use, to assign a new input source or to change its pattern, use the following methods:

Method Result
input(i) set input to reflex::Input i (string, stream, or FILE*)
pattern(p) set pattern reflex::Pattern, boost::regex, or a string p
has_pattern() true if the matcher has a pattern assigned to it
own_pattern() true if the matcher has a pattern to manage and delete
pattern() a reference to the pattern object
buffer() buffer all input at once, returns true if successful
buffer(n) set the buffer size to n bytes to buffer input
buffer(b, n) use buffer of n bytes at address b with to a string of n-1 bytes (zero copy)
interactive() set buffer size to 1 for console-based (TTY) input
flush() flush the remaining input from the internal buffer
reset() resets the matcher, restarting it from the remaining input
reset(o) resets the matcher with new options string o ("A?N?T?")

A reflex::Input object represents the source of input for a matcher, which is either a file FILE*, or a string (with UTF-8 character data) of const char* or std::string type, or a stream pointer std::istream*. The reflex::Input object is implicitly constructed from one of these input sources, for example:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// set the input source to a string (or a stream or a FILE*)
reflex::Input source = "How now brown cow.";
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", source);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;
// use the same matcher with a new source (an Input object):
std::ifstream ifs("cows.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
source = ifs; // Input source is reassignable
matcher.input(source); // can use ifs as parameter also
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

The entire input is buffered in a matcher with buffer(), or is read piecemeal with buffer(n), or is read interactively with interactive(). These methods should be used after setting the input source. Reading a stream with buffering all input data at once is done with the >> operator as a shortcut:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
// read and buffer cows.txt file
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("<cow>");
std::ifstream cows("cows.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
cows >> matcher; // same as matcher.input(cows).buffer();
cows.close(); // can already close now because stream content is stored
// count number of 'cow' words:
std::out << std::distance(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end()) << " 'cow' in cows.txt\n";

Zero-copy overhead is achieved by specifying buffer(b, n) to read n-1 bytes located at address b for in-place matching, where bytes b[0...n] are possibly modified by the matcher:

// search data in place, data content is changed with text()!!
char *base = ...; // points to the base address of the data
size_t size = ...; // length of the data including one extra byte for a final \0
matcher.buffer(base, size);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;
buffer(b, n) specifies n-1 bytes at address b. The length n should include one extra byte that can be modified.
The final byte of the specified data will be set to zero when text() or rest() are used. Only unput(c), wunput(), text(), rest(), and span() modify the buffer contents, because these functions require an extra byte at the end of the buffer to make the strings returned by these methods 0-terminated. This means that we can specify read-only memory of n bytes located at address b by using buffer(b, n+1) safely as long as we do not use unput(), unput(), text(), rest(), and span(), for example to search read-only mmap(2) PROT_READ memory.

So far we explained how to use reflex::PCRE2Matcher and reflex::BoostMatcher for pattern matching. We can also use the RE/flex reflex::Matcher class for pattern matching. The API is exactly the same. The reflex::Matcher class uses reflex::Pattern, which internally represents an efficient finite state machine that is compiled from a regex. These state machines are used for fast matching.

The construction of deterministic finite state machines (FSMs) is optimized but can take some time and therefore adds overhead before matching can start. This FSM construction should not be executed repeatedly if it can be avoided. So we recommend to construct static pattern objects to create the FSMs only once:

#include <reflex/matcher.h> // reflex::Matcher, reflex::Pattern, reflex::Input
// statically allocate and construct a pattern, i.e. once and for all
static reflex::Pattern word_pattern("\\w+");
// use the RE/flex POSIX matcher to search for words in a string sentence
reflex::Matcher matcher(word_pattern, "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

A reflex::Pattern object is immutable (it stores a constant table) and may be shared among threads.

The RE/flex matcher only supports POSIX mode matching and does not support Perl mode matching. See POSIX versus Perl matching for more information.

The RE/flex reflex::Pattern class has several options that control the regex. Options and modes for the regex are set as a string, for example:

static reflex::Pattern word_pattern("\\w+", "f=graph.gv;f=machine.cpp");

The f=graph.gv option emits a Graphviz .gv file that can be visually rendered with the open source Graphviz dot tool by converting the deterministic finite state machine (FSM) to PDF, PNG, or other formats:


The f=machine.cpp option emits opcode tables for the FSM to match regular expressions efficiently. The FSM matcher engine runs as a virtual machine to execute opcodes without backtracking. In this case we get the following FSM table with eleven code words:

REFLEX_CODE_DECL reflex_code_FSM[11] =
0x617A0005, // 0: GOTO 5 ON a-z
0x5F5F0005, // 1: GOTO 5 ON _
0x415A0005, // 2: GOTO 5 ON A-Z
0x30390005, // 3: GOTO 5 ON 0-9
0x00FFFFFF, // 4: HALT
0xFF000001, // 5: TAKE 1
0x617A0005, // 6: GOTO 5 ON a-z
0x5F5F0005, // 7: GOTO 5 ON _
0x415A0005, // 8: GOTO 5 ON A-Z
0x30390005, // 9: GOTO 5 ON 0-9
0x00FFFFFF, // 10: HALT

Option o may be used with f=machine.cpp to emit optimized native C++ code for the FSM that gnerally runs faster than running the virtual machine on opcode tables:

void reflex_code_FSM(reflex::Matcher& m)
int c = 0;
c = m.FSM_CHAR();
if (97 <= c && c <= 122) goto S5;
if (c == 95) goto S5;
if (65 <= c && c <= 90) goto S5;
if (48 <= c && c <= 57) goto S5;
return m.FSM_HALT(c);
c = m.FSM_CHAR();
if (97 <= c && c <= 122) goto S5;
if (c == 95) goto S5;
if (65 <= c && c <= 90) goto S5;
if (48 <= c && c <= 57) goto S5;
return m.FSM_HALT(c);

The compact FSM opcode tables or the optimized FSM code may be used directly in your code. This omits the FSM construction overhead at runtime. Simply include this generated file in your source code and pass it on to the reflex::Pattern constructor:

#include <reflex/matcher.h> // reflex::Matcher, reflex::Pattern, reflex::Input
#include "machine.cpp" // reflex_code_FSM[]
// use the pattern FSM (opcode table or C++ code) for fast search
static reflex::Pattern pattern(reflex_code_FSM);
// use the RE/flex POSIX matcher to search for words in a string sentence
reflex::Matcher matcher(pattern, "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

The RE/flex reflex::Pattern construction options are given as a string:

Option Effect
b bracket lists are parsed without converting escapes
e=c; redefine the escape character
f=file.cpp; save finite state machine code to file.cpp
f=file.gv; save deterministic finite state machine to file.gv
i case-insensitive matching, same as (?i)X
m multiline mode, same as (?m)X
n=name; use reflex_code_name for the machine (instead of FSM)
o only with option f: generate optimized FSM native C++ code
q Flex/Lex-style quotations "..." equal \Q...\E, same as (?q)X
r throw regex syntax error exceptions, otherwise ignore errors
s dot matches all (aka. single line mode), same as (?s)X
x free space mode with inline comments, same as (?x)X
w display regex syntax errors before raising them as exceptions

For example, reflex::Pattern pattern(pattern, "isr") enables case-insensitive dot-all matching with syntax errors thrown as reflex::Pattern::Error types of exceptions. By default, the reflex::Pattern constructor solely throws the reflex::regex_error::exceeds_length and reflex::regex_error::exceeds_limits exceptions and silently ignores syntax errors, see The reflex::Pattern class .

In summary:

The RE/flex regex library section has more information about the RE/flex regex library.

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The RE/flex scanner generator

The RE/flex scanner generator reflex takes a lexer specification and generates a regex-based C++ lexer class that is saved to lex.yy.cpp, or saved to the file we specified by the -o command-line option. This file is then compiled and linked with option -lreflex (and optionally -lboost_regex if we use Boost.Regex for matching or -lpcre2-8 if we use PCRE2 for matching) to produce a scanner:

reflex lexerspec.l
c++ lex.yy.cpp -lreflex

We use option −−header-file to generate lex.yy.h to include in the source code of your lexer application:

reflex −−header-file=lexerspec.l
c++ mylexer.cpp lex.yy.cpp -lreflex

If libreflex was not installed then linking with -lreflex fails. See Undefined symbols and link errors on how to resolve this.

The scanner can be a stand-alone application based on lex.yy.cpp alone, or be part of a larger program, such as a compiler:


The RE/flex-generated scanners use the RE/flex regex library API for pattern matching. The RE/flex regex library API is defined by the abstract class reflex::AbstractMatcher.

There are three regex matching engines to choose from for the generated scanner: the Boost.Regex library, the PCRE2 linrary, or the built-in RE/flex POSIX matcher engine. In any case, the libreflex library should be linked. The libboost_regex library or the libpcre2-8 library should only be linked when the Boost.Regex or PCRE2 engines are used for matching, respectively.

The input class reflex::Input of the libreflex library manages input from strings, wide strings, streams, and data from FILE descriptors. File data may be encoded in ASCII, binary or in UTF-8/16/32. UTF-16/32 is automatically decoded and converted to UTF-8 for UTF-8-based regex matching:


The generated scanner executes actions (typically to produce tokens for a parser). The actions are triggered by matching patterns to the input.

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The reflex command line tool

The reflex command takes a lexer specification from standard input or from the specified file (usually with extension .l, .ll, .l++, .lxx, or .lpp) and generates a C++ scanner class that is saved to the lex.yy.cpp source code file.

The lex.yy.cpp source code output is structured in sections that are clean, readable, and reusable.

Use reflex option −−header-file to generate lex.yy.h to include in the source code of your application:

reflex −−header-file=lexerspec.l

The reflex command accepts −−flex and −−bison options for compatibility with Flex and Bison/Yacc, respectively. These options allow reflex to be used as a replacement of the classic Flex and Lex tools:

reflex −−flex −−bison lexerspec.l

The first option −−flex specifies that lexerspec.l is a classic Flex/Lex specification with yytext or YYText() and the usual "yy" variables and functions.

The second option −−bison generates a scanner class and the usual global "yy" variables and functions such as yytext, yyleng, yylineno, and yylex() for compatibility with non-reentrant Bison parsers. See Interfacing with Bison/Yacc for more details on Bison parsers that are reentrant and/or use bison-bridge and bison-locations options. For Bison 3.0 C++ parsers, use −−bison-cc and optionally −−bison-locations.

Option −−yy enables both −−flex and −−bison and maximizes compatibility with Lex/Flex by generating the global yyin and yyout variables and global yy functions. Otherwise, yyin points to a reflex::Input object for advanced input handling, which is more powerful than the traditional FILE* type yyin.

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To control the output of the reflex scanner generator use the command-line options described in the next subsections. These options can also be specified in the lexer specification with %option or %o for short, for example:

%option flex
%option bison
%option graphs-file=mygraph.gv

The above is equivalent to the −−flex, −−bison, and −−graphs-file=mygraph.gv command-line options.

Multiple options can be grouped on a single line:

%o flex bison graphs-file=mygraph.gv

An option parameter name may contain hyphens (-), dots (.), and double colons (::). Flex always requires quotes with option parameters, but RE/flex does not require quotes except when special characters are used, for example:

%o flex bison graphs-file="dev/output/mygraph.gv"

Quotes (") and backslashes (\) should be escaped in an option parameter:

%o flex bison graphs-file="D:\\dev\\output\\mygraph.gv"

Shorter forms may be used by omitting %o altogether, requiring each option to be specified on a separate line:


Options that affect the regular expressions such as %option unicode and %option dotall should be specified before any regular expressions are defined and used in the specification.

The scanner code generated by reflex defines options as macros REFLEX_OPTION_name with a value of true when the option is enabled or with the value that is assigned to the option. This allows your program code to check and use RE/flex options. For example, the lexer class name is REFLEX_OPTION_lexer when the lexer class name is redefined with command-line option −−lexer=NAME or in the lexer specification with %option lexer=NAME.

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Scanner options

−+, −−flex

This option generates a yyFlexLexer scanner class that is compatible with the Flex-generated yyFlexLexer scanner class (assuming Flex with option −+ for C++). The generated yyFlexLexer class has the usual yytext and other "yy" variables and functions, as defined by the Flex specification standard. Without this option, RE/flex actions should be used that are lexer class methods such as text(), echo() and also the lexer's matcher methods, such as matcher().more(), see The rules section for more details.

-a, −−dotall

This option makes dot (.) in patterns match newline. Normally dot matches a single character except a newline (\n ASCII 0x0A).

-B, −−batch

This option generates a batch input scanner that reads the entire input all at once when possible. This scanner is fast, but consumes more memory depending on the input data size. An option argument may be specified to initialize the buffer size to support incremental scanning by reading chunks of input, for example −−batch=1024 reads the input in 1024 byte chunks.

-f, −−full

(RE/flex matcher only). This option adds the FSM to the generated code as a static opcode table, thus generating the scanner in full. FSM construction overhead is eliminated when the scanner is initialized, resulting in a scanner that starts scanning the input immediately. This option has no effect when option −−fast is specified.

-F, −−fast

(RE/flex matcher only). This option adds the FSM to the generated code as optimized native C++ code. FSM construction overhead is eliminated when the scanner is initialized, resulting in a scanner that starts scanning the input immediately. The generated code takes more space compared to the −−full option.

-S, −−find

This option generates a search engine to find pattern matches to invoke actions corresponding to matching patterns. Unmatched input is ignored. By contrast, option -s (or −−nodefault) produces an error when non-matching input is found.

-i, −−case-insensitive

This option ignores case in patterns. Patterns match lower and upper case letters in the ASCII range only.

-I, −−interactive, −−always-interactive

This option generates an interactive scanner and permits console input by sacrificing speed. This optiong is essentially the same as −−batch=1 to consume one character at a time. By contrast, the default buffered input strategy is more efficient.

−−indent and −−noindent

This option enables or disables support for indentation matching with anchors \i, \j, and \k. Indentation matching is enabled by default. Matching speed may be improved by disabling indentation matching, but should only be disabled when none of the indentation anchors is used in any of the patterns.

-m reflex, −−matcher=reflex

This option generates a scanner that uses the RE/flex reflex::Matcher class with a POSIX matcher engine. This is the default matcher for scanning. This option is best for Flex compatibility. This matcher supports lazy quantifiers, Unicode mode, Anchors and boundaries, Indent/nodent/dedent matching, and supports FSM output for visualization with Graphviz.

-m boost, −−matcher=boost

This option generates a scanner that uses the reflex::BoostPosixMatcher class with a Boost.Regex POSIX matcher engine for scanning. The matcher supports Unicode, word boundary anchors, and more, but not lazy quantifiers. Graphviz output is not supported.

-m boost-perl, −−matcher=boost-perl

This option generates a scanner that uses the reflex::BoostPerlMatcher class with a Boost.Regex normal (Perl) matcher engine for scanning. The matching behavior differs from the POSIX leftmost longest rule and results in the first matching rule to be applied instead of the rule that produces the longest match. Graphviz output is not supported.

-m pcre2-perl, −−matcher=pcre2-perl

This option generates a scanner that uses the reflex::PCRE2Matcher class with a PCRE2 (Perl) matcher engine for scanning. The matching behavior differs from the POSIX leftmost longest rule and results in the first matching rule to be applied instead of the rule that produces the longest match. Graphviz output is not supported.


This option defines a custom pattern class NAME for the custom matcher specified with option -m.


This option defines a custom include FILE.h to include for the custom matcher specified with option -m.

-T N, −−tabs=N

This option sets the tab size to N, where N can be set to 1 (no expansion), 2, 4, or 8. The default tab size is 8. The tab size determines the column position for Indent/nodent/dedent matching and to determine the column position returned by columno(), columno_end(), and the number of columns returned by columns(). It has no effect otherwise. This option assigns the T=N value of the reflex::Matcher constructor options at runtime. The value may be set at runtime with matcher().tabs(N) with N 1, 2, 4, or 8.

-u, −−unicode

This option makes ., \s, \w, \l, \u, \S, \W, \L, \U match Unicode. Also groups UTF-8 sequences in the regex, such that each UTF-8 encoded character in a regex is properly matched as one wide character.

-x, −−freespace

This option switches the reflex scanner to free space mode. Regular expressions in free space mode may contain spacing and may be indented to improve readability. All spacing before, within and after regular expressions is ignored. To match a space use " " or [ ], and use \h to match a space or a tab character. Actions in free space mode MUST be placed in { } blocks and user code must be placed in %{ %} blocks. Patterns ending in an escape \ continue on the next line.

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Output files options

-o FILE, −−outfile=FILE

This option saves the scanner to FILE instead of lex.yy.cpp.

-t, −−stdout

This option writes the scanner to stdout instead of to lex.yy.cpp.


(RE/flex matcher only). This option generates a Graphviz file FILE.gv, where FILE is optional. When FILE is omitted the reflex command generates the file reflex.S.gv for each start condition state S defined in the lexer specification. This includes reflex.INITIAL.gv for the INITIAL start condition state. This option can be used to visualize the RE/flex matcher's finite state machine with the Graphviz dot tool. For example:


In case you are curious: the specification for this FSM digraph has two patterns: [1] a pattern to match dollar amounts with the regex \$\d+(\.\d{2})? and [2] the regex .|\n to skip a character and advance to the next match.


This option generates a C++ header file FILE that declares the lexer class, in addition to the generated lexer class code, where FILE is optional. When FILE is omitted the reflex command generates lex.yy.h.


This option generates a text file FILE.txt that contains the scanner's regular expression patterns, where FILE is optional. When FILE is omitted the reflex command generates reflex.S.txt for each start condition state S. The regular expression patterns are converted from the lexer specification and translated into valid C++ strings that can be used with a regex library for pattern matching.


(RE/flex matcher only). This option generates a C++ file FILE.cpp with the finite state machine in source code form, where FILE is optional. When FILE is omitted the reflex command generates reflex.S.cpp for each start condition state S. This includes the file reflex.INITIAL.cpp for the INITIAL start condition state. When this option is specified in combination with −−full or −−fast, the reflex::Pattern is instantiated with the code table defined in this file. Therefore, when we combine this option with −−full or −−fast then you should compile the generated table file with the scanner. Options −−full and −−fast eliminate the FSM construction overhead when the scanner is initialized.

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Output code options


This option places the generated scanner class in the C++ namespace NAME scope, that is NAME::Lexer (and NAME::yyFlexLexer when option −−flex is used). NAME can be a list of nested namespaces of the form NAME1::NAME2::NAME3 ... or by using a dot as in NAME1.NAME2.NAME3 ...


This option defines the NAME of the generated scanner class and replaces the default name Lexer (and replaces yyFlexLexer when option −−flex is specified). The scanner class members may be declared within a %class{ } block. The scanner class constructor code may be defined within a %init{ } block. Additional constructor arguments may be declared with %option ctorarg="argument, argument, ..." and initializers with %option ctorinit="initializer, initializer, ...".


This option defines the NAME of the generated scanner function to replace the function name lex() (and yylex() when option −−flex is specified).

−−params="TYPE NAME, ..."

This option defines additional parameters for the lex() scanner function (and yylex() when option −−flex is specified). The function signature is extended to include the comma-separated TYPE NAME parameters. This mechanism replaces Flex YY_DECL, see YY_DECL alternatives.


This option defines the NAME of the user-defined scanner class that should be derived from the generated base Lexer class. Use this option when defining your own scanner class named NAME. You can declare your custom lexer class in the first section of the lexer specification. Because the custom lexer class is user-defined, reflex generates the implementation of the lex() scanner function for this specified class.


This option combines options −−flex and −−class=NAME.


This option generates a main function to create a stand-alone scanner that scans data from standard input (using stdin).

-L, −−noline

This option suppresses the #line directives in the generated scanner code.

-P NAME, −−prefix=NAME

This option specifies NAME as a prefix for the generated yyFlexLexer class to replace the default yy prefix. Also renames the prefix of yylex(). Generates lex.NAME.cpp file instead of lex.yy.cpp, and generates lex.NAME.h with option −−header-file.


This option initializes input to std::cin instead of stdin, if no input was assigned to the scanner. This option also prevents a scanner to automatically read stdin before any other input is assigned, when detecting UTF encodings on standard input. Note that automatic UTF decoding is not supported on std::cin. Use stdin for automatic UTF BOM detection and UTF decoding of standard input streams, not std::cin.


This option generates a scanner that works with Bison parsers, by defining global (i.e. non-thread-safe and non-reentrant) "yy" variables and functions, such as yytext, yyleng, yylineno, and yylex(). See Interfacing with Bison/Yacc for more details. Use option −−noyywrap to remove the dependency on the global yywrap() function. Use option −−bison-locations to support the Bison %locations feature. See also the −−yy option.


This option generates a scanner that works with Bison pure (reentrant thead-safe) parsers using a Bison bridge for one ore more scanner objects. Combine this option with −−bison-locations to support the Bison %locations feature. See Bison-bridge for more details.


This option generates a scanner that works with Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parsers that are thread-safe. Combine this option with −−bison-locations to support the Bison %locations grammar. See Bison-cc for more details.


This option specifies one or more NAME namespace(s) for the Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parser, which is yy by default.


This option specifies the class NAME of the Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parser, which is parser by default.


This option generates a ascnner that works with Bison 3.2 C++ complete symbols, specified by %define api.value.type variant and %define api.token.constructor in a Bison grammar file. This option also sets option −−bison-cc and sets −−token-type to the parser's symbol_type, and sets −−token-eof to 0, assuming these options are not specified already. Combine this option with −−bison-locations to support the Bison %locations feature. See Bison-complete for more details.


This option generates a scanner that works with Bison with locations enabled. See Bison-locations for more details.

-R, −−reentrant

This option generates additional Flex-compatible yylex() reentrant scanner functions. RE/flex scanners are always reentrant, assuming that %class variables are used instead of the user declaring global variables. This is a Flex-compatibility option and should only be used with options −−flex and −−bison. With this option enabled, most Flex functions take a yyscan_t scanner as an extra last argument. See Reentrant scanners and also Interfacing with Bison/Yacc .

-y, −−yy

This option enables −−flex and −−bison to generate a scanner that accepts Flex lexer specifications and works with Bison parsers, by defining global (i.e. non-thread-safe and non-reentrant) "yy" variables and functions, such as yyin, yyout, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, and yylex().

−−yywrap and −−noyywrap

Option −−yywrap generates a scanner that calls the global int yywrap() function when EOF is reached. This option is only applicable when −−flex is used for compatibility and when −−flex and −−bison are used together, or when −−yy is specified. Wrapping is enabled by default. Use −−noyywrap to disable the dependence on this global function. This option has no effect for C++ lexer classes, which have a virtual int wrap() (or yywrap() with option −−flex) method that may be overridden.


This option defines the exception to be thrown by the generated scanner's default rule when no rule matches the input. This option generates a default rule with action throw VALUE and replaces the standard default rule that echoes all unmatched input text when no rule matches. This option has no effect when option -S (or −−find) is specified. See also option -s (or −−nodefault). Care should be taken to advance the input explicitly in the exception handler, for example by calling lexer.matcher().winput() when lexer.size() is zero.


This option specifies the type of the token values returned by lex() and yylex(). The type of the values returned by lex() and yylex() is int by default. This option may be used to specify an alternate token type. Option −−bison-complete automatically defines the appropriate token type symbol_type depending the the parameters specified with options −−bison-cc-namespace and −−bison-cc-parser.


This option specifies the value returned by lex() and yylex() when the end of the input is reached and when no <<EOF>> rule is present. By default, a default-constructed token type value is returned when the end of input is reached. For int this is int(), which is zero. By setting −−token-type=EOF the value EOF is returned, for example.

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Debugging options

-d, −−debug

This enables debug mode in the generated scanner. Running the scanner produces debug messages on std::cerr standard error and the debug() function returns nonzero. To temporarily turn off debug messages, use set_debug(0) in your action code. To turn debug messages back on, use set_debug(1). The set_debug() and debug() methods are virtual methods of the lexer class, so you can override their behavior in a derived lexer class. This option also enables assertions that check for internal errors. See Debugging and profiling for details.

-p, −−perf-report

This enables the collection and reporting of statistics by the generated scanner. The scanner reports the performance statistics on std::cerr when EOF is reached. If your scanner does not reach EOF, then invoke the lexer's perf_report() method explicitly in your code. Invoking this method also resets the statistics and timers, meaning that this method will report the statistics collected since it was last called. See Debugging and profiling for details.

-s, −−nodefault

This suppresses the default rule that echoes all unmatched input text when no rule matches. With the −−flex option, the scanner reports "scanner jammed" when no rule matches by calling yyFlexLexer::LexerError("scanner jammed"). Without the −−flex and −−debug options, a std::runtime exception is raised by invoking AbstractLexer::lexer_error("scanner jammed"). To throw a custom exception instead, use option −−exception or override the virtual method lexer_error in a derived lexer class. The virtual methods LexerError and lexer_error may be redefined by a user-specified derived lexer class, see Inheriting Lexer/yyFlexLexer . Without the −−flex option, but with the −−debug option, the default rule is suppressed without invoking lexer_error to raise an exception. See also options −−exception=VALUE and -S (or −−find).

-v, −−verbose

This displays a summary of scanner statistics.

-w, −−nowarn

This disables warnings.

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Miscellaneous options

-h, −−help

This displays helpful information about reflex.

-V, −−version

This displays the current reflex release version.

−−yylineno, −−yymore

These options are enabled by default and have no effect.

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Lexer specifications

A lexer specification consists of three sections that are divided by %% delimiters that are placed on a single line:

User code

The definitions section is used to define named regex patterns, to set options for the scanner, and for including C++ declarations.

The rules section is the main workhorse of the scanner and consists of patterns and actions, where patterns may use named regex patterns that are defined in The definitions section. The actions are executed when patterns match. For example, the following lexer specification replaces all occurrences of cow by chick in the input to the scanner:

cow out() << "chick";

The default rule is to echo any input character that is read from input that does not match a rule in The rules section, so all other text is faithfully reproduced by this simple scanner example.

Because the pattern cow also matches words partly we get chicks for cows. But we also get badly garbled output for words such as coward and we are skipping capitalized Cows. We can improve this with a pattern that anchors word boundaries and accepts a lower or upper case C:

cow \<[Cc]ow\>
{cow} out() << text()[0] << "hick";

Note that we defined a named pattern cow in The definitions section to match the start and end of a "cow" or capitalized "Cow" with the regex \<[Cc]ow\>. We use {cow} in our rule for matching. The matched text first character is emitted with text()[0] and we simply append a "hick" to complete our chick.

Note that regex grouping with parenthesis to capture text matched by a parenthesized sub-regex is generally not supported by scanner generators, so we have to use the entire matched text() string.

Flex and Lex do not support word boundary anchors \<, \>, \b, and \B, so this example only works with RE/flex.

If you are wondering about the action code in our example not exactly reflecting the C code expected with Flex, then rest assured that RE/flex supports the classic Flex and Lex actions such as yytext instead of text() and *yyout instead of out(). Simply use option −−flex to regress to the C-style Flex names and actions. Use options −−flex and −−bison (or option −−yy) to regress even further to generated a global yylex() function and "yy" variables.

To create a stand-alone scanner, we add main to the User code section:

cow \<[Cc]ow\>
{cow} out() << text()[0] << "hick";
int main() { return Lexer().lex(); }

The main function instantiates the lexer class and invokes the scanner, which will not return until the entire input is processed. In fact, you can let reflex generate this main function for you with option −−main.

More details on these three lexer specification sections is presented next.

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The definitions section

The Definitions section includes name-pattern pairs to define names for patterns. Named patterns can be referenced in regex patterns by embracing them in { and }.

The following example defines two names for two patterns, where the second regex pattern uses the previously named pattern:

digit [0-9]
number {digit}+

Patterns ending in an escape \ continue on the next line with optional line indentation. This permits you to organize your layout of long patterns. See also Free space mode to improve pattern readability.

Names must be defined before being referenced. Names are expanded as macros in regex patterns. For example, {digit}+ is expanded into [0-9]+.

This is not entirely accurate: when a name is expanded to its right-hand side pattern φ then the expanded pattern φ is placed in a non-capturing group (?:φ) to preserve its structure. For example, {number} expands to (?:{digit}+) which in turn expands to (?:(?:[0-9])+).

To inject code into the generated scanner, indent the code or place the code within a %{ %} block. The %{ and the matching %} should each be placed at the start of a new line. To inject code at the very top of the generated scanner, place this code within a %top{ } block:

#include <iostream> // std::cout etc.

The definitions section may also contain one or more options with %option (or %o for short). For example:

%option dotall main
%o matcher=boost

Multiple options can be grouped on the same line as is shown above. See Options for a list of available options.

Options freespace, case-insensitive, dotall, and unicode affect the named patterns defined in The definitions section. Therefore, we should place these options ahead of all named patterns. If a regex pattern specifically requires one or more of these options, use the (?isux:φ) modifier(s), see Patterns for details.

Consider the following example. Say we want to count the number of occurrences of the word "cow" in some text. We declare a global counter, increment the counter when we see a "cow", and finally report the total tally when we reach the end of the input marked by the <<EOF>> rule:

%option dotall main
#include <iostream> // std::cout etc.
static int herd = 0; // a global static variable to count cows
cow \<[Cc]ow\>
{cow} herd++; // found a cow, bump count by one
. // do nothing
<<EOF>> out() << herd << " cows!" << std::endl; return 0;

The above works fine, but we are using a global counter which is not a best practice and is not thread-safe: multiple Lexer class instances may compete to bump the counter. Another problem is that the Lexer can only be used once, there is no proper initialization to restart the Lexer on new input.

RE/flex allows you to inject code in the generated Lexer class, meaning that class members and constructor code can be added to manage the Lexer class state. All Lexer class members are visible in actions, even when private. New Lexers can be instantiated given some input to scan. Lexers can run in parallel in threads without requiring synchronization when their state is part of the instance and not managed by global variables.

To inject Lexer class member declarations such as variables and methods, place the declarations within %class{ } block. The %class{ and the matching } should each be placed at the start of a new line.

Likewise, to inject Lexer class constructor code, for example to initialize members, place the code within %init{ } block. The %init{ and the matching } should each be placed at the start of a new line. Option %option ctorarg="argument, argument, ..." may be used to declare the constructor arguments of the Lexer class constructor. Option %option ctorinit="initializer, initializer, ..." specifies constructor initializers. See also The Lexer/yyFlexLexer class .

Additional constructors and/or a destructor may be placed in a %class{ } block, for class Lexer (or yyFlexLexer with option −−flex), unless the class is renamed with option −−lexer=NAME (%option lexer=NAME).

For convenience you can use the generated REFLEX_OPTION_lexer macro in your code that expands to the class name. To do so, use reflex option −−header-file to generate a header file to include in your code.

For example, we use these code injectors to make our cow counter herd part of the Lexer class state. We also add a sound "Moo!" when a cow was matched, to illustrate the use of a static data member that is initialized ouf of line:

%option dotall main
#include <iostream> // std::cout etc.
int herd; // lexer class member variable (private by default)
static const char *moo; // a static data member
herd = 0; // initialize member variable in Lexer class constructor
const char *Lexer::moo = "Moo!"; // must be initialized out of line
cow \<[Cc]ow\>
{cow} herd++; // found a cow, bump count by one
out() << moo << " ";
. // do nothing
<<EOF>> out() << herd << " cows!" << std::endl; return 0;

Note that nothing else needs to be changed, because the actions are part of the generated Lexer class and can access the Lexer class members, which in this example is the member variable herd.

In this example, we just search for pattern matches and ignore everything else with a dot rule with no action. This dot matches newlines too because we specified option dotall. Searching for pattern matches like this example can be done much more efficiently with option find to generate a search engine instead of a scanner:

%option find main

We should not forget to remove the dot rule from our lexer specification, otherwise we still match a lot that we don't need to match:

. // do nothing REMOVE THIS LINE!

To modularize specifications of lexers, use %include (or %i for short) to include one or more files into The definitions section of a specification. For example:

%include "examples/jdefs.l"

This includes examples/jdefs.l with Java patterns into the current specification so you can match Java lexical structures, such as copying Java identifiers to the output given some Java source program as input:

%include "examples/jdefs.l"
{Identifier} echo();
.|\n // do nothing

Multiple files may be specified with one %include. Quotes may be omitted from the %include argument if the argument has no punctuation characters except . and -, for example %include jdefs.l.

To declare start condition state names use %state (or %s for short) to declare inclusive states and use %xstate (or %x for short) to declare exclusive states:


See Start condition states for more information about states.

