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Conversion functions

updated Fri Feb 21 2025 by Robert van Engelen
Conversion functions

This module defines conversion functions of values of various types to and from strings. More...


int soap_s2byte (struct soap *soap, const char *string, char *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a signed 8 bit byte (char) integer value. More...
int soap_s2short (struct soap *soap, const char *string, short *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a signed 16 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2int (struct soap *soap, const char *string, int *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a signed 32 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2long (struct soap *soap, const char *string, long *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a signed long integer value. More...
int soap_s2LONG64 (struct soap *soap, const char *string, LONG64 *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a signed 64 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2float (struct soap *soap, const char *string, float *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a float value. More...
int soap_s2double (struct soap *soap, const char *string, double *value)
 Convert a decimal string to a double float value. More...
int soap_s2unsignedByte (struct soap *soap, const char *string, unsigned char *value)
 Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 8 bit byte (unsigned char) integer value. More...
int soap_s2unsignedShort (struct soap *soap, const char *string, unsigned short *value)
 Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 16 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2unsignedInt (struct soap *soap, const char *string, unsigned int *value)
 Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 32 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2unsignedLong (struct soap *soap, const char *string, unsigned long *value)
 Convert a decimal string to an unsigned long integer value. More...
int soap_s2ULONG64 (struct soap *soap, const char *string, ULONG64 *value)
 Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 64 bit integer value. More...
int soap_s2char (struct soap *soap, const char *string, char **value, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new string while converting and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2stdchar (struct soap *soap, const char *string, std::string *value, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new string while converting and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2wchar (struct soap *soap, const char *string, wchar_t **value, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new wide string while converting and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2stdwchar (struct soap *soap, const char *string, std::wstring *value, int flag, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new wide string while converting and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2QName (struct soap *soap, const char *string, char **value, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new QName string while normalizing and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2stdQName (struct soap *soap, const char *string, std::string *value, long minlen, long maxlen, const char *pattern)
 Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new QName string while normalizing and validating the string contents. More...
int soap_s2dateTime (struct soap *soap, const char *string, time_t *value)
 Convert a string with xsd:dateTime contents to a time_t value. More...
char * soap_s2base64 (struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *data, char *base64, int len)
 Encode binary data as a base64-formatted string. More...
char * soap_s2hex (struct soap *soap, const unsigned char *data, char *hex, int len)
 Encode binary data as a hex-formatted string. More...
const char * soap_byte2s (struct soap *soap, char value)
 Convert a signed 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_short2s (struct soap *soap, short value)
 Convert a signed 16 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_int2s (struct soap *soap, int value)
 Convert a signed 32 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_long2s (struct soap *soap, long value)
 Convert a signed long integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_LONG642s (struct soap *soap, LONG64 value)
 Convert a signed 64 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_float2s (struct soap *soap, float value)
 Convert a float value to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_double2s (struct soap *soap, double value)
 Convert a double float value to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_unsignedByte2s (struct soap *soap, unsigned char value)
 Convert an unsigned 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_unsignedShort2s (struct soap *soap, unsigned short value)
 Convert an unsigned 16 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_unsignedInt2s (struct soap *soap, unsigned int value)
 Convert an unsigned 32 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_unsignedLong2s (struct soap *soap, unsigned long value)
 Convert an unsigned long integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_ULONG642s (struct soap *soap, ULONG64 value)
 Convert an unsigned 64 bit integer to a decimal string. More...
const char * soap_wchar2s (struct soap *soap, const wchar_t *value)
 Convert a wide string to a UTF-8 encoded string. More...
const char * soap_dateTime2s (struct soap *soap, time_t value)
 Convert a time_t value to a string with xsd:dateTime contents. More...
const char * soap_base642s (struct soap *soap, const char *base64, char *data, size_t maxdatalen, int *datalen)
 Decode a base64-formatted string to binary data. More...
const char * soap_hex2s (struct soap *soap, const char *hex, char *data, size_t maxdatalen, int *datalen)
 Decode a hex-formatted string to binary data. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines conversion functions of values of various types to and from strings.

Function Documentation

const char* soap_base642s ( struct soap soap,
const char *  base64,
char *  data,
size_t  maxdatalen,
int *  datalen 

Decode a base64-formatted string to binary data.

This function decodes the specified base64 string to binary data. The data parameter is a buffer of length maxdatalen to store the decoded data or NULL to dynamically allocate the decoded data in managed memory which is returned. The length of the decoded data is stored in the length variable pointed to by datalen when non-NULL. Returns the decoded binary string that is 0-terminated if maxdatalen is sufficiently large, or returns NULL if an error occurred.

decoded string or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
base64base64 string
databuffer to store the decoded data or NULL to allocate one
maxdatalensize of the buffer
datalenpointer to the length variable to assign or NULL
const char* soap_byte2s ( struct soap soap,
char  value 

Convert a signed 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified signed 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_dateTime2s ( struct soap soap,
time_t  value 

Convert a time_t value to a string with xsd:dateTime contents.

This function converts the specified time_t value to a string with xsd:dateTime contents stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

See also
the xsd:dateTime string stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valuevalue to convert
const char* soap_double2s ( struct soap soap,
double  value 

Convert a double float value to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified double precision floating point value to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valuedouble float value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_float2s ( struct soap soap,
float  value 

Convert a float value to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified single precision floating point value to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valuefloat value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_hex2s ( struct soap soap,
const char *  hex,
char *  data,
size_t  maxdatalen,
int *  datalen 

Decode a hex-formatted string to binary data.

This function decodes the specified hex string to binary data. The data parameter is a buffer of length maxdatalen to store the decoded data or NULL to dynamically allocate the decoded data in managed memory which is returned. The length of the decoded data is stored in the length variable pointed to by datalen when non-NULL. Returns the decoded binary string that is 0-terminated if maxdatalen is sufficiently large, or returns NULL if an error occurred.

decoded string or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
hexhex string
databuffer to store the decoded data or NULL to allocate one
maxdatalensize of the buffer
datalenpointer to the length variable to assign or NULL
const char* soap_int2s ( struct soap soap,
int  value 

Convert a signed 32 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified signed 32 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_long2s ( struct soap soap,
long  value 

Convert a signed long integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified signed long integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_LONG642s ( struct soap soap,
LONG64  value 

Convert a signed 64 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified signed 64 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
char* soap_s2base64 ( struct soap soap,
const unsigned char *  data,
char *  base64,
int  len 

Encode binary data as a base64-formatted string.

This function encodes the specified binary data of length len as a base64-formatted string stored in the specified base64 buffer or allocated in managed memory when base64 is NULL. Note that base64 should be large enough to store the encoded string, i.e. (len + 2) / 3 * 4 + 1 bytes. Returns the string or NULL when an error occurred and sets soap::error to a soap_status value.

the converted string or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
datadata to encode
base64buffer to store base64 string or NULL
lenlength of the data to encode
int soap_s2byte ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
char *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a signed 8 bit byte (char) integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a signed 8 bit byte (char) integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2char ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
char **  value,
int  flag,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new string while converting and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new string allocated in managed memory. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The string length verification takes UTF-8 multi-byte encoding into account when the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled. The flag parameter controls the conversion as follows: 0 = no conversion, 4 = collapse white space and normalize white space with blanks, 5 = collapse white space. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
flagcontrols conversion (0, 4 or 5)
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
int soap_s2dateTime ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
time_t *  value 

Convert a string with xsd:dateTime contents to a time_t value.

This function converts the specified string with xsd:dateTime contents to a time_t value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2double ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
double *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a double float value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a double precision float value. Also converts NaN and Inf. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2float ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
float *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a float value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a single precision float value. Also converts NaN and Inf. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
char* soap_s2hex ( struct soap soap,
const unsigned char *  data,
char *  hex,
int  len 

Encode binary data as a hex-formatted string.

This function encodes the specified binary data of length len as a hex-formatted string stored in the specified hex buffer or allocated in managed memory when hex is NULL. Note that hex should be large enough to store the encoded string, i.e. 2 * len + 1 bytes. Returns the string or NULL when an error occurred and sets soap::error to a soap_status value.

the converted string or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
datadata to encode
hexbuffer to store hex string or NULL
lenlength of the data to encode
int soap_s2int ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
int *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a signed 32 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a signed 32 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2long ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
long *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a signed long integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a signed long integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2LONG64 ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
LONG64 value 

Convert a decimal string to a signed 64 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a signed 64 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2QName ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
char **  value,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new QName string while normalizing and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new QName string allocated in managed memory. The specified string should be a QName or a space-separated list of QNames. A given QName is of the form prefix:suffix or "URI":suffix, where the latter is converted to the former form by this function by replacing the quoted URIs by prefixes using the namespaces table. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The string length verification takes UTF-8 multi-byte encoding into account when the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
int soap_s2short ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
short *  value 

Convert a decimal string to a signed 16 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to a signed 16 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2stdchar ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
std::string *  value,
int  flag,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new string while converting and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new string allocated in managed memory. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The string length verification takes UTF-8 multi-byte encoding into account when the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled. The flag parameter controls the conversion as follows: 0 = no conversion, 4 = collapse white space and normalize white space with blanks, 5 = collapse white space. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
flagcontrols conversion (0, 4 or 5)
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
int soap_s2stdQName ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
std::string *  value,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new QName string while normalizing and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new QName string allocated in managed memory. The specified string should be a QName or a space-separated list of QNames. A given QName is of the form prefix:suffix or "URI":suffix, where the latter is converted to the former form by this function by replacing the quoted URIs by prefixes using the namespaces table. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The string length verification takes UTF-8 multi-byte encoding into account when the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
int soap_s2stdwchar ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
std::wstring *  value,
int  flag,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new wide string while converting and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new wide string allocated in managed memory. When the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled the specified string should contain UTF-8 contents or ASCII otherwise. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The flag parameter controls the conversion as follows: 0 = no conversion, 4 = collapse white space and normalize white space with blanks, 5 = collapse white space. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
flagcontrols conversion (0, 4 or 5)
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
int soap_s2ULONG64 ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
ULONG64 value 

Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 64 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to an unsigned 64 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2unsignedByte ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
unsigned char *  value 

Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 8 bit byte (unsigned char) integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to an unsigned 8 bit byte (unsigned char) integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2unsignedInt ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
unsigned int *  value 

Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 32 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to an unsigned 32 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2unsignedLong ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
unsigned long *  value 

Convert a decimal string to an unsigned long integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to an unsigned long integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2unsignedShort ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
unsigned short *  value 

Convert a decimal string to an unsigned 16 bit integer value.

This function converts the specified decimal string to an unsigned 16 bit integer value. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code such as SOAP_TYPE when the string could not be converted.

SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the converted value to
int soap_s2wchar ( struct soap soap,
const char *  string,
wchar_t **  value,
int  flag,
long  minlen,
long  maxlen,
const char *  pattern 

Copy a string (ASCII or UTF-8) to a new wide string while converting and validating the string contents.

This function copies the specified string to a new wide string allocated in managed memory. When the SOAP_C_UTFSTRING mode flag is enabled the specified string should contain UTF-8 contents or ASCII otherwise. The specified string is validated against the minlen and maxlen constraints and against the pattern XSD regex when non-NULL and when the soap::fsvalidate callback is assigned to perform this check. The minimum and maximum length constraints are 0 and soap::maxlength, respectively, when minlen or maxlen are specified as negative values. The flag parameter controls the conversion as follows: 0 = no conversion, 4 = collapse white space and normalize white space with blanks, 5 = collapse white space. Returns SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code.

See also
SOAP_OK or a soap_status error code
soapsoap context
stringstring to convert
valuepointer to a variable to assign the new string to
flagcontrols conversion (0, 4 or 5)
minlenminimum string length constraint, when non-negative
maxlenmaximum string length constraint, when non-negative
patternXSD regex pattern constraint, when non-NULL
const char* soap_short2s ( struct soap soap,
short  value 

Convert a signed 16 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified signed 16 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_ULONG642s ( struct soap soap,
ULONG64  value 

Convert an unsigned 64 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified unsigned 64 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_unsignedByte2s ( struct soap soap,
unsigned char  value 

Convert an unsigned 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified unsigned 8 bit byte (char) integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_unsignedInt2s ( struct soap soap,
unsigned int  value 

Convert an unsigned 32 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified unsigned 32 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_unsignedLong2s ( struct soap soap,
unsigned long  value 

Convert an unsigned long integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified unsigned long integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_unsignedShort2s ( struct soap soap,
unsigned short  value 

Convert an unsigned 16 bit integer to a decimal string.

This function converts the specified unsigned 16 bit integer to a decimal string stored in the temporary buffer soap::tmpbuf. Returns soap::tmpbuf.

the decimal number stored in the soap::tmpbuf string buffer
soapsoap context
valueinteger value to convert to decimal string
const char* soap_wchar2s ( struct soap soap,
const wchar_t *  value 

Convert a wide string to a UTF-8 encoded string.

This function converts the specified wide string to a UTF-8 encoded string allocated in managed memory. Returns the resulting string or NULL when an error occurred and sets soap::error to a soap_status value.

See also
UTF-8 encoded string allocated in managed memory or NULL when an error occurred
soapsoap context
valuewide string to convert