#define | YY_USER_INIT |
| Flex-compatible user-definable macro. More...
#define | YY_USER_ACTION |
| Flex-compatible user-definable macro. More...
#define | YY_BREAK break; |
| Flex-compatible user-definable macro. More...
#define | YY_SCANNER (*this) |
| Flex and Bison-compatible %option bison generates a global YY_SCANNER scanner object, otherwise we use *this. More...
#define | YY_SCANNER_DOT_ |
#define | YY_NULL (0) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the token value returned upon end-of-file. More...
#define | YY_EXIT_FAILURE (2) |
| Flex-compatible macro: exit error code. More...
#define | YY_BUF_SIZE (16384) |
| Flex-compatible macro: size of default input buffer (not applicable to RE/flex, buffer is dynamic). More...
#define | yy_state_type int |
| Flex-compatible macro: the type of a state variable. More...
#define | yy_size_t size_t |
| Flex-compatible macro: yy_size_t type of yyleng. More...
#define | yy_buffer_state FlexLexer::AbstractBaseLexer::Matcher |
| Flex-compatible macro: the type of the scanner buffer. More...
#define | YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_buffer_state* |
| Flex-compatible macro: a pointer to the type of the scanner buffer. More...
#define | ECHO YY_SCANNER_DOT_ LexerOutput(yytext, yyleng) |
| Flex-compatible macro: ECHO action to output the content of yytext. More...
#define | BEGIN YY_SCANNER_DOT_ start_ = |
| Flex-compatible macro: BEGIN action to set a start condition. More...
#define | YYSTATE YY_SCANNER_DOT_ start() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current start condition. More...
#define | YY_START YY_SCANNER_DOT_ start() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current start condition. More...
#define | yy_current_state YY_SCANNER_DOT_ start() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current start condition. More...
#define | YY_CURRENT_BUFFER YY_SCANNER_DOT_ ptr_matcher() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current matcher buffer, NULL when scanner has not started. More...
#define | YY_FLUSH_BUFFER (YY_SCANNER_DOT_ has_matcher() ? YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().flush() : (void)0) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the buffer flush action. More...
#define | yytext const_cast<char*>(YY_SCANNER_DOT_ YYText()) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the matched text. More...
#define | yyleng static_cast<yy_size_t>(YY_SCANNER_DOT_ YYLeng()) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the matched text length. More...
#define | yylineno static_cast<int>(YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().lineno()) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the line number of the matched text. More...
#define | yycolumno static_cast<int>(YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().columno()) |
| Flex-compatible macro: the column number of the matched text. More...
#define | yy_act YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().accept() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the matched action index (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yylook() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().scan() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the next action index (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yyin YY_SCANNER_DOT_ in() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current input, a reference to a reflex::Input object that can be a stream, file, or string. More...
#define | yyout YY_SCANNER_DOT_ os() |
| Flex-compatible macro: the current output stream, points to std::ostream or NULL. More...
#define | YY_AT_BOL() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().at_bol() |
| Flex-compatible macro: at-begin-of-line check (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yy_set_bol(b) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().set_bol(b) |
| Flex-compatible macro: a begin-of-line forced set (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yy_set_interactive(b) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().buffer((b) ? 1 : 0) |
| Flex-compatible macro: interactive mode on/off (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yy_create_buffer(i, _) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ new_matcher(i) |
| Flex-compatible macro: create and return a new buffer (new reflex::Matcher). More...
#define | yy_new_buffer(i, _) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ new_matcher(i) |
| Flex-compatible macro: create and return a new buffer (new reflex::Matcher). More...
#define | yy_delete_buffer(b) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ del_matcher(b) |
| Flex-compatible macro: delete a buffer. More...
#define | yy_flush_buffer(b) ((b) ? (b)->flush() : (void)0) |
| Flex-compatible macro: flush a buffer. More...
#define | yypush_buffer_state(b) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ push_matcher(b) |
| Flex-compatible macro: push the current buffer on the stack to use the given buffer. More...
#define | yypop_buffer_state() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ pop_matcher() |
| Flex-compatible macro: pop buffer from the stack and delete the current buffer. More...
#define | yy_switch_to_buffer(b) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher(b) |
| Flex-compatible macro: switch to another buffer. More...
#define | yyrestart(i) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ in(i) |
| Flex-compatible macro: restart from the given input source. More...
#define | yy_scan_string(i) (YY_SCANNER_DOT_ in(i), static_cast<YY_BUFFER_STATE>(NULL)) |
| Flex-compatible macro: scan a string. More...
#define | yy_scan_wstring(i) yy_scan_string(i) |
#define | yy_scan_bytes(b, n) yy_scan_string(reflex::Input((b), static_cast<size_t>(n))) |
#define | yy_scan_buffer(b, n) (YY_SCANNER_DOT_ buffer((b), (n)-1), static_cast<YY_BUFFER_STATE>(NULL)) |
#define | yyterminate() return YY_NULL |
| Flex-compatible macro: the terminating action. More...
#define | yyinput() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ input() |
| Flex-compatible macro: read one 8-bit character, returns zero when EOF. More...
#define | yywinput() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ winput() |
| Flex-compatible macro: read one wide character, returns zero when EOF. More...
#define | yyunput(c) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ unput(c) |
| Flex-compatible macro: put one 8-bit character back onto the input stream to be read again. More...
#define | yywunput(c) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ wunput(c) |
| Flex-compatible macro: put one wide character back onto the input stream to be read again. More...
#define | yyoutput(c) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ output(c) |
| Flex-compatible macro: output one 8-bit character. More...
#define | yywoutput(c) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ woutput(c) |
| Flex-compatible macro: woutput one wide character. More...
#define | yy_push_state(n) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ push_state(n) |
| Flex-compatible macro: push the current start condition state on the stack and transition to the given state. More...
#define | yy_pop_state() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ pop_state() |
| Flex-compatible macro: pop the stack start condition state and transition to that state. More...
#define | yy_top_state() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ top_state() |
| Flex-compatible macro: returns the stack top start condition state. More...
#define | yymore() YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().more() |
| Flex-compatible macro: append the next matched text to the currently matched text (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yyless(n) YY_SCANNER_DOT_ matcher().less(n) |
| Flex-compatible macro: truncate the yytext length of the match to n characters in length and reposition for next match (use only when scanner has started). More...
#define | yy_flex_debug YY_SCANNER_DOT_ debug_; |
| Flex-compatible macro: the debug flag. More...
RE/flex Flex-compatible FlexLexer base class and Flex-compatible macros.
- Author
- Robert van Engelen - engel.nosp@m.en@g.nosp@m.enivi.nosp@m.a.co.nosp@m.m
- Copyright
- (c) 2016-2020, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All rights reserved.
(c) BSD-3 License - see LICENSE.txt