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The rules section

Each rule in the rules section consists of a pattern-action pair separated by spacing after the pattern (unless free space mode is enabled). For example, the following defines an action for a pattern:

[0-9]+ out() << "number " << text() << std::endl;

To add action code that spans multiple lines, indent the code or place the code in a { } block. When local variables are declared in an action then the code should always be placed in a block.

In free space mode you MUST place actions in { } blocks and user code in %{ %} blocks instead of indented, see Free space mode.

Actions in the rules section can use predefined RE/flex variables and functions. With reflex option −−flex, the variables and functions are the classic Flex actions shown in the second column of this table:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
text() YYText(), yytext 0-terminated text match
str() n/a std::string text match
strview() n/a std::string_view text match
wstr() n/a std::wstring wide text match
chr() yytext[0] first 8-bit char of text match
wchr() n/a first wide char of text match
size() YYLeng(), yyleng size of the match in bytes
wsize() n/a number of wide chars matched
lines() n/a number of lines matched (>=1)
columns() n/a number of columns matched (>=0)
lineno(n) yylineno = n set line number of the match to n
lineno() yylineno line number of the match (>=1)
columno(n) n/a set column number of the match to n
columno() n/a column number of match (>=0)
lineno_end() n/a ending line number of match (>=1)
columno_end() n/a ending column number of match (>=0)
border() n/a border of the match (>=0)
echo() ECHO out().write(text(), size())
in(i) yyrestart(i) set input to reflex::Input i
in(), in() = i *yyin, yyin = &i get/set reflex::Input i
out(o) yyout = &o set output to std::ostream o
out() *yyout get std::ostream object
out().write(s, n) LexerOutput(s, n) output chars s[0..n-1]
out().put(c) output(c) output char c
start(n) BEGIN n set start condition to n
start() YY_START get current start condition
push_state(n) yy_push_state(n) push current state, start n
pop_state() yy_pop_state() pop state and make it current
top_state() yy_top_state() get top state start condition
states_empty() n/a true if state stack is empty
matcher().accept() yy_act number of the matched rule
matcher().text() YYText(), yytext same as text()
matcher().str() n/a same as str()
matcher().wstr() n/a same as wstr()
matcher().chr() yytext[0] same as chr()
matcher().wchr() n/a same as wchr()
matcher().size() YYLeng(), yyleng same as size()
matcher().wsize() n/a same as wsize()
matcher().lines() n/a same as lines()
matcher().columns() n/a same as columns()
matcher().lineno(n) yylineno = n same as lineno(n)
matcher().lineno() yylineno same as lineno()
matcher().columno(n) */na* same as columno(n)
matcher().columno() n/a same as columno()
matcher().lineno_end() yylineno same as lineno_end()
matcher().columno_end()n/a same as columno_end()
matcher().border() n/a same as border()
matcher().begin() n/a non-0-terminated text match begin
matcher().end() n/a non-0-terminated text match end
matcher().input() yyinput() get next 8-bit char from input
matcher().winput() n/a get wide character from input
matcher().unput(c) unput(c) put back 8-bit char c
matcher().wunput(c) unput(c) put back (wide) char c
matcher().peek() n/a peek at next 8-bit char on input
matcher().skip(c) n/a skip input to char c
matcher().skip(s) n/a skip input to UTF-8 string s
matcher().more() yymore() append next match to this match
matcher().less(n) yyless(n) shrink match length to n
matcher().first() n/a first pos of match in input
matcher().last() n/a last pos+1 of match in input
matcher().rest() n/a get rest of input until end
matcher().span() n/a enlarge match to span line
matcher().line() n/a get line with the match
matcher().wline() n/a get line with the match
matcher().at_bob() n/a true if at the begin of input
matcher().at_end() n/a true if at the end of input
matcher().at_bol() YY_AT_BOL() true if at begin of a newline
set_debug(n) set_debug(n) reflex option -d sets n=1
debug() debug() nonzero when debugging

A reflex::Input input source is denoted i in the table, which can be FILE* descriptor, std::istream, a string std::string or const char*, or a wide string std::wstring or const wchar_t*. Output o is a std::ostream object.

Note that Flex switch_streams(i, o) is the same as invoking the in(i) and out(o) methods. Flex yyrestart(i) is the same as invoking in(i) to set input to a file, stream, or string. Invoking switch_streams(i, o) and in(i) also resets the lexer's matcher (internally with matcher.reset()). This clears the line and column counters, resets the internal anchor and boundary flags for anchor and word boundary matching, and resets the matcher to consume buffered input.

You can also set the input with in() = i (or yyin = &i) with option −−flex). This however does not reset the matcher. This means that when an end of input (EOF) was reached, you should clear the EOF state first with matcher().set_end(false) or reset the matcher state with matcher().reset(). Resetting the matcher state also flushes the remaining input from the buffer, which would otherwise still be consumed. Using in(i) (or yyrestart(i) with option −−flex) is therefore preferable.

The matcher().input(), matcher().winput(), and matcher().peek() methods return a non-negative character code and EOF (-1) when the end of input is reached. These methods preserve the current text() match (and yytext with option −−flex), but the pointer returned by text() (and yytext) may change after these methods are called. However, the yytext pointer is not preserved when using these methods with reflex options −−flex and −−bison.

The Flex-compatible yyinput() function returns 0 when the end of input is reached, which makes it impossible to distinguish \0 (NUL) from EOF. By contrast, matcher().input() returns EOF (-1) when the end of the input is reached.
Do not invoke matcher() before the lex() (or yylex() with option −−flex) is invoked! A matcher is not initially assigned to a lexer when the lexer is constructed, leaving matcher() undefined.

The matcher().skip(c) method skips input until char or wide wchar_t character c is consumed and returns true when found. This method changes text() (and yytext with option −−flex). This method is more efficient than repeatedly calling matcher().input(). Likewise, matcher().skip(s) skips input until UTF-8 string s is consumed and returns true when found.

Use reflex options −−flex and −−bison (or option −−yy) to enable global Flex actions and variables. This makes Flex actions and variables globally accessible outside of The rules section, with the exception of yy_push_state(), yy_pop_state(), yy_top_state(). Outside The rules section you must use the global action yyinput() instead of input(), global action yyunput() instead of unput(), and global action yyoutput() instead of output(). Because yyin and yyout are macros they cannot be (re)declared or accessed as global variables, but they can be used as if these were variables. To avoid compilation errors, use reflex option −−header-file to generate a header file lex.yy.h to include in your code to use the global use Flex actions and variables. See Interfacing with Bison/Yacc for more details on the −−bison options to use.

When using reflex options −−flex, −−bison and −−reentrant, most Flex functions take a yyscan_t scanner as an extra last argument. See Reentrant scanners for details.

From the first couple of entries in the table shown above you may have guessed correctly that text() is just a shorthand for matcher().text(), since matcher() is the matcher object associated with the generated Lexer class. The same shorthand apply to str(), wstr(), size(), wsize(), lineno(), columno(), and border(). Use text() for fast access to the matched text. The str() method returns a string copy of the match and is less efficient. Likewise, wstr() returns a wide string copy of the match, converted from UTF-8.

The lineno() method returns the line number of the match, starting at line 1. The ending line number is lineno_end(), which is identical to the value of lineno() + lines() - 1.

The columno() method returns the column offset of a match from the start of the line, beginning at column 0. This method takes tab spacing and wide characters into account. The inclusive ending column number is given by columno_end(), which is equal or larger than columno() if the match does not span multiple lines. Otherwise, if the match spans multiple lines, columno_end() is the ending column of the match on the last matching line.

The lines() and columns() methods return the number of lines and columns matched, where columns() takes tab spacing and wide characters into account. If the match spans multiple lines, columns() counts columns over all lines, without counting the newline characters.

The starting byte offset of the match on a line is border() and the inclusive ending byte offset of the match is border() + size() - 1.

A wide character is counted as one, thus columno(), columno_end(), and columns() do not take the character width of full-width and combining Unicode characters into account. It is recommended to use the wcwidth function or wcwidth.c to determine Unicode character widths.

The matcher().more() method is used to create longer matches by stringing together consecutive matches in the input after scanning the input with the scan() method. When this method is invoked, the next match with scan() has its matched text prepended to it. The matcher().more() operation is often used in lexers and was introduced in Lex.

The matcher().less(n) method reduces the size of the matched text to n bytes. This method has no effect if n is larger than size(). The value of n should not be 0 to prevent infinite looping on the same input as no input is consumed (or you could switch to another start condition state with start(n) in the action that uses less(0)). The matcher().less(n) operation was introduced in Lex and is often used in lexers to place input back into the input stream and as a means to perform sophisticated lookaheads.

The matcher().first() and matcher().last() methods return the position in the input stream of the match, counting in bytes from the start of the input at position 0. If the input stream is a wide character sequence, the UTF-8 positions are returned as a result of the internally-converted UTF-8 wide character input.

The matcher().rest() method returns the rest of the input character sequence as a 0-terminated char* string. This method buffers all remaining input to return the string.

The matcher().span() method enlarges the text matched to span the entire line and returns the matching line as a 0-terminated char* string without the \n.

The matcher().line() and matcher().wline() methods return the entire line as a (wide) string with the matched text as a substring. These methods can be used to obtain the context of a match, for example to display the line where a lexical error or syntax error occurred.

The methods matcher().span(), matcher().line(), and matcher().wline() invalidate the previous text(), yytext, strview(), begin(), bol(), and end() string pointers. Call these methods again to retrieve the updated pointer or call str() or wstr() to obtain a string copy of the match:
// INCORRECT, because t is invalid after line():
const char *t = matcher().text();
std::string s = matcher().line();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
// OK with line():
std::string s = matcher().line();
const char *t = matcher().text();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
// OK with span():
std::string t = matcher().str();
const char *s = matcher().span();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
The start of a line is truncated when the line is too long, longer than 256K which is the initial buffer size reflex::AbstractMatcher::Const::BUFSZ. When this length is exceeded, the line's length before the match is truncated. This ensures that pattern matching binary files or files with very long lines cannot cause memory allocation exceptions.

Because matcher() returns the current matcher object, the following Flex-like actions are also supported:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
matcher().buffer() n/a buffer entire input
matcher().buffer(n) n/a set buffer size to n
matcher().interactive() yy_set_interactive(1) set interactive input
matcher().flush() YY_FLUSH_BUFFER flush input buffer
matcher().set_bol(b) yy_set_bol(b) (re)set begin of line
matcher().set_bob(b) n/a (re)set begin of input
matcher().set_end(b) n/a (re)set end of input
matcher().reset() n/a reset the state as new

You can switch to a new matcher while scanning input, and use operations to create a new matcher, push/pop a matcher on/from a stack, and delete a matcher:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
matcher(m) yy_switch_to_buffer(m) use matcher m
new_matcher(i) yy_create_buffer(i, n) returns new matcher for reflex::Input i
del_matcher(m) yy_delete_buffer(m) delete matcher m
push_matcher(m) yypush_buffer_state(m) push current matcher, then use m
pop_matcher() yypop_buffer_state() pop matcher and delete current
ptr_matcher() YY_CURRENT_BUFFER pointer to current matcher
has_matcher() YY_CURRENT_BUFFER != 0 current matcher is usable

The matcher type m is a Lexer class-specific Matcher type, which depends on the underlying matcher used by the scanner. Therefore, new_matcher(i) instantiates a reflex::Matcher or the matcher specified with the −−matcher option.

The push_matcher() and pop_matcher() functions can be used to temporarily switch to another input source while preserving the original input source associated with the matcher on the stack with push_matcher(). The pop_matcher() action returns true when successful and false otherwise, when the stack is empty. When false, has_matcher() returns false and ptr_matcher() returns NULL. See also Multiple input sources .

The following Flex actions are also supported with reflex option −−flex:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
in(s) yy_scan_string(s) reset and scan string s (std::string or char*)
in(s) yy_scan_wstring(s) reset and scan wide string s (std::wstring or wchar_t*)
in(b, n) yy_scan_bytes(b, n) reset and scan n bytes at address b (buffered)
buffer(b, n+1) yy_scan_buffer(b, n+2) reset and scan n bytes at address b (zero copy)

These functions create a new buffer (i.e. a new matcher in RE/flex) to incrementally buffer the input on demand, except for yy_scan_buffer that scans a string in place (i.e. zero copy) that should end with two zero bytes, which are included in the specified length. A pointer to the new buffer is returned, which becomes the YY_CURRENT_BUFFER. You should delete the old buffer with yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) before creating a new buffer with one of these functions. See Switching input sources for more details.

The generated scanner reads from the standard input by default or from an input source specified as a reflex::Input object, such as a string, wide string, file, or a stream. See Switching input sources for more details on managing the input to a scanner.

These functions take an extra last yyscan_t argument for reentrant scanners generated with option −−reentrant. This argument is a pointer to a lexer object. See Reentrant scanners for more details.

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User code sections

To inject code at the end of the generated scanner, such as a main function, we can use the third and final User code section. All of the code in the User code section is copied to the generated scanner.

Below is a User code section example with main that invokes the lexer to read from standard input (the default input) and display all numbers found:

#include <iostream>
digit [0-9]
number {digit}+
{number} out() << "number " << text() << std::endl;
int main() { return Lexer().lex(); }

You can also automatically generate a main with the reflex −−main option, which will produce the same main function shown in the example above. This creates a stand-alone scanner that instantiates a Lexer that reads input from standard input.

To scan from other input than standard input, such as from files, streams, and strings, instantiate the Lexer class with the input source as the first argument. To set an alternative output stream than standard output, pass a std::ostream object as the second argument to the Lexer class constructor:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fd = stdin;
if (argc > 1 && (fd = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
std::ofstream of("output.txt", std::ofstream::out);
if (!of)
Lexer(fd, of).lex();
if (fd != stdin)
return 0;

The above uses a FILE descriptor to read input from, which has the advantage of automatically decoding UTF-8/16/32 input. Other permissible input sources are std::istream, std::string, std::wstring, char*, and wchar_t*.

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The regex pattern syntax you can use generally depends on the regex matcher library that you use. Fortunately, RE/flex accept a broad pattern syntax for lexer specifications. The reflex command internally converts the regex patterns to regex forms that the underlying matcher engine library can handle (except when specifically indicated in the tables that follow). This ensures that the same pattern syntax can be used with any matcher engine library that RE/flex currently supports.

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Pattern syntax

A pattern is an extended set of regular expressions, with nested sub-expression patterns φ and ψ:

Pattern Matches
x matches the character x, where x is not a special character
. matches any single character or a byte, except newline (unless in dotall mode)
\. matches . (dot), special characters are escaped with a backslash
\n matches a newline, others are \a (BEL), \b (BS), \t (HT), \v (VT), \f (FF), and \r (CR)
\N matches any single character except newline
\0 matches the NUL character
\cX matches the control character X mod 32 (e.g. \cA is \x01)
\0141 matches an 8-bit character with octal value 141 (use \141 in lexer specifications instead, see below)
\x7f matches an 8-bit character with hexadecimal value 7f
\x{3B1} matches Unicode character U+03B1, i.e. α
\u{3B1} matches Unicode character U+03B1, i.e. α
\o{141} matches U+0061, i.e. a, in octal
\p{C} matches a character in category C of Character categories
\Q...\E matches the quoted content between \Q and \E literally
[abc] matches one of a, b, or c as Character classes
[0-9] matches a digit 0 to 9 as Character classes
[^0-9] matches any character except a digit as Character classes
φ? matches φ zero or one time (optional)
φ* matches φ zero or more times (repetition)
φ+ matches φ one or more times (repetition)
φ{2,5} matches φ two to five times (repetition)
φ{2,} matches φ at least two times (repetition)
φ{2} matches φ exactly two times (repetition)
φ?? matches φ zero or once as needed (lazy optional)
φ*? matches φ a minimum number of times as needed (lazy repetition)
φ+? matches φ a minimum number of times at least once as needed (lazy repetition)
φ{2,5}? matches φ two to five times as needed (lazy repetition)
φ{2,}? matches φ at least two times or more as needed (lazy repetition)
φψ matches φ then matches ψ (concatenation)
φ⎮ψ matches φ or matches ψ (alternation)
(φ) matches φ as a group to capture (this is non-capturing in lexer specifications)
(?:φ) matches φ without group capture
(?=φ) matches φ without consuming it (Lookahead)
(?<=φ) matches φ to the left without consuming it (Lookbehind, not supported by the RE/flex matcher)
(?^φ) matches φ and ignores it, marking everything as a non-match to continue matching (RE/flex matcher only)
matches φ at the begin of input or begin of a line (requires multi-line mode) (top-level φ only, not nested in a sub-pattern)
φ$ matches φ at the end of input or end of a line (requires multi-line mode) (top-level φ only, not nested in a sub-pattern)
\Aφ matches φ at the begin of input (top-level φ, not nested in a sub-pattern)
φ\z matches φ at the end of input (top-level φ, not nested in a sub-pattern)
\bφ matches φ starting at a word boundary
φ\b matches φ ending at a word boundary
\Bφ matches φ starting at a non-word boundary
φ\B matches φ ending at a non-word boundary
\<φ matches φ that starts a word
\>φ matches φ that starts a non-word
φ\< matches φ that ends a non-word
φ\> matches φ that ends a word
\i matches an indent for Indent/nodent/dedent matching
\j matches a dedent for Indent/nodent/dedent matching
\k matches if indent depth changed, undoing this change to keep the current indent stops for Indent/nodent/dedent matching
(?i:φ) Case-insensitive mode matches φ ignoring case
(?m:φ) Multi-line mode ^ and $ in φ match begin and end of a line (default in lexer specifications)
(?s:φ) Dotall mode . (dot) in φ matches newline
(?u:φ) Unicode mode ., \s, \w, \l, \u, \S, \W, \L, \U match Unicode
(?x:φ) Free space mode ignore all whitespace and comments in φ
(?#:X) all of X is skipped as a comment

Word boundaries \<, \>, \b and \B demarcate words. Word characters are letters, digits, and the underscore. Anchors \A and \z demarcate the begin and end of the input, respectively. Anchors ^ and $ demarcate the begin and end of a line, respectively, because multi-line mode is enabled by default in all RE/flex-generated scanners. See also Anchors and boundaries.

Indentation matching with \i, \j and \k is a RE/flex feature available only with the RE/flex regex library that supports it. See also Indent/nodent/dedent for more details.

The lazy quantifier ? for optional patterns φ?? and repetitions φ*? φ+? is not supported by Boost.Regex in POSIX mode. In general, POSIX matchers do not support lazy quantifiers due to POSIX limitations that are rooted in the theory of formal languages FSM of regular expressions. The RE/flex regex library is regex POSIX compliant and supports lazy quantifiers as an addition.
Option −−fast does not produce code that backtracks, which means that patterns such as bar.*\bfoo that require backtracking on \b may not work properly. If necessary, use option −−full when word boundaries are used when these require backtracking to find a match.

The following patterns are available in RE/flex and adopt the same Flex/Lex patterns syntax. These pattern should only be used in lexer specifications:

Pattern Matches
\177 matches an 8-bit character with octal value 177
"..." matches the quoted content literally
φ/ψ matches φ if followed by ψ as a Trailing context
<S>φ matches φ only if state S is enabled in Start condition states
<S1,S2,S3>φ matches φ only if state S1, S2, or state S3 is enabled in Start condition states
<*>φ matches φ in any state of the Start condition states
<<EOF>> matches EOF in any state of the Start condition states
<S><<EOF>> matches EOF only if state S is enabled in Start condition states
[a-z││[A-Z]] matches a letter, see Character classes
[a-z&&[^aeiou]] matches a consonant, see Character classes
[a-z−−[aeiou]] matches a consonant, see Character classes
[a-z]{+}[A-Z] matches a letter, same as [a-z││[A-Z]], see Character classes
[a-z]{│}[A-Z] matches a letter, same as [a-z││[A-Z]], see Character classes
[a-z]{&}[^aeiou] matches a consonant, same as [a-z&&[^aeiou]], see Character classes
[a-z]{-}[aeiou] matches a consonant, same as [a-z−−[aeiou]], see Character classes

Note that the characters . (dot), \, ?, *, +, |, (, ), [, ], {, }, ^, and $ are meta-characters and should be escaped to match. Lexer specifications also include the " and / as meta-characters and these should be escaped to match.

Spaces and tabs cannot be matched in patterns in lexer specifications. To match the space character use " " or [ ] and to match the tab character use \t. Use \h to match a space or tab.

The order of precedence for composing larger patterns from sub-patterns is as follows, from high to low precedence:

  1. Characters, character classes (bracket expressions), escapes, quotation
  2. Grouping (φ), (?:φ), (?=φ), and inline modifiers (?imsux-imsux:φ)
  3. Quantifiers ?, *, +, {n,m}
  4. Concatenation φψ (including trailing context φ/ψ)
  5. Anchoring ^, $, \<, \>, \b, \B, \A, \z
  6. Alternation φ|ψ
  7. Global modifiers (?imsux-imsux)φ
When using regex patterns in C++ literal strings, make sure that "regex escapes are escaped", meaning that an extra backslash is needed for every backslash in the regex string.
Trigraphs in C/C++ strings are special tripple-character sequences, beginning with two question marks and followed by a character that is translated. Avoid ?? in regex strings. Instead, use at least one escaped question mark, such as ?\?, which the compiler will translate to ??. This problem does not apply to lexer specifications that the reflex command converts to regex strings. Fortunately, most C++ compilers ignore trigraphs unless in standard-conforming modes, such as -ansi and -std=c++98.

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Character classes

Character classes in bracket lists represent sets of characters. Sets can be negated (or inverted), subtracted, intersected, and merged (except for the PCRE2Matcher):

Pattern Matches
[a-zA-Z] matches a letter
[^a-zA-Z] matches a non-letter (character class negation)
[a-z││[A-Z]] matches a letter (character class union)
[a-z&&[^aeiou]] matches a consonant (character class intersection)
[a-z−−[aeiou]] matches a consonant (character class subtraction)

Bracket lists cannot be empty, so [] and [^] are invalid. In fact, the first character after the bracket is always part of the list. So [][] is a list that matches a ] and a [, [^][] is a list that matches anything but ] and [, and [-^] is a list that matches a - and a ^.

It is an error to construct an empty character class by subtraction or by intersection, for example [a&&[b]] is invalid.

Bracket lists may contain ASCII and Unicode Character categories, for example [a-z\d] contains the letters a to z and digits 0 to 9 (or Unicode digits when Unicode is enabled). To add Unicode character categories and wide characters (encoded in UTF-8) to bracket lists Unicode mode should be enabled.

An negated Unicode character class is constructed by subtracting the character class from the Unicode range U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+10FFFF.

Character class operations can be chained together in a bracket list. The union ||, intersection &&, and subtraction -- operations are left associative and have the same operator precedence. For example, [a-z||[A-Z]--[aeiou]--[AEIOU]], [a-z--[aeiou]||[A-Z]--[AEIUO]], [a-z&&[^aeiou]||[A-Z]&&[^AEIOU]], and [B-DF-HJ-NP-TV-Zb-df-hj-np-tv-z] are the same character classes.

Character class operations may be nested. For example, [a-z||[A-Z||[0-9]]] is the same as [a-zA-Z0-9].

Character class negation, when specified, is applied to the resulting character class after the character class operations are applied. For example, [^a-z||[A-Z]] is the same as [^||[a-z]||[A-Z]], which is the class [^a-zA-Z].

Note that negated character classes such as [^a-zA-Z] match newlines when \n is not included in the class. Include \n in the negated character class to prevent matching newlines. The reflex::convert_flag::notnewline removes newlines from character classes when used with Regex converters , except for patterns \P{C}, \R, \D, \H, and \W.

A lexer specification may use a defined name in place of the second operand of a character class operation. A defined name when used as an operand should expand into a POSIX character class containing ASCII characters only. For example:

lower [a-z]
upper [A-Z]
letter [||{lower}||{upper}]
alnum [0-9||{letter}]
name {letter}{alnum}*
{name} std::cout << "name: " << text() << std::endl;
.|\n // skip everything else
Defined names may only occur immediately after a ||, &&, and a -- operator in a bracket list. Do not place a defined name as the first operand to a union, intersection, and subtraction operation, because the definition is not expanded. For example, [{lower}||{upper}] contains [A-Zelorw{}]. The name and the {, } characters are literally included in the resulting character class. Instead, this bracket list should be written as [||{lower}||{upper}]. Likewise, [^{lower}||{upper}] should be written as [^||{lower}||{upper}].

Alternatively, unions may be written as alternations. That is, [||{name1}||{name2}||{name3}||...] can be written as ({name1}|{name2}|{name3}|...), where the latter form supports full Unicode not restricted to ASCII.

The character class operators {+} (or {|}), {&}, and {-} may be used in lexer specifications. Note that Flex only supports the two operators {+} and {-}:

Pattern Matches
[a-z]{+}[A-Z] matches a letter, same as [a-z││[A-Z]]
[a-z]{│}[A-Z] matches a letter, same as [a-z││[A-Z]]
[a-z]{&}[^aeiou] matches a consonant, same as [a-z&&[^aeiou]]
[a-z]{-}[aeiou] matches a consonant, same as [a-z−−[aeiou]]

Multiple operators can be chained together. Unlike Flex, defined names may be used as operands. For example {lower}{+}{upper} is the same as [a-z]{+}[A-Z], i.e. the character class [A-Za-z]. A defined name when used as an operand should expand into a POSIX character class containing ASCII characters only.

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Character categories

The 7-bit ASCII POSIX character categories are:

POSIX form Matches
[:ascii:] matches any ASCII character
[:space:] matches a white space character [ \t\n\v\f\r]
[:xdigit:] matches a hex digit [0-9A-Fa-f]
[:cntrl:] matches a control character [\x00-\x1f\x7f]
[:print:] matches a printable character [\x20-\x7e]
[:alnum:] matches a alphanumeric character [0-9A-Za-z]
[:alpha:] matches a letter [A-Za-z]
[:blank:] matches a blank character \h same as [ \t]
[:digit:] matches a digit [0-9]
[:graph:] matches a visible character [\x21-\x7e]
[:lower:] matches a lower case letter [a-z]
[:punct:] matches a punctuation character [\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7e]
[:upper:] matches an upper case letter [A-Z]
[:word:] matches a word character [0-9A-Za-z_]
[:^blank:] matches a non-blank character \H same as [^ \t]
[:^digit:] matches a non-digit [^0-9]

The POSIX forms are used in bracket lists. For example [[:lower:][:digit:]] matches an ASCII lower case letter or a digit.

You can also use the upper case \P{C} form that has the same meaning as \p{^C}, which matches any character except characters in the class C. For example, \P{ASCII} is the same as \p{^ASCII} which is the same as [^[:ascii:]].

When Unicode matching mode is enabled, [^[:ascii]] is a Unicode character class that excludes the ASCII character category. Unicode character classes and categories require the reflex −−unicode option.

The following Unicode character categories are enabled with the reflex −−unicode option or Unicode mode (?u:φ) and with the regex matcher converter flag reflex::convert_flag::unicode when using a regex library:

Unicode category Matches
. matches any single character (or a byte in Unicode mode, see Invalid UTF encodings and the dot pattern )
\a matches BEL U+0007
\d matches a digit \p{Nd}
\D matches a non-digit
\e matches ESC U+001b
\f matches FF U+000c
\h matches a blank [ \t]
\H matches a non-blank [^ \t]
\l matches a lower case letter \p{Ll}
\n matches LF U+000a
\N matches any non-LF character
\r matches CR U+000d
\R matches a Unicode line break
\s matches a white space character [ \t\n\v\f\r\x85\p{Z}]
\S matches a non-white space character
\t matches TAB U+0009
\u matches an upper case letter \p{Lu}
\v matches VT U+000b
\w matches a Unicode word character [\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}]
\W matches a non-Unicode word character
\X matches any ISO-8859-1 or Unicode character
\p{Space} matches a white space character [ \t\n\v\f\r\x85\p{Z}]
\p{Unicode} matches any Unicode character U+0000 to U+10FFFF minus U+D800 to U+DFFF
\p{ASCII} matches an ASCII character U+0000 to U+007F
\p{Non_ASCII_Unicode} matches a non-ASCII character U+0080 to U+10FFFF minus U+D800 to U+DFFF)
\p{L&} matches a character with Unicode property L& (i.e. property Ll, Lu, or Lt)
\p{Letter},\p{L} matches a character with Unicode property Letter
\p{Mark},\p{M} matches a character with Unicode property Mark
\p{Separator},\p{Z} matches a character with Unicode property Separator
\p{Symbol},\p{S} matches a character with Unicode property Symbol
\p{Number},\p{N} matches a character with Unicode property Number
\p{Punctuation},\p{P} matches a character with Unicode property Punctuation
\p{Other},\p{C} matches a character with Unicode property Other
\p{Lowercase_Letter}, \p{Ll} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Ll
\p{Uppercase_Letter}, \p{Lu} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Lu
\p{Titlecase_Letter}, \p{Lt} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Lt
\p{Modifier_Letter}, \p{Lm} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Lm
\p{Other_Letter}, \p{Lo} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Lo
\p{Non_Spacing_Mark}, \p{Mn} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Mn
\p{Spacing_Combining_Mark}, \p{Mc} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Mc
\p{Enclosing_Mark}, \p{Me} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Me
\p{Space_Separator}, \p{Zs} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Zs
\p{Line_Separator}, \p{Zl} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Zl
\p{Paragraph_Separator}, \p{Zp} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Zp
\p{Math_Symbol}, \p{Sm} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Sm
\p{Currency_Symbol}, \p{Sc} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Sc
\p{Modifier_Symbol}, \p{Sk} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Sk
\p{Other_Symbol}, \p{So} matches a character with Unicode sub-property So
\p{Decimal_Digit_Number}, \p{Nd} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Nd
\p{Letter_Number}, \p{Nl} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Nl
\p{Other_Number}, \p{No} matches a character with Unicode sub-property No
\p{Dash_Punctuation}, \p{Pd} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Pd
\p{Open_Punctuation}, \p{Ps} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Ps
\p{Close_Punctuation}, \p{Pe} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Pe
\p{Initial_Punctuation}, \p{Pi} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Pi
\p{Final_Punctuation}, \p{Pf} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Pf
\p{Connector_Punctuation}, \p{Pc} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Pc
\p{Other_Punctuation}, \p{Po} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Po
\p{Control}, \p{Cc} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Cc
\p{Format}, \p{Cf} matches a character with Unicode sub-property Cf
\p{UnicodeIdentifierStart} matches a character in the Unicode IdentifierStart class
\p{UnicodeIdentifierPart} matches a character in the Unicode IdentifierPart class
\p{IdentifierIgnorable} matches a character in the IdentifierIgnorable class
\p{JavaIdentifierStart} matches a character in the Java IdentifierStart class
\p{JavaIdentifierPart} matches a character in the Java IdentifierPart class
\p{CsIdentifierStart} matches a character in the C# IdentifierStart class
\p{CsIdentifierPart} matches a character in the C# IdentifierPart class
\p{PythonIdentifierStart} matches a character in the Python IdentifierStart class
\p{PythonIdentifierPart} matches a character in the Python IdentifierPart class

To specify a Unicode block as a category when using the −−unicode option, use \p{IsBlockName}. The table below lists the block categories:

IsBlockName Unicode character range
\p{IsBasicLatin} U+0000 to U+007F
\p{IsLatin-1Supplement} U+0080 to U+00FF
\p{IsLatinExtended-A} U+0100 to U+017F
\p{IsLatinExtended-B} U+0180 to U+024F
\p{IsIPAExtensions} U+0250 to U+02AF
\p{IsSpacingModifierLetters} U+02B0 to U+02FF
\p{IsCombiningDiacriticalMarks} U+0300 to U+036F
\p{IsGreekandCoptic} U+0370 to U+03FF
\p{IsCyrillic} U+0400 to U+04FF
\p{IsCyrillicSupplement} U+0500 to U+052F
\p{IsArmenian} U+0530 to U+058F
\p{IsHebrew} U+0590 to U+05FF
\p{IsArabic} U+0600 to U+06FF
\p{IsSyriac} U+0700 to U+074F
\p{IsArabicSupplement} U+0750 to U+077F
\p{IsThaana} U+0780 to U+07BF
\p{IsNKo} U+07C0 to U+07FF
\p{IsSamaritan} U+0800 to U+083F
\p{IsMandaic} U+0840 to U+085F
\p{IsSyriacSupplement} U+0860 to U+086F
\p{IsArabicExtended-B} U+0870 to U+089F
\p{IsArabicExtended-A} U+08A0 to U+08FF
\p{IsDevanagari} U+0900 to U+097F
\p{IsBengali} U+0980 to U+09FF
\p{IsGurmukhi} U+0A00 to U+0A7F
\p{IsGujarati} U+0A80 to U+0AFF
\p{IsOriya} U+0B00 to U+0B7F
\p{IsTamil} U+0B80 to U+0BFF
\p{IsTelugu} U+0C00 to U+0C7F
\p{IsKannada} U+0C80 to U+0CFF
\p{IsMalayalam} U+0D00 to U+0D7F
\p{IsSinhala} U+0D80 to U+0DFF
\p{IsThai} U+0E00 to U+0E7F
\p{IsLao} U+0E80 to U+0EFF
\p{IsTibetan} U+0F00 to U+0FFF
\p{IsMyanmar} U+1000 to U+109F
\p{IsGeorgian} U+10A0 to U+10FF
\p{IsHangulJamo} U+1100 to U+11FF
\p{IsEthiopic} U+1200 to U+137F
\p{IsEthiopicSupplement} U+1380 to U+139F
\p{IsCherokee} U+13A0 to U+13FF
\p{IsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics} U+1400 to U+167F
\p{IsOgham} U+1680 to U+169F
\p{IsRunic} U+16A0 to U+16FF
\p{IsTagalog} U+1700 to U+171F
\p{IsHanunoo} U+1720 to U+173F
\p{IsBuhid} U+1740 to U+175F
\p{IsTagbanwa} U+1760 to U+177F
\p{IsKhmer} U+1780 to U+17FF
\p{IsMongolian} U+1800 to U+18AF
\p{IsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended} U+18B0 to U+18FF
\p{IsLimbu} U+1900 to U+194F
\p{IsTaiLe} U+1950 to U+197F
\p{IsNewTaiLue} U+1980 to U+19DF
\p{IsKhmerSymbols} U+19E0 to U+19FF
\p{IsBuginese} U+1A00 to U+1A1F
\p{IsTaiTham} U+1A20 to U+1AAF
\p{IsCombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended} U+1AB0 to U+1AFF
\p{IsBalinese} U+1B00 to U+1B7F
\p{IsSundanese} U+1B80 to U+1BBF
\p{IsBatak} U+1BC0 to U+1BFF
\p{IsLepcha} U+1C00 to U+1C4F
\p{IsOlChiki} U+1C50 to U+1C7F
\p{IsCyrillicExtended-C} U+1C80 to U+1C8F
\p{IsGeorgianExtended} U+1C90 to U+1CBF
\p{IsSundaneseSupplement} U+1CC0 to U+1CCF
\p{IsVedicExtensions} U+1CD0 to U+1CFF
\p{IsPhoneticExtensions} U+1D00 to U+1D7F
\p{IsPhoneticExtensionsSupplement} U+1D80 to U+1DBF
\p{IsCombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement} U+1DC0 to U+1DFF
\p{IsLatinExtendedAdditional} U+1E00 to U+1EFF
\p{IsGreekExtended} U+1F00 to U+1FFF
\p{IsGeneralPunctuation} U+2000 to U+206F
\p{IsSuperscriptsandSubscripts} U+2070 to U+209F
\p{IsCurrencySymbols} U+20A0 to U+20CF
\p{IsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols} U+20D0 to U+20FF
\p{IsLetterlikeSymbols} U+2100 to U+214F
\p{IsNumberForms} U+2150 to U+218F
\p{IsArrows} U+2190 to U+21FF
\p{IsMathematicalOperators} U+2200 to U+22FF
\p{IsMiscellaneousTechnical} U+2300 to U+23FF
\p{IsControlPictures} U+2400 to U+243F
\p{IsOpticalCharacterRecognition} U+2440 to U+245F
\p{IsEnclosedAlphanumerics} U+2460 to U+24FF
\p{IsBoxDrawing} U+2500 to U+257F
\p{IsBlockElements} U+2580 to U+259F
\p{IsGeometricShapes} U+25A0 to U+25FF
\p{IsMiscellaneousSymbols} U+2600 to U+26FF
\p{IsDingbats} U+2700 to U+27BF
\p{IsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A} U+27C0 to U+27EF
\p{IsSupplementalArrows-A} U+27F0 to U+27FF
\p{IsBraillePatterns} U+2800 to U+28FF
\p{IsSupplementalArrows-B} U+2900 to U+297F
\p{IsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B} U+2980 to U+29FF
\p{IsSupplementalMathematicalOperators} U+2A00 to U+2AFF
\p{IsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows} U+2B00 to U+2BFF
\p{IsGlagolitic} U+2C00 to U+2C5F
\p{IsLatinExtended-C} U+2C60 to U+2C7F
\p{IsCoptic} U+2C80 to U+2CFF
\p{IsGeorgianSupplement} U+2D00 to U+2D2F
\p{IsTifinagh} U+2D30 to U+2D7F
\p{IsEthiopicExtended} U+2D80 to U+2DDF
\p{IsCyrillicExtended-A} U+2DE0 to U+2DFF
\p{IsSupplementalPunctuation} U+2E00 to U+2E7F
\p{IsCJKRadicalsSupplement} U+2E80 to U+2EFF
\p{IsKangxiRadicals} U+2F00 to U+2FDF
\p{IsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters} U+2FF0 to U+2FFF
\p{IsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation} U+3000 to U+303F
\p{IsHiragana} U+3040 to U+309F
\p{IsKatakana} U+30A0 to U+30FF
\p{IsBopomofo} U+3100 to U+312F
\p{IsHangulCompatibilityJamo} U+3130 to U+318F
\p{IsKanbun} U+3190 to U+319F
\p{IsBopomofoExtended} U+31A0 to U+31BF
\p{IsCJKStrokes} U+31C0 to U+31EF
\p{IsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions} U+31F0 to U+31FF
\p{IsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths} U+3200 to U+32FF
\p{IsCJKCompatibility} U+3300 to U+33FF
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA} U+3400 to U+4DBF
\p{IsYijingHexagramSymbols} U+4DC0 to U+4DFF
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs} U+4E00 to U+9FFF
\p{IsYiSyllables} U+A000 to U+A48F
\p{IsYiRadicals} U+A490 to U+A4CF
\p{IsLisu} U+A4D0 to U+A4FF
\p{IsVai} U+A500 to U+A63F
\p{IsCyrillicExtended-B} U+A640 to U+A69F
\p{IsBamum} U+A6A0 to U+A6FF
\p{IsModifierToneLetters} U+A700 to U+A71F
\p{IsLatinExtended-D} U+A720 to U+A7FF
\p{IsSylotiNagri} U+A800 to U+A82F
\p{IsCommonIndicNumberForms} U+A830 to U+A83F
\p{IsPhags-pa} U+A840 to U+A87F
\p{IsSaurashtra} U+A880 to U+A8DF
\p{IsDevanagariExtended} U+A8E0 to U+A8FF
\p{IsKayahLi} U+A900 to U+A92F
\p{IsRejang} U+A930 to U+A95F
\p{IsHangulJamoExtended-A} U+A960 to U+A97F
\p{IsJavanese} U+A980 to U+A9DF
\p{IsMyanmarExtended-B} U+A9E0 to U+A9FF
\p{IsCham} U+AA00 to U+AA5F
\p{IsMyanmarExtended-A} U+AA60 to U+AA7F
\p{IsTaiViet} U+AA80 to U+AADF
\p{IsMeeteiMayekExtensions} U+AAE0 to U+AAFF
\p{IsEthiopicExtended-A} U+AB00 to U+AB2F
\p{IsLatinExtended-E} U+AB30 to U+AB6F
\p{IsCherokeeSupplement} U+AB70 to U+ABBF
\p{IsMeeteiMayek} U+ABC0 to U+ABFF
\p{IsHangulSyllables} U+AC00 to U+D7AF
\p{IsHangulJamoExtended-B} U+D7B0 to U+D7FF
\p{IsHighSurrogates} U+D800 to U+DB7F
\p{IsHighPrivateUseSurrogates} U+DB80 to U+DBFF
\p{IsLowSurrogates} U+DC00 to U+DFFF
\p{IsPrivateUseArea} U+E000 to U+F8FF
\p{IsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs} U+F900 to U+FAFF
\p{IsAlphabeticPresentationForms} U+FB00 to U+FB4F
\p{IsArabicPresentationForms-A} U+FB50 to U+FDFF
\p{IsVariationSelectors} U+FE00 to U+FE0F
\p{IsVerticalForms} U+FE10 to U+FE1F
\p{IsCombiningHalfMarks} U+FE20 to U+FE2F
\p{IsCJKCompatibilityForms} U+FE30 to U+FE4F
\p{IsSmallFormVariants} U+FE50 to U+FE6F
\p{IsArabicPresentationForms-B} U+FE70 to U+FEFF
\p{IsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms} U+FF00 to U+FFEF
\p{IsSpecials} U+FFF0 to U+FFFF
\p{IsLinearBSyllabary} U+10000 to U+1007F
\p{IsLinearBIdeograms} U+10080 to U+100FF
\p{IsAegeanNumbers} U+10100 to U+1013F
\p{IsAncientGreekNumbers} U+10140 to U+1018F
\p{IsAncientSymbols} U+10190 to U+101CF
\p{IsPhaistosDisc} U+101D0 to U+101FF
\p{IsLycian} U+10280 to U+1029F
\p{IsCarian} U+102A0 to U+102DF
\p{IsCopticEpactNumbers} U+102E0 to U+102FF
\p{IsOldItalic} U+10300 to U+1032F
\p{IsGothic} U+10330 to U+1034F
\p{IsOldPermic} U+10350 to U+1037F
\p{IsUgaritic} U+10380 to U+1039F
\p{IsOldPersian} U+103A0 to U+103DF
\p{IsDeseret} U+10400 to U+1044F
\p{IsShavian} U+10450 to U+1047F
\p{IsOsmanya} U+10480 to U+104AF
\p{IsOsage} U+104B0 to U+104FF
\p{IsElbasan} U+10500 to U+1052F
\p{IsCaucasianAlbanian} U+10530 to U+1056F
\p{IsVithkuqi} U+10570 to U+105BF
\p{IsLinearA} U+10600 to U+1077F
\p{IsLatinExtended-F} U+10780 to U+107BF
\p{IsCypriotSyllabary} U+10800 to U+1083F
\p{IsImperialAramaic} U+10840 to U+1085F
\p{IsPalmyrene} U+10860 to U+1087F
\p{IsNabataean} U+10880 to U+108AF
\p{IsHatran} U+108E0 to U+108FF
\p{IsPhoenician} U+10900 to U+1091F
\p{IsLydian} U+10920 to U+1093F
\p{IsMeroiticHieroglyphs} U+10980 to U+1099F
\p{IsMeroiticCursive} U+109A0 to U+109FF
\p{IsKharoshthi} U+10A00 to U+10A5F
\p{IsOldSouthArabian} U+10A60 to U+10A7F
\p{IsOldNorthArabian} U+10A80 to U+10A9F
\p{IsManichaean} U+10AC0 to U+10AFF
\p{IsAvestan} U+10B00 to U+10B3F
\p{IsInscriptionalParthian} U+10B40 to U+10B5F
\p{IsInscriptionalPahlavi} U+10B60 to U+10B7F
\p{IsPsalterPahlavi} U+10B80 to U+10BAF
\p{IsOldTurkic} U+10C00 to U+10C4F
\p{IsOldHungarian} U+10C80 to U+10CFF
\p{IsHanifiRohingya} U+10D00 to U+10D3F
\p{IsRumiNumeralSymbols} U+10E60 to U+10E7F
\p{IsYezidi} U+10E80 to U+10EBF
\p{IsOldSogdian} U+10F00 to U+10F2F
\p{IsSogdian} U+10F30 to U+10F6F
\p{IsOldUyghur} U+10F70 to U+10FAF
\p{IsChorasmian} U+10FB0 to U+10FDF
\p{IsElymaic} U+10FE0 to U+10FFF
\p{IsBrahmi} U+11000 to U+1107F
\p{IsKaithi} U+11080 to U+110CF
\p{IsSoraSompeng} U+110D0 to U+110FF
\p{IsChakma} U+11100 to U+1114F
\p{IsMahajani} U+11150 to U+1117F
\p{IsSharada} U+11180 to U+111DF
\p{IsSinhalaArchaicNumbers} U+111E0 to U+111FF
\p{IsKhojki} U+11200 to U+1124F
\p{IsMultani} U+11280 to U+112AF
\p{IsKhudawadi} U+112B0 to U+112FF
\p{IsGrantha} U+11300 to U+1137F
\p{IsNewa} U+11400 to U+1147F
\p{IsTirhuta} U+11480 to U+114DF
\p{IsSiddham} U+11580 to U+115FF
\p{IsModi} U+11600 to U+1165F
\p{IsMongolianSupplement} U+11660 to U+1167F
\p{IsTakri} U+11680 to U+116CF
\p{IsAhom} U+11700 to U+1174F
\p{IsDogra} U+11800 to U+1184F
\p{IsWarangCiti} U+118A0 to U+118FF
\p{IsDivesAkuru} U+11900 to U+1195F
\p{IsNandinagari} U+119A0 to U+119FF
\p{IsZanabazarSquare} U+11A00 to U+11A4F
\p{IsSoyombo} U+11A50 to U+11AAF
\p{IsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended-A}U+11AB0 to U+11ABF
\p{IsPauCinHau} U+11AC0 to U+11AFF
\p{IsBhaiksuki} U+11C00 to U+11C6F
\p{IsMarchen} U+11C70 to U+11CBF
\p{IsMasaramGondi} U+11D00 to U+11D5F
\p{IsGunjalaGondi} U+11D60 to U+11DAF
\p{IsMakasar} U+11EE0 to U+11EFF
\p{IsLisuSupplement} U+11FB0 to U+11FBF
\p{IsTamilSupplement} U+11FC0 to U+11FFF
\p{IsCuneiform} U+12000 to U+123FF
\p{IsCuneiformNumbersandPunctuation} U+12400 to U+1247F
\p{IsEarlyDynasticCuneiform} U+12480 to U+1254F
\p{IsCypro-Minoan} U+12F90 to U+12FFF
\p{IsEgyptianHieroglyphs} U+13000 to U+1342F
\p{IsEgyptianHieroglyphFormatControls} U+13430 to U+1343F
\p{IsAnatolianHieroglyphs} U+14400 to U+1467F
\p{IsBamumSupplement} U+16800 to U+16A3F
\p{IsMro} U+16A40 to U+16A6F
\p{IsTangsa} U+16A70 to U+16ACF
\p{IsBassaVah} U+16AD0 to U+16AFF
\p{IsPahawhHmong} U+16B00 to U+16B8F
\p{IsMedefaidrin} U+16E40 to U+16E9F
\p{IsMiao} U+16F00 to U+16F9F
\p{IsIdeographicSymbolsandPunctuation} U+16FE0 to U+16FFF
\p{IsTangut} U+17000 to U+187FF
\p{IsTangutComponents} U+18800 to U+18AFF
\p{IsKhitanSmallScript} U+18B00 to U+18CFF
\p{IsTangutSupplement} U+18D00 to U+18D7F
\p{IsKanaExtended-B} U+1AFF0 to U+1AFFF
\p{IsKanaSupplement} U+1B000 to U+1B0FF
\p{IsKanaExtended-A} U+1B100 to U+1B12F
\p{IsSmallKanaExtension} U+1B130 to U+1B16F
\p{IsNushu} U+1B170 to U+1B2FF
\p{IsDuployan} U+1BC00 to U+1BC9F
\p{IsShorthandFormatControls} U+1BCA0 to U+1BCAF
\p{IsZnamennyMusicalNotation} U+1CF00 to U+1CFCF
\p{IsByzantineMusicalSymbols} U+1D000 to U+1D0FF
\p{IsMusicalSymbols} U+1D100 to U+1D1FF
\p{IsAncientGreekMusicalNotation} U+1D200 to U+1D24F
\p{IsMayanNumerals} U+1D2E0 to U+1D2FF
\p{IsTaiXuanJingSymbols} U+1D300 to U+1D35F
\p{IsCountingRodNumerals} U+1D360 to U+1D37F
\p{IsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols} U+1D400 to U+1D7FF
\p{IsSuttonSignWriting} U+1D800 to U+1DAAF
\p{IsLatinExtended-G} U+1DF00 to U+1DFFF
\p{IsGlagoliticSupplement} U+1E000 to U+1E02F
\p{IsNyiakengPuachueHmong} U+1E100 to U+1E14F
\p{IsToto} U+1E290 to U+1E2BF
\p{IsWancho} U+1E2C0 to U+1E2FF
\p{IsEthiopicExtended-B} U+1E7E0 to U+1E7FF
\p{IsMendeKikakui} U+1E800 to U+1E8DF
\p{IsAdlam} U+1E900 to U+1E95F
\p{IsIndicSiyaqNumbers} U+1EC70 to U+1ECBF
\p{IsOttomanSiyaqNumbers} U+1ED00 to U+1ED4F
\p{IsArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols} U+1EE00 to U+1EEFF
\p{IsMahjongTiles} U+1F000 to U+1F02F
\p{IsDominoTiles} U+1F030 to U+1F09F
\p{IsPlayingCards} U+1F0A0 to U+1F0FF
\p{IsEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement} U+1F100 to U+1F1FF
\p{IsEnclosedIdeographicSupplement} U+1F200 to U+1F2FF
\p{IsMiscellaneousSymbolsandPictographs} U+1F300 to U+1F5FF
\p{IsEmoticons} U+1F600 to U+1F64F
\p{IsOrnamentalDingbats} U+1F650 to U+1F67F
\p{IsTransportandMapSymbols} U+1F680 to U+1F6FF
\p{IsAlchemicalSymbols} U+1F700 to U+1F77F
\p{IsGeometricShapesExtended} U+1F780 to U+1F7FF
\p{IsSupplementalArrows-C} U+1F800 to U+1F8FF
\p{IsSupplementalSymbolsandPictographs} U+1F900 to U+1F9FF
\p{IsChessSymbols} U+1FA00 to U+1FA6F
\p{IsSymbolsandPictographsExtended-A} U+1FA70 to U+1FAFF
\p{IsSymbolsforLegacyComputing} U+1FB00 to U+1FBFF
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB} U+20000 to U+2A6DF
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC} U+2A700 to U+2B73F
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD} U+2B740 to U+2B81F
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE} U+2B820 to U+2CEAF
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF} U+2CEB0 to U+2EBEF
\p{IsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement} U+2F800 to U+2FA1F
\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionG} U+30000 to U+3134F
\p{IsTags} U+E0000 to U+E007F
\p{IsVariationSelectorsSupplement} U+E0100 to U+E01EF
\p{IsSupplementaryPrivateUseArea-A} U+F0000 to U+FFFFF
\p{IsSupplementaryPrivateUseArea-B} U+100000 to U+10FFFF

In addition, the −−unicode option enables standard Unicode language scripts:

\p{Adlam}, \p{Ahom}, \p{Anatolian_Hieroglyphs}, \p{Arabic}, \p{Armenian}, \p{Avestan}, \p{Balinese}, \p{Bamum}, \p{Bassa_Vah}, \p{Batak}, \p{Bengali}, \p{Bhaiksuki}, \p{Bopomofo}, \p{Brahmi}, \p{Braille}, \p{Buginese}, \p{Buhid}, \p{Canadian_Aboriginal}, \p{Carian}, \p{Caucasian_Albanian}, \p{Chakma}, \p{Cham}, \p{Cherokee}, \p{Chorasmian}, \p{Common}, \p{Coptic}, \p{Cuneiform}, \p{Cypriot}, \p{Cypro_Minoan}, \p{Cyrillic}, \p{Deseret}, \p{Devanagari}, \p{Dives_Akuru}, \p{Dogra}, \p{Duployan}, \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}, \p{Elbasan}, \p{Elymaic}, \p{Ethiopic}, \p{Georgian}, \p{Glagolitic}, \p{Gothic}, \p{Grantha}, \p{Greek}, \p{Gujarati}, \p{Gunjala_Gondi}, \p{Gurmukhi}, \p{Han}, \p{Hangul}, \p{Hanifi_Rohingya}, \p{Hanunoo}, \p{Hatran}, \p{Hebrew}, \p{Hiragana}, \p{Imperial_Aramaic}, \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi}, \p{Inscriptional_Parthian}, \p{Javanese}, \p{Kaithi}, \p{Kannada}, \p{Katakana}, \p{Kayah_Li}, \p{Kharoshthi}, \p{Khitan_Small_Script}, \p{Khmer}, \p{Khojki}, \p{Khudawadi}, \p{Lao}, \p{Latin}, \p{Lepcha}, \p{Limbu}, \p{Linear_A}, \p{Linear_B}, \p{Lisu}, \p{Lycian}, \p{Lydian}, \p{Mahajani}, \p{Makasar}, \p{Malayalam}, \p{Mandaic}, \p{Manichaean}, \p{Marchen}, \p{Masaram_Gondi}, \p{Medefaidrin}, \p{Meetei_Mayek}, \p{Mende_Kikakui}, \p{Meroitic_Cursive}, \p{Meroitic_Hieroglyphs}, \p{Miao}, \p{Modi}, \p{Mongolian}, \p{Mro}, \p{Multani}, \p{Myanmar}, \p{Nabataean}, \p{Nandinagari}, \p{New_Tai_Lue}, \p{Newa}, \p{Nko}, \p{Nushu}, \p{Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong}, \p{Ogham}, \p{Old_Uyghur}, \p{Ol_Chiki}, \p{Old_Hungarian}, \p{Old_Italic}, \p{Old_North_Arabian}, \p{Old_Permic}, \p{Old_Persian}, \p{Old_Sogdian}, \p{Old_South_Arabian}, \p{Old_Turkic}, \p{Oriya}, \p{Osage}, \p{Osmanya}, \p{Pahawh_Hmong}, \p{Palmyrene}, \p{Pau_Cin_Hau}, \p{Phags_Pa}, \p{Phoenician}, \p{Psalter_Pahlavi}, \p{Rejang}, \p{Runic}, \p{Samaritan}, \p{Saurashtra}, \p{Sharada}, \p{Shavian}, \p{Siddham}, \p{SignWriting}, \p{Sinhala}, \p{Sogdian}, \p{Sora_Sompeng}, \p{Soyombo}, \p{Sundanese}, \p{Syloti_Nagri}, \p{Syriac}, \p{Tagalog}, \p{Tagbanwa}, \p{Tai_Le}, \p{Tai_Tham}, \p{Tai_Viet}, \p{Takri}, \p{Tamil}, \p{Tangut}, \p{Tangsa}, \p{Telugu}, \p{Thaana}, \p{Thai}, \p{Tibetan}, \p{Tifinagh}, \p{Tirhuta}, \p{Toto}, \p{Ugaritic}, \p{Vai}, \p{Vithkuqi}, \p{Wancho}, \p{Warang_Citi}, \p{Yezidi}, \p{Yi}, \p{Zanabazar_Square},

Unicode language script character classes differ from the Unicode blocks that have a similar name. For example, the \p{Greek} class represents Greek and Coptic letters and differs from the Unicode block \p{IsGreek} that spans a specific Unicode block of Greek and Coptic characters only, which also includes unassigned characters.

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Anchors and boundaries

Anchors are used to demarcate the start and end of input or the start and end of a line:

Pattern Matches
matches φ at the start of input or start of a line (multi-line mode)
φ$ matches φ at the end of input or end of a line (multi-line mode)
\Aφ matches φ at the start of input
φ\z matches φ at the end of input

Anchors in lexer specifications require pattern context, meaning that φ cannot be empty.

Note that <<EOF>> in lexer specifications match the end of input, which can be used in place of the pattern \z.

Actions for the start of input can be specified in an initial code block preceding the rules, see Initial code blocks .

Word boundaries demarcate words. Word characters are letters, digits, and the underscore.

Pattern Matches
\bφ matches φ starting at a word boundary
φ\b matches φ ending at a word boundary
\Bφ matches φ starting at a non-word boundary
φ\B matches φ ending at a non-word boundary
\<φ matches φ that starts as a word
\>φ matches φ that starts as a non-word
φ\< matches φ that ends as a non-word
φ\> matches φ that ends as a word

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Automatic indent and dedent matching is a special feature of RE/flex and is only available when the RE/flex matcher engine is used (the default matcher). An indent and a dedent position is defined and matched with:

Pattern Matches
\i indent: matches and adds a new indent stop position
\j dedent: matches a previous indent position, removes one indent stop

The \i and \j anchors should be used in combination with the start of a line anchor ^ followed by a pattern that represents left margin spacing for indentations, followed by a \i or a \j at the end of the pattern. The margin spacing pattern may include any characters that are considered part of the left margin, but should exclude \n. For example:

%o tabs=8
^\h+ out() << "| "; // nodent: text is aligned to current indent
^\h+\i out() << "> "; // indent: matched and added with \i
^\h*\j out() << "< "; // dedent: matched with \j
\j out() << "< "; // dedent: for each extra level dedented
.|\n echo();

The \h pattern matches space and tabs, where tabs advance to the next column that is a multiple of 8. The tab multiplier can be changed by setting the −−tabs=N option where N must be 1 (no expansion), 2, 4, or 8. The tabs value can be changed at runtime with matcher().tabs(N):

RE/flex action Result
matcher().tabs() returns the current tabs value 1, 2, 4, or 8
matcher().tabs(n) set the tabs value n where n is 1, 2, 4, or 8

Using negative patterns we can ignore empty lines and multi-line comments that would otherwise affect indent stops:

%o main tabs=8
^\h+ out() << "| "; // nodent, text is aligned to current margin column
^\h+\i out() << "> "; // indent
^\h*\j out() << "< "; // dedent
\j out() << "< "; // dedent, for each extra level dedented
(?^^\h*\n) // eat empty lines without affecting indent stops
(?^^\h*"/*"(.|\n)*?"*/") // eat /*-comments that start a line without affecting indent stops
(?^\\\n\h*) // lines ending in \ continue on the next line
(?^"/*"(.|\n)*?"*/") // eat /*-comments
.|\n echo(); // ECHO character

Likewise, we can add rules to ignore inline //-comments to our lexer specification. To do so, we should add a rule with pattern (?^^\h*"//".*) to ignore //-comments without affecting stop positions.

To scan input that continues on the next new line(s) (which may affect indent stops) while preserving the current indent stop positions, use the RE/flex matcher matcher().push_stops() and matcher().pop_stops(), or matcher().stops() to directlye access the vector of indent stops to modify:

RE/flex action Result
matcher().push_stops() push indent stops on the stack then clear stops
matcher().pop_stops() pop indent stops and make them current
matcher().clear_stops() clear current indent stops
matcher().stops() reference to current std::vector<size_t> stops
matcher().last_stop() returns the last indent stop position or 0
matcher().insert_stop(n) inserts/appends an indent stop at position n
matcher().delete_stop(n) remove stop positions from position n and up

For example, to continue scanning after a /* for multiple lines without indentation matching, allowing for possible nested /*-comments, up to a */ you can save the current indent stop positions and transition to a new start condition state to scan the content between /* and */:

int level; // a variable to track the /*-comment nesting level
std::vector<size_t> stops; // a variable to save the stop positions after indent
%o tabs=8
^\h+ out() << "| "; // nodent, text is aligned to current margin column
^\h+\i out() << "> "; // indent
stops = matcher().stops(); // save the stop positions
^"/*"\j level = 1; // do not count dedent(s) to the first line that has a /*-comment
start(COMMENT); // skip comment
^\h*\j out() << "< "; // dedent
\j out() << "< "; // dedent, triggered for each extra level dedented
(?^^\h*\n) // a negative pattern to eat empty lines without affecting indent stops
(?^^\h+/"/*") // a negative pattern to eat white space before /*-comments without affecting indent stops
"/*" level = 1;
start(COMMENT); // continue w/o indent matching
(?^\\\n\h*) // lines ending in \ continue on the next line
.|\n echo(); // ECHO character
"/*" ++level; // allow nested /*-comments
"*/" if (--level == 0)
matcher().stops() = stops; // restore the indent margin/tab stops
start(INITIAL); // back to initial state
.|\n // ignore all content in comments
<<EOF>> out() << "/* not closed";

The multi-line comments enclosed in /* */ are processed by the exclusive COMMENT start condition rules. The rules allow for /*-comment nesting. We use stops = matcher().stops() and matcher().stops() = stops to save and restore stops.

In this example we added rules so that comments on a line do not affect the current indent stops. This is done by using the negative pattern (?^^\h+/"/*") with a trailing context /"/*". Here we used a negative pattern to eat the margin spacing without affecting indent stops. The trailing context looks ahead for a /* but does not consume the /*.

However, when a /*-comment starts at the first column of a line, the pattern (?^^\h+/"/*") does not match it, even when we change it to (?^^\h*/"/*"). This is because the \h* cannot be an empty match since the trailing context does not return a match, and matches cannot be empty. Therefore, adding the rule with pattern ^"/*"\j adjusts for that, but accepting the dedents caused by the /*-comment. This is fine, because the stop positions are restored after scanning the /*-comment.

We added the negative pattern (?^^\h*\n) to ignore empty lines. This allows empty lines in the input without affecting indent stops.

When using the matcher().stops() method to access the vector of stops to modify, we must make sure to keep the stop positions in the vector sorted.

In addition to the \i and \j indent and dedent anchors, the \k undent anchor matches when the indent depth changed (before the position of \k), undoing this change to keep the current indent stops ("undenting"):

Pattern Matches
\k undent: matches when indent depth changed, keep current indent stops

The example shown above can be simplified with \k. We no longer need to explicitly save and restore indent stops in a variable:

int level; // a variable to track the /*-comment nesting level
%o tabs=8
^\h+ out() << "| "; // nodent, text is aligned to current margin column
^\h+\i out() << "> "; // indent
^\h*\j out() << "< "; // dedent
\j out() << "< "; // dedent, triggered for each extra level dedented
(?^^\h*\n) // a negative pattern to eat empty lines without affecting indent stops
\h*"/*"\k? level = 1; // /*-comment after spacing, \k matches indent stop changes
start(COMMENT); // continue w/o indent matching
(?^\\\n\h*) // lines ending in \ continue on the next line
.|\n echo(); // ECHO character
"/*" ++level; // allow nested /*-comments
"*/" if (--level == 0)
start(INITIAL); // back to initial state
.|\n // ignore all content in comments
<<EOF>> out() << "/* not closed";

The pattern \h*"/*"\k? matches a /*-comment with leading white space. The \k anchor matches if the indent depth changed in the leading white space, which is also matched by the first three patterns in the lexer specification before their \i and \j indent and dedent anchors, respectively. If the indent depth changed, the \k anchor matches, while keeping the current indent stops unchanged by undoing these changes. Because we also want to match \* when the indent depth does not change, we made \k optional in pattern \h*"/*"\k?. The anchor ^ is not used here either, since comments after any spacing should be matched. Alternatively, two patterns ^\h*"/*"\k and \h*"/*" may be used, where the first matches if and only if the indent stops changed on a new line and were undone.

Note that the COMMENT rules do not use \i or \j. This means that the current indent stops are never matched or changed and remain the same as in the INITIAL state, when returning to the INITIAL state.

Another use of \k is to ignore indents to only detect a closing dedent with \j. For example, when comments are allowed to span multiple lines when indented below the start of the # comment:

^\h+\i // indent
^\h*\j // dedent
\j // dedent
^\h+ // nodent
#.*\n start(COMMENT);
^\h+\i start(MORECOM);
.|\n matcher().less(0); start(INITIAL);
^\h*\j |
\j start(INITIAL);
^\h+\k // undent, i.e. ignore all indents in comments
.|\n // ignore all content in comments
.|\n echo();

The COMMENT state checks for an indent to switch to state MORECOM, which eats the indented comment block. When there is no indent .|\n is matched, i.e. something must be matched. This match is put back into the input with matcher().less(0) (or yyless(0) with −−flex).

Alternatively, the indent level in the COMMENT rules could be tracked by incrementing a variable when matching \i and decrementing the variable when matching \j until the variable is zero at the final dedent.

Anchors \i, \j, and \k should appear at the end of a regex pattern.

See Start condition states for more information about start condition states. See Negative patterns for more information on negative patterns.

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Negative patterns

When negative patterns of the form (?^φ) match, they are simply ignored by the matcher and never returned as matches. They are useful to return matches for some given pattern except when this pattern is more specific. For example, to match any sequence of digits except digits starting with a zero the pattern \d+|(?^0\d+) can be used instead of [1-9]\d+. While these two patterns may look similar at first glance, these two patterns differ in that the first pattern (with the negative sub-pattern (?^0\d+)) ignores numbers with leading zeros such as 012 while the second pattern will match the 12 in 012.

As another example, say we are searching for a given word while ignoring occurrences of the word in quoted strings. We can use the pattern word|(?^".*?") for this, where (?^".*?") matches all quoted strings that we want to ignore (to skip C/C++ quoted strings in source code input files, use the longer pattern (?^"(\\\\.|\\\\\\r?\\n|[^\\\\\\n"])*")).

A negative pattern can also be used to consume line continuations without affecting the indentation stops defined by indent marker \i. Negative patterns are a RE/flex feature. For example:

%o tabs=8
^\h+ out() << "| "; // nodent: text is aligned to current indent
^\h*\i out() << "> "; // indent: matched and added with \i
^\h*\j out() << "< "; // dedent: matched with \j
\j out() << "< "; // dedent: for each extra level dedented
(?^\\\n\h+) /* lines ending in \ will continue on the next line
without affecting the current \i stop positions */
.|\n echo();

The negative pattern (?^\\\n\h+) consumes input internally as if we are repeately calling input() (or yyinput() with −−flex). We used it here to consume the line-ending \ and the indent that followed it, as if this text was not part of the input, which ensures that the current indent positions defined by \i are not affected. See Indent/nodent/dedent for more details on indentation matching.

Negative patterns may be preceded or followed by any pattern, which enlarges the negative pattern. That is, the pattern X(?^Y) equals (?^XY) and the pattern (?^Y)Z equals (?^YZ). At least one character should be matched in a negative pattern for the pattern to be effective. For example, X(?^Y)? matches X but not XY, which is the same as X|(?^XY).
Actions corresponding to negative patterns in the lexer specification are never executed, because negative pattern matches are never returned by the matcher engine.

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A lookahead pattern φ(?=ψ) matches φ only when followed by pattern ψ. The text matched by ψ is not consumed.

Boost.Regex and PCRE2 matchers support lookahead φ(?=ψ) and lookbehind φ(?<=ψ) patterns that may appear anywhere in a regex. The RE/flex matcher supports lookahead at the end of a pattern, similar to Trailing context.

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A lookbehind pattern φ(?<=ψ) matches φ only when it also matches pattern ψ at its end (that is, .*(?<=ab) matches anything that ends in ab).

The RE/flex matcher does not support lookbehind. Lookbehind patterns should not look too far behind, see Limitations .

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Trailing context

Flex "trailing context" φ/ψ matches a pattern φ only when followed by the lookahead pattern ψ. A trailing context φ/ψ has the same meaning as the lookahead φ(?=ψ), see Lookahead.

A trailing context can only be used in lexer specifications and should only occur at the end of a pattern, not in the middle of a pattern. There are some important Limitations to consider that are historical and related to the construction of efficient FSMs for regular expressions. The limitations apply to trailing context and lookaheads that the RE/flex matcher implements.

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Unicode mode

Use reflex option −−unicode (or %option unicode) to globally enable Unicode. Use (?u:φ) to locally enable Unicode in a pattern φ. Use (?-u:φ) to locally disable Unicode in φ. Unicode mode enables the following patterns to be used:

Pattern Matches
. matches any character (or byte in Unicode mode, see Invalid UTF encodings and the dot pattern )
(UTF-8) matches wide character , encoded in UTF-8
[€¥£] (UTF-8) matches wide character , ¥ or £, encoded in UTF-8
\X matches any ISO-8859-1 or Unicode character
\R matches a Unicode line break \r\n or [\u{000A}-\u{000D}u{U+0085}\u{2028}\u{2029}]
\s matches a white space character [ \t\n\v\f\r\p{Z}]
\l matches a lower case letter with Unicode sub-property Ll
\u matches an upper case letter with Unicode sub-property Lu
\w matches a Unicode word character with property L, Nd, or Pc
\u{20AC} matches Unicode character U+20AC
\p{C} matches a character in category C
\p{^C},\P{C} matches any character except in category C

When converting regex patterns for use with a C++ regex library, use regex matcher converter flag reflex::convert_flag::unicode to convert Unicode patterns for use with the 8-bit based RE/flex, Boost.Regex, PCRE2, and std::regex regex libraries, see Regex converters for more details.

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Free space mode

Free space mode can be useful to improve readability of patterns. Free space mode permits spacing between concatenations and alternations in patterns. To to match a single space use [ ], to match a tab use [\t], to match either use \h. Long patterns may continue on the next line when the line ends with an escape \. Comments are ignored in patterns in free-space mode. Comments start with a # and end at the end of the line. To specify a # use [#].

In addition, /*...*/ comments are permitted in lexer specifications in free-space mode when the −−matcher=reflex option is specified (the default matcher).

Free space mode requires lexer actions in The rules section of a lexer specification to be placed in { } blocks and user code to be placed in %{ %} blocks instead of indented.

To enable free space mode in reflex use the −−freespace option (or %option freespace).

Prepend (?x) to the regex to specify free-space mode or use (?x:φ) to locally enable free-space mode in the sub-pattern φ. Use (?-x:φ) to locally disable free-space mode in φ. The regex pattern may require conversion when the regex library does not support free-space mode modifiers, see Regex converters for more details.

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Multi-line mode

Multi-line mode makes the anchors ^ and $ match the start and end of a line, respectively. Multi-line mode is the default mode in lexer specifications.

Prepend (?m) to the regex to specify multi-line mode or use (?m:φ) to locally enable multi-line mode in the sub-pattern φ. Use (?-m:φ) to locally disable multi-line mode in φ.

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Dotall mode

To enable dotall mode in reflex use the -a or −−dotall option (or %option dotall).

Prepend (?s) to the regex to specify dotall mode or use (?s:φ) to locally enable dotall mode in the sub-pattern φ. Use (?-s:φ) to locally disable dotall mode in φ. The regex pattern may require conversion when the regex library does not support dotall mode modifiers, see Regex converters for more details.

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Case-insensitive mode

To enable case-insensitive mode in reflex use the -i or −−case-insensitive option (or %option case-insensitive).

Prepend (?i) to the regex to specify case-insensitive mode or use (?i:φ) to locally enable case-insensitive mode in the sub-pattern φ. Use (?-i:φ) to locally disable case-insensitive mode in φ. The regex pattern may require conversion when the regex library does not support non-ASCII Unicode case-insensitive mode modifiers, see Regex converters for more details.

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Multiple mode modifiers

Multiple (?i:φ) Case-insensitive mode, (?m:φ) Multi-line mode, (?s:φ) Dotall mode, (?u:φ) Unicode mode, and (?x:φ) Free space mode modifiers may be applied to the same pattern φ by combining them in one inline modifier (?imsux-imsux:φ), where the mode modifiers before the dash are enabled and the mode modifiers after the dash are disabled.

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Group captures

The PCRE and Boost regex libraries support group captures. This feature can be used with RE/flex using named captures. Only named captures can be used and the names must be unique among all lexer patterns, because a single regex pattern is compiled that combines all lexer rules (numeric group captures would apply globally across all rules, which is confusing.) For PCRE, Perl matching is required since PCRE POSIX matching does not support group captures. A named group is defined with (?<name>pattern) and back-referenced with \g{name}. The subpattern matched by a name can be retrieved in a lexer rule as follows:

const char *name = "name"; // the group name
std::pair<const char*,size_t> subpattern; // the subpattern in the input with its size
std::pair<size_t,const char*> id = matcher().group_id();
while (id.first != 0 && (id.second == NULL || strcmp(id.second, name) != 0))
id = matcher().group_next_id();
if (id.first != 0)
subpattern = matcher()[id.first]; // found (the name was matched)

See also POSIX versus Perl matching .

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The Lexer/yyFlexLexer class

By default, reflex produces a Lexer class with a virtual lex scanner function. The name of this function as well as the Lexer class name and the namespace can be set with options:

Option RE/flex default name Flex default name
namespace n/a n/a
lexer Lexer class yyFlexLexer class
lex lex() function yylex() function

To customize the Lexer class use these options and code injection.

You can declare multiple nested namespace names by namespace=NAME1::NAME2::NAME3, or by separating the names with a dot such as namespace=NAME1.NAME2.NAME3, to declare the lexer in NAME1::NAME2::NAME3.

To understand the impact of these options, consider the following lex specification template with upper case names represening the parts specified by the user:

%option namespace=NAMESPACE
%option lexer=LEXER
%option lex=LEX
%option params=PARAMS
%option ctorarg="CTORARG1, CTORARG2, ..."
%option ctorinit="CTORINIT1, CTORINIT2, ..."

This produces the following Lexer class with the template parts filled in:

namespace NAMESPACE {
class LEXER : public reflex::AbstractLexer<reflex::Matcher> {
const reflex::Input& input = reflex::Input(),
std::ostream& os = std::cout)
AbstractLexer(input, os),
static const int INITIAL = 0;
virtual int LEX(PARAMS);
int LEX(
const reflex::Input& input,
std::ostream *os = NULL,
if (os)
return LEX(PARAMS);
static const reflex::Pattern PATTERN_INITIAL("(?m)(REGEX)");
if (!has_matcher())
matcher(new Matcher(PATTERN_INITIAL, stdinit(), this));
while (true)
switch (matcher().scan())
case 0:
if (matcher().at_end())
return 0;
case 1:

The Lexer class produced with option −−flex is compatible with Flex (assuming Flex with option -+ for C++):

namespace NAMESPACE {
class LEXER : public FlexLexer {
const reflex::Input& input = reflex::Input(),
std::ostream *os = NULL)
FlexLexer(input, os),
virtual int LEX(PARAMS);
int LEX(
const reflex::Input& input,
std::ostream *os = NULL,
if (os)
return LEX(PARAMS);
static const reflex::Pattern PATTERN_INITIAL("(?m)(REGEX)");
if (!has_matcher())
matcher(new Matcher(PATTERN_INITIAL, stdinit(), this));
while (true)
switch (matcher().scan())
case 0:
if (matcher().at_end())
return 0;
case 1:

To use a custom lexer class that inherits the generated base Lexer class, use option −−class=NAME to declare the name of your custom lexer class (or option −−yyclass=NAME to also enable −−flex compatibility with the yyFlexLexer class). For details, see Inheriting Lexer/yyFlexLexer .

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Inheriting Lexer/yyFlexLexer

To define a custom lexer class that inherits the generated Lexer or the yyFlexLexer class, use option −−class=NAME or option −−yyclass=NAME, respectively. Note that −−yyclass=NAME also enables option −−flex and therefore enables Flex specification syntax.

When a −−class=NAME or −−yyclass=NAME option is specified with the name of your custom lexer class, reflex generates the lex() (or yylex()) method code for your custom lexer class. The custom lexer class should declare a public int lex() method (or int yylex() method with option −−yyclass=NAME). Otherwise, C++ compilation of your custom class will fail.

For example, the following bare-bones custom Lexer class definition simply inherits Lexer and declares a public int lex() method:

%option class=MyLexer
class MyLexer : public Lexer {
int lex();

The int MyLexer::lex() method code is generated by reflex for this lexer specification.

Options −−lexer=NAME and −−lex=NAME may be combined with −−class=NAME to change the name of the inherited Lexer class and change the name of the lex() method, respectively.

When using option −−yyclass=NAME the inherited lexer is yyFlexLexer. The custom lexer class should declare a public yylex() method similar to Flex. For example:

%option yyclass=MyLexer
class MyLexer : public yyFlexLexer {
int yylex();

The int MyLexer::yylex() method code is generated by reflex for this lexer specification.

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Combining multiple lexers

To rename a lexer class to combine multiple lexers in one application, use the −−lexer=NAME option. This option renames the generated lexer class to avoid lexer class name clashes. Use this option in combination with option −−header-file to output a header file with the lexer class declaration to include in your application source code.

In addition, use option −−prefix=NAME to output the generated code in file lex.NAME.cpp instead of the standard lex.yy.cpp to avoid name clashes. This option also affect the −−flex option by generating xxFlexLexer with a xxlex() method when option −−prefix=xx is specified. The generated #define names (some of which are added to support option −−flex) are prefixed to avoid macro name clashes.

Alternatively to −−lexer=NAME and −−prefix=NAME, you can use −−namespace=NAME to place the generated lexer class in a C++ namespace to avoid lexer class name clashes. Note that unlike the −−prefix=NAME option, the generated file names are not renamed by including NAME in the filename. Generate the files in a separate subdirectory for each C++ namespace specified with −−namespace=NAME. Or you can explicitly specify the lex filename with −−outfile=NAME and also −−header-file=NAME and `−−tables-file=NAME when header files and table files are used.

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Switching input sources

To create a Lexer class instance that reads from a designated input source instead of standard input, pass the input source as the first argument to its constructor and use the second argument to optionally set an std::ostream that is assigned to out() and is used by echo() (likewise, assigned to *yyout and used by ECHO when option −−flex is specified):

Lexer lexer(input, std::cout);

likewise, with option −−flex:

yyFlexLexer lexer(input, std::cout);

where input is a reflex::Input object. The reflex::Input constructor takes a FILE* descriptor, std::istream, a string std::string or const char*, or a wide string std::wstring or const wchar_t*.

The source of input specified to a lexer must remain readable while scanning. Do not pass temporary objects as input to the lexer constructor, such as temporary std::string and char* strings. The lexer reads the specified input while scanning the input with subsequent lex() (and yylex() etc.) calls. The input source is copied in chunks of bytes to an internal buffer, depending on the buffering mode.

The following methods are available to specify an input source:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
in() *yyin get pointer to current reflex::Input i
in() = i yyin = &i set input reflex::Input i
in(i) yyrestart(i) reset and scan input from reflex::Input i
in(s) yy_scan_string(s) reset and scan string s (std::string or char*)
in(s) yy_scan_wstring(s) reset and scan wide string s (std::wstring or wchar_t*)
in(b, n) yy_scan_bytes(b, n) reset and scan n bytes at address b (buffered)
buffer(b, n+1) yy_scan_buffer(b, n+2) reset and scan n bytes at address b (zero copy)

For example, to switch input to another source while using the scanner, use in(i) with reflex::Input i as an argument:

// read from a file, this also decodes UTF-8/16/32 encodings automatically
FILE *fd = fopen("cow.txt", "r");
if (fd == NULL)
... // error, bail out;
// read from a stream (ASCII or UTF-8)
std::istream i = std::ifstream("file", std::ios::in);;
// read from a string (0-terminated, ASCII or UTF-8)"How now brown cow.");
// read from a memory segment (raw bytes, ASCII, or UTF-8)
const char *ptr = ...; // points to segment
size_t len = ...; // length of the memory segment, len);
// read from a wide string, 0-terminated, encoding it to UTF-8 for matching"How now brown cow.");

You can assign new input with in() = i, which does not reset the lexer's matcher. This means that when the end of the input (EOF) is reached, and you want to switch to new input, then you should clear the EOF state first with lexer.matcher().set_end(false) to reset EOF. Or use lexer.matcher().reset() to clear the state.

Invoking in(i) resets the lexer's matcher (i.e. internally with matcher.reset()). This clears the line and column counters, resets the internal anchor and boundary flags for anchor and word boundary matching, and resets the matcher to consume buffered input.

These in(i) operations specify strings and bytes that are copied to an internal buffer. This is desirable, because the scanner uses a matcher that initializes a buffer, block-wise copies more input to this internal buffer on demand, and modifies this buffered content, e.g. to allow text() to return a 0-terminated char string. Zero copy overhead is obtained with lexer method buffer(b, n) to assign an external buffer:

// read a 0-terminated buffer in place, buffer content is changed!!
char *base = ...; // points to the base address of the data
size_t size = ...; // length of the data including one extra byte for a final \0
lexer.buffer(base, size);
Function buffer(b, n) scans n-1 bytes at address b. The length n should include the final zero byte at the end of the string.

With options −−flex and −−bison you can also use classic Flex functions:

// read from a file, this also decodes UTF-8/16/32 encodings automatically
FILE *fd = fopen("cow.txt", "r");
if (fd == NULL)
... // error, bail out
yyin = fd;
// read from a stream (ASCII or UTF-8)
std::istream i = std::ifstream("file", std::ios::in);
yyin = &i;
// read from a string (0-terminated, ASCII or UTF-8)
yy_scan_string("How now brown cow."); // new buffer to scan a string
// yyin = "How now brown cow."; // alternative, does not create a new buffer
// read from a memory segment (raw bytes, ASCII, or UTF-8)
const char *ptr = ...; // points to memory segment
size_t len = ...; // length of the memory segment
yy_scan_bytes(ptr, len); // new buffer to scan memory
// read from a wide string, 0-terminated, encoding it to UTF-8 for matching
yy_scan_wstring(L"How now brown cow."); // new buffer to scan a wide string
// yyin = L"How now brown cow."; // alternative, does not create a new buffer

The yy_scan_string, yy_scan_bytes, and yy_scan_wstring functions create a new buffer (i.e. a new matcher in RE/flex) and replace the old buffer without deleting it. A pointer to the new buffer is returned, which becomes the new YY_CURRENT_BUFFER. You should delete the old buffer with yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) before creating a new buffer.

Zero copy overhead is obtained with yy_scan_buffer(b, n):

// read a 0-terminated buffer in place, buffer content is changed!!
char *base = ...; // points to 0-terminated buffer
size_t size = ...; // length of the buffer including two final \0 bytes
yy_scan_buffer(base, size);
The Flex-compatible yy_scan_buffer(b, n) (when option −−flex is used) scans n-2 bytes at address b. The length n should include two final zero bytes at the end!
Function yy_scan_buffer(b, n) only touches the first final byte and not the second byte, since this function is the same as calling buffer(b, n-1). In fact, the specified string may have any final byte value. The final byte of the string will be set to zero when text() (or yytext) or rest() are used. But otherwise the final byte remains completely untouched by the other lexer functions, including echo() (and Flex-compatible ECHO). Only unput(c), wunput(), text() (or yytext), rest(), and span() modify the buffer contents, where text() and rest() require an extra byte at the end of the buffer to make the strings returned by these functions 0-terminated. This means that you can scan read-only memory of n bytes located at address b by using buffer(b, n+1) safely, for example to read read-only mmap(2) PROT_READ memory, as long as unput(c),wunput(), text() (or yytext), rest(), and span() are not used.

The Flex yy_scan_string, yy_scan_bytes, yy_scan_wstring, and yy_scan_buffer functions take an extra last yyscan_t argument for reentrant scanners generated with option −−reentrant, for example:

// read from a file, this also decodes UTF-8/16/32 encodings automatically
FILE *fd = fopen("cow.txt", "r");
if (fd == NULL)
... // error, bail out
yyget_in(yyscanner) = fd;
// read from a stream (ASCII or UTF-8)
std::istream i = std::ifstream("file", std::ios::in);
yyget_in(yyscanner) = &i;
// read from a string (0-terminated, ASCII or UTF-8)
yy_scan_string("How now brown cow.", yyscanner); // new buffer to scan a string
// read from a memory segment (raw bytes, ASCII, or UTF-8)
const char *ptr = ...; // points to memory segment
size_t len = ...; // length of the memory segment
yy_scan_bytes(ptr, len, yyscanner); // new buffer to scan memory
// read from a wide string, 0-terminated, encoding it to UTF-8 for matching
yy_scan_wstring(L"How now brown cow.", yyscanner); // new buffer to scan a wide string
// read a 0-terminated buffer in place, buffer content is changed!!
char *base = ...; // points to 0-terminated buffer
size_t size = ...; // length of the buffer including final 0 byte
yy_scan_buffer(base, size, yyscanner);

The yyscanner macro is essentially the same is the this pointer that can only be used in lexer methods and in lexer rules. Outside the scope of lexer methods a pointer to your yyFlexLexer lexer object should be used instead, for example yyget_in(&lexer). Also YY_CURRENT_BUFFER should be replaced by yyget_current_buffer(&lexer). See also Reentrant scanners.

Switching input before the end of the input source is reached discards all remaining input from that source. To switch input without affecting the current input source, switch matchers instead. The matchers buffer the input and manage the input state, in addition to pattern matching the input.

The following methods are available to specify a matcher Matcher m (a Flex "buffer") for a lexer:

RE/flex action Flex action Result
matcher(m) yy_switch_to_buffer(m) use matcher m
new_matcher(i) yy_create_buffer(i, n) returns new matcher for reflex::Input i
del_matcher(m) yy_delete_buffer(m) delete matcher m
push_matcher(m) yypush_buffer_state(m) push current matcher, then use m
pop_matcher() yypop_buffer_state() pop matcher and delete current
ptr_matcher() YY_CURRENT_BUFFER pointer to current matcher
has_matcher() YY_CURRENT_BUFFER != 0 current matcher is usable

For example, to switch to a matcher that scans from a new input source, then restores the old input source:

... // scanning etc.
Matcher *oldmatcher = matcher();
reflex::Input input(...);
Matcher *newmatcher = new_matcher(input);
... // scan the new input
... // continue scanning the old input

the same with the −−flex option becomes:

... // scanning etc.
reflex::Input input(...);
... // scan the new input
... // the specified input is no longer needed here
... // continue scanning the old input

This switches the scanner's input by switching to another matcher. Note that matcher(m) may be used by the virtual wrap() method (or yywrap() when option −−flex is specified) if you use input wrapping after EOF to set things up for continued scanning.

Switching input sources (via either matcher(m), in(i), or the Flex functions) does not change the current start condition state.

When the scanner reaches the end of the input, it will check the int wrap() method to detetermine if scanning should continue. If wrap() returns one (1) the scanner terminates and returns zero to its caller. If wrap() returns zero (0) then the scanner continues. In this case wrap() should set up a new input source to scan.

For example, continuing reading from std:cin after some other input source reached EOF:

virtual int wrap() // note: yywrap() with option −−flex
return in().good() ? 0 : 1;

To implement a wrap() (and yywrap() when option −−flex is specified) in a derived lexer class with option class=NAME (or yyclass=NAME), override the wrap() (or yywrap()) method as follows:

%option class=Tokenizer
class Tokenizer : Lexer { // note: yyFlexLexer with option −−flex
virtual int wrap() // note: yywrap() with option −−flex
return in().good() ? 0 : 1;

You can override the wrap() method to set up a new input source when the current input is exhausted. Do not use matcher().input(i) to set a new input source i, because that resets the internal matcher state.

With the −−flex options your can override the yyFlexLexer::yywrap() method that returns an integer 0 (more input available) or 1 (we're done).

With the −−flex and −−bison options you should define a global yywrap() function that returns an integer 0 (more input available) or 1 (we're done).

To set the current input as interactive, such as input from a console, use matcher().interactive() (yy_set_interactive(1) with option −−flex). This disables buffering of the input and makes the scanner responsive to direct input.

To read from the input without pattern matching, use matcher().input() to read one character at a time (8-bit, ASCII or UTF-8). This function returns EOF if the end of the input was reached. But be careful, the Flex yyinput() and input() functions return 0 instead of an EOF (-1)!

To put back one character unto the input stream, use matcher().unput(c) (or unput(c) with option −−flex) to put byte c back in the input or matcher().wunput(c) to put a (wide) character c back in the input.

Functions unput() and wunput() invalidate the previous text() and yytext pointers. Basically, text() and yytext cannot be used after unput().

For example, to crudily scan a C/C++ multiline comment we can use the rule:

"/*" { /* skip multiline comments */
int c;
while ((c = yyinput()) != 0)
if (c == '\n')
else if (c == '*')
if ((c = yyinput()) == '/')

We actually do not need to keep track of line numbers explicitly, because yyinput() with RE/flex implicitly updates line numbers, unlike Flex from which this example originates.

Instead of the crude approach shown above, a better alternative is to use a regex /\*.*?\*/ or perhaps use start condition states, see Start condition states .

A simpler and faster approach is to use skip("*/") to skip comments:

"/*" skip("*/");

Using skip() is fast and flushes the internal buffer when searching, unlike yyinput() that maintains the buffer contents to keep text() (and yytext) unchanged.

To grab the rest of the input as a string, use matcher().rest() which returns a const char* string that points to the internal buffer that is enlarged to contain all remaining input. Copy the string before using the matcher again.

To read a number of bytes n into a string buffer s[0..n-1], use the virtual matcher().get(s, n) method. This method is the same as invoking matcher().in.get(s, n) to directly read data from the reflex::Input source in, but also handles interactive input when enabled with matcher().interactive() to not read beyond the next newline character. The gets, n) matcher method can be overriden by a derived matcher class to customize reading.

The Flex YY_INPUT macro is not supported by RE/flex. It is recommended to use YY_BUFFER_STATE (Flex), which is a reflex::FlexLexer::Matcher class in RE/flex that holds the matcher state and the state of the current input, including the line and column number positions (so unlike Flex, yylineno does not have to be saved and restored when switching buffers). See also section Lexer specifications on the actions to use.

To implement a custom input handler you can use a proper object-oriented approach: create a derived class of reflex::Matcher (or another matcher class derived from reflex::AbstractMatcher) and in the derived class override the size_t reflex::Matcher::get(char *s, size_t n) method for input handling. This function is called with a string buffer s of size n bytes. Fill the string buffer s up to n bytes and return the number of bytes stored in s. Return zero upon EOF. Use reflex options −−matcher=NAME and −−pattern=reflex::Pattern to use your new matcher class NAME (or leave out −−pattern for Boost.Regex derived matchers).

The FlexLexer lexer class is the base class of the yyFlexLexer lexer class generated with reflex option −−flex, which defines a virtual size_t LexerInput(char*, size_t) method. This virtual method can be redefined in the generated yyFlexLexer lexer to consume input from some source of text:

virtual size_t LexerInput(char *s, size_t n)
size_t k;
// populate s[0..k-1] for some k with k <= n
return k; // return number of bytes filled in s[]

This approach is compatible with Flex. The LexerInput method may be invoked multiple times by the matcher engine and should eventually return zero to indicate the end of input is reached (e.g. when at EOF).

To prevent the scanner from initializing the input to stdin before reading input with LexerInput(), use option −−nostdinit.

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Multiple input sources

A typical scenario for a compiler of a programming language is to process include directives in the source input that should include the source of another file before continuing with the current input.

For example, the following specification defines a lexer that processes #include directives by switching matchers and using the stack of matchers to permit nested #include directives up to a depth of as much as 99 files:

#include <stdio.h>
int depth;
void include_file()
if (depth > 99)
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // max include depth exceeded
char *q = strchr(text(), '"'); // get ..."filename"
char *file = strdup(q + 1); // get filename"
file[strlen(file) - 1] = '\0'; // get filename
FILE *fd = fopen(file, "r");
if (!fd)
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // cannot open file
push_matcher(new_matcher(fd)); // push current matcher, use new matcher
bool end_of_file()
if (depth == 0)
return true; // return true: no more input to read
fclose(in()); // close current input in() (a FILE*)
pop_matcher(); // delete current matcher, pop matcher
return false; // return false: continue reading
depth = 0;
^\h*#include\h*\".*?\" include_file();
.|\n echo();
<<EOF>> if (end_of_file()) return 0;

With option −−flex, the statement push_matcher(new_matcher(fd)) above becomes yypush_buffer_state(yy_create_buffer(fd, YY_BUF_SIZE)) and pop_matcher() becomes yypop_buffer_state(). For comparison, here is a C-based classic Flex example specification that works with RE/flex too:

#include <stdio.h>
int depth = 0;
^[ \t]*#include[ \t]*\".*?\" {
if (depth > 99)
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // max include depth exceeded
char *q = strchr(yytext, '"'); // get ..."filename"
char *file = strdup(q + 1); // get filename"
file[strlen(file) - 1] = '\0'; // get filename
FILE *fd = fopen(file, "r");
if (!fd)
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // cannot open file
YY_BUFFER_STATE buf = yy_create_buffer(fd, YY_BUF_SIZE);
yypush_buffer_state(buf); // push current buffer, use new buffer
.|\n ECHO;
<<EOF>> {
fclose(yyin); // close current input
yypop_buffer_state(); // delete current buffer, pop buffer
if (!YY_CURRENT_BUFFER) // no buffer, we're done

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Start condition states

Start conditions are used to group rules and selectively activate rules when the start condition state becomes active.

A rule with a pattern that is prefixed with one ore more start conditions will only be active when the scanner is in one of these start condition states.

For example:

<A,B>pattern1 action1
<A>pattern2 action2
<B>pattern3 action3

When the scanner is in state A rules 1 and 2 are active. When the scanner is in state B rules 1 and 3 are active.

Start conditions are declared in The definitions section (the first section) of the lexer specification using %state or %xstate (or %s and %x for short) followed by a space-separated list of names called start symbols. Start conditions declared with %s are inclusive start conditions. Start conditions declared with %x are exclusive start conditions:

If a start condition is inclusive, then all rules without a start condition and rules with the corresponding start condition will be active.

If a start condition is exclusive, only the rules with the corresponding start condition will be active.

When declaring start symbol names it is recommended to use all upper case to avoid name clashes with other Lexer class members. For example, we cannot use text as a start symbol name because text() is a Lexer method. When option −−flex is specified, start symbol names are macros for compatibility with Lex/Flex.

The scanner is initially in the INITIAL start condition state. The INITIAL start condtion is inclusive: all rules without a start condition and those prefixed with the INITIAL start condition are active when the scanner is in the INITIAL start condition state.

The special start condition prefix <*> matches every start condition. The prefix <*> is not needed for <<EOF>> rules, because unprefixed <<EOF>> rules are always active as a special case. The <<EOF>> pattern and this exception were originally introduced by Flex.

For example:

%s A
%x X
<A,X>pattern1 action1 // rule for states A and X
<A>pattern2 action2 // rule for state A
<X>pattern3 action3 // rule for state X
<*>pattern4 action4 // rule for states INITIAL, A and X
pattern5 action5 // rule for states INITIAL and A
<<EOF>> action6 // rule for states INITIAL, A and X

When the scanner is in state INITIAL rules 4, 5, and 6 are active. When the scanner is in state A rules 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are active. When the scanner is in state X rules 1, 3, 4, and 6 are active. Note that A is inclusive whereas X is exclusive.

To switch to a start condition state, use start(START) (or BEGIN START when option −−flex is specified). To get the current state use start() (or YY_START when option −−flex is specified). Switching start condition states in your scanner allows you to create "mini-scanners" to scan portions of the input that are syntactically different from the rest of the input, such as comments:

"/*" start(COMMENT); // with −−flex use: BEGIN COMMENT;
.|\n echo(); // with −−flex use: ECHO;
<COMMENT>[^*]* // eat anything that is not a '*'
<COMMENT>"*"+[^*/]* // eat '*'s not followed by a '/'
<COMMENT>"*"+"/" start(INITIAL);
<COMMENT><<EOF>> std::cerr << "EOF in comment\n"; return 1;

Start symbols are actually integer values, where INITIAL is 0. This means that you can store a start symbol value in a variable. You can also push the current start condition on a stack and transition to start condition START with push_state(START). To transition to a start condition that is on the top of the stack and pop it use pop_state(). The top_state() returns the start condition that is on the top of the stack:

"/*" push_state(COMMENT);
.|\n echo();
<COMMENT>[^*]* // eat anything that is not a '*'
<COMMENT>"*"+[^*/]* // eat '*'s not followed by a '/'
<COMMENT>"*"+"/" pop_state();
<COMMENT><<EOF>> std::cerr << "EOF in comment\n"; return 1;

When many rules are prefixed by the same start conditions, you can simplify the rules by placing them in a start condition scope:

[^*]* // eat anything that is not a '*'
"*"+[^*/]* // eat '*'s not followed by a '/'
"*"+"/" start(INITIAL);
<<EOF>> std::cerr << "EOF in comment\n"; return 1;

Start condition scopes may be nested. A nested scope extends the scope of start conditions that will be associated with the rules in the nested scope.

For example:

%s A
%x X
pattern action // rule for states INITIAL and A
pattern action // rule for state A
pattern action // rule for states A and X
pattern action // rule for state X
pattern action // rule for states A and X

Designating a start condition as inclusive or exclusive is effective only for rules that are not associated with a start condition scope. That is, inclusive start condition states are implicitly associated with rules unless a rule has a start condition scope that explicitly associates start condition states with the rule.

RE/flex extends the syntax of start conditions scopes beyond Flex syntax, allowing the removal of start conditions from the current scope. A start condition name prefixed with the ^ operator is removed from the current scope:

%s A B C
pattern action // rule for states B and C
pattern action // rule for states A and C
<*,^A,^C>pattern action // rule for states INITIAL and B (all states except A and C)

Note that scopes should be read from outer to inner scope, and from left to right in a <...> scope declaration. This means that <*,^A,^C> first extends the scope to include all start conditions and then removes A and C.

A start condition cannot be removed when it is not included in the current scope. For example, <*,^A> is correct but <^A,*> is incorrect when used as a top-level scope.

Empty <> without start condition states cannot be specified because this is a valid regex pattern. To remove all states from a scope use <^*>. This construct is only useful when the empty scope is extended by start conditions specified in sub-scopes.

Contrary to some Flex manuals, rules cannot be indented in a start condition scope. When a code block is indented at the begin of a start condition scope it is considered an initial code block, see Initial code blocks . All indented lines are considered actions. Note that %option freespace allows patterns to be indented. With this option all action code blocks must be bracketed.

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Initial code blocks

An initial code block may be placed at the start of the rules section or in a condition scope. This code block is executed each time the scanner is invoked (i.e. when lex() or yylex() is called) before matching a pattern. Initial code blocks may be associated with start condition states as follows:

%s A
%x X
// Code block for all inclusive states (INITIAL and A)
pattern action // rule for states INITIAL and A
pattern action // rule for states INITIAL and A
// Code block for state X
pattern action // rule for state X
pattern action // rule for state X
// Code block for all inclusive and exclusive states (INITIAL, A, and X)
pattern action // rule for states INITIAL, A, and X
pattern action // rule for states INITIAL, A, and X

Initial code blocks should be indented or should be placed within %{ %} blocks.

An initial code block can be used to configure the lexer's matcher, since a new matcher with the lexer patterns is created by the lexer just before the rules are matched. For example:

bool init_matcher;
init_matcher = true;
if (init_matcher) // init the new matcher?
init_matcher = false; // init only once
if (BUFFER_ALL) // buffer all input at once?
matcher().buffer(); // same as %option batch
else if (INTERACTIVE) // console-based (TTY) "interactive" input?
matcher().interactive(); // same as %option interactive
matcher().tabs(4); // same as %option tabs=4

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Interfacing with Bison/Yacc

The Bison tools generate parsers that invoke the global C function yylex() to get the next token. Tokens are integer values returned by yylex().

To support Bison parsers use reflex option −−bison. This option generates a scanner with a global lexer object YY_SCANNER and a global YY_EXTERN_C int yylex() function. When the Bison parser is compiled in C and the scanner is compiled in C++, you must set YY_EXTERN_C in the lex specification to extern "C" to enable C linkage rules:

#include "" /* include generated by bison */
#define YY_EXTERN_C extern "C" /* yylex() must use C linkage rules */
%option noyywrap bison
[0-9]+ yylval.num = strtol(text(), NULL, 10);
\"([^\\"]|\\")*\" yylval.str = text();

Note that −−noyywrap may be specified to remove the dependency on the global yywrap() function that is not defined.

This example sets the global yylval.num to the integer scanned or yylval.str to the string scanned. It assumes that the Bison/Yacc grammar file defines the tokens CONST_NUMBER and CONST_STRING and the type YYSTYPE of yylval. For example:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) */
extern int yylex(void);
%union { // YYSTYPE yylval is a union:
int num; // yylval.num
char* str; // yylval.str
%token <num> CONST_NUMBER
%token <str> CONST_STRING
... // grammar rules

YYSTYPE is a union defined by Bison or you can set it as an option %option YYSTYPE=type in a lexer specification.

When option −−flex is specified with −−bison, the yytext, yyleng, and yylineno globals are accessible to the Bison/Yacc parser. In fact, all Flex actions and variables are globally accessible (outside The rules section of the lexer specification) with the exception of yy_push_state, yy_pop_state, and yy_top_state that are class methods. Furthermore, yyin and yyout are macros and cannot be (re)declared or accessed as global variables, but these can be used as if they are variables to assign a new input source and to set the output stream. To avoid compilation errors when using globals such as yyin, use reflex option −−header-file to generate a header file lex.yy.h to include in your code. Finally, in code outside of The rules section you must use yyinput() instead of input(), use the global action yyunput() instead of unput(), and use the global action yyoutput() instead of output().

See the generated lex.yy.cpp "BISON" section, which contains declarations specific to Bison when the −−bison option is specified.

There are two approaches for a Bison parser to work with a scanner. Either the Bison/Yacc grammar file should include the externs we need to import from the scanner:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) assuming C with externs defined by the scanner using YY_EXTERN_C */
extern int yylex(void);
extern char *yytext;
extern yy_size_t yyleng;
extern int yylineno;
... // grammar rules

or a better approach is to generate a lex.yy.h header file with option −−header-file and use this header file in the Bison/Yacc grammar file:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) for C++ */
#include "lex.yy.h"
... // grammar rules

The second option requires the generated parser to be compiled in C++, because lex.yy.h contains C++ declarations.

The Flex macro YY_DECL is not supported by RE/flex. The YY_DECL macro is used or defined by Flex to redeclare the yylex() function signature, See YY_DECL alternatives for more information.

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Bison and thread-safety

Bison and Yacc are not thread-safe because the generated code uses and updates global variables. Yacc and Bison use the global variable yylval to exchange token values. By contrast, thread-safe reentrant Bison parsers pass the yylval to the yylex() function as a parameter. RE/flex supports all of these Bison-specific features.

The following combinations of options are available to generate scanners for Bison:

Options Method Global functions and variables
  int Lexer::lex() no global variables, but doesn't work with Bison
−−flex int yyFlexLexer::yylex() no global variables, but doesn't work with Bison
−−bison int Lexer::lex() Lexer YY_SCANNER, int yylex(), YYSTYPE yylval
−−flex −−bison int yyFlexLexer::yylex() yyFlexLexer YY_SCANNER, int yylex(), YYSTYPE yylval, char *yytext, yy_size_t yyleng, int yylineno
−−bison −−reentrant int Lexer::lex() int yylex(yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−flex −−bison −−reentrant int yyFlexLexer::lex() int yylex(yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−bison-locations int Lexer::lex(YYSTYPE& yylval) Lexer YY_SCANNER, int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc)
−−flex −−bison-locations int yyFlexLexer::yylex(YYSTYPE& yylval) yyFlexLexer YY_SCANNER, int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc)
−−bison-bridge int Lexer::lex(YYSTYPE& yylval) int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−flex −−bison-bridge int yyFlexLexer::yylex(YYSTYPE& yylval) int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−bison-bridge −−bison-locations int Lexer::lex(YYSTYPE& yylval) int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc, yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−flex −−bison-bridge −−bison-locations int yyFlexLexer::yylex(YYSTYPE& yylval) int yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc, yyscan_t), void yylex_init(yyscan_t*), void yylex_destroy(yyscan_t)
−−bison-cc int Lexer::yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval) no global variables
−−flex −−bison-cc int yyFlexLexer::yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval) no global variables
−−bison-cc −−bison-locations int Lexer::yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc) no global variables
−−flex −−bison-cc −−bison-locations int yyFlexLexer::yylex(YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc) no global variables
−−bison-complete PARSER::symbol_type Lexer::yylex() no global variables
−−flex −−bison-complete PARSER::symbol_type yyFlexLexer::yylex() no global variables
−−bison-complete −−bison-locations PARSER::symbol_type Lexer::yylex() no global variables
−−flex −−bison-complete −−bison-locations PARSER::symbol_type yyFlexLexer::yylex() no global variables

Option −−prefix may be used with option −−flex to change the prefix of the generated yyFlexLexer and yylex. This option may be combined with option −−bison to also change the prefix of the generated yytext, yyleng, and yylineno.

Furthermore, reflex options −−namespace=NAME, −−lexer=LEXER and −−lex=LEX can be used to add a C++ namespace, to rename the lexer class (Lexer or yyFlexLexer by default) and to rename the lexer function (lex or yylex by default), respectively.

For option −−bison-complete the lexer function return type is the parser's symbol_type as defined in the Bison grammar specification. The parser class is specified with option −−bison-cc-parser=PARSER and an optional namespace may be specified with −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME. The lexer function return type may also be explicitly specified with option −−token-type=TYPE.

The following sections explain the −−bison-cc, −−bison-complete, −−bison-bridge, −−bison-locations, and −−reentrant options for reflex.

Additional parameters may be passed to lex() and yylex() by declaring %option params="extra parameters" in the lexer specification. See YY_DECL alternatives.

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The reflex option −−bison-cc expects a Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parser that is declared as follows in a Bison grammar file:

/* yacc grammar (.yxx file) for C++ */
%require "3.0"
%skeleton ""
%code requires{
namespace yy {
class Lexer; // Generated by reflex with namespace=yy lexer=Lexer lex=yylex
%parse-param { yy::Lexer& lexer } // Construct parser object with lexer
#include "lex.yy.h" // header file generated with reflex --header-file
#undef yylex
#define yylex lexer.yylex // Within bison's parse() we should invoke lexer.yylex(), not the global yylex()
%union { // yy::parser::semantic_type yylval is a union:
int num; // type of yylval.num is int
char* str; // type of yylval.str is char*
%token <num> CONST_NUMBER // This defines yy::parser::token::CONST_NUMBER
%token <str> CONST_STRING // This defines yy::parser::token::CONST_STRING
... // grammar rules
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg)
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;

With the −−bison-cc option of reflex, the yylex() function takes a yy::parser::semantic_type yylval argument that makes the yylval visible in the lexer rules to assign semantic values to.

The scanner is generated with reflex options −−bison-cc, −−namespace=yy and −−lexer=Lexer. The lexer specification should #include the Bison-generated header file to ensure that the yy::parser::token enums CONST_NUMBER and CONST_STRING are defined.

Using the code above, we can now initialize a Bison parser. We first should create a scanner and pass it to the parser constructor as follows:

yy::Lexer lexer(std::cin); // read from stdin (or a stream, string or FILE)
yy::parser parser(lexer);
if (parser.parse() != 0)
... // error

We use options −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME and −−bison-cc-parser=NAME to specify the namespace and parser class name of the Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parser you are generating with Bison. These are yy and parser by default, respectively. For option −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME the NAME can be a list of nested namespaces of the form NAME1::NAME2::NAME3 or by separating the names by a dot as in NAME1.NAME2.NAME3.

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Bison-cc & locations

The reflex option −−bison-cc with −−bison-locations expects a Bison 3.0 %skeleton "" C++ parser that is declared as follows in a Bison grammar file:

/* yacc grammar (.yxx file) for C++ */
%require "3.0"
%skeleton ""
%code requires{
namespace yy {
class Lexer; // Generated by reflex with namespace=yy lexer=Lexer
%parse-param { yy::Lexer& lexer } // Construct parser object with lexer
#include "lex.yy.h" // header file generated with reflex --header-file
#undef yylex
#define yylex lexer.yylex // Within bison's parse() we should invoke lexer.yylex(), not the global yylex()
%union { // yy::parser::semantic_type yylval is a union:
int num; // type of yylval.num is int
char* str; // type of yylval.str is char*
%token <num> CONST_NUMBER // This defines yy::parser::token::CONST_NUMBER
%token <str> CONST_STRING // This defines yy::parser::token::CONST_STRING
... // grammar rules
void yy::parser::error(const location_type& loc, const std::string& msg)
std::cerr << msg << " at " << loc << std::endl;

With the −−bison-cc and −−bison-locations options of reflex, the yylex() function takes yy::parser::semantic_type yylval as the first argument that makes the yylval visible in the lexer rules to assign semantic values to. The second argument yy::location yylloc is set automatically by by invoking the lexer's yylloc_update() in yylex() to update the line and column of the match. The auto-generated virtual yylloc_update() method can be overriden by a user-defined lexer class that extends Lexer (or extends yyFlexLexer when option −−flex is specified).

The scanner is generated with reflex options −−bison-cc, −−bison-locations, −−namespace=yy and −−lexer=Lexer. The lexer specification should #include the Bison-generated header file to ensure that the yy::parser::token enums CONST_NUMBER and CONST_STRING are defined.

Using the code above, we can now initialize a Bison parser. We first should create a scanner and pass it to the parser constructor as follows:

yy::Lexer lexer(std::cin); // read from stdin (or a stream, string or FILE)
yy::parser parser(lexer);
if (parser.parse() != 0)
... // error

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The reflex option −−bison-complete expects a Bison 3.2 C++ parser which uses both %define api.value.type variant and %define api.token.constructor. This parser defines the type symbol_type variant and the parser expects yylex to have the type yy::parser::symbol_type yylex(). Here is an example Bison 3.2 C++ complete symbols grammar file:

/* yacc grammar (.yxx file) for C++ */
%require "3.2"
%language "c++"
%define api.namespace {yy}
%define api.parser.class {parser}
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%output "parser.cpp"
%code requires{
namespace yy {
class Lexer; // Generated by reflex with namespace=yy lexer=Lexer lex=yylex
%parse-param { yy::Lexer& lexer } // Construct parser object with lexer
#include "lex.yy.h" // header file generated with reflex --header-file
#undef yylex
#define yylex lexer.yylex // Within bison's parse() we should invoke lexer.yylex(), not the global yylex()
%define api.token.prefix {TOK_}
%token <std::string> IDENTIFIER "identifier" // This defines TOK_IDENTIFIER
%token <int> NUMBER "number" // This defines TOK_NUMBER
%token EOF 0 "end of file" // This defines TOK_EOF with value 0
... // grammar rules
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg)
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
if (lexer.size() == 0) // if token is unknown (no match)
lexer.matcher().winput(); // skip character

With the −−bison-complete option of reflex, the yylex() function takes no arguments by default and returns a value of type yy::parser::symbol_type. This means that the lexer's action should return values of this type, constructed with yy::parser::symbol_type or with make_TOKENNAME as follows:

#include "parser.hpp" /* Generated by bison. */
%option bison-complete
%option bison-cc-namespace=yy
%option bison-cc-parser=parser
%option exception="yy::parser::syntax_error(\"Unknown token.\")"
%option namespace=yy
%option lexer=Lexer
\s+ // skip space
[a-z]+ return yy::parser::make_IDENTIFIER(str());
[0-9]+ return yy::parser::make_NUMBER(atoi(text()));
":" return yy::parser::symbol_type(':');
<<EOF>> return yy::parser::make_EOF();

The scanner is generated with reflex options −−bison-complete, −−namespace=yy and −−lexer=Lexer. Option −−bison-complete automatically defines the appropriate token type symbol_type depending on −−bison-cc-namespace and on −−bison-cc-parser. We also used options −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME and −−bison-cc-parser=NAME to specify the namespace and parser class name of the Bison 3.2 C++ parser. These are yy and parser by default, respectively (%define api.namespace {yy} and %define api.parser.class {parser} are actually superfluous in the example grammer specification because their values are the defaults). We use option −−exception to specify that the scanner's default rule should throw a yy::parser::syntax_error("Unknown token."). This exception is caught by the parser which calls yy::parser::error with the string "Unknown token." as argument.

We have to be careful with option −−exception. Because no input is consumed, the scanner should not be invoked again or we risk looping on the unmatched input. Alternatively, we can define a "catch all else" rule with pattern . that consumes the offending input:

\s+ // skip space
[a-z]+ return yy::parser::make_IDENTIFIER(str());
[0-9]+ return yy::parser::make_NUMBER(atoi(text()));
":" return yy::parser::symbol_type(':');
<<EOF>> return yy::parser::make_EOF();
. throw yy::parser::syntax_error("Unknown token.");

For option −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME the NAME may be a list of nested namespaces of the form NAME1::NAME2::NAME3 or by separating the names by a dot as in NAME1.NAME2.NAME3.

Using the code above, we can now initialize a Bison parser in our main program. We first should create a scanner and pass it to the parser constructor as follows:

yy::Lexer lexer(std::cin); // read from stdin (or a stream, string or FILE)
yy::parser parser(lexer);
if (parser.parse() != 0)
... // error

Note that when the end of input is reached, the lexer returns yy::parser::make_EOF() upon matching <<EOF>>. This rule is optional. When omitted, the return value is yy::parser::symbol_type(0).

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Bison-complete & locations

The reflex option −−bison-complete expects a Bison 3.2 C++ parser which uses both %define api.value.type variant and %define api.token.constructor. This parser defines the type symbol_type variant and the parser expects yylex to have the type parser::symbol_type::yylex(). Here is an example Bison 3.2 C++ complete symbols grammar file with Bison %locations enabled:

/* yacc grammar (.yxx file) for C++ */
%require "3.2"
%language "c++"
%define api.namespace {yy}
%define api.parser.class {parser}
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%define parse.error verbose
%output "parser.cpp"
%define api.location.file "location.hpp"
%code requires{
namespace yy {
class Lexer; // Generated by reflex with namespace=yy lexer=Lexer lex=yylex
%parse-param { yy::Lexer& lexer } // Construct parser object with lexer
#include "lex.yy.h" // header file generated with reflex --header-file
#undef yylex
#define yylex lexer.yylex // Within bison's parse() we should invoke lexer.yylex(), not the global yylex()
%define api.token.prefix {TOK_}
%token <std::string> IDENTIFIER "identifier" // This defines TOK_IDENTIFIER
%token <int> NUMBER "number" // This defines TOK_NUMBER
%token EOF 0 "end of file" // This defines TOK_EOF with value 0
... // grammar rules, note that we can use @1, @2 etc as locations, like this:
type ID : {
if (exists($2))
error(@2, "Redefined identifier");
void yy::parser::error(const location& loc, const std::string& msg)
std::cerr << loc << ": " << msg << std::endl;
if (lexer.size() == 0) // if token is unknown (no match)
lexer.matcher().winput(); // skip character

With the −−bison-complete option of reflex, the yylex() function takes no arguments by default and returns a value of type yy::parser::symbol_type. This means that the lexer's action should return values of this type, constructed with yy::parser::symbol_type or with make_TOKENNAME as follows:

#include "parser.hpp" /* Generated by bison. */
#include "location.hpp" /* Generated by bison %locations. */
%option bison-complete
%option bison-cc-namespace=yy
%option bison-cc-parser=parser
%option bison-locations
%option exception="yy::parser::syntax_error(location(), \"Unknown token.\")"
%option namespace=yy
%option lexer=Lexer
\s+ // skip space
[a-z]+ return yy::parser::make_IDENTIFIER(str(), location());
[0-9]+ return yy::parser::make_NUMBER(atoi(text()), location());
":" return yy::parser::symbol_type(':', location());
<<EOF>> return yy::parser::make_EOF(location());

The scanner is generated with reflex options −−bison-complete, −−bison-locations, −−namespace=yy and −−lexer=Lexer. Option −−bison-complete automatically defines the appropriate token type symbol_type depending on −−bison-cc-namespace and on −−bison-cc-parser. We also used options −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME and −−bison-cc-parser=NAME to specify the namespace and parser class name of the Bison 3.2 C++ parser. These are yy and parser by default, respectively (i.e. define api.namespace {yy} and define api.parser.class {parser} are actually superfluous in the example grammer specification because their values are the defaults). We use option −−exception to specify that the scanner's default rule should throw a yy::parser::syntax_error(location(), "Unknown token."). This exception is caught by the parser which calls yy::parser::error with the value of location() and the string "Unknown token." as arguments. The auto-generated virtual lexer class method location() method may be overriden by a user-defined lexer class that extends Lexer (or extends yyFlexLexer when option −−flex is specified).

We have to be careful with option −−exception. Because no input is consumed, the scanner should not be invoked again or we risk looping on the unmatched input. Alternatively, we can define a "catch all else" rule with pattern . that consumes the offending input:

\s+ // skip space
[a-z]+ return yy::parser::make_IDENTIFIER(str(), location());
[0-9]+ return yy::parser::make_NUMBER(atoi(text()), location());
":" return yy::parser::symbol_type(':', location());
<<EOF>> return yy::parser::make_EOF(location());
. throw yy::parser::syntax_error(location(), "Unknown token.");

For option −−bison-cc-namespace=NAME the NAME may be a list of nested namespaces of the form NAME1::NAME2::NAME3 or by separating the names by a dot as in NAME1.NAME2.NAME3.

Using the code above, we can now initialize a Bison parser in our main program. We first should create a scanner and pass it to the parser constructor as follows:

FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f != NULL)
yy::Lexer lexer(f); // read file, decode UTF-8/16/32 format
lexer.filename = filename; // the filename to display with error locations
yy::parser parser(lexer);
if (parser.parse() != 0)
... // error

Note that when the end of input is reached, the lexer returns yy::parser::make_EOF() upon matching <<EOF>>. This rule is optional. When omitted, the return value is yy::parser::symbol_type(0, location()).

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The reflex option −−bison-bridge expects a Bison "pure parser" that is declared as follows in a Bison grammar file:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) for C or C++ */
#include "lex.yy.h"
#define YYPARSE_PARAM scanner
#define YYLEX_PARAM scanner
... // grammar rules
%pure-parser is deprecated and replaced with %define api.pure.

With the −−bison-bridge option of reflex, the yyscan_t argument type of yylex() is a void* type that passes the scanner object to this global function (as defined by YYPARSE_PARAM and YYLEX_PARAM). The function then invokes this scanner's lex function. This option also passes the yylval value to the lex function, which is a reference to an YYSTYPE value.

Wtih the −−bison-bridge option two additional functions are generated that should be used to create a new scanner and delete the scanner in your program:

yyscan_t scanner = nullptr;
yylex_init(&scanner); // create a new scanner
int token = yylex(&yylval, scanner); // scan with bison-bridge
yylex_destroy(scanner); // delete a scanner
scanner = nullptr;

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The option −−bison-locations expects a Bison parser with the locations feature enabled. This feature provides line and column numbers of the matched text for error reporting. For example:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) for C or C++ */
#include "lex.yy.h"
void yyerror(const char*);
%union { // YYSTYPE yylval is a union:
int num; // type of yylval.num is int
char* str; // type of yylval.str is char*
/* reflex option −−bison-locations makes yylex() take yylval and yylloc */
extern int yylex(YYSTYPE*, YYLTYPE*);
#define YYLEX_PARAM &yylval, &yylloc
/* add &yylval and &yyloc parameters to yylex() with a trick: use YYLEX_PARAM */
%lex-param { void *YYLEX_PARAM }
%token <num> CONST_NUMBER
%token <str> CONST_STRING
... // grammar rules
void yyerror(const char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, "%s at %d,%d to line %d,%d\n",

The yylval value is passed to the lex function. The yylloc structure is automatically updated by the RE/flex scanner, so you do not need to define a YY_USER_ACTION macro as you have to with Flex. Instead, this is done automatically in yylex() by invoking the lexer's yylloc_update() to update the line and column of the match. The auto-generated virtual yylloc_update() method may be overriden by a user-defined lexer class that extends Lexer (or extends yyFlexLexer when option −−flex is specified).

Note that with the −−bison-location option, yylex() takes an additional YYLTYPE argument that a Bison parser provides. You can set YYLTYPE as an option %option YYLTYPE=type in a lexer specification.

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Bison-bridge & locations

Here is a final example that combines options −−bison-locations and −−bison-bridge, The Bison parser should be a Bison pure-parser with locations enabled:

/* yacc grammar (.y file) for C or C++ */
#include "lex.yy.h"
void yyerror(YYLTYPE*, yyscan_t, const char*);
#define YYPARSE_PARAM scanner
#define YYLEX_PARAM scanner
%lex-param { void *scanner }
%parse-param { void *scanner }
%union { // YYSTYPE yylval is a union:
int num; // yylval.num
char* str; // yylval.str
%token <num> CONST_NUMBER
%token <str> CONST_STRING
... // grammar rules
void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, yyscan_t scanner, const char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, "%s at %d,%d to line %d,%d\n",
%pure-parser is deprecated and replaced with %define api.pure.
When Bison %locations with %define api.pure full is used, yyerror has the signature void yyerror(YYLTYPE *locp, char const *msg). This function signature is required to obtain the location information with Bison pure-parsers.
Argument yylval is not a pointer but is passed by reference and should be used as such in the scanner's rules.
Because YYSTYPE is declared by the parser, do not forget to add a #include "" to the top of the specification of your lexer:
#include "" /* include generated by bison */

With the −−bison-bridge and −−bison-location options two additional functions are generated that should be used to create a new scanner and delete the scanner in your program:

yyscan_t scanner = nullptr;
yylex_init(&scanner); // create a new scanner
int token = yylex(&yylval, &yylloc, scanner); // scan with bison-bridge and bison-locations
yylex_destroy(scanner); // delete a scanner
scanner = nullptr;

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Reentrant scanners

Option -R or −−reentrant may be used to generate a reentrant scanner that is compatible with reentrant Flex and Bison. This is mainly useful when you combine −−reentrant with −−flex and −−bison. See also Interfacing with Bison/Yacc .

When using Bison with reentrant scanners, your code should create a yyscan_t scanner object with yylex_init(&scanner) and destroy it with yylex_destroy(scanner). Reentrant Flex functions take the scanner object as an extra last argument, for example yylex(scanner):

yyscan_t scanner = nullptr;
yylex_init(&scanner); // create a new scanner
int token = yylex(scanner); // reentrant scan
yylex_destroy(scanner); // delete a scanner
scanner = nullptr;

Within a rules section we refer to the scanner with macro yyscanner, for example:

{integer} yylval.i = atoi(yyget_text(yyscanner));
return INTEGER;
{decimal} yylval.d = atof(yyget_text(yyscanner));
return DECIMAL;
. printf("unknown char at line %d\n", yyget_lineno(yyscanner));

The following functions are available in a reentrant Flex scanner generated with options −−flex and −−reentrant. These functions take an extra argument yyscan_t s that is either yyscanner when the function is used in a rule or in the scope of a lexer method, or is a pointer to the lexer object when the function is used outside the scope of a lexer method:

Reentrant Flex action Result
yyget_text(s) 0-terminated text match
yyget_leng(s) size of the match in bytes
yyget_lineno(s) line number of the match (>=1)
yyset_lineno(n, s) set line number of the match to n
yyset_columno(n, s) set column number of the match to n
yyget_in(s) get reflex::Input object
yyset_in(i, s) set reflex::Input object
yyget_out(s) get std::ostream object
yyset_out(o, s) set output to std::ostream o
yyget_debug(s) reflex option -d sets n=1
yyset_debug(n, s) reflex option -d sets n=1
yyget_extra(s) get user-defined extra parameter
yyset_extra(x, s) set user-defined extra parameter
yyget_current_buffer(s) the current matcher
yyrestart(i, s) set input to reflex::Input i
yyinput(s) get next 8-bit char from input
yyunput(c, s) put back 8-bit char c
yyoutput(c, s) output char c
yy_create_buffer(i, n, s) new matcher reflex::Input i
yy_delete_buffer(m, s) delete matcher m
yypush_buffer_state(m, s) push current matcher, use m
yypop_buffer_state(s) pop matcher and delete current
yy_scan_string(s) scan string s
yy_scan_wstring(s) scan wide string s
yy_scan_bytes(b, n) scan n bytes at b (buffered)
yy_scan_buffer(b, n) scan n-1 bytes at b (zero copy)
yy_push_state(n, s) push current state, go to state n
yy_pop_state(s) pop state and make it current
yy_top_state(s) get top state start condition

With respect to the yyget_extra functions, a scanner object has a YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyextra value that is user-definable. You can define the type in a lexer specification with the extra-type option:

%option flex bison reentrant
%option extra-type="struct extra"
struct extra { ... }; // type of the data to include in a FlexLexer

This mechanism is somewhat crude as it originates with Flex' C legacy to add extra user-defined values to a scanner class. Because reflex is C++, it is recommended to define a derived class that extends the Lexer or FlexLexer class, see Inheriting Lexer/yyFlexLexer .

Because scanners are C++ classes, the yyscanner macro is essentially the same is the this pointer. Outside the scope of lexer methods a pointer to your yyFlexLexer lexer object should be used instead.

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YY_DECL alternatives

The Flex macro YY_DECL is not supported by RE/flex. The YY_DECL macro is typically used with FLex to (re)declare the yylex() function signature, for example to take an additional yylval parameter that must be passed through from yyparse() to yylex(). Note that the standard cases are already covered by RE/flex using options such as −−bison-cc, −−bison-bridge and −−bison-locations that pass additional parameters to the scanner function invoked by the Bison parser.

There are two better alternatives to YY_DECL:

  1. Option %option params="TYPE NAME, ..." can be defined in the lexer specification to pass additional parameters to the lexer function lex() and yylex(). One or more corresponding Bison %param declarations should be included in the grammar specification, to pass the extra parameters via yyparse() to lex()/yylex(). Also yyerror() is expected to take the extra parameters.
  2. The generated lexer class defined with %class{ } can be extended with member declarations to hold state information, such as token-related values. These values can then be exchanged with the parser by accessing them within the parser.

The first alternative matches the YY_DECL use cases. The comma-separated list of additional parameters "TYPE NAME, ..." are added to the end of the parameter list of the generated lex()/yylex() function. The second alternative uses a stateful approach. The values are stored in the scanner object and can be made accessible beyond the scopes of the scanners's rule actions and the parser's semantic actions.

See also The Lexer/yyFlexLexer class .

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Searching versus scanning

RE/flex generates an efficient search engine with option -S (or −−find). The generated search engine finds all matches while ignoring unmatched input silently, which is different from scanning that matches all input piece-wise.

Searching with this option is more efficient than scanning with a "catch all else" dot-rule to ignore unmatched input, as in:

. // no action, ignore unmatched input

The problem with this rule is that it is invoked for every single unmatched character in the input, which is inefficient and slows down searching for matching patterns significantly when more than a few unmatched characters are encountered in the input. Note that we cannot use .+ to match longer patterns because this overlaps with other patterns and is also likely longer than the other patterns, i.e. the rule subsumes those patterns.

Unless the input contains relatively few unmatched characters or bytes to ignore, option -S (or −−find) speeds up searching and matching significantly. This option applies the following optimizations to the RE/flex FSM matcher:

With option -S (or −−find), a "catch all else" dot-rule should not be defined, since unmatched input is already ignored with this option and defining a "catch all else" dot-rule actually slows down the search.

By contrast to option -S (or −−find), option -s (or −−nodefault) cannot be used to ignore unmatched input. Option -s produces runtime errors and exceptions for unmatched input.

This option only applies to the RE/flex matcher and can be combined with options -f (or −−full) and -F (or −−fast) to further increase performance.

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POSIX versus Perl matching

The reflex scanner generator gives you a choice of matchers to use in the generated scanner, where the default is the POSIX RE/flex matcher engine. Other options are the Boost.Regex matcher in POSIX mode or in Perl mode.

To use a matcher for the generated scanner, use one of these three choices:

Option Matcher class used Mode Engine
-m reflex Matcher POSIX RE/flex lib (default choice)
-m pcre2-perl PCRE2Matcher Perl PCRE2
-m boost BoostPosixMatcher POSIX Boost.Regex
-m boost-perl BoostPerlMatcher Perl Boost.Regex

The POSIX matchers look for the longest possible match among the given set of alternative patterns. Perl matchers look for the first match among the given set of alternative patterns.

POSIX is generally preferred for scanners, since it is easier to arrange rules that may have partially overlapping patterns. Since we are looking for the longest match anyway, it does not matter which rule comes first. The order does not matter as long as the length of the matches differ. When matches are of the same length because multiple patterns match, then the first rule is selected.

Consider for example the following lexer.l specification if a lexer with rules that are intended to match keywords and identifiers in some input text:

int out() << "=> int keyword\n";
interface out() << "=> interface keyword\n";
float out() << "=> float keyword\n";
[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* out() << "=> identifier\n";

When the input to the scanner is the text integer, a POSIX matcher selects the last rule that matches it by leftmost longest matching policy. This matching policy selects the rule that matches the longest text. If more than one pattern matches the same length of text then the first pattern that matches takes precedence. This is what we want because it is an identifier in our example programming language:

reflex -m reflex −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex
echo "integer" | ./lexer
=> identifier

By contrast, a Perl matcher uses a greedy matching policy, which selects the first rule that matches. In this case it matches the first part int of the text integer and leaves erface to be matched next as an identifier:

reflex -m boost-perl −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex
echo "integer" | ./lexer
=> int keyword
=> identifier

Note that the same greedy matching happens when the text interface is encountered on the input, which we want to recognize as a separate keyword and not match against int:

reflex -m boost-perl −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex
echo "interface" | ./lexer
=> int keyword
=> identifier

Switching the rules for int and interface fixes that specific problem.

interface out() << "=> interface keyword\n";
int out() << "=> int keyword\n";
float out() << "=> float keyword\n";
[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* out() << "=> identifier\n";
reflex -m boost-perl −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex
echo "interface" | ./lexer
=> interface keyword

But we cannot do the same to fix matching integer as an identifier: when moving the last rule up to the top we cannot match int and interface any longer!

