Reflex Class Reference

updated Sat Mar 1 2025 by Robert van Engelen
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Reflex Class Reference

RE/flex scanner generator class, a variation of the classic "lex" tool to generate scanners. More...

#include <reflex.h>

Collaboration diagram for Reflex:
Collaboration graph


struct  Code
 Line of code fragment in lex specifications. More...
struct  Library
 A library entry to describe regex library properties. More...
struct  Rule
 A regex pattern and action pair that forms a rule. More...

Public Types

typedef std::map< std::string, LibraryLibraryMap
 Dictionary of regex libraries. More...
typedef std::vector< CodeCodes
 Collection of ordered lines of code. More...
typedef std::vector< RuleRules
 Collection of ordered rules. More...
typedef std::vector< std::string > Strings
 Collection of ordered strings. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > StringMap
 Dictionary (std::string) More...
typedef std::map< std::string, const char * > Dictionary
 Dictionary (const char*) More...
typedef size_t Start
 Start condition state type. More...
typedef std::set< StartStarts
 Set of start conditions. More...
typedef std::map< Start, CodesCodesMap
 Map of start conditions to lines of code. More...
typedef std::map< Start, RulesRulesMap
 Map of start conditions to rules. More...

Public Member Functions

void main (int argc, char **argv)
 Main program. More...

Protected Attributes

StringMap options
 maps option name (from the options_table) to its option value More...
LibraryMap libraries
 maps regex library name ("reflex", "boost", etc) to library info More...
 the regex library selected More...
Strings conditions
 "INITIAL" start condition etc. defined with x name More...
Strings patterns
 regex patterns for each start condition More...
Starts inclusive
 inclusive start conditions More...
StringMap definitions
 map of {name} to regex More...
RulesMap rules
 <Start_i>regex_j action for Start i Rule j More...
Codes section_top
 top{ user code %} in section 1 container More...
Codes section_class
 class{ class code %} in section 1 container More...
Codes section_init
 init{ init code %} in section 1 container More...
Codes section_begin
 begin{ begin scanning code %} in section 1 container More...
Codes section_1
 %{ user code %} in section 1 container More...
CodesMap section_2
 lexer user code in section 2 container More...
Codes section_3
 main user code in section 3 container More...
std::string infile
 input file name More...
reflex::BufferedInput in
 input lex spec More...
std::ostream * out
 output stream More...
std::string line
 current line read from input More...
size_t lineno
 current line number at input More...
size_t linelen
 current line length More...
bool color_term
 terminal supports colors More...

Private Member Functions

void init (int argc, char **argv)
 Reflex initialization. More...
void version ()
 Display version information and exit. More...
void help (const char *message=NULL, const char *arg=NULL)
 Display help information with an optional diagnostic message and exit. More...
void set_library ()
 Set/reset regex library matcher. More...
void parse ()
 Parse lex specification input. More...
void parse_section_1 ()
 Parse section 1 of a lex specification. More...
void parse_section_2 ()
 Parse section 2 of a lex specification. More...
void parse_section_3 ()
 Parse section 3 of a lex specification. More...
void include (const std::string &filename)
 Parse the specified %include file. More...
void write ()
 Write lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_banner (const char *title)
 Write a banner in lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_prelude ()
 Write the prelude to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_defines ()
 Write Flex-compatible #defines to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_class ()
 Write the lexer class to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_top ()
 Write %top code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_class ()
 Write %class code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_init ()
 Write %init code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_begin ()
 Write %begin code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_perf_report ()
 Write perf_report code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_1 ()
 Write section 1 user-defined code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_section_3 ()
 Write section 3 user-defined code to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_code (const Codes &codes)
 Write lines of code to lex.yy.cpp annotated with line source info. More...
void write_code (const Code &code)
 Write a line(s) of code to lex.yy.cpp annotated with line source info. More...
void write_lexer ()
 Write lexer code and lex() method code. More...
void write_main ()
 Write main() to lex.yy.cpp. More...
void write_regex (const std::string *condition, const std::string &regex)
 Write regex string to lex.yy.cpp by escaping \ and ", prevent trigraphs, very long strings are represented by character arrays. More...
void write_namespace_open ()
 Write namespace openings NAME {. More...
void write_namespace_close ()
 Write namespace closing scope } // NAME. More...
void write_namespace_scope ()
 Write namespace scope NAME :: More...
void undot_namespace (std::string &s)
 Replace all . by :: in namespace name. More...
void write_final ()
 Finalize and display usage report. More...
void write_regexp_file ()
 Save file with regex patterns when option –regexp-file is specified. More...
void write_header_file ()
 Save header file when option –header-file is specified. More...
bool get_line ()
 Fetch next line from the input, return true if ok. More...
bool skip_comment (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over white space and comments, return true if ok. More...
bool is (const char *s)
 Match case-insensitive string s while ignoring the rest of the line, return true if OK. More...
bool ins (const char *s)
 Match case-insensitive string s at any indent while ignoring the rest of the line, return true if OK. More...
bool br (size_t pos, const char *s=NULL)
 Match s then look for a '{' at the end of the line (skipping whitespace) and return true, false otherwise (pos is unchanged) More...
bool as (size_t &pos, const char *s)
 Advance pos to match case-insensitive initial part of the string s followed by white space, return true if OK. More...
bool ws (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over whitespace, returns true if whitespace was found. More...
bool eq (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over '=' and whitespace when present, return true if OK. More...
bool nl (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos to end of line while skipping whitespace, return true if end of line. More...
bool is_code ()
 Check if current line starts a block of code or a comment. More...
bool is_top_code ()
 Check if current line starts a block of top code. More...
bool is_class_code ()
 Check if current line starts a block of class code. More...
bool is_init_code ()
 Check if current line starts a block of init code. More...
bool is_begin_code ()
 Check if current line starts a block of begin code. More...
std::string get_name (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over name (letters, digits, ., -, _ or any non-ASCII character > U+007F), return name. More...
std::string get_option (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over option name (letters, digits, +/hyphen/underscore), return name. More...
std::string get_start (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over start condition name (an ASCII C++ identifier or C++11 Unicode identifier), return name. More...
std::string get_string (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over quoted string, return string. More...
bool get_pattern (size_t &pos, std::string &pattern, std::string &regex)
 Get pattern and its regex form converted to a format understood by the selected regex engine library. More...
std::string get_namespace (size_t &pos)
 Advance pos over option name or namespace (letters, digits, ::, ., -, _ or any non-ASCII character > U+007F), return name. More...
std::string get_code (size_t &pos)
 Get line(s) of code, %{ %}, %top, %class, %init, and %begin. More...
std::string escape_bs (const std::string &s)
 Returns string with all \ replaced by \ to stringify file paths. More...
std::string upper_name (const std::string &s)
 Returns string in upper case as a name, replacing non-alphanum by underscore. More...
std::string param_args (const std::string &s)
 Extract a list of argument names from function parameters. More...
bool get_starts (size_t &pos, Starts &starts)
 Add start conditions <start1,start2,...> or subtract them with <-start1,-start2,...> More...
void abort (const char *message, const char *arg=NULL)
 Abort with an error message. More...
void error (const char *message, const char *arg=NULL, size_t at_lineno=0)
 Report an error and exit. More...
void warning (const char *message, const char *arg=NULL, size_t at_lineno=0)
 Report a warning. More...
const char * SGR (const char *code)

