The gSOAP Toolkit for Web Services and Peer-To-Peer Computing Networks
by Robert A. van Engelen and Kyle A. Gallivan, published in the proceedings of IEEE Cluster Computing and the Grid 2002
This paper presents the gSOAP stub and skeleton compiler. The compiler provides a unique SOAP-to-C/C++ language binding for deploying C/C++ applications in SOAP Web Services, clients, and peer-to-peer computing networks. gSOAP enables the integratation of (legacy) C/C++/Fortran codes, embedded systems, and real-time software in Web Services, clients, and peers that share computational resources and information with other SOAP- enabled applications, possibly across different platforms, language environments, and disparate organizations located behind firewalls. Results on interoperability, legacy code integration, scalability, and performance are given.
Copyright (c) 2018, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All rights reserved.