Class List

updated Sat Mar 1 2025 by Robert van Engelen
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CTablesTables of character ranges [lo,hi] for each character class
 CAbstractLexerThe abstract lexer class template that is the abstract root class of all reflex-generated scanners
 CMatcherExtend matcher class M with a member pointing to the instantiating lexer class
 CAbstractMatcherThe abstract matcher base class template defines an interface for all pattern matcher engines
 CConstAbstractMatcher::Const common constants
 CContextContext returned by before() and after()
 CHandlerEvent handler functor base class to invoke when the buffer contents are shifted out, e.g. for logging the data searched
 CIteratorAbstractMatcher::Iterator class for scanning, searching, and splitting input character sequences
 COperationAbstractMatcher::Operation functor to match input to a pattern, also provides a (const) AbstractMatcher::iterator to iterate over matches
 COptionAbstractMatcher::Options for matcher engines
 CBitsRE/flex Bits class for dynamic bit vectors
 CBitrefReferences a single bit, returned by operator[]
 CBoostMatcherBoost matcher engine class implements reflex::PatternMatcher pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators, using the Boost::regex library
 CBoostPerlMatcherBoost matcher engine class, extends reflex::BoostMatcher for Boost Perl regex matching
 CBoostPosixMatcherBoost matcher engine class, extends reflex::BoostMatcher for Boost POSIX regex matching
 CBufferedInputBuffered input
 Cdos_streambufBuffered stream buffer for reflex::Input to read DOS files, replaces CRLF by LF, derived from std::streambuf
 CstreambufBuffered stream buffer for reflex::Input, derived from std::streambuf
 CFlexLexerFlex-compatible FlexLexer abstract base class template derived from reflex::AbstractMatcher for the reflex-generated yyFlexLexer scanner class
 CMatcherExtends reflex::AbstractLexer<M>::Matcher for Flex-compatibility
 CFuzzyMatcherRE/flex fuzzy matcher engine class, implements reflex::Matcher fuzzy pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators
 CBacktrackPointBacktrack point
 CSaveStateSave state to restore fuzzy matcher state after a second pass
 CInputInput character sequence class for unified access to sources of input text
 Cdos_streambufStream buffer for reflex::Input to read DOS files, replaces CRLF by LF, derived from std::streambuf
 Cfile_encodingCommon file_encoding constants
 CHandlerFILE* handler functor base class to handle FILE* errors and non-blocking FILE* reads
 CstreambufStream buffer for reflex::Input, derived from std::streambuf
 Clazy_intersectionIntersection of two ordered sets, with an iterator to get elements lazely
 CiteratorIterator to lazely get elements of a set intersection
 Clazy_unionUnion of two ordered sets, with an iterator to get elements lazely
 CiteratorIterator to lazely get elements of a set union
 CLineMatcherLine matcher engine class implements reflex::PatternMatcher pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators for matching lines only, use option 'A' to include newline with FIND, option 'N' to also FIND empty lines and option 'W' to only FIND empty lines
 CMatcherRE/flex matcher engine class, implements reflex::PatternMatcher pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators
 CFSMFSM data for FSM code
 CORangesRE/flex ORanges (open-ended, ordinal value range) template class
 CPatternPattern class holds a regex pattern and its compiled FSM opcode table or code for the reflex::Matcher engine
 CCharsSet of chars and meta chars
 CConstCommon constants
 CDFADFA created by subset construction from regex patterns
 CHFAIndexing hash finite state automaton for indexed file search
 CModConstModifiers 'i', 'm', 'q', 's', 'u' (enable) 'I', 'M', 'Q', 'S', 'U' (disable)
 COptionGlobal modifier modes, syntax flags, and compiler options
 CPositionFinite state machine construction position information
 CPatternMatcherThe pattern matcher class template extends abstract matcher base class
 CPatternMatcher< std::string >A specialization of the pattern matcher class template for std::string, extends abstract matcher base class
 CPCRE2MatcherPCRE2 JIT-optimized matcher engine class implements reflex::PatternMatcher pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators, using the PCRE2 library
 CPCRE2UTFMatcherPCRE2 JIT-optimized native PCRE2_UTF+PCRE2_UCP matcher engine class, extends PCRE2Matcher
 Crange_compareFunctor to define a total order on ranges (intervals) represented by pairs
 CRangesRE/flex Ranges template class
 Cregex_errorRegex syntax error exceptions
 CStdEcmaMatcherStd matcher engine class, extends reflex::StdMatcher for ECMA std::regex::ECMAScript syntax and regex matching
 CStdMatcherStd matcher engine class implements reflex::PatternMatcher pattern matching interface with scan, find, split functors and iterators, using the C++11 std::regex library
 CStdPosixMatcherStd matcher engine class, extends reflex::StdMatcher for POSIX ERE std::regex::awk syntax and regex matching
 CTypeOpTypeOp<T>::Type = T, TypeOp<T>::ConstType = const T, TypeOp<T>::NonConstType = non-const T
 CTypeOp< const T >Template specialization of reflex::TypeOp
 CReflexRE/flex scanner generator class, a variation of the classic "lex" tool to generate scanners
 CCodeLine of code fragment in lex specifications
 CLibraryA library entry to describe regex library properties
 CRuleA regex pattern and action pair that forms a rule