[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* out() << "=> identifier\n";
interface out() << "=> interface keyword\n";
int out() << "=> int keyword\n";
float out() << "=> float keyword\n";
reflex -m boost-perl −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex
echo "int" | ./lexer
=> identifier
echo "interface" | ./lexer
=> identifier

Basically, a Perl matcher works in an operational mode by working the regex pattern as a sequence of operations for matching, usually using backtracking to find a matching pattern.

Perl matchers generally support lazy quantifiers and group captures, while most POSIX matchers do not (e.g. Boost.Regex in POSIX mode does not support lazy quantifiers). The RE/flex POSIX matcher supports lazy quantifiers, but not group captures. The added support for lazy quantifiers and word boundary anchors in RE/flex matching offers a reasonably new and useful feature for scanners that require POSIX mode matching.

To prevent a Perl matcher from matching a keyword when an identifier starts with the name of that keyword, we could use a lookahead pattern such as int(?=[^A-Za-z0-9_]) which is written in a lexer specification with a trailing context int/[^A-Za-z0-9_] with the / lookahead meta symbol.

A POSIX matcher on the other hand is declarative with a deeper foundation in formal language theory. An advantage of POSIX matchers is that a regular expression can always be compiled to a deterministic finite state machine for efficient matching.

POSIX matching still requires the int matching rule before the identifier matching rule, as in the original lexer specification shown in this section. Otherwise an int on the input will be matched by the identifier rule.

Lookaheads can also be used with POSIX matchers to prioratize rules. Adding a lookahead lengthens the pattern while keeping only the part that matches before the lookahead. For example, the following lexer specification attempts to remove leading 0 from numbers:

0 // no action
[0-9]+ out() << text() << std::endl;

However, in POSIX mode the first rule only matches if the text is exactly one 0 because the second rule matches longer texts. The trick here is to use a trailing context with the first rule as follows:

0/[0-9]+ // no action
[0-9]+ out() << text() << std::endl;
reflex -m reflex −−main lexer.l
c++ -o lexer lex.yy.cpp -lreflex
echo "00123" | ./lexer
=> 123
echo "0" | ./lexer
=> 0

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Debugging and profiling

There are several reflex options to debug a lexer and analyze its performance given some input text to scan:

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Option -d generates a scnner that prints the matched text while scanning input. The output displayed is of the form:

−−accepting rule at line NNN ("TEXT")

where NNN is the line number of the pattern in the lexer specification and TEXT is the matched text.

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Option -p generates a scanner that profiles the performance of your lexer. The performance report shows the performance statistics obtained for each pattern defined in the lexer specification, i.e. the number of matches per pattern, the total text length of the matches per pattern, and the total time spent matching and executing the rule corresponding to the pattern. The performance profile statistics are collected when the scanner runs on some given input. Profiling allows you to effectively fine-tune the performance of your lexer by focussing on patterns and rules that are frequently matched that turn out to be computationally expensive.

This is perhaps best illustrated with an example. The JSON parser json.l located in the examples directory of the RE/flex download package was built with reflex option -p and then run on some given JSON input to analyze its performance:

reflex 0.9.22 json.l performance report:
  INITIAL rules matched:
    rule at line 51 accepted 58 times matching 255 bytes total in 0.009 ms
    rule at line 52 accepted 58 times matching 58 bytes total in 0.824 ms
    rule at line 53 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 54 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 55 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 56 accepted 5 times matching 23 bytes total in 0.007 ms
    rule at line 57 accepted 38 times matching 38 bytes total in 0.006 ms
    rule at line 72 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    default rule accepted 0 times
  STRING rules matched:
    rule at line 60 accepted 38 times matching 38 bytes total in 0.021 ms
    rule at line 61 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 62 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 63 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 64 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 65 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 66 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 67 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    rule at line 68 accepted 314 times matching 314 bytes total in 0.04 ms
    rule at line 69 accepted 8 times matching 25 bytes total in 0.006 ms
    rule at line 72 accepted 0 times matching 0 bytes total in 0 ms
    default rule accepted 0 times
  WARNING: execution times are relative:
    1) includes caller's execution time between matches when yylex() returns
    2) perf-report instrumentation adds overhead and increases execution times

The timings shown include the time of the pattern match and the time of the code executed by the rule. If the rule returns to the caller than the time spent by the caller is also included in this timing. For this example, we have two start condition states namely INITIAL and STRING. The rule at line 52 is:

[][}{,:] { return yytext[0]; }

This returns a [ or ] bracket, a { or } brace, a comma, or a colon to the parser. Since the pattern and rule are very simple, we do not expect these to contribute much to the 0.824 ms time spent on this rule. The parser code executed when the scanner returns could be expensive. Depending on the character returned, the parser constructs a JSON array (bracket) or a JSON object (brace), and populates arrays and objects with an item each time a comma is matched. But which is most expensive? To obtain timings of these events separately, we can split the rule up into three similar rules:

[][] { return yytext[0]; }
[}{] { return yytext[0]; }
[,:] { return yytext[0]; }

Then we use reflex option -p, recompile the generated scanner lex.yy.cpp and rerun our experiment to see these changes:

    rule at line 52 accepted 2 times matching 2 bytes total in 0.001 ms
    rule at line 53 accepted 14 times matching 14 bytes total in 0.798 ms
    rule at line 54 accepted 42 times matching 42 bytes total in 0.011 ms

So it turns out that the construction of a JSON object by the parser is relatively speaking the most expensive part of our application, when { and } are encountered on the input. We should focus our optimization effort there if we want to improve the overall speed of our JSON parser.

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Some lexer specification examples to generate scanners with RE/flex.

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Example 1

The following Flex specification counts the lines, words, and characters on the input. We use yyleng match text length to count 8-bit characters (bytes).

To build this example with RE/flex, use reflex option −−flex to generate Flex-compatible "yy" variables and functions. This generates a C++ scanner class yyFlexLexer that is compatible with the Flex scanner class (assuming Flex with option -+ for C++).

#include <stdio.h>
int ch = 0, wd = 0, nl = 0;
%option noyywrap
%option main
nl \r?\n
wd [^ \t\r\n]+
{nl} ch += yyleng; ++nl;
{wd} ch += yyleng; ++wd;
. ++ch;
<<EOF>> printf("%8d%8d%8d\n", nl, wd, ch); yyterminate();

To generate a scanner with a global yylex() function similar to Flex in C mode (i.e. without Flex option -+), use reflex option −−bison with the specification shown above. This option when combined with −−flex produces the global "yy" functions and variables. This means that you can use RE/flex scanners with Bison (Yacc) and with any other C code, assuming everything is compiled together with a C++ compiler.

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Example 2

An improved implementation drops the use of global variables in favor of Lexer class member variables. We also want to count Unicode letters with the wd counter instead of ASCII letters, which are single bytes while Unicode UTF-8 encodings vary in size. So we add the Unicode option and use \w to match Unicode word characters. Note that . (dot) matches Unicode, so the match length may be longer than one character that must be counted. We drop the −−flex option and use RE/flex Lexer methods instead of the Flex "yy" functions:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int ch, wd, nl;
ch = wd = nl = 0;
%option unicode
%option main
%option full
nl \r?\n
wd (\w|\p{Punctuation})+
{nl} ch += size(); ++nl;
{wd} ch += size(); ++wd;
. ch += size();
<<EOF>> out() << setw(8) << nl << setw(8) << wd << setw(8) << ch << endl;
return 0;

This simple word count program differs slightly from the Unix wc utility, because the wc utility counts words delimited by wide character spaces (iswspace) whereas this program counts words made up from word characters combined with punctuation.

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Example 3

The following RE/flex specification filters tags from XML documents and verifies whether or not the tags are properly balanced. Note that this example uses the lazy repetitions to keep the patterns simple. The XML document scanned should not include invalid XML characters such as /, <, or > in attributes (otherwise the tags will not match properly). The dotall option allows . (dot) to match newline in all patterns, similar to the (?s) modifier in regexes.

#include <stdio.h>
int level;
level = 0;
%o matcher=reflex dotall main
name [A-Za-z_:\x80-\xFF][-.0-9A-Za-z_:\x80-\xFF]*
pi <\?{name}
open <{name}
close <\/{name}>
cdata <!\[CDATA\[.*?]]>
string \".*?\"|'.*?'
{comment} |
{cdata} // skip comments and CDATA sections
{pi} level++;
{open} printf("%*s%s\n", level++, "", text() + 1);
{close} matcher().less(size() - 1);
printf("%*s%s\n", --level, "", text() + 2);
<<EOF>> printf("Tags are %sbalanced\n", level ? "im" : "");
return 0;
<ATTRIBUTES>"/>" --level;
<ATTRIBUTES>{name} |
<ATTRIBUTES>{string} // skip attribute names and strings
<*>. // skip anything else

Note thay we restrict XML tag names to valid characters, including all UTF-8 sequences that run in the range \x80-\xFF per 8-bit character. This matches all Unicode characters U+0080 to U+10FFFF.

The ATTRIBUTES state is used to scan attributes and their quoted values separately from the INITIAL state. The INITIAL state permits quotes to freely occur in character data, whereas the ATTRIBUTES state matches quoted attribute values.

We use matcher().less(size() - 1) to remove the ending > from the match in text(). The > will be matched again, this time by the <*>. rule that ignores it. We could also have used a lookahead pattern "\</"{name}/"\>" where X/Y means look ahead for Y after X.

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Example 4

This example Flex specification scans non-Unicode C/C++ source code. It uses free space mode to enhance readability.

#include <stdio.h>
%o flex freespace main
directive ^ \h* # (. | \\ \r? \n)+
name [\u\l_] \w*
udec 0 | [1-9] [0-9]*
uhex 0 [Xx] [[:xdigit:]]+
uoct 0 [0-7]+
int [-+]? ({udec} | {uhex}) \
([Ll]{0,2} [Uu]? | [Uu] [Ll]{0,2})
float [-+] [0-9]* ([0-9] | \.[0-9] | [0-9]\.) [0-9]* \
([Ee][-+]? [0-9]+)? \
char L? ' (\\. | [^\\\n'])* '
string L? \" (\\. | \\\r?\n | [^\\\n"])* \"
"//" .*? \n
"/*" (.|\n)*? "*/"
{directive} { printf("DIRECTIVE %s\n", yytext); }
{name} { printf("NAME %s\n", yytext); }
{int} { printf("INT %s\n", yytext); }
{float} { printf("FLOAT %s\n", yytext); }
{char} { printf("CHAR %s\n", yytext); }
{string} { printf("STRING %s\n", yytext); }
[[:punct:]] { printf("PUNCT %s\n", yytext); }
. { printf("*** ERROR '%s' at line %d\n", yytext, yylineno); }

Free space mode permits spacing between concatenations and alternations. To match a single space, use " " or [ ]. Long patterns can continue on the next line(s) when lines ends with an escape \.

In free space mode you MUST place actions in { } blocks and user code in %{ %} blocks instead of indented.

When used with option unicode, the scanner automatically recognizes and scans Unicode identifier names. Note that we can use matcher().columno() or matcher().border() in the error message to indicate the location on a line of the match. The matcher().columno() method takes tab spacing and wide characters into account. To obtain the byte offset from the start of the line use matcher().border(). The matcher() object associated with the Lexer offers several other methods that Flex does not support.

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Example 5

This example defines a search engine to find C/C++ directives, such as #define and #include, in the input fast.

#include <stdio.h>
%o fast find main
directive ^\h*#(.|\\\r?\n)+
{directive} echo();

Option %o find (-S or −−find) specifies that unmatched input text should be ignored silently instead of being echoed to standard output, see Searching versus scanning . Option %fast (-F or −−fast) generates an efficient FSM in direct code.

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The RE/flex matcher engine uses an efficient FSM. There are known limitations to FSM matching that apply to Flex/Lex and therefore also apply to the reflex scanner generator and to the RE/flex matcher engine:

Some of these limitations may be removed in future versions of RE/flex.

Boost.Regex library limitations:

PCRE2 library limitations:

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The RE/flex regex library

The RE/flex regex library consists of a set of C++ templates and classes that encapsulate regex engines in a standard API for scanning, tokenizing, searching, and splitting of strings, wide strings, files, and streams.

The RE/flex regex library is a class hierarchy that has at the root an abstract class reflex::AbstractMatcher. Pattern types may differ between for matchers so the reflex::PatternMatcher template class takes a pattern type and creates a class that is complete except for the implementation of the reflex::match() virtual method that requires a regex engine, such as PCRE2, Boost.Regex, or the RE/flex engine.

To compile your application, simply include the applicable regex matcher of your choice in your source code as we will explain in the next sections. To compile, link your application against the libreflex library:

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex

And optionally -lpcre2-8 if you want to use PCRE2 for searching and matching:

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex -lpcre2-8

or -lboost_regex if you want to use Boost.Regex for searching and matching:

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex

If libreflex was not installed then linking with -lreflex fails. See Undefined symbols and link errors on how to resolve this.

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PCRE2 matcher classes

The reflex::PCRE2Matcher inherits reflex::PatternMatcher<std::string>. The reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher is derived from reflex::PCRE2Matcher:

An instance of reflex::PCRE2Matcher is initialized with a pattern that is compiled with pcre2_compile() and pcre2_jit_compile() for optimal performance with PCRE2 JIT-generated code.

An instance of reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher creates a PCRE2 matcher with native Unicode support, using PCRE2 options PCRE2_UTF+PCRE2_UCP.

PCRE2 is a powerful library. The RE/flex regex API enhances this library with operations to match, search, scan, and split data from a given input. The input may be a file, a string, or a stream. Files that are UTF-8/16/32-encoded are automatically decoded. Further, streams can be of potentially unlimited length because internal buffering is used by the RE/flex regex API enhancements to efficiently apply PCRE2 partial pattern matching to streaming data. This enhancement permits pattern matching of interactive input from the console, such that searching and scanning interactive input for matches will return these matches immediately.

A reflex::PCRE2Matcher (or reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher) engine is created from a string regex and some given input:

reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher( string, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

Likewise, a reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher engine is created from a string regex and some given input:

reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher( string, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

This matcher uses PCRE2 native Unicode matching. Non-UTF input is not supported, such as plain binary. UTF encoding errors in the input will cause the matcher to terminate.

For input you can specify a string, a wide string, a file, or a stream object.

We use option "N" to permit empty matches when searching input with reflex::PCRE2Matcher::find.

You can convert an expressive regex of the form defined in Patterns to a regex that the PCRE2 engine can handle:

static const std::string regex = reflex::PCRE2Matcher::convert( string, [ flags ]);
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher( regex, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The converter is specific to the matcher selected, i.e. reflex::PCRE2Matcher::convert and reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher::convert. The former converter converts Unicode \p character classes to UTF-8 patterns, converts bracket character classes containing Unicode, and groups UTF-8 multi-byte sequences in the regex string. The latter converter does not convert these regex constructs, which are matched by the PCRE2 engine initialized with options PCRE2_UTF+PCRE2_UCP.

The converter throws a reflex::regex_error exception if conversion fails, for example when the regex syntax is invalid.

To compile your application, link your application against the libreflex library and -lpcre2-8:

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex -lpcre2-8

See Patterns for more details on regex patterns.

See The Input class for more details on the reflex::Input class.

See Methods and iterators for more details on pattern matching methods.

See Regex converters for more details on regex converters.

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Boost matcher classes

The reflex::BoostMatcher inherits reflex::PatternMatcher<boost::regex>, and in turn the reflex::BoostPerlMatcher and reflex::BoostPosixMatcher are both derived from reflex::BoostMatcher:

An instance of reflex::BoostPerlMatcher is initialized with flag match_perl and the flag match_not_dot_newline, these are boost::regex_constants flags. These flags are the only difference with the plain reflex::BoostMatcher.

An instance of reflex::BoostPosixMatcher creates a POSIX matcher. This means that lazy quantifiers are not supported and the leftmost longest rule applies to pattern matching. This instance is initialized with the flags match_posix and match_not_dot_newline.

Boost.Regex is a powerful library. The RE/flex regex API enhances this library with operations to match, search, scan, and split data from a given input. The input may be a file, a string, or a stream. Files that are UTF-8/16/32-encoded are automatically decoded. Further, streams can be potentially of unlimited length because internal buffering is used by the RE/flex regex API enhancements to efficiently apply Boost.Regex partial pattern matching to streaming data. This enhancement permits pattern matching of interactive input from the console, such that searching and scanning interactive input for matches will return these matches immediately.

The reflex::BoostMatcher extends the capabilities of Boost.Regex, which does not natively support streaming input:
The Boost.Regex library requires the target text to be loaded into memory for pattern matching. It is possible to match a target text incrementally with the match_partial flag and boost::regex_iterator. Incremental matching can be used to support matching on (possibly infinite) streams. To use this method correctly, a buffer should be created that is large enough to hold the text for each match. The buffer must adjust with a growing size of the matched text, to ensure that long matches that do not fit the buffer are not discared.
Boost.Regex Boost.IOStreams with regex_filter loads the entire stream into memory which does not permit pattern matching of streaming and interactive input data.

A reflex::BoostMatcher (or reflex::BoostPerlMatcher) engine is created from a boost::regex object, or string regex, and some given input for normal (Perl mode) matching:

reflex::BoostMatcher matcher( boost::regex or string, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

Likewise, a reflex::BoostPosixMatcher engine is created from a boost::regex object, or string regex, and some given input for POSIX mode matching:

reflex::BoostPosixMatcher matcher( boost::regex or string, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

For input you can specify a string, a wide string, a file, or a stream object.

We use option "N" to permit empty matches when searching input with reflex::BoostMatcher::find.

You can convert an expressive regex of the form defined in Patterns to a regex that the boost::regex engine can handle:

static const std::string regex = reflex::BoostMatcher::convert( string, [ flags ]);
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher( regex, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The converter is specific to the matcher selected, i.e. reflex::BoostMatcher::convert, reflex::BoostPerlMatcher::convert, and reflex::BoostPosixMatcher::convert. The converters also translates Unicode \p character classes to UTF-8 patterns, converts bracket character classes containing Unicode, and groups UTF-8 multi-byte sequences in the regex string.

The converter throws a reflex::regex_error exception if conversion fails, for example when the regex syntax is invalid.

To compile your application, link your application against the libreflex library and -lboost_regex depending on your Boost installation):

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex -lboost_regex

See Patterns for more details on regex patterns.

See The Input class for more details on the reflex::Input class.

See Methods and iterators for more details on pattern matching methods.

See Regex converters for more details on regex converters.

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std::regex matcher classes

The reflex::StdMatcher class inherits reflex::PatternMatcher<std::regex> as a base. The reflex::StdEcmaMatcher and reflex::StdPosixMatcher are derived classes from reflex::StdMatcher:

An instance of reflex::StdEcmaMatcher is initialized with regex syntax option std::regex::ECMAScript. This is also the default std::regex syntax.

An instance of reflex::StdPosixMatcher creates a POSIX AWK-based matcher. So that lazy quantifiers are not supported and the leftmost longest rule applies to pattern matching. This instance is initialized with the regex syntax option std::regex::awk.

The C++11 std::regex library does not support match_partial that is needed to match patterns on real streams with an adaptive internal buffer that grows when longer matches are made when more input becomes available. Therefore all input is buffered with the C++11 std::regex class matchers.

With respect to performance, as of this time of writing, std::regex matching is much slower than other matchers, slower by a factor 10 or more.

The std::regex syntax is more limited than PCRE2, Boost.Regex, and RE/flex. Also the matching behavior differs and cannot be controlled with mode modifiers:

To work around these limitations that the std::regex syntax imposes, you can convert an expressive regex of the form defined in section Patterns to a regex that the std::regex engine can handle:

static const std::string regex = reflex::StdMatcher::convert( string, [ flags ]);
reflex::StdMatcher matcher( regex, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The converter is specific to the matcher selected, i.e. reflex::StdMatcher::convert, reflex::StdEcmaMatcher::convert, and reflex::StdPosixMatcher::convert. The converters also translates Unicode \p character classes to UTF-8 patterns, converts bracket character classes containing Unicode, and groups UTF-8 multi-byte sequences in the regex string.

The converter throws a reflex::regex_error exception if conversion fails, for example when the regex syntax is invalid.

To compile your application, link your application against the libreflex and enable std::regex with -std=c++11:

c++ -std=c++11 myapp.cpp -lreflex

See Patterns for more details on regex patterns.

See The Input class for more details on the reflex::Input class.

See Methods and iterators for more details on pattern matching methods.

See Regex converters for more details on regex converters.

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The reflex::Matcher class

The RE/flex framework includes a POSIX regex matching library reflex::Matcher that inherits the API from reflex::PatternMatcher<reflex::Pattern>:

where the RE/flex reflex::Pattern class represents a regex pattern. Patterns as regex texts are internally compiled into deterministic finite state machines by the reflex::Pattern class. The machines are used by the reflex::Matcher for fast matching of regex patterns on some given input. The reflex::Matcher is faster than the PCRE2 and Boost.Regex matchers. The reflex::FuzzyMatcher subclass is included and performs approximate regex pattern matching, see The reflex::FuzzyMatcher class .

A reflex::Matcher engine is constructed from a reflex::Pattern object, or a string regex, and some given input:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
reflex::Matcher matcher( reflex::Pattern or string, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The regex is specified as a string or a reflex::Pattern object, see The reflex::Pattern class below.

We use option "N" to permit empty matches when searching input with reflex::Matcher::find. Option "T=8" sets the tab size to 8 for Indent/nodent/dedent matching. Option "W" makes patterns match as words, i.e. a non-word Unicode character precedes and follows the pattern (only applies to reflex::Matcher and reflex::FuzzyMatcher.)

For input you can specify a string, a wide string, a file, or a stream object.

A regex string with Unicode patterns can be converted for Unicode matching as follows:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
static const std::string regex = reflex::Matcher::convert( string, [ flags ]);
reflex::Matcher matcher( regex, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The converter is specific to the matcher and translates Unicode \p character classes to UTF-8 patterns, converts bracket character classes containing Unicode, and groups UTF-8 multi-byte sequences in the regex string.

To compile your application, link your application against the libreflex:

c++ myapp.cpp -lreflex

See Patterns for more details on regex patterns.

See The Input class for more details on the reflex::Input class.

See Methods and iterators for more details on pattern matching methods.

See Regex converters for more details on regex converters.

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The reflex::FuzzyMatcher class

The reflex::FuzzyMatcher class is derived from reflex::Matcher to support approximate regex pattern matching. The approximation error is contrained by an "edit distance" which is one by default. The edit distance is also called Levenshstein distance Instantiating a reflex::FuzzyMatcher takes an optional MAX paramter to contrain the edit distance permitted:

reflex::FuzzyMatcher matcher( reflex::Pattern or string, [MAX, ] reflex::Input [, "options"] )

The instantiated reflex::FuzzyMatcher class supports the same methods and features as the reflex::Matcher class, but with approximate pattern matching.

When a MAX edit distance parameter is specified, it may be combined with one or more of the following flags:

For example, to allow approximate pattern matches to include up to three character insertions, but no deletions or substitutions (allowing insertions only is actually the most efficient fuzzy matching possible):

To allow up to three insertions or deletions (note that a substitution counts as two edits: one insertion and one deletion):

When no flags are specified with MAX, fuzzy matching is performed with insertions, deletions, and substitutions, each counting as one edit. Newlines (\n) and NUL (\0) characters are never deleted or substituted to ensure that fuzzy matches do not extend the pattern match beyond the number of lines specified by the regex pattern

To support full Unicode fuzzy pattern matching, such as \p Unicode character classes, we first convert the regex pattern before using it as follows:

reflex::FuzzyMatcher matcher(regex, [MAX,] reflex::Input [, "options"] );

Fuzzy find() and split() perform a second pass over a fuzzy-matched pattern when the match has a nonzero error. This second pass checks if an exact match exists or if a better match exists that overlaps with the first pattern found.

For example, the pattern abc is found to fuzzy match all of the text aabc with one error (an extra a). The second pass of find() detects an exact match after skipping the first a. Likewise, the pattern abc is found to fuzzy match ababc with a match for aba with one error (substitution of c by an a). The second pass of find() detects an exact match after skipping ab in the text. This approach is faster than minimizing the edit distance when searching text, while returning exact matches when possible.

After a succesful fuzzy match or search with matches(), scan(), find() or split(), the method reflex::FuzzyMatcher::edits() returns the edit distance of the approximate pattern match, which is zero for an exact match.

The first character of the pattern must match when searching a corpus with the fuzzy find() method:

Pattern MAX Fuzzy find matches these ... ... but not these
abc 1 abc, ab, ac, axc, axbc a, axx, axbxc, bc
año 1 año, ano, ao anno, ño
ab_cd 2 ab_cd, ab-cd, ab Cd, abCd ab\ncd, Ab_cd, Abcd
a[0-9]+z 1 a1z, a123z, az, axz axxz, A123z, 123z

Note that we can use . as the first character or make the first character optional with ? to "match fuzzily".

By contrast, the fuzzy matches() method to match a corpus from start to end does not have this requirement:

Pattern MAX Fuzzy matches these ... ... but not these
abc 1 abc, ab, ac, Abc, xbc bc, axc, axbc a, axx, Ab, axbxc
año 1 año, Año, ano, ao, ño anno
ab_cd 2 ab_cd, Ab_Cd, ab-cd, ab Cd, Ab_cd, abCd ab\ncd, AbCd
a[0-9]+z 1 a1z, A1z, a123z, az, Az, axz, 123z axxz

Note that quoting text in patterns with \Q and \E fuzzy-matches the text. It does not escape fuzzy matching.

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The reflex::Pattern class

The reflex::Pattern class is used by the reflex::matcher for pattern matching. The reflex::Pattern class converts a regex pattern to an efficient FSM and takes a regex string and options to construct the FSM internally. The pattern instance is passed to a reflex::Matcher constructor:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
[static] reflex:Pattern pattern(string [, "options"] )
reflex::Matcher matcher(pattern, reflex::Input [, "options"] )

It may also be used to replace a matcher's current pattern, see Flexible high-performance regex classes .

To improve performance, it is recommended to create a static instance of the pattern if the regex string is fixed. This avoids repeated FSM construction at run time.

The following options are combined in a string and passed to the reflex::Pattern constructor:

Option Effect
b bracket lists are parsed without converting escapes
e=c; redefine the escape character
f=file.cpp; save finite state machine code to file.cpp
f=file.gv; save deterministic finite state machine to file.gv
i case-insensitive matching, same as (?i)X
m multiline mode, same as (?m)X
n=name; use reflex_code_name for the machine (instead of FSM)
q Flex/Lex-style quotations "..." equals \Q...\E
r throw regex syntax error exceptions, otherwise ignore errors
s dot matches all (aka. single line mode), same as (?s)X
x inline comments, same as (?x)X
w display regex syntax errors before raising them as exceptions

The compilation of a reflex::Pattern object into a FSM may throw an exception with option "r" when the regex string has problems:

reflex::Pattern pattern(argv[1], "r"); // "r" option throws syntax error exceptions
// code that uses the pattern object
switch (e.code())
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_parens: std::cerr << "mismatched ( )"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_braces: std::cerr << "mismatched { }"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_brackets: std::cerr << "mismatched [ ]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_quotation: std::cerr << "mismatched \\Q...\\E quotation"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::empty_expression: std::cerr << "regex (sub)expression should not be empty"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::empty_class: std::cerr << "character class [...] is empty, e.g. [a&&[b]]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_class: std::cerr << "invalid character class name"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_class_range: std::cerr << "invalid character class range, e.g. [Z-A]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_escape: std::cerr << "invalid escape character"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_anchor: std::cerr << "invalid anchor or boundary"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_repeat: std::cerr << "invalid repeat, e.g. {10,1}"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_quantifier: std::cerr << "invalid lazy or possessive quantifier"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_modifier: std::cerr << "invalid (?ismux:) modifier"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_collating: std::cerr << "invalid collating element"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_backreference: std::cerr << "invalid backreference"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_syntax: std::cerr << "invalid regex syntax"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::exceeds_length: std::cerr << "exceeds length limit, pattern is too long"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::exceeds_limits: std::cerr << "exceeds complexity limits, e.g. {n,m} range too large"; break;
std::cerr << std::endl << e.what();

By default, the reflex::Pattern constructor solely throws the reflex::regex_error::exceeds_length and reflex::regex_error::exceeds_limits exceptions and silently ignores syntax errors.

Likewise, the reflex::Matcher::convert, reflex::PCRE2Matcher::convert, reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher::convert, reflex::BoostPerlMatcher::convert, reflex::BoostMatcher::convert, and reflex::BoostPosixMatcher::convert functions may throw a reflex_error exception. See the next section for details.

The reflex::Pattern class has the following public methods:

Method Result
assign(r,o) (re)assign regex string r with string of options o
assign(r) (re)assign regex string r with default options
=r same as above
size() returns the number of top-level sub-patterns
[0] operator returns the regex string of the pattern
[n] operator returns the nth sub-pattern regex string
reachable(n)true if sub-pattern n is reachable in the FSM

The assignment methods may throw exceptions, which are the same as the constructor may throw.

The reflex::Pattern::reachable method verifies which top-level grouped alternations are reachable. This means that the sub-pattern of an alternation has a FSM accepting state that identifies the sub-pattern. For example:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
reflex::Pattern pattern("(a+)|(a)", "r");
std::cout << "regex = " << pattern[0] << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= pattern.size(); ++i)
if (!pattern.reachable(i))
std::cerr << pattern[i] << " is not reachable" << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

regex = (a+)|(a)
(a) is not reachable

For this example regex, (a) is not reachable as the pattern is subsumed by (a+). The reflex::Matcher::accept method will never return 2 when matching the input a and always return 1, as per leftmost longest match policy. The same observation holds for the reflex::Matcher::matches, reflex::Matcher::find, reflex::Matcher::scan, and reflex::Matcher::split method and functors. Reversing the alternations resolves this: (a)|(a+).

The reflex::Pattern regex forms support capturing groups at the top-level only, i.e. among the top-level alternations.

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Regex converters

To work around limitations of regex libraries and to support Unicode matching, RE/flex offers converters to translate expressive regex syntax forms (with Unicode patterns defined in section Patterns ) to regex strings that the selected regex engines can handle.

The converters translate \p Unicode classes, translate character class set operations such as [a-z−−[aeiou]], convert escapes such as \X, and enable/disable (?imsux-imsux:φ) mode modifiers to a regex string that the underlying regex library understands and can use.

Each converter is specific to the regex engine. You can use a converter for the matcher of your choice:

where flags is optional. When specified, it may be a combination of the following reflex::convert_flag flags:

Flag Effect
reflex::convert_flag::none no conversion
reflex::convert_flag::basic convert basic regular expression syntax (BRE) to extended regular expression syntax (ERE)
reflex::convert_flag::unicode ., \s, \w, \l, \u, \S, \W, \L, \U match Unicode, same as (?u)
reflex::convert_flag::recap remove capturing groups and add capturing groups to the top level
reflex::convert_flag::lex convert Flex/Lex regular expression syntax
reflex::convert_flag::u4 convert \uXXXX (shorthand for \u{XXXX}), may conflict with \u (upper case letter).
reflex::convert_flag::notnewline character classes do not match newline \n, e.g. [^a-z] does not match \n
reflex::convert_flag::permissive when used with unicode, produces a more compact FSM that tolerates some invalid UTF-8 sequences
reflex::convert_flag::closing match a ) literally without the presence of an opening (

The following reflex::convert_flag flags correspond to the common (?imsx) modifiers. These flags or modifiers may be specified, or both. Modifiers are removed from the converted regex if the regex library does not support them:

Flag Effect
reflex::convert_flag::anycase convert regex to ignore case, same as (?i)
reflex::convert_flag::freespace convert regex by removing all freespace-mode spacing, same as (?x)
reflex::convert_flag::dotall convert . (dot) to match all (match newline), same as (?s)
reflex::convert_flag::multiline adds/asserts if (?m) is supported for multiline anchors ^ and $

The following example enables Unicode matching by converting the regex pattern with the reflex::convert_flag::unicode flag:

#include <reflex/matcher.h> // reflex::Matcher, reflex::Input, reflex::Pattern
// use a Matcher to check if sentence is in Greek:
static const reflex::Pattern pattern(reflex::Matcher::convert("[\\p{Greek}\\p{Zs}\\pP]+", reflex::convert_flag::unicode));
if (reflex::Matcher(pattern, sentence).matches())
std::cout << "This is Greek" << std::endl;

The following example enables dotall mode to count the number of characters (including newlines) in the given example input:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
// construct a Boost.Regex matcher to count wide characters:
std::string regex = reflex::BoostMatcher::convert("(?su).");
reflex::BoostMatcher boostmatcher(regex, example);
size_t n = std::distance(boostmatcher.scan.begin(), boostmatcher.scan.end());

Note that we could have used "\\X" instead to match any wide character without using the (?su) modifiers.

A converter throws a reflex::regex_error exception if conversion fails, for example when the regex syntax is invalid:

std::string regex;
std::cerr << e.what();
switch (e.code())
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_parens: std::cerr << "mismatched ( )"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_braces: std::cerr << "mismatched { }"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_brackets: std::cerr << "mismatched [ ]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::mismatched_quotation: std::cerr << "mismatched \\Q...\\E quotation"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::empty_expression: std::cerr << "regex (sub)expression should not be empty"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::empty_class: std::cerr << "character class [...] is empty, e.g. [a&&[b]]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_class: std::cerr << "invalid character class name"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_class_range: std::cerr << "invalid character class range, e.g. [Z-A]"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_escape: std::cerr << "invalid escape character"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_anchor: std::cerr << "invalid anchor or boundary"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_repeat: std::cerr << "invalid repeat, e.g. {10,1}"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_quantifier: std::cerr << "invalid lazy or possessive quantifier"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_modifier: std::cerr << "invalid (?ismux:) modifier"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_collating: std::cerr << "invalid collating element"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_backreference: std::cerr << "invalid backreference"; break;
case reflex::regex_error::invalid_syntax: std::cerr << "invalid regex syntax"; break;

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Methods and iterators

The RE/flex abstract matcher, that every other RE/flex matcher inherits, provides four operations for matching with an instance of a regex engine:

Method Result
matches() returns nonzero if the input from begin to end matches
find() search input and return nonzero if a match was found
scan() scan input and return nonzero if input at current position matches
split() return nonzero for a split of the input at the next match

These methods return a nonzero *"accept"* value for a match, meaning the size_t accept() value that corresponds to a group capture (or one if no groups are used). The methods are repeatable, where the last three return additional matches.

The find, scan, and split methods are also implemented as input iterators that apply filtering tokenization, and splitting:

Iterator range Acts as a Iterates over
find.begin()...find.end() filter all matches
scan.begin()...scan.end() tokenizer continuous matches
split.begin()...split.end() splitter text between matches

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The matches() method returns a nonzero "accept" value (the size_t accept() group capture index value or the value 1 if no groups are used) if the given input from begin to the end matches the specified pattern.

For example, to match a UUID string with PCRE2:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
std::string uuid = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000";
if (reflex::PCRE2Matcher("[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}", uuid).matches())
std::cout << uuid << " is a string in UUID format" << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 is a string in UUID format

The matches() method returns the group capture index that can be used as a selector. For example:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
const char *food = "hotdog";
switch (reflex::PCRE2Matcher("(.*cat.*)|(.*dog.*)", food).matches())
case 0: std::cout << food << " has not cat or dog" << std::endl;
case 1: std::cout << food << " has a cat" << std::endl;
case 2: std::cout << food << " has a dog" << std::endl;

See also Properties of a match.

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The find() method and find.begin()...find.end() iterator range are used to search for a match in the given input.

The find() method returns a nonzero "accept" value (the size_t accept() group capture index value or the value 1 if no groups are used) for a match and zero otherwise.

For example, to find all words in a string with PCRE2 on UTF-8 input using reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher, reflex::Input
reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << matcher.text() << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:


The iterator range find.begin()...find.end() serves as an input filter.

For example, in C++11 we can use a range-based loop to loop over matches using the find iterator:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher, reflex::Input
for (auto& match : reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.").find)
std::cout << match.text() << std::endl;
: we cannot generally simplify this loop to the following, because the temporary matcher object is destroyed (some compilers handle this in C++23):
for (auto& match : reflex::PCRE2UTFMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.").find);
std::cout << "Found " << match.text() << std::endl;

Iterators can be used with algorithms and other iterator functions. For example to count words in a string:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
std::cout << std::distance(matcher.find.begin(), matcher.find.end()) << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:


The find() method returns the group capture index that can be used as a selector.

See also Properties of a match.

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The scan() method and scan.begin()...scan.end() iterator range are similar to find but generate continuous matches in the given input.

The scan() method returns a nonzero "accept" value (the size_t accept() group capture index value or the value 1 if no groups are used) for a match and zero otherwise.

For example, to scan for words, spacing, and punctuation in a sentence with PCRE2:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
const char *tokens[4] = { "n/a", "word", "space", "other" };
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("(\\w+)|(\\s+)|(.)", "How now brown cow.");
size_t accept;
while ((accept = matcher.scan()) != 0)
std::cout << tokens[accept] << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:


The iterator range scan.begin()...scan.end() serves as an input tokenizer and produces continuous matches.

For example, tokenizing a string into a vector of numeric tokens:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("(\\w+)|(\\s+)|(.)", "How now brown cow.");
std::vector<size_t> tokens(matcher.scan.begin(), matcher.scan.end());
std::copy(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::ostream_iterator<size_t>(std::cout, " "));

When executed the code prints:

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3

If the pattern does not match the input immediately succeeding a previous match, then the scan() method returns false and the iterator returns scan.end(). To determine if all input was scanned and end of input was reached, use the at_end() method, see Properties of a match.

See also Properties of a match.

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The split() method and split.begin()...split.end() iterator range return text between matches in the given input.

The split() method returns a nonzero "accept" value (the size_t accept() group capture index value or the value 1 if no groups are used) of the matching text (that is, the text that comes after the split part) and zero otherwise.

When matches are adjacent then empty text is returned. Also the start of input and end of input return text that may be empty.

For example, to split text into words by matching non-words with PCRE2:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\W+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.split() != 0)
std::cout << "'" << matcher.text() << "'" << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:


This produces five text splits where the last text is empty because the period at the end of the sentence matches the pattern and empty input remains.

The iterator range split.begin()...split.end() serves as an input splitter.

For example, to display the contents of a text file while normalizing spacing:

#include <reflex/pcre2matcher.h> // reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::Input
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\s+", fopen("abstract.txt", "r"));
if ( != NULL)
std::copy(matcher.split.begin(), matcher.split.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
The "accept" value of the last split is reflex::PCRE2Matcher::Const::EMPTY to indicate that empty text after the split was found and matched. This special value is also returned by accept() and is also used with any other RE/flex matcher's split method.

See also Properties of a match.

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Properties of a match

To obtain properties of a match, use the following methods:

Method Result
accept() returns group capture index (or zero if not captured/matched)
text() returns const char* to 0-terminated text match (ends in \0)
strview() returns std::string_view text match (preserves \0s) (C++17)
str() returns std::string text match (preserves \0s)
wstr() returns std::wstring wide text match (converted from UTF-8)
chr() returns first 8-bit char of the text match (str()[0] as int)
wchr() returns first wide char of the text match (wstr()[0] as int)
pair() returns std::pair<size_t,std::string>(accept(),str())
wpair() returns std::pair<size_t,std::wstring>(accept(),wstr())
size() returns the length of the text match in bytes
wsize() returns the length of the match in number of wide characters
lines() returns the number of lines in the text match (>=1)
columns() returns the number of columns of the text match (>=0)
begin() returns const char* to non-0-terminated text match begin
end() returns const char* to non-0-terminated text match end
rest() returns const char* to 0-terminated rest of input
span() returns const char* to 0-terminated match enlarged to span the line
line() returns std::string line with the matched text as a substring
wline() returns std::wstring line with the matched text as a substring
more() tells the matcher to append the next match (when using scan())
less(n) cuts text() to n bytes and repositions the matcher
lineno() returns line number of the match, starting at line 1
columno() returns column number of the match, starting at 0
lineno_end() returns ending line number of the match, starting at line 1
columno_end() returns ending column number of the match, starting at 0
bol() returns const char* to non-0-terminated begin of matching line
border() returns byte offset from the start of the line of the match
first() returns input position of the first character of the match
last() returns input position + 1 of the last character of the match
at_bol() true if matcher reached the begin of a new line
at_bob() true if matcher is at the begin of input and no input consumed
at_end() true if matcher is at the end of input
[0] operator returns std::pair<const char*,size_t>(begin(),size())
[n] operator returns n'th capture std::pair<const char*,size_t>

The accept() method returns nonzero for a succesful match, returning the group capture index. The RE/flex matcher engine reflex::Matcher only recognizes group captures at the top level of the regex (i.e. among the top-level alternations), because it uses an efficient FSM for matching.

The text(), strview(), str(), and wstr() methods return the matched text. To get the first character of a match, use chr() or wchr(). The chr() and wchr() methods are much more efficient than str()[0] (or text()[0]) and wstr()[0], respectively. Normally, a match cannot be empty unless option "N" is specified to explicitly initialize a matcher, see The reflex::Matcher class , PCRE2 matcher classes , and Boost matcher classes .

The begin(), operator[0], and operator[n] return non-0-terminated strings. You must use end() with begin() to determine the span of the match. Basically, text() is the 0-terminated version of the string spanned by begin() to end(), where end() points the next character after the match, which means that end() = begin() + size(). Use the size of the capture returned by operator[n] to determine the end of the captured match.

The lineno() method returns the line number of the match, starting at line 1. The ending line number is lineno_end(), which is identical to the value of lineno() + lines() - 1.

The columno() method returns the column offset of a match from the start of the line, beginning at column 0. This method takes tab spacing and wide characters into account. The inclusive ending column number is given by columno_end(), which is equal or larger than columno() if the match does not span multiple lines. Otherwise, if the match spans multiple lines, columno_end() is the ending column of the match on the last matching line.

The starting byte offset of the match on a line is border() and the ending byte offset of the match is border() + size() - 1.

The lines() and columns() methods return the number of lines and columns matched, where columns() takes tab spacing and wide characters into account. If the match spans multiple lines, columns() counts columns over all lines, without counting the newline characters.

A wide character is counted as one, thus columno(), columno_end(), and columns() do not take the character width of full-width and combining Unicode characters into account. It is recommended to use the wcwidth function or wcwidth.c to determine Unicode character widths.

The rest() method returns the rest of the input character sequence as a 0-terminated char* string. This method buffers all remaining input to return the string.

The span() method enlarges the text matched to span the entire line and returns the matching line as a 0-terminated char* string without the \n.

The line() and wline() methods return the entire line as a (wide) string with the matched text as a substring. These methods can be used to obtain the context of a match.

The methods span(), line(), and wline() invalidate the previous text(), strview(), begin(), bol(), and end() string pointers. Call these methods again to retrieve the updated pointer or call str() or wstr() to obtain a string copy of the match:
// INCORRECT, because t is invalid after line():
const char *t = text();
std::string s = line();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
// OK with line():
std::string s = line();
const char *t = text();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
// OK with span():
std::string t = str();
const char *s = span();
std::cout << t << " in " << s << std::endl;
The start of a line is truncated when the line is too long, longer than 256K which is the initial buffer size reflex::AbstractMatcher::Const::BUFSZ. When this length is exceeded, the line's length before the match is truncated. This ensures that pattern matching binary files or files with very long lines cannot cause memory allocation exceptions.

The matcher().more() method is used to create longer matches by stringing together consecutive matches in the input after scanning the input with the scan() method. When this method is invoked, the next match with scan() has its matched text prepended to it. The matcher().more() operation is often used in lexers and was introduced in Lex.

The less(n) method reduces the size of the matched text to n bytes. This method has no effect if n is larger than size(). The value of n should not be 0. The less(n) operation is often used in lexers and was introduced in Lex.

The first() and last() methods return the position in the input stream of the match, counting in bytes from the start of the input at position 0. If the input stream is a wide character sequence, the UTF-8 positions are returned as a result of the internally-converted UTF-8 wide character input.

All methods take constant time to execute except for str(), wstr(), pair(), wpair(), wsize(), lines(), columns(), and columno() that require an extra pass over the matched text.

In addition, the following type casts of matcher objects and iterators may be used for convenience:

The following example prints some of the properties of each match:

#include <reflex/boostmatcher.h> // reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::Input, boost::regex
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout <<
"accept: " << matcher.accept() <<
"text: " << matcher.text() <<
"size: " << matcher.size() <<
"line: " << matcher.lineno() <<
"column: " << matcher.columno() <<
"first: " << matcher.first() <<
"last: " << matcher.last() << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

accept: 1 text: How size: 3 line: 1 column: 0 first: 0 last: 3
accept: 1 text: now size: 3 line: 1 column: 4 first: 4 last: 7
accept: 1 text: brown size: 5 line: 1 column: 8 first: 8 last: 13
accept: 1 text: cow size: 3 line: 1 column: 14 first: 14 last: 17

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Public data members

Four public data members of a matcher object are accesible:

Variable Usage
in the reflex::Input object used by the matcher
find the reflex::AbstractMatcher::Operation functor for searching
scan the reflex::AbstractMatcher::Operation functor for scanning
split the reflex::AbstractMatcher::Operation functor for splitting

Normally only the in variable should be used which holds the current input object of the matcher. See The Input class for details.

The functors provide begin() and end() methods that return iterators and hold the necessary state information for the iterators. A functor invocation essentially invokes the corresponding method listed in Methods and iterators .

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Pattern methods

To change a matcher's pattern or check if a pattern was assigned, you can use the following methods:

Method Result
pattern(p) set pattern to p (string regex or reflex::Pattern)
has_pattern() true if the matcher has a pattern assigned to it
own_pattern() true if the matcher has a pattern to manage and delete
pattern() get the pattern object associated with the matcher

The first method returns a reference to the matcher, so multiple method invocations may be chained together.

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Input methods

To assign a new input source to a matcher or set the input to buffered or interactive, you can use the following methods:

Method Result
input(i) set input to reflex::Input i (string, stream, or FILE*)
buffer() buffer all input at once, returns true if successful
buffer(n) set the adaptive buffer size to n bytes to buffer input
buffer(b, n) use buffer of n bytes at address b with to a string of n-1 bytes (zero copy)
interactive() sets buffer size to 1 for console-based (TTY) input
flush() flush the remaining input from the internal buffer
reset() resets the matcher, restarting it from the remaining input
reset(o) resets the matcher with new options string o ("A?N?T?")

The first method returns a reference to the matcher, so multiple method invocations may be chained together.

The following methods may be used to read the input stream provided to a matcher directly, even when you use the matcher's search and match methods:

Method Result
input() returns next 8-bit char from the input, matcher then skips it
winput() returns next wide character from the input, matcher skips it
unput(c) put 8-bit char c back unto the stream, matcher then takes it
wunput(c)put (wide) char c back unto the stream, matcher then takes it
peek() returns next 8-bit char from the input without consuming it
skip(c) skip input until character c (char or wchar_t) is consumed
skip(s) skip input until UTF-8 string s is consumed
rest() returns the remaining input as a non-NULL char* string

The input(), winput(), and peek() methods return a non-negative character code and EOF (-1) when the end of input is reached.

A matcher reads from the specified input source using its virtual method size_t get(char *s, size_t n). This method is the same as invoking matcher().in.get(s, n) to directly read data from the reflex::Input source in, but also handles interactive input when enabled with matcher().interactive() to not read beyond the next newline character.

The following protected methods may be overriden by a derived matcher class to customize reading:

Method Result
get(s, n) fill s[0..n-1] with next input, returns number of bytes read
wrap() returns false (may be overriden to wrap input after EOF)

When a matcher reaches the end of input, it invokes the virtual method wrap() to check if more input is available. This method returns false by default, but this behavior may be changed by overriding wrap() to set a new input source and return true, for example:

class WrappedInputMatcher : public reflex::Matcher {
WrappedInputMatcher() : reflex::Matcher(), source_select(0)
{ }
virtual bool wrap()
// read a string, a file, and a string:
switch (source_select++)
case 0: in = "Hello World!";
return true;
case 1: in = fopen("hello.txt", "r");
return in.file() != NULL;
case 2: fclose(in.file());
in = "Goodbye!";
return true;
return false;
int source_select;

Note that the constructor in this example does not specify a pattern and input. To set a pattern for the matcher after its instantiation use the pattern(p) method. In this case the input does not need to be specified, which allows us to immediately force reading the sources of input that we assigned in our wrap() method.

For details of the reflex::Input class, see The Input class .

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The Input class

A matcher may accept several types of input, but can only read from one input source at a time. Input to a matcher is represented by a single reflex::Input class instance that the matcher uses internally.

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Assigning input

An input object is constructed by specifying a string, a file, or a stream to read from. You can also reassign input to read from new input.

More specifically, you can pass a std::string, char*, std::wstring, wchar_t*, FILE*, or a std::istream to the constructor.

A FILE* file descriptor is a special case. The input object handles various file encodings. If a UTF Byte Order Mark (BOM) is detected then the UTF input will be normalized to UTF-8. When no UTF BOM is detected then the input is considered plain ASCII, binary, or UTF-8 and passed through unconverted. To override the file encoding when no UTF BOM was present, and normalize Latin-1, ISO-8859-1 through ISO-8859-15, CP 1250 through 1258, CP 437, CP 850, CP 858, KOI8, MACROMAN, EBCDIC, and other encodings to UTF-8, see FILE encodings.

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Input strings

An input object constructed from an 8-bit string char* or std::string just passes the string to the matcher engine. The string should contain UTF-8 when Unicode patterns are used.

An input object constructed from a wide string wchar_t* or std::wstring translates the wide string to UTF-8 for matching, which effectively normalizes the input for matching with Unicode patterns. This conversion is illustrated below. The copyright symbol © with Unicode U+00A9 is matched against its UTF-8 sequence C2 A9 of ©:

if (reflex::Matcher("©", L"©").matches())
std::cout << "copyright symbol matches\n";

To ensure that Unicode patterns in UTF-8 strings are grouped properly, use Regex converters , for example as follows:

static reflex::Pattern CR(reflex::Matcher::convert("(?u:\u{00A9})"));
if (reflex::Matcher(CR, L"©").matches())
std::cout << "copyright symbol matches\n";

Here we made the converted pattern static to avoid repeated conversion and construction overheads.

The char*, wchar_t*, and std::wstring strings cannot contain a \0 (NUL) character and the first \0 terminates matching. To match strings and binary input that contain \0, use std::string or std::istringstream.

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Input streams

An input object constructed from a std::istream (or a derived class) just passes the input text to the matcher engine. The stream should contain ASCII and may contain UTF-8.

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FILE encodings

File content specified with a FILE* file descriptor can be encoded in ASCII, binary, UTF-8/16/32, ISO-8859-1 through ISO-8859-15, CP 1250 through 1258, CP 437, CP 850, CP 858, or EBCDIC.

A UTF Byte Order Mark (BOM) is detected in the content of a file scanned by the matcher, which enables UTF-8 normalization of the input automatically.

Otherwise, if no file encoding is explicitly specified, the matcher expects raw UTF-8, ASCII, or plain binary by default. File formats can be decoded and translated to UTF-8 on the fly for matching by means of specifying encodings.

The current file encoding used by a matcher is obtained with the reflex::Input::file_encoding() method, which returns an reflex::Input::file_encoding constant of type reflex::Input::file_encoding_type:

Constant File encoding
reflex::Input::file_encoding::plain plain octets, ASCII/binary/UTF-8
reflex::Input::file_encoding::utf8 UTF-8 (UTF BOM detected)
reflex::Input::file_encoding::utf16be UTF-16 big endian (UTF BOM detected)
reflex::Input::file_encoding::utf16le UTF-16 little endian (UTF BOM detected)
reflex::Input::file_encoding::utf32be UTF-32 big endian (UTF BOM detected)
reflex::Input::file_encoding::utf32le UTF-32 little endian (UTF BOM detected)
reflex::Input::file_encoding::latin ASCII with Latin-1, ISO-8859-1
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp437 DOS CP 437
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp850 DOS CP 850
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp858 DOS CP 858
reflex::Input::file_encoding::ebcdic EBCDIC
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1250 Windows CP 1250
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1251 Windows CP 1251
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1252 Windows CP 1252
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1253 Windows CP 1253
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1254 Windows CP 1254
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1255 Windows CP 1255
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1256 Windows CP 1256
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1257 Windows CP 1257
reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1258 Windows CP 1258
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_2 ISO-8859-2
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_3 ISO-8859-3
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_4 ISO-8859-4
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_5 ISO-8859-5
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_6 ISO-8859-6
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_7 ISO-8859-7
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_8 ISO-8859-8
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_9 ISO-8859-9
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_10 ISO-8859-10
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_11 ISO-8859-11
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_13 ISO-8859-13
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_14 ISO-8859-14
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_15 ISO-8859-15
reflex::Input::file_encoding::iso8859_16 ISO-8859-16
reflex::Input::file_encoding::macroman Macintosh Roman + CR to LF translation
reflex::Input::file_encoding::koi8_r KOI8-R
reflex::Input::file_encoding::koi8_u KOI8-U
reflex::Input::file_encoding::koi8_ru KOI8-RU
reflex::Input::file_encoding::null_data convert between NUL <-> LF
reflex::Input::file_encoding::custom user-defined custom code page

The null_data encoding type converts between NUL (zere byte) and LF (\n) to support input from tools that output NUL for newlines, such as xargs -0.

To specify a file encoding when assigning a file to be read, use reflex::Input(file, enc) with enc one of the encoding constants shown in the table above.

For example, reflex::Input::file_encoding::latin supports files with ISO-8859-1 content. This way you can match its content using Unicode patterns, since the RE/flex matcher engines internally normalize the specified encodings to UTF-8 for pattern matching:

This sets the input encoding to ISO-8859-1, but only if no UTF BOM was detected on the standard input we are reading from. The encoding of an input file specified as a FILE* argument when the file has a UTF BOM cannot be changed. The input of UTF-encoded files is normalized to UTF-8 when read.

To define a custom code page to normalize the input to Unicode, define a code page table with 256 entries that maps each 8-bit input character to a 16-bit Unicode character (UCS-2). Then use reflex::Input::file_encoding::custom with a pointer to your code page to construct an input object. For example:

static const unsigned short CP[256] = {
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
96, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
reflex::Matcher matcher(pattern, input);

This example translates all control characters and characters above 127 to spaces before matching.

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Input properties

To obtain the properties of an input source use the following methods:

Method Result
size() size in bytes of the remaining input, zero when EOF or unknown
good() input is available to read (no error and not EOF)
eof() end of input (but use only at_end() with matchers!)
cstring() the current const char* (of a std::string) or NULL
wstring() the current const wchar_t* (of a std::wstring) or NULL
file() the current FILE* file descriptor or NULL
istream() a std::istream* pointer to the current stream object or NULL

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Input streambuf

We can use a reflex::Input object as a std::streambuf and pass it to a std::istream. This is useful when a std::istream is required where a reflex::Input object cannot be directly used. The std::istream automatically normalizes the input to UTF-8 using the underlying reflex::Input object. For example:

reflex::Input input(...); // create an Input object for some given input
reflex::Input::streambuf buf(input); // create a streambuf
std::istream is(&buf);
if (is.good())
// read the stream

The reflex::Input object may be created from strings, wide strings, streams, and FILE* values. These are readable as a std::istream via reflex::Input::streambuf that returns normalized UTF-8 characters. For FILE* values we can specify FILE encodings to normalize the encoded input to UTF-8.

Keep in mind that adding a std::istream with reflex::Input::streambuf layer on top of the efficient reflex::Input class will impact file reading performance, especially because reflex::Input::streambuf is unbuffered (despite its name). When performance is important, use the buffered version reflex::BufferedInput::streambuf:

reflex::Input input(...); // create an Input object for some given input
reflex::BufferedInput::streambuf buf(input); // create a buffered streambuf
std::istream is(&buf);
if (is.good())
// read the stream

Because the buffered vesion reads ahead to fill its buffer, the buffered version may not be suitable for interactive input.

See also Windows CRLF pairs.

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Windows CRLF pairs

Reading files in Windows "binary mode" is recommended when the file is encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-32. Reading a file in the default "text mode" replaces CRLF by LF and interprets ^Z (0x1A) as EOF. Because a ^Z code may be part of a UTF-16 or UTF-32 multibyte sequence, this can cause premature EOF on Windows machines. The latest RE/flex releases automatically switch FILE* input to binary mode on Windows systems when the file is encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-32.

In addition, DOS files and other DOS or Windows input sources typically end lines with CRLF byte pairs, see Files with CRLF pairs . Reading a file in binary mode retains these CRLF pairs.

To automatically replace CRLF by LF when reading files in binary mode on Windows you can use the reflex::Input::dos_streambuf class to construct a std::istream object. This normalized stream can then be used as input to a RE/flex scanner or to a regex matcher:

reflex::Input input(...); // create an Input object for some given input
reflex::Input::dos_streambuf buf(input); // create a dos_streambuf
std::istream is(&buf);
if (is.good())
// read the stream

Once the stream object is created it can be used to create a new input object for a RE/flex scanner, for example:

if (is.good())
Lexer lexer(is); // create a lexer
lexer.lex(); // scan the normalized input (DOS CRLF -> LF)

or for a regex matcher that uses PCRE2 or Boost.Regex:

if (is.good())
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", is); // read normalized input (DOS CRLF -> LF)
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found " << matcher.text() << std::endl;

Note that when the input is a FILE*, CRLF pairs are replaced by LF and UTF-16/32 encodings are automatically normalized to UTF-8 (when a UTF BOM is present in the file or you can specify FILE encodings).

The reflex::Input::size method returns the number of bytes available that includes CRLF pairs. The actual number of bytes read may be smaller after replacing CRLF by LF.

When performance is important, use the buffered version reflex::BufferedInput::dos_streambuf:

reflex::Input input(...); // create an Input object for some given input
reflex::BufferedInput::dos_streambuf buf(input); // create a buffered dos_streambuf
std::istream is(&buf);
if (is.good())
// read the stream

Because the buffered vesion reads ahead to fill its buffer, the buffered version may not be suitable for interactive input:

See also Input streambuf.

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This section includes several examples to demonstrate the concepts discussed.

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Example 1

This example illustrates the find and split methods and iterators with a RE/flex reflex::Matcher and a reflex::BoostMatcher using a C++11 range-based loop:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
using namespace reflex;
// some random text (with extra spacing)
std::string example("Monty\n Python's Flying Circus");
// construct a fixed pattern that is case insensitive
static Pattern pattern("monty|python", "i");
// construct a matcher to search the example text
Matcher matcher(pattern, example);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << matcher.text()
<< " at " << matcher.lineno() << "," << matcher.columno()
<< " spans " << matcher.first() << ".." << matcher.last()
<< std::endl;
// construct a Boost.Regex matcher to count the words (all non-spaces "\S+")
BoostMatcher boostmatcher("\\S+", example);
boostmatcher.buffer(); // because Boost.Regex partial_match is broken!
std::cout << std::distance(boostmatcher.find.begin(), boostmatcher.find.end())
<< " words"
<< std::endl;
// reuse the BoostMatcher with a C++11 range-based loop to split the example text on space "\s+":
for (auto& split : boostmatcher.pattern("\\s+").input(example).split)
std::cout << split.text() << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// reuse the BoostMatcher to split on whitespace using an iterator, sort into a set, and print
std::set<std::string> words(boostmatcher.split.begin(), boostmatcher.split.end());
std::copy(words.begin(), words.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

Monty at 1,0 spans 0..5
Python at 2,1 spans 7..13
4 words
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Circus Flying Monty Python's

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Example 2

This example shows how a URL can be matched by using two patterns: one pattern to extract the host:port/path parts and another pattern to extract the query string key-value pairs in a loop. A PCRE2 matcher or a Boost.Regex matcher may be used, since both support group captures.

#include <iostream>
using namespace reflex;
const char *URL = "...";
// match URL host:port/path using group captures for these
BoostMatcher re("https?://([^:/]*):?(\\d*)/?([^?#]*)", URL);
if (re.scan())
// found a partial match at start, now check if we have a host
if (re[1].first != NULL)
std::string host(re[1].first, re[1].second);
std::cout << "host: " << host << std::endl;
// check of we have a port
if (re[2].first != NULL && re[2].second != 0)
std::string port(re[2].first, re[2].second);
std::cout << "port: " << port << std::endl;
// check of we have a path
if (re[3].first != NULL && re[3].second != 0)
std::string path(re[3].first, re[3].second);
std::cout << "path: " << path << std::endl;
// check if we have a query string
if (re.input() == '?')
// now switch patterns to match the query string
while (re.scan())
std::cout <<
"query key: " << std::string(re[1].first, re[1].second) <<
", value: " << std::string(re[2].first, re[2].second) << std::endl;
else if (!re.at_end())
// not a query string and not the end, we expect an # anchor
std::cout << "anchor: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "Error, not a http/s URL: " << << std::endl;

See also Example 8 below for a more powerful URL pattern matcher.

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Example 3

This example shows how input can be reassigned in each iteration of a loop that matches wide strings against a word pattern \w+:

using namespace reflex;
// four words
const wchar_t *words[] = { L"Monty", L"Python's", L"Flying", L"Circus" };
// construct a PCRE2 matcher for words, given empty input initially
PCRE2Matcher wordmatcher("\\w+", Input());
// check if each string in words[] is a word
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (wordmatcher.input(words[i]).matches())
std::cout << wordmatcher.text() << ", ";

When executed this code prints:

Monty, Flying, Circus, 

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Example 4

This example counts the number of words, lines, and chars from the std::cin stream:

using namespace reflex;
// construct a std::regex matcher like the wc command (a word is a series of nonspaces)
StdMatcher word("\\S+", std::cin);
size_t words = std::distance(word.find.begin(), word.find.end());
size_t lines = word.lineno() - 1;
size_t chars = word.last();
std::cout << lines << " " << words << " " << chars << std::endl;

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Example 5

This example tokenizes a string by grouping the subpatterns in a regex and by using the group index of the capture obtained with accept() in a C++11 range-based loop:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
using namespace reflex;
static Pattern pattern =
"(\\w*cat\\w*)|" // 1st group = token 1
"(\\w*dog\\w*)|" // 2nd group = token 2
"(\\w+)|" // 3rd group = token 3
"(.)"; // 4th group = token 4
Matcher tokenizer(pattern, "cats love hotdogs!");
for (auto& token : tokenizer.scan)
std::cout << "Token = " << token.accept()
<< ": matched '" << token.text() << "'"
<< " with '" << token.pattern()[token.accept()] << "'\n";

When executed this code prints:

Token = 1: matched 'cats' with '(\\w*cat\\w*)'
Token = 4: matched ' ' with '(.)'
Token = 3: matched 'love' with '(\\w+)'
Token = 4: matched ' ' with '(.)'
Token = 2: matched 'hotdogs' with '(\\w*dog\\w*)'
Token = 4: matched '!' with '(.)'

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Example 6

This example reads a file with embedded credit card numbers to extract. The numbers are sorted into five sets for each type of major credit card:

#include <reflex/matcher.h>
using namespace reflex;
static Pattern card_patterns =
"(?# MasterCard)(5[1-5]\\d{14})|" // 1st group = MC
"(?# Visa)(4\\d{12}(?:\\d{3})?)|" // 2nd group = VISA
"(?# AMEX)(3[47]\\d{13})|" // 3rd group = AMEX
"(?# Discover)(6011\\d{14})|" // 4th group = Discover
"(?# Diners Club)((?:30[0-5]|36\\d|38\\d)\\d{11})"; // 5th group = Diners
static const char *card_data =
"mark 5212345678901234\n"
"vinny 4123456789012\n"
"victor 4123456789012345\n"
"amy 371234567890123\n"
"dirk 601112345678901234\n"
"doc 38812345678901 end\n";
std::set<std::string> cards[5];
Matcher matcher(card_patterns, card_data);
for (Matcher::iterator match = matcher.find.begin(); match != matcher.find.end(); ++match)
cards[match.accept() - 1].insert(match.text());
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator j = cards[i].begin(); j != cards[i].end(); ++j)
std::cout << i << ": " << *j << std::endl;

When executed this code prints:

0: 5212345678901234
1: 4123456789012
1: 4123456789012345
2: 371234567890123
3: 601112345678901234
4: 38812345678901

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Example 7

The RE/flex matcher engine reflex::Matcher only recognizes group captures at the top level of the regex (i.e. among the top-level alternations), because it uses an efficient FSM for matching.

By contrast, the PCRE2 matcher can capture groups within a regex:

// a PCRE2Matcher to find 'TODO' lines on stdin and capture their content to display
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("TODO ([^\\n]+)", stdin);
while (matcher.find())
<< matcher.lineno() << ": "
<< std::string(matcher[1].first, matcher[1].second)
<< std::endl;

The PCRE2 and Boost.Regex libraries also support group captures and partial matches, but that feature appears to be broken with Boost.Regex, so all input must be buffered when Boost.Regex is used:

// a BoostMatcher to find 'TODO' lines on stdin and capture their content to display
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("TODO ([^\\n]+)", stdin);
matcher.buffer(); // because Boost.Regex partial_match is broken!
while (matcher.find())
<< matcher.lineno() << ": "
<< std::string(matcher[1].first, matcher[1].second)
<< std::endl;

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Example 8

This is a more advanced example, in which we will use the reflex::BoostMatcher class to decompose URLs into parts: the host, port, path, optional ?-query string key=value pairs, and an optional #-anchor.

To do so, we change the pattern of the matcher to partially match each of the URL's parts and also use input() to check the input character:

#include <iostream>
using namespace reflex;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2)
std::cerr << "Usage: url 'URL'" << std::endl;
BoostMatcher re("https?://([^:/]*):?(\\d*)/?([^?#]*)", argv[1]);
if (re.scan())
// found a partial match at start, now check if we have a host
if (re[1].first != NULL)
std::string host(re[1].first, re[1].second);
std::cout << "host: " << host << std::endl;
// check of we have a port
if (re[2].first != NULL && re[2].second != 0)
std::string port(re[2].first, re[2].second);
std::cout << "port: " << port << std::endl;
// check of we have a path
if (re[3].first != NULL && re[3].second != 0)
std::string path(re[3].first, re[3].second);
std::cout << "path: " << path << std::endl;
// check if we have a query string
if (re.input() == '?')
// now switch patterns to match the rest of the input
// i.e. a query string or an anchor
#if 0
// 1st method: a pattern to split query strings at '&'
while (re.split())
std::cout << "query: " << re << std::endl;
// 2nd method: a pattern to capture key-value pairs between the '&'
while (re.scan())
std::cout <<
"query key: " << std::string(re[1].first, re[1].second) <<
", value: " << std::string(re[2].first, re[2].second) << std::endl;
else if (!re.at_end())
// not a query string and not the end, we expect an # anchor
std::cout << "anchor: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "Error, not a http/s URL: " << << std::endl;

Note that there are two ways to split the query string into key-value pairs. Both methods are shown in the two #if branches in the code above, with the first branch disabled with #if 0.

When executing

./url 'https://localhost:8080/test/me?name=reflex&license=BSD-3'

this code prints:

host: localhost
port: 8080
path: test/me
query key: name, value: reflex
query key: license, value: BSD-3

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Example 9

This example shows how a FILE* file descriptor is used as input. The file encoding is obtained from the UTF BOM, when present in the file. Note that the file's state is accessed through the matcher's member variable in:

using namespace reflex;
BoostMatcher matcher("\\s+", fopen("filename", "r"));
if ( != NULL &&
switch (
case Input::file_encoding::plain: std::cout << "plain ASCII/binary/UTF-8"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::utf8: std::cout << "UTF-8 with BOM"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::utf16be: std::cout << "UTF-16 big endian"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::utf16le: std::cout << "UTF-16 little endian"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::utf32be: std::cout << "UTF-32 big endian"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::utf32le: std::cout << "UTF-32 little endian"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::latin: std::cout << "ASCII+Latin-1/ISO-8859-1"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp437: std::cout << "DOS CP 437"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp850: std::cout << "DOS CP 850"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp858: std::cout << "DOS CP 858"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::ebcdic: std::cout << "EBCDIC"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1250: std::cout << "Windows CP 1250"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1251: std::cout << "Windows CP 1251"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1252: std::cout << "Windows CP 1252"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1253: std::cout << "Windows CP 1253"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1254: std::cout << "Windows CP 1254"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1255: std::cout << "Windows CP 1255"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1256: std::cout << "Windows CP 1256"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1257: std::cout << "Windows CP 1257"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::cp1258: std::cout << "Windows CP 1258"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_2: std::cout << "ISO-8859-2"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_3: std::cout << "ISO-8859-3"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_4: std::cout << "ISO-8859-4"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_5: std::cout << "ISO-8859-5"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_6: std::cout << "ISO-8859-6"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_7: std::cout << "ISO-8859-7"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_8: std::cout << "ISO-8859-8"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_9: std::cout << "ISO-8859-9"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_10: std::cout << "ISO-8859-10"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_11: std::cout << "ISO-8859-11"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_13: std::cout << "ISO-8859-13"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_14: std::cout << "ISO-8859-14"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_15: std::cout << "ISO-8859-15"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::iso8859_16: std::cout << "ISO-8859-16"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::mac_roman: std::cout << "Macintosh Roman"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::koi8_r: std::cout << "KOI8-R"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::koi8_u: std::cout << "KOI8-U"; break;
case Input::file_encoding::koi8_ru: std::cout << "KOI8-RU"; break;
std::cout << " of " << << " converted bytes to read\n";
matcher.buffer(); // because Boost.Regex partial_match is broken!
if (matcher.split() != 0)
std::cout << "Starts with: " << matcher.text() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Rest of the file is: " <<;

The default encoding is reflex::Input::file_encoding::plain when no UTF BOM is detected at the start of the input file. The encodings reflex::Input::file_encoding::latin, reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp1252, reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp437, reflex::Input::file_encoding::cp850, reflex::Input::file_encoding::ebcdic are never detected automatically, because plain encoding is implicitly assumed to be the default encoding. To convert these files, set the file encoding format explicitly in your code. For example, if you expect the source file to contain ISO-8859-1 8-bit characters (ASCII and the latin-1 supplement) then set the default file encoding to reflex::Input::file_encoding::latin as follows:

reflex::Input input(fopen("filename", "r"), reflex::Input::file_encoding::latin);
if (input.file() != NULL)
reflex::BoostMatcher matcher("\\s+", input);
matcher.buffer(); // because Boost.Regex partial_match is broken!
if (matcher.split() != 0)
std::cout << "Starts with: " << matcher.text() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Rest of the file is: " <<;

This sets the file encoding to ISO-8859-1, but only if no UTF BOM was detected in the file. Files with a UTF BOM are always decoded as UTF, which cannot be overruled.

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Tips, tricks, and gotchas

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Errors when declaring extern yyin, yytext, yylineno

For backward compatibility with Flex, option −−flex defines macros to expand yyin, yyout, yylineno, yytext, and yyleng. The macro expansion depends on the −−bison option or −−bison-locations, −−bison-cc and so on.

When used with −−flex, option −−bison generates global "yy" variables and functions, see Bison and thread-safety for details. This means that yytext, yyleng, and yylineno are global variables. More specifically, the following declarations are generated with −−flex and −−bison:

char *yytext;
int yylex();

Note that yyin is not a global variable, because the yyin macro expands to a pointer to the reflex::Input of the matcher. This offers advanced input handling capabilities with reflex::Input that is more useful compared to the traditional global FILE *yyin variable.

However, the following declaration, when present in a Lex/Flex lexer specification, may cause a compilation error:

extern FILE *yyin; // ERROR: fails to compile (remove this line)

Option −−yy enables −−flex and −−bison. In addition, this option generates the following declarations to define the yyin and yyout as global FILE* type variables:

FILE *yyin;
FILE *yyout;

Note that without option −−yy, when options −−flex and −−bison are used, yyin is a pointer to a reflex::Input object. This means that yyin is not restricted to FILE* types and accepts files, steams and strings:

std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::in);
yyin = &ifs; // FILE* or std::istream
yyin = "..."; // (wide) strings

See Switching input sources .

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Compilation errors when using yy functions

To use Flex' yy functions in your scanner's actions, use option −−flex for Flex compatibility (see also previous section).

In addition, note that by default the reflex command generates a reentrant C++ scanner class, unless option −−bison is used. This means that by default all yy functions are scanner class methods, not global functions. This obviously means that yy functions cannot be globally invoked, e.g. from your parser. These are the alternatives:

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Invalid UTF encodings and the dot pattern

It may be tempting to write a pattern with . (dot) as a wildcard in a lexer specification, but beware that in Unicode mode enabled with %option unicode or with modifier (?u:φ), the dot matches any code point, including code points outside of the valid Unicode character range and invalid overlong UTF-8 (except that it won't match newline unless %option dotall is specified.) The reason for this design choice is that a lexer should be able to implement a "catch all else" rule to report errors in the input:

. std::cerr << "lexical error, full stop!" << std::endl;
return 0;

If dot in Unicode mode with %option unicode would be restricted to match valid Unicode only, then the action above will never be triggered when invalid input is encountered. Because all non-dot regex patterns are valid Unicode in RE/flex, it would be impossible to write a "catch all else" rule that catches input format errors!

The dot in Unicode mode is self-synchronizing and consumes text up to the next ASCII or Unicode character.

Because the . is "permissive" by design with %option unicode, multiple . dots in sequence can match a single multi-byte Unicode character by its individual bytes.

To accept only valid Unicode input in regex patterns, make sure to avoid . (dot) and use \p{Unicode} or \X instead, and reserve dot to catch anything, such as invalid UTF encodings. We can use .|\n or %option dotall to catch anything including \n and invalid UTF-8/16/32 encodings.

Furthermore, before matching any input, invalid UTF-16 input is detected automatically by the reflex::Input class and replaced with the REFLEX_NONCHAR code point U+200000 that lies outside the valid Unicode range. This code point is never matched by non-dot regex patterns and is easy to detect by a regex pattern with a dot and a corresponding error action as shown above.

Note that character classes written as bracket lists may produce invalid Unicode ranges when used improperly. This is not a problem for matching, but may prevent rejecting surrogate halves that are invalid Unicode. For example, [\u{00}-\u{10FFFF}] obviously includes the invalid range of surrogate halves [\u{D800}-\u{DFFF}]. You can always remove surrogate halves from any character class by intersecting the class with [\p{Unicode}], that is [...&&[\p{Unicode}]]. Furthermore, character class negation with ^ results in classes that are within range U+0000 to U+10FFFF and excludes surrogate halves.

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Error reporting and recovery

When your scanner or parser encounters an error in the input, the scanner or parser should report it and attempt to continue processing the input by recovering from the error condition. Most compilers recover from an error to continue processing the input until a threshold on the maximum number of errors is exceeded.

In our lexer specification of a scanner, we may define a "catch all else" rule with pattern . to report an unmatched "mystery character" that is not recognized. For example:

static const size_t max_errors = 10;
size_t errors;
errors = 0;
... // lexer rules
. std::string line = matcher().line();
std::cerr << "Error: mystery character at line " << lineno() << ":\n" << line << std::endl;
for (size_t i = columno(); i > 0; --i)
std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "\\__ here" << std::endl;
if (++errors >= max_errors)
return 0;

Beware that a . (dot) matches any character or byte, including invalid Unicode. See also Invalid UTF encodings and the dot pattern .

The error message indicates the offending line number with lineno() and prints the problematic line of input using matcher().line(). The position on the line is indicated with an arrow placed below the line at offset columno() from the start of the line, where columno() takes tabs and wide characters into account.

This error message does not take the window width into account, which may result in misplacing the arrow when the line is too long and overflows onto the next rows in the window, unless changes are made to the code to print the relevant part of the line only.

There are other ways to indicate the location of an error, for example as --> <-- and highlighting the error using the ANSI SGI escape sequence for bold typeface:

. std::string line = lexer->matcher().line();
std::string before = line.substr(0, border());
std::string after = line.substr(border() + size());
std::cerr << "Error: mystery character at line " << lineno() << ":" << std::endl;
std::cerr << before << "\033[1m --> " << str() << " <-- \033[0m" << after << std::endl;
if (++errors >= max_errors)
return 0;

This prints the start of the line up to the mismatching position on the line returned by border(), followed by the highlighted "mystery character". Beware that this can be a control code or invalid Unicode code point, which should be checked before displaying it.

This scanner terminates when 10 lexical errors are encountered in the input, as defined by max_errors.

By default, Bison invokes yyerror() (or yy::parser::error() with Bison-cc parsers) to report syntax errors. However, it is recommended to use Bison error productions to handle and resolve syntax errors intelligently by synchronizing on tokens that allow the parser to continue, for example on a semicolon in a Bison-bridge parser:

#include "lex.yy.h"
#define YYPARSE_PARAM lexer
#define YYLEX_PARAM lexer
void yyerror(Lexer *lexer, const char *msg);
%lex-param { Lexer *lexer }
%parse-param { Lexer *lexer }
... // grammar rules
| error ';' { yyerrok; if (++lexer->errors >= lexer->max_errors) YYABORT; }
%pure-parser is deprecated and replaced with %define api.pure.

We keep track of the number of errors by incrementing lexer->errors. When the maximum number of lexical and syntax errors is reached, we bail out.

The line of input where the syntax error occurs is reported with yyerror() for the Bison-bridge parser:

void yyerror(Lexer *lexer, const char *msg)
std::string line = lexer->matcher().line();
std::string before = line.substr(0, border());
std::string after = line.substr(border() + size());
std::cerr << "Error: " << msg << " at line " << lexer->lineno() << ":" << std::endl;
std::cerr << before << "\033[1m --> " << lexer->str() << " <-- \033[0m" << after << std::endl;

With option −−flex, the definitions part of the lexer specification is updated as follows:

#include "lex.yy.h"
void yyerror(yyscan_t, const char*);
#define YYPARSE_PARAM scanner
#define YYLEX_PARAM scanner
%option flex
%lex-param { void *scanner }
%parse-param { void *scanner }

And the yyerror() function is updated as follows:

void yyerror(yyscan_t scanner, const char *msg)
yyFlexLexer *lexer = static_cast<yyscanner_t*>(scanner);
std::string line = lexer->matcher().line();
std::string before = line.substr(0, border());
std::string after = line.substr(border() + size());
std::cerr << "Error: " << msg << " at line " << lexer->lineno() << ":" << std::endl;
std::cerr << before << "\033[1m --> " << lexer->str() << " <-- \033[0m" << after << std::endl;
%pure-parser is deprecated and replaced with %define api.pure.

These examples assume that the syntax error was detected immediately at the last token scanned and displayed with lexer->str(), which may not always be the case.

With Bison-bridge & locations parsers (and optionally −−flex), we obtain the first and the last line of an error and we can use this information to report the error. For example as follows:

void yyerror(YYLTYPE *yylloc, yyscan_t scanner, const char *msg)
yyFlexLexer *lexer = static_cast<yyscanner_t*>(scanner);
std::cerr << "Error: " << msg << " at line " << yylloc->first_line << ":" << std::endl;
if (yylloc->first_line == yylloc->last_line && yylloc->first_line == lexer->lineno())
std::cerr << lexer->matcher().line() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < yylloc->first_column; ++i)
std::cerr << " ";
for (int i = yylloc->first_column; i <= yylloc->last_column; ++i)
std::cerr << "~";
std::cerr << std::endl;
FILE *file = lexer->in().file(); // the current FILE* being scanned
if (file != NULL)
yypush_buffer_state(buf, scanner); // push current buffer (matcher), use buf
off_t pos = ftell(file); // save current position in the file
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); // go to the start of the file
for (int i = 1; i < yylloc->first_line; ++i)
buf->skip('\n'); // skip to the next line
for (int i = yylloc->first_line; i <= yylloc->last_line; ++i)
std::cerr << buf->line() << std::endl; // display offending line
buf->skip('\n'); // next line
fseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET); // restore position in the file to continue scanning
yypop_buffer_state(scanner); // restore buffer (matcher)

Because we use Flex-compatible reentrant functions yy_create_buffer(), yypush_buffer_state(), and yypop_buffer_state() that take an extra scanner argument, we also use options −−flex and −−reentrant in addition to −−bison-bridge and −−bison-locations to generate the reentrant scanner for the example shown above.

Similarly, with Bison-complete & locations parsers, syntax errors can be reported as follows (without option −−flex):

void yy::parser::error(const location& loc, const std::string& msg)
std::cerr << loc << ": " << msg << std::endl;
if (loc.begin.line == loc.end.line && loc.begin.line == lexer.lineno())
std::cerr << lexer.matcher().line() << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < loc.begin.column; ++i)
std::cerr << " ";
for (size_t i = loc.begin.column; i <= loc.end.column; ++i)
std::cerr << "~";
std::cerr << std::endl;
FILE *file =; // the current file being scanned
if (file != NULL)
yy::scanner::Matcher *m = lexer.new_matcher(file); // new matcher
lexer.push_matcher(m); // save the current matcher
off_t pos = ftell(file); // save current position in the file
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); // go to the start of the file
for (size_t i = 1; i < loc.begin.line; ++i)
m->skip('\n'); // skip to the next line
for (size_t i = loc.begin.line; i <= loc.end.line; ++i)
std::cerr << m->line() << std::endl; // display offending line
m->skip('\n'); // next line
fseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET); // restore position in the file to continue scanning
lexer.pop_matcher(); // restore matcher

If option −−exception is specified with a lexer specification, for example as follows:

%option exception="yy::parser::error(location(), \"Unknown token.\")"

then we should make sure to consume some input in the exception handler to advance the scanner forward to skip the offending input and to allow the scanner to recover:

void yy::parser::error(const location& loc, const std::string& msg)
if (lexer.size() == 0) // if token is unknown (no match)
lexer.matcher().winput(); // skip character

Error reporting can be combined with Bison Lookahead Correction (LAC), which is enabled with:

%define parse.lac full

For more details on Bison error messaging, resolution, and LAC, please see the Bison documentation.

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On using setlocale

The RE/flex scanners and regex matchers use an internal buffer with UTF-8 encoded text content to scan wide strings and UTF-16/UTF-32 input. This means that Unicode input is normalized to UTF-8 prior to matching. This internal conversion is independent of the current locale and is performed automatically by the reflex::Input class that passes the UTF-8-normalized input to the matchers.

Furthermore, RE/flex lexers may invoke the wstr(), wchr(), and wpair() methods to extract wide string and wide character matches. These methods are also independent of the current locale.

This means that setting the locale in an application will not affect the performance of RE/flex scanners and regex matchers.

As a side note, to display wide strings properly and to save wide strings to UTF-8 text files, it is generally recommended to set the UTF-8 locale. For example:

std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); // setlocale UTF-8
std::ifstream ifs("file.txt", std::ios::in); // open UTF-8/16/32 text file
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", ifs); // not affected by setlocale
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::wstring& match = matcher.wstr(); // not affected by setlocale
std::wcout << match << std::endl; // affected by setlocale

This displays wide string matches in UTF-8 on most consoles and terminals, but not on all systems (I'm looking at you, Mac OS X terminal!) Instead of std::wcout we can use std::cout instead to display UTF-8 content directly:

std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); // setlocale UTF-8
std::ifstream ifs("file.txt", std::ios::in); // open UTF-8/16/32 text file
reflex::PCRE2Matcher matcher("\\w+", ifs); // not affected by setlocale
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::string& match = matcher.str(); // not affected by setlocale
std::cout << match << std::endl; // not affected by setlocale

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Scanning ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) files with a Unicode scanner

Scanning files encoded in ISO-8859-1 by a Unicode scanner that expects UTF-8 will cause the scanner to misbehave or throw errors.

Many text files are still encoded in ISO-8859-1 (also called latin-1). To set up your scanner to safely scan ISO-8859-1 content when your scanner rules use Unicode (with the −−unicode option and your patterns that use UTF-8 encodings), set the default file encoding to latin:

Lexer lexer(input);

This scans files from standard input that are encoded in ISO-8859-1, unless the file has a UTF Byte Order Mark (BOM). When a BOM is detected the scanner switches to UTF scanning.

See FILE encodings to set file encodings.

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Files with CRLF pairs

DOS files and other DOS or Windows input sources typically end lines with CRLF byte pairs. There are two ways to effectively deal with CRLF pairs:

  1. Use reflex::Input::dos_streambuf to automatically convert Windows CRLF pairs by creating a std::istream for the specified reflex::Input::dos_streambuf. Due to the extra layer introduced in the input processing stack, this option adds some overhead but requires no changes to the patterns and application code.
  2. Rewrite the patterns to match both \n and \r\n to allow CRLF line endings. This is option is fast to process input, but requires specialized patterns and the matched multi-line text will include \r (CR) characters that may need to be dealt with by the application code.

To rewrite your patterns to support CRLF end-of-line matching:

With the above changes, reading files on Windows systems in "binary mode" is recommended, i.e. open FILE* files with the "rb" mode.

Reading a file in the default "text mode" interprets ^Z (0x1A) as EOF. The latest RE/flex releases automatically switch FILE* input to binary mode on Windows systems when the file is encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-32, but not UTF-8.

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Handling old Macintosh files containing CR newlines

Old Macintosh OS file formats prior to Mac OS X use CR to end lines instead of LF. To automatically read and normalize files encoded in MacRoman containing CR as newlines, you can use the reflex::Input::file_encoding::macroman file encoding format. This normalizes the input to UTF-8 and translates CR newlines to LF newlines. See FILE encodings for details.

Alternatively, you can define a custom code page to translate CR to LF without normalizing to UTF-8:

#define LF 10
static const unsigned short CR2LF[256] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, LF, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223,
224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239,
240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255

Then use the input object to read stdin or any other FILE*. See also FILE encodings.

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Lazy repetitions

Repetitions (*, +, and {n,m}) and the optional pattern (?) are greedy, unless marked with an extra ? to make them lazy. Lazy repetitions are useless when the regex pattern after the lazy repetitions permits empty input. For example, .*?a? only matches one a or nothing at all, because a? permits an empty match.

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Lazy optional patterns and trigraphs

This C/C++ trigraph problem work-around does not apply to lexer specifications that the reflex command converts while preventing trigraphs.

Trigraphs in C/C++ strings are special tripple-character sequences, beginning with two question marks and followed by a character that is translated. For example, "x??(y|z)" is translated to "x[y|z)".

Fortunately, most C++ compilers ignore trigraphs unless in standard-conforming modes, such as -ansi and -std=c++98.

When using the lazy optional pattern φ?? in a regex C/C++ string for pattern matching with one of the RE/flex matchers for example, use φ?\? instead, which the C/C++ compiler translates to φ??.

Otherwise, lazy optional pattern constructs will appear broken.

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Repeately switching to the same input

The state of the input object reflex::Input changes as the scanner's matcher consumes more input. If you switch to the same input again (e.g. with in(i) or switch_stream(i) for input source i), a portion of that input may end up being discarded as part of the matcher's internal buffer is flushed when input is assigned. Therefore, the following code will not work because stdin is flushed repeately:

Lexer lexer(stdin); // a lexer that reads stdin; // this is OK, nothing read yet
while (lexer.lex(stdin)) // oops, assigning stdin again and again
std::cout << "we're not getting anywhere?" << std::endl;

If you need to read a file or stream again, you have two options:

  1. Save the current matcher and its input state with push_matcher(m) or yypush_buffer_state(m) to start using a new matcher m, e.g. created with reflex::Matcher m = new_matcher(i) to consume the specified input i. Restore the original matcher with pop_matcher() or yypop_buffer_state(). See also Multiple input sources .
  2. Rewind the file to the location in the file to start reading. Beware that FILE* input is checked against an UTF BOM at the start of a file, which means that you cannot reliably move to an arbitrary location in the file to start reading when the file is encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32.

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Where is FlexLexer.h?

RE/flex uses its own header file reflex/flexlexer.h for compatibility with Flex, instead of the Flex file FlexLexer.h. The latter is specific to Flex and cannot be used with RE/flex. You should not have to include FlexLexer.h but if you do, use:

The FlexLexer class defined in reflex/flexlexer.h is the base class of the generated yyFlexLexer class. A name for the generated lexer class can be specified with option −−lexer=NAME.

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Interactive input with GNU readline

Option -I for interactive input generates a scanner that uses fgetc() to read input from a FILE* descriptor (stdin by default). Interactive input is made more user-friendly with the GNU readline library that provides basic line editing and a history mechanism.

To use readline() in your lexer, call readline() in your Lexer's constructor and in the wrap() method as follows:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
const char *prompt;
// we use wrap() to read the next line
virtual bool wrap() {
if (line)
line = readline(prompt);
if (line != NULL)
if (*line)
// wrap() == true means OK: wrapped after EOF
return line != NULL;
// the line returned by readline() without \n
char *line;
// the line with \n appended
std::string linen;
prompt = NULL;
line = readline(prompt);
if (line != NULL)
if (*line)

With option −−flex you will need to replace wrap() by a Flex-like yywrap() and change it to return 0 on success:

// we use yywrap() in Flex mode to read the next line
virtual int yywrap() {
if (line)
line = readline(prompt);
if (line != NULL)
if (*line)
// yywrap() == 0 means OK: wrapped after EOF
return line != NULL ? 0 : 1;

The rules can be matched as usual, where \n matches the end of a line, for example:

.+ echo(); // ECHO the entire line
\n echo(); // ECHO end of the line

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Registering a handler to support non-blocking reads

When FILE* input is read, the read operation performed with an fread by the reflex::Input class should normally block until data is available. Otherwise, when no data is available, an EOF condition is set and further reads are blocked.

To support error recovery and non-blocking FILE* input, an event handler can be registered. This handler is invoked when no input is available (i.e. fread returns zero) and the end of the file is not reached yet (i.e. feof() returns zero).

The handler should be derived from the reflex::Inout::Handler abstract base functor class as follows:

struct NonBlockHandler : public reflex::Input::Handler {
NonBlockHandler(State& state)
{ }
// state info: the handler does not need to be stateless
// for example this can be the FILE* or reflex::Input object
State& state;
// the functor operator invoked by the reflex::Input class when fread()==0 and feof()==0
int operator()()
... // perform some operation here
return 0; // do not continue, signals end of input
return 1; // continue reading, which may fail again

When your event handler allows non-blocking reads to continue, make sure that your handler does not return nonzero without delay. A busy loop is otherwise the result that unnecessarily burns CPU cycles. Instead of a fixed delay, select() can be effectively used to wait for input to become ready again:

while (true)
struct timeval tv;
fd_set fds;
int fd = fileno(in.file());
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
tv.tv_sec = 1;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
int r = ::select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, &fds, &tv);
if (r < 0 && errno != EINTR)
return 0;
if (r > 0)
return 1;

Here we wait in periods of one second until data is pending on the FILE* stream in.file(), where in is a reflex::Input object. This object can be part of the NonBlockHandler state. A timeout can be implemented by bounding the number of loop iterations.

Note that a FILE* stream is set to non-blocking mode in Unix/Linux with fcntl(). Your handler is registered with reflex::Input::set_handler():

#include <fcntl.h>
FILE *file = ...;
int fd = fileno(file);
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
reflex::Input in(file);
NonBlockHandler nonblock_handler(in);

The custom event handler can also be used to detect and clear FILE* errors by checking if an error conditions exist on the FILE* input indicated by ferror(). Errors are cleared with clearerr(). Note that a non-blocking read that returns zero always produces nonzero ferror() values.

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Undefined symbols and link errors

Some hints when dealing with undefined symbols and link errors when building RE/flex applications:

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Minimized library and (cross) compiling from source

RE/flex scanners generated with reflex can be linked against a minimized version of the RE/flex library libreflexmin:

c++ ... -lreflexmin

The regex Unicode converters and the Unicode tables that are not used at run time are excluded from the minimized library.

If the RE/flex library is not installed, for example when cross-compiling a RE/flex scanner to a different platform, then compile directly from the RE/flex C++ source files located in the reflex/lib and reflex/include directories as follows:

c++ -I. -Iinclude lex.yy.cpp lib/debug.cpp lib/error.cpp \
    lib/input.cpp lib/matcher.cpp lib/pattern.cpp lib/utf8.cpp lib/simd.cpp

This compiles the code without SIMD optimizations, despite compiling lib/simd.cpp. SIMD intrinsics for SSE/AVX and ARM NEON/AArch64 are used to speed up string search and newline detection and counting in the library. These optimizations are for the most part applicable to speed up searching with the reflex::Matcher::find() method.

To compile with NEON/AArch64 optimizations applied (omit -mfpu=neon for AArch64):

c++ -DHAVE_NEON -mfpu=neon -I. -Iinclude lex.yy.cpp lib/debug.cpp lib/error.cpp \
    lib/input.cpp lib/matcher.cpp lib/pattern.cpp lib/utf8.cpp lib/simd.cpp

To compile with SSE2 optimizations applied:

c++ -DHAVE_SSE2 -msse2 -I. -Iinclude lex.yy.cpp lib/debug.cpp lib/error.cpp \
    lib/input.cpp lib/matcher.cpp lib/pattern.cpp lib/utf8.cpp lib/simd.cpp

To compile with AVX2 optimizations applied and run-time detection of AVX2 using SSE2 as a fallback optimization when the CPU does not support AVX2:

c++ -DHAVE_AVX2 -mavx2 -I. -Iinclude lex.yy.cpp lib/debug.cpp lib/error.cpp \
    lib/input.cpp lib/matcher.cpp lib/pattern.cpp lib/utf8.cpp lib/simd.cpp \
    lib/matcher_avx2.cpp lib/simd_avx2.cpp

To compile with AVX512BW optimizations applied and run-time detection of AVX512BW using AVX2 or SSE2 as a fallback optimization when the CPU does not support AVX512BW:

c++ -DHAVE_AVX512BW -mavx512bw -I. -Iinclude lex.yy.cpp lib/debug.cpp lib/error.cpp \
    lib/input.cpp lib/matcher.cpp lib/pattern.cpp lib/utf8.cpp lib/simd.cpp \
    lib/matcher_avx2.cpp lib/matcher_avx512bw.cpp lib/simd_avx2.cpp lib/simd_avx512bw.cpp

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How to minimize runtime memory usage

Runtime memory usage is largely determined by two entities, the pattern DFA and the input buffer:

The value of REFLEX_BUFSZ should not be less than 4096.

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How to speed up matching and searching with zero copy overhead

All RE/flex matchers, including reflex::Matcher, reflex::PCRE2Matcher, reflex::BoostMatcher, reflex::StdMatcher and reflex::FuzzyMatcher, use an internal buffer of 256K. This buffer is used to search and match input by copying the specified input into this buffer. This allows the input to be modified, such as writing a zero byte to make the character strings returned by text() and rest() always 0-terminated. The buffer shifts to handle input larger than 256K by consuming the input in blocks of up to 256K at a time. The buffer only grows in size to accomodate pattern matches that are longer than 256K, which will not happen when you specify regex patterns that do not match byte sequences longer than 256K, e.g. when patterns exclude \n (newline) characters when the input consists of regular lines of text.

When the data you want to search resides in memory, you can eliminate the overhead of buffer copying as follows. Before searching or matching the data, specify the memory region you want to search at address b of size n with reflex::Matcher::buffer(b, n + 1). Note that an extra byte after the end of the data must be avalable in this memory region, hence we pass n + 1 to search n bytes. The final byte at the end of the memory region will be set to zero when unput(c), wunput(), text(), rest() or span() is used. But otherwise the memory region, including the final byte, remains completely untouched and you can safely specify n + 1 even when the allocated region has n bytes of data.

For example:

char *base = ...; // points to the base address of the data
size_t size = ...; // length of the data including one extra byte
reflex::Matcher matcher(pattern);
matcher.buffer(base, size);
while (matcher.find() != 0)
std::cout << "Found: " << matcher.str() << std::endl;

See also Flexible high-performance regex classes (towards the end of the section) and Switching input sources on zero copy overhead with RE/flex lexers.

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A C++ range-based loop construct to avoid

When a matcher object is constructed as a temporary in a range-based loop it will be destroyed when we actually want to use it in the loop to find all matches. This means that the following example crashes:

for (auto& match : reflex::Matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.").find)
std::cout << match.text() << std::endl;

Instead, write:

reflex::Matcher matcher("\\w+", "How now brown cow.");
for (auto& match : matcher.find)
std::cout << match.text() << std::endl;

Note that some C++23 compilers handle this just fine as support for range-based loop temporaries was proposed to the C++ standards committee.

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Please report bugs as RE/flex GitHub issues.

Please make sure to install the RE/flex library you download and remove old versions of RE/flex or otherwise prevent mixing old with new versions. Mixing old with new versions may cause problems. For example, when new versions of RE/flex header files are imported into your project but an old RE/flex library version is still linked with your code, the library may likely misbehave.

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Installing RE/flex

Download RE/flex from SourceForge or visit the RE/flex GitHub repository.

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License and copyright

RE/flex software is released under the BSD-3 license. All parts of the software have reasonable copyright terms permitting free redistribution. This includes the ability to reuse all or parts of the RE/flex source tree.

Copyright (c) 2016, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

(1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

(2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

(3) The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


The Free Software Foundation maintains a BSD-3 License Wiki.

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Copyright (c) 2016-2025, Robert van Engelen. All rights reserved.