Detailed Description

RE/flex scanner generator class, a variation of the classic "lex" tool to generate scanners.

More info TODO

The Lex specification file extension is .l, but also .lex, .ll, .l++, .lxx, and .lpp are in use.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Code> Reflex::Codes

Collection of ordered lines of code.

typedef std::map<Start,Codes> Reflex::CodesMap

Map of start conditions to lines of code.

typedef std::map<std::string,const char*> Reflex::Dictionary

Dictionary (const char*)

typedef std::map<std::string,Library> Reflex::LibraryMap

Dictionary of regex libraries.

typedef std::vector<Rule> Reflex::Rules

Collection of ordered rules.

typedef std::map<Start,Rules> Reflex::RulesMap

Map of start conditions to rules.

typedef size_t Reflex::Start

Start condition state type.

typedef std::set<Start> Reflex::Starts

Set of start conditions.

typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> Reflex::StringMap

Dictionary (std::string)

typedef std::vector<std::string> Reflex::Strings

Collection of ordered strings.

Member Function Documentation

void Reflex::abort ( const char *  message,
const char *  arg = NULL 

Abort with an error message.

bool Reflex::as ( size_t &  pos,
const char *  s 

Advance pos to match case-insensitive initial part of the string s followed by white space, return true if OK.

bool Reflex::br ( size_t  pos,
const char *  s = NULL 

Match s then look for a '{' at the end of the line (skipping whitespace) and return true, false otherwise (pos is unchanged)

bool Reflex::eq ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over '=' and whitespace when present, return true if OK.

void Reflex::error ( const char *  message,
const char *  arg = NULL,
size_t  at_lineno = 0 

Report an error and exit.

std::string Reflex::escape_bs ( const std::string &  s)

Returns string with all \ replaced by \ to stringify file paths.

std::string Reflex::get_code ( size_t &  pos)

Get line(s) of code, %{ %}, %top, %class, %init, and %begin.

bool Reflex::get_line ( )

Fetch next line from the input, return true if ok.

std::string Reflex::get_name ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over name (letters, digits, ., -, _ or any non-ASCII character > U+007F), return name.

std::string Reflex::get_namespace ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over option name or namespace (letters, digits, ::, ., -, _ or any non-ASCII character > U+007F), return name.

std::string Reflex::get_option ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over option name (letters, digits, +/hyphen/underscore), return name.

bool Reflex::get_pattern ( size_t &  pos,
std::string &  pattern,
std::string &  regex 

Get pattern and its regex form converted to a format understood by the selected regex engine library.

std::string Reflex::get_start ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over start condition name (an ASCII C++ identifier or C++11 Unicode identifier), return name.

bool Reflex::get_starts ( size_t &  pos,
Starts starts 

Add start conditions <start1,start2,...> or subtract them with <-start1,-start2,...>

std::string Reflex::get_string ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over quoted string, return string.

