| PCRE2UTFMatcher () |
| Default constructor. More...
template<typename P > |
| PCRE2UTFMatcher (const P *pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL) |
| Construct matcher engine from a string regex, and an input character sequence. More...
template<typename P > |
| PCRE2UTFMatcher (const P &pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL) |
| Construct matcher engine from a string regex, and an input character sequence. More...
| PCRE2Matcher () |
| Default constructor. More...
template<typename P > |
| PCRE2Matcher (const P *pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL, uint32_t options=0) |
| Construct matcher engine from a string regex, and an input character sequence. More...
template<typename P > |
| PCRE2Matcher (const P &pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL, uint32_t options=0) |
| Construct matcher engine from a string regex, and an input character sequence. More...
| PCRE2Matcher (const PCRE2Matcher &matcher) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~PCRE2Matcher () |
| Delete matcher. More...
virtual PCRE2Matcher & | operator= (const PCRE2Matcher &matcher) |
| Assign a matcher. More...
virtual PCRE2Matcher * | clone () |
| Polymorphic cloning. More...
virtual void | reset (const char *opt=NULL) |
| Reset this matcher's state to the initial state and when assigned new input. More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | pattern (const PCRE2Matcher &matcher) |
| Set the pattern to use with this matcher as a shared pointer to another matcher pattern. More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | pattern (const Pattern *pattern) |
| Set the pattern regex string to use with this matcher (the given pattern is shared and must be persistent). More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | pattern (const char *pattern) |
| Set the pattern regex string to use with this matcher. More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | pattern (const std::string &pattern) |
| Set the pattern regex string to use with this matcher. More...
virtual std::pair< const char *, size_t > | operator[] (size_t n) const |
| Returns a pair of pointer and length of the captured match for n > 0 capture index or <text(),size() for n == 0. More...
virtual std::pair< size_t, const char * > | group_id () |
| Returns the group capture identifier containing the group capture index >0 and name (or NULL) of a named group capture, or (1,NULL) by default. More...
virtual std::pair< size_t, const char * > | group_next_id () |
| Returns the next group capture identifier containing the group capture index >0 and name (or NULL) of a named group capture, or (0,NULL) when no more groups matched. More...
| PatternMatcher (const PatternMatcher &matcher) |
| Copy constructor, the underlying pattern string is copied. More...
virtual | ~PatternMatcher () |
| Delete matcher, deletes pattern when owned. More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | operator= (const PatternMatcher &matcher) |
| Assign a matcher, the underlying pattern string is shared (not deep copied). More...
virtual PatternMatcher & | pattern (const PatternMatcher &matcher) |
| Set the pattern to use with this matcher as a shared pointer to another matcher pattern. More...
bool | has_pattern () const |
| Returns true if this matcher has a pattern. More...
bool | own_pattern () const |
| Returns true if this matcher has its own pattern not received from another matcher (responsible to delete). More...
virtual const Pattern & | pattern () const |
| Returns a reference to the pattern string associated with this matcher. More...
| AbstractMatcher (const Input &input, const char *opt) |
| Construct a base abstract matcher. More...
| AbstractMatcher (const Input &input, const Option &opt) |
| Construct a base abstract matcher. More...
virtual | ~AbstractMatcher () |
| Delete abstract matcher, deletes this matcher's internal buffer. More...
bool | buffer (size_t blk=0) |
| Set buffer block size for reading: use 0 (or omit argument) to buffer all input in which case returns true if all the data could be read and false if a read error occurred. More...
void | set_handler (Handler *handler) |
| Set event handler functor to invoke when the buffer contents are shifted out, e.g. for logging the data searched. More...
void | set_reserve (size_t n) |
| Set reserved bytes for buffer shifting. More...
Context | before () |
| Get the buffered context before the matching line. More...
Context | after () |
| Get the buffered context after EOF is reached. More...
void | interactive () |
| Set interactive input with buffer size of 1 to read data bytewise which is very slow. More...
void | flush () |
| Flush the buffer's remaining content. More...
virtual size_t | get (char *s, size_t n) |
| Returns more input data directly from the source (method can be overriden, as by reflex::FlexLexer::get(s, n) for example that invokes reflex::FlexLexer::LexerInput(s, n)). More...
virtual bool | wrap () |
| Returns true if wrapping of input after EOF is supported. More...
virtual AbstractMatcher & | input (const Input &input) |
| Set the input character sequence for this matcher and reset/restart the matcher. More...
AbstractMatcher & | buffer (char *base, size_t size) |
| Set the buffer base containing 0-terminated character data to scan in place (data may be modified), reset/restart the matcher. More...
size_t | matches () |
| Returns nonzero capture index (i.e. true) if the entire input matches this matcher's pattern (and internally caches the true/false result to permit repeat invocations). More...
size_t | accept () const |
| Returns a positive integer (true) indicating the capture index of the matched text in the pattern or zero (false) for a mismatch. More...
const char * | begin () const |
| Returns pointer to the begin of the matched text (non-0-terminated), a constant-time operation, use with end() or use size() for text end/length. More...
const char * | end () const |
| Returns pointer to the exclusive end of the matched text, a constant-time operation. More...
const char * | text () |
| Returns 0-terminated pattern match as a char pointer, does not include matched \0s, this is a constant-time operation. More...
std::string | str () const |
| Returns the text matched as a string, a copy of text(), may include pattern-matched \0s. More...
std::wstring | wstr () const |
| Returns the pattern match as a wide string, converted from UTF-8 text(), may include pattern-matched \0s. More...
size_t | size () const |
| Returns the length of the matched text in number of bytes, including pattern-matched \0s, a constant-time operation. More...
size_t | wsize () const |
| Returns the length of the matched text in number of wide characters. More...
int | chr () const |
| Returns the first 8-bit character of the text matched. More...
int | wchr () const |
| Returns the first wide character of the text matched. More...
void | lineno_skip (bool f=false) |
| Set or reset mode to count matching lines only and skip other (e.g. for speed). More...
void | lineno (size_t n) |
| Set or change the starting line number of the last match. More...
size_t | lineno () |
| Updates and returns the starting line number of the match in the input character sequence. More...
size_t | lines () |
| Returns the number of lines that the match spans. More...
size_t | lineno_end () |
| Returns the inclusive ending line number of the match in the input character sequence. More...
void | columno (size_t n) |
| Set or change the starting column number of the last match. More...
size_t | columno () |
| Updates and returns the starting column number of the matched text, taking tab spacing into account and counting wide characters as one character each. More...
size_t | columns () |
| Returns the number of columns of the matched text, taking tab spacing into account and counting wide characters as one character each. More...
size_t | columno_end () |
| Returns the inclusive ending column number of the matched text on the ending matching line, taking tab spacing into account and counting wide characters as one character each. More...
std::pair< size_t, std::string > | pair () const |
| Returns std::pair<size_t,std::string>(accept(), str()), useful for tokenizing input into containers of pairs. More...
std::pair< size_t, std::wstring > | wpair () const |
| Returns std::pair<size_t,std::wstring>(accept(), wstr()), useful for tokenizing input into containers of pairs. More...
size_t | first () const |
| Returns the position of the first character of the match in the input character sequence, a constant-time operation. More...
size_t | last () const |
| Returns the exclusive position of the last character of the match in the input character sequence, a constant-time operation. More...
bool | at_bob () const |
| Returns true if this matcher is at the start of a buffer to read an input character sequence. Use reset() to restart reading new input. More...
void | set_bob (bool bob) |
| Set/reset the begin of a buffer state. More...
bool | at_end () |
| Returns true if this matcher has no more input to read from the input character sequence. More...
bool | hit_end () const |
| Returns true if this matcher hit the end of the input character sequence. More...
void | set_end (bool eof) |
| Set and force the end of input state. More...
bool | at_bol () const |
| Returns true if this matcher reached the begin of a new line. More...
void | set_bol (bool bol) |
| Set/reset the begin of a new line state. More...
bool | at_bow () |
| Returns true if this matcher matched text that begins an ASCII word. More...
bool | at_eow () |
| Returns true if this matcher matched text that ends an ASCII word. More...
int | input () |
| Returns the next 8-bit character (unsigned char 0..255 or EOF) from the input character sequence, while preserving the current text() match (but pointer returned by text() may change; warning: does not preserve the yytext string pointer when options –flex and –bison are used). More...
int | winput () |
| Returns the next wide character (unsigned 0..U+10FFFF or EOF) from the input character sequence, while preserving the current text() match (but pointer returned by text() may change; warning: does not preserve the yytext string pointer when options –flex and –bison are used). More...
void | unput (char c) |
| Put back one character (8-bit) on the input character sequence for matching, DANGER: invalidates the previous text() pointer and match info, unput is not honored when matching in-place using buffer(base, size) and nothing has been read yet. More...
void | wunput (int c) |
| Put back one (wide) character on the input character sequence for matching, DANGER: invalidates the previous text() pointer and match info, unput is not honored when matching in-place using buffer(base, size) and nothing has been read yet. More...
int | peek () |
| Peek at the next character available for reading from the current input source. More...
const char * | bol () |
| Returns pointer to the begin of the line in the buffer containing the matched text. More...
const char * | eol (bool inclusive=false) |
| Returns pointer to the end of the line (last char + 1) in the buffer containing the matched text, DANGER: invalidates previous bol() and text() pointers, use eol() before bol(), text(), begin(), and end() when those are used. More...
const char * | aft (size_t len) |
| Return pointer to the end of the match + len after, or at end of file, DANGER: invalidates previous bol() and text() pointers, use aft() before bol(), text(), begin(), and end() when those are used. More...
const char * | bef (size_t len) |
| Return pointer to the begin of the match - len before, or at the begin of the file. More...
size_t | fetch (size_t len) |
| Return number of bytes available given number of bytes to fetch ahead, limited by input size and buffer size, DANGER: invalidates previous bol() and text() pointers, use fetch() before bol(), text(), begin(), and end() when those are used. More...
size_t | avail () |
| Returns the number of bytes in the buffer available to search from the current begin()/text() position. More...
size_t | border () |
| Returns the byte offset of the match from the start of the line. More...
const char * | span () |
| Enlarge the match to span the entire line of input (excluding
), return text(). More...
std::string | line () |
| Returns the line of input (excluding
) as a string containing the matched text as a substring. More...
std::wstring | wline () |
| Returns the line of input (excluding
) as a wide string containing the matched text as a substring. More...
bool | skip (char c) |
| Skip input until the specified ASCII character is consumed and return true, or EOF is reached and return false. More...
bool | skip (wchar_t c) |
| Skip input until the specified Unicode character is consumed and return true, or EOF is reached and return false. More...
bool | skip (const char *s) |
| Skip input until the specified literal UTF-8 string is consumed and return true, or EOF is reached and return false. More...
const char * | rest () |
| Fetch the rest of the input as text, useful for searching/splitting up to n times after which the rest is needed. More...
void | more () |
| Append the next match to the currently matched text returned by AbstractMatcher::text, when the next match found is adjacent to the current match. More...
void | less (size_t n) |
| Truncate the AbstractMatcher::text length of the match to n characters in length and reposition for next match. More...
| operator size_t () const |
| Cast this matcher to positive integer indicating the nonzero capture index of the matched text in the pattern, same as AbstractMatcher::accept. More...
| operator std::string () const |
| Cast this matcher to a std::string of the text matched by this matcher. More...
| operator std::wstring () const |
| Cast this matcher to a std::wstring of the text matched by this matcher. More...
| operator std::pair< size_t, std::string > () const |
| Cast the match to std::pair<size_t,std::wstring>(accept(), wstr()), useful for tokenization into containers. More...
bool | operator== (const char *rhs) const |
| Returns true if matched text is equal to a string, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator== (const std::string &rhs) const |
| Returns true if matched text is equalt to a string, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator== (size_t rhs) const |
| Returns true if capture index is equal to a given size_t value, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator== (int rhs) const |
| Returns true if capture index is equal to a given int value, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator!= (const char *rhs) const |
| Returns true if matched text is not equal to a string, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator!= (const std::string &rhs) const |
| Returns true if matched text is not equal to a string, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator!= (size_t rhs) const |
| Returns true if capture index is not equal to a given size_t value, useful for std::algorithm. More...
bool | operator!= (int rhs) const |
| Returns true if capture index is not equal to a given int value, useful for std::algorithm. More...
void | tabs (char n) |
| Set tab size 1, 2, 4, or 8. More...
char | tabs () |
| Returns current tab size 1, 2, 4, or 8. More...
typedef std::string | Pattern |
typedef AbstractMatcher::Iterator< AbstractMatcher > | iterator |
| std::input_iterator for scanning, searching, and splitting input character sequences More...
typedef AbstractMatcher::Iterator< const AbstractMatcher > | const_iterator |
Operation | scan |
| functor to scan input (to tokenize input) More...
Operation | find |
| functor to search input More...
Operation | split |
| functor to split input More...
Input | in |
| input character sequence being matched by this matcher More...
typedef int | Method |
| a method is one of Const::SCAN, Const::FIND, Const::SPLIT, Const::MATCH More...
std::pair< size_t, const char * > | id () |
| Translate group capture index to id pair (index,name) More...
void | compile () |
| Compile pattern for jit partial matching and allocate match data. More...
virtual size_t | match (Method method) |
| The match method Const::SCAN, Const::FIND, Const::SPLIT, or Const::MATCH, implemented with PCRE2. More...
bool | next_match (Method method) |
| Perform next PCRE2 match, return true if a match is found. More...
| PatternMatcher (const Pattern *pattern=NULL, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL) |
| Construct a base abstract matcher from a pointer to a persistent pattern string (that is shared with this class) and an input character sequence. More...
| PatternMatcher (const char *pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL) |
| Construct a base abstract matcher from a regex pattern string and an input character sequence. More...
| PatternMatcher (const std::string &pattern, const Input &input=Input(), const char *opt=NULL) |
| Construct a base abstract matcher from a regex pattern string and an input character sequence. More...
virtual void | init (const char *opt=NULL) |
| Initialize the base abstract matcher at construction. More...
bool | grow (size_t need=Const::BLOCK) |
| Shift or expand the internal buffer when it is too small to accommodate more input, where the buffer size is doubled when needed, change cur_, pos_, end_, max_, ind_, buf_, bol_, lpb_, and txt_. More...
int | get () |
| Returns the next character read from the current input source. More...
void | reset_text () |
| Reset the matched text by removing the terminating \0 when applicable, which is needed to search for a new match. More...
void | set_current (size_t loc) |
| Set the current position in the buffer for the next match. More...
void | set_current_and_peek_more (size_t loc) |
| Set the current match position in the buffer and peek for more text, allows large buffer shifts that aren't pinned to txt_. More...
int | get_more () |
| Get the next character and grow the buffer to make more room if necessary. More...
int | peek_more () |
| Peek at the next character and grow the buffer to make more room if necessary. More...
uint32_t | cop_ |
| PCRE2 compiled options. More...
uint32_t | flg_ |
| PCRE2 match flags. More...
pcre2_code * | opc_ |
| PCRE2 opcode. More...
pcre2_match_data * | dat_ |
| PCRE2 match data. More...
pcre2_match_context * | ctx_ |
| PCRE2 match context;. More...
pcre2_jit_stack * | stk_ |
| PCRE2 jit match stack. More...
PCRE2_SIZE | grp_ |
| last index for group_next_id() More...
bool | jit_ |
| true if jit-compiled PCRE2 code More...
const Pattern * | pat_ |
| points to the pattern string used by the matcher More...
bool | del_ |
| true if PatternMatcher::pat_ was allocated and should be deleted More...
Option | opt_ |
| options for matcher engines More...
char * | buf_ |
| input character sequence buffer More...
char * | txt_ |
| points to the matched text in buffer AbstractMatcher::buf_ More...
size_t | len_ |
| size of the matched text More...
size_t | cap_ |
| nonzero capture index of an accepted match or zero More...
size_t | cur_ |
| next position in AbstractMatcher::buf_ to assign to AbstractMatcher::txt_ More...
size_t | pos_ |
| position in AbstractMatcher::buf_ after AbstractMatcher::txt_ More...
size_t | end_ |
| ending position of the input buffered in AbstractMatcher::buf_ More...
size_t | max_ |
| total buffer size and max position + 1 to fill More...
size_t | ind_ |
| current indent position More...
size_t | blk_ |
| block size for block-based input reading, as set by AbstractMatcher::buffer More...
int | got_ |
| last unsigned character we looked at (to determine anchors and boundaries) More...
int | chr_ |
| the character located at AbstractMatcher::txt_[AbstractMatcher::len_] More...
const char * | bol_ |
| begin of line pointer in buffer More...
Handler * | evh_ |
| event handler functor to invoke when buffer contents are shifted out More...
const char * | lpb_ |
| line pointer in buffer, updated when counting line numbers with lineno() More...
size_t | lno_ |
| line number count (cached) More...
const char * | cpb_ |
| column pointer in buffer, updated when counting column numbers with columno() More...
size_t | cno_ |
| column number count (cached) More...
size_t | num_ |
| character count of the input till bol_ More...
size_t | res_ |
| reserve bytes to keep in the buffer before bol_ when shifting, use only w/o evh_() set More...
bool | own_ |
| true if AbstractMatcher::buf_ was allocated and should be deleted More...
bool | eof_ |
| input has reached EOF More...
bool | mat_ |
| true if AbstractMatcher::matches() was successful More...
bool | cml_ |
| true when counting matching lines instead of line numbers More...