void Reflex::help ( const char *  message = NULL,
const char *  arg = NULL 

Display help information with an optional diagnostic message and exit.

void Reflex::include ( const std::string &  filename)

Parse the specified %include file.

void Reflex::init ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Reflex initialization.

bool Reflex::ins ( const char *  s)

Match case-insensitive string s at any indent while ignoring the rest of the line, return true if OK.

bool Reflex::is ( const char *  s)

Match case-insensitive string s while ignoring the rest of the line, return true if OK.

bool Reflex::is_begin_code ( )

Check if current line starts a block of begin code.

bool Reflex::is_class_code ( )

Check if current line starts a block of class code.

bool Reflex::is_code ( )

Check if current line starts a block of code or a comment.

bool Reflex::is_init_code ( )

Check if current line starts a block of init code.

bool Reflex::is_top_code ( )

Check if current line starts a block of top code.

void Reflex::main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Main program.

bool Reflex::nl ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos to end of line while skipping whitespace, return true if end of line.

std::string Reflex::param_args ( const std::string &  s)

Extract a list of argument names from function parameters.

void Reflex::parse ( )

Parse lex specification input.

void Reflex::parse_section_1 ( )

Parse section 1 of a lex specification.

void Reflex::parse_section_2 ( )

Parse section 2 of a lex specification.

void Reflex::parse_section_3 ( )

Parse section 3 of a lex specification.

void Reflex::set_library ( )

Set/reset regex library matcher.

const char* Reflex::SGR ( const char *  code)
bool Reflex::skip_comment ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over white space and comments, return true if ok.

void Reflex::undot_namespace ( std::string &  s)

Replace all . by :: in namespace name.

std::string Reflex::upper_name ( const std::string &  s)

Returns string in upper case as a name, replacing non-alphanum by underscore.

void Reflex::version ( )

Display version information and exit.

void Reflex::warning ( const char *  message,
const char *  arg = NULL,
size_t  at_lineno = 0 

Report a warning.

void Reflex::write ( )

Write lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_banner ( const char *  title)

Write a banner in lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_class ( )

Write the lexer class to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_code ( const Codes codes)

Write lines of code to lex.yy.cpp annotated with line source info.

void Reflex::write_code ( const Code code)

Write a line(s) of code to lex.yy.cpp annotated with line source info.

void Reflex::write_defines ( )

Write Flex-compatible #defines to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_final ( )

Finalize and display usage report.

void Reflex::write_header_file ( )

Save header file when option –header-file is specified.

void Reflex::write_lexer ( )

Write lexer code and lex() method code.

void Reflex::write_main ( )

Write main() to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_namespace_close ( )

Write namespace closing scope } // NAME.

void Reflex::write_namespace_open ( )

Write namespace openings NAME {.

void Reflex::write_namespace_scope ( )

Write namespace scope NAME ::

void Reflex::write_perf_report ( )

Write perf_report code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_prelude ( )

Write the prelude to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_regex ( const std::string *  condition,
const std::string &  regex 

Write regex string to lex.yy.cpp by escaping \ and ", prevent trigraphs, very long strings are represented by character arrays.

void Reflex::write_regexp_file ( )

Save file with regex patterns when option –regexp-file is specified.

void Reflex::write_section_1 ( )

Write section 1 user-defined code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_section_3 ( )

Write section 3 user-defined code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_section_begin ( )

Write %begin code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_section_class ( )

Write %class code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_section_init ( )

Write %init code to lex.yy.cpp.

void Reflex::write_section_top ( )

Write %top code to lex.yy.cpp.

bool Reflex::ws ( size_t &  pos)

Advance pos over whitespace, returns true if whitespace was found.

Member Data Documentation

bool Reflex::color_term

terminal supports colors

Strings Reflex::conditions

"INITIAL" start condition etc. defined with x name

StringMap Reflex::definitions

map of {name} to regex

reflex::BufferedInput Reflex::in

input lex spec

Starts Reflex::inclusive

inclusive start conditions

std::string Reflex::infile

input file name

LibraryMap Reflex::libraries

maps regex library name ("reflex", "boost", etc) to library info

Library* Reflex::library

the regex library selected

std::string Reflex::line

current line read from input

size_t Reflex::linelen

current line length

size_t Reflex::lineno

current line number at input

StringMap Reflex::options

maps option name (from the options_table) to its option value

std::ostream* Reflex::out

output stream

Strings Reflex::patterns

regex patterns for each start condition

RulesMap Reflex::rules

<Start_i>regex_j action for Start i Rule j

Codes Reflex::section_1

%{ user code %} in section 1 container

CodesMap Reflex::section_2

lexer user code in section 2 container

Codes Reflex::section_3

main user code in section 3 container

Codes Reflex::section_begin

begin{ begin scanning code %} in section 1 container

Codes Reflex::section_class

class{ class code %} in section 1 container

Codes Reflex::section_init

init{ init code %} in section 1 container

Codes Reflex::section_top

top{ user code %} in section 1 